Woodfield Community Board Meeting Minutes October 20th, 2009 7:30 p.m. Clubhouse

Roll Call Brenden Welch Jay Busbee - late David Ware Cindy Pae-Moebius Chris Anderson Charly Rowlands - asbsent Peter Wood

Call to Order Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting All in favor.

President (Brenden) Updates on General board issues:  Financial concerns with all the projects we need to do. Need to work out the pool situation.  Dues – capital improvements Motions: Action Items:  Send email out to outside members (Cindy/Jay)

Treasurer (David) Financial Updates:  Dues update – collection status  Budget review Urgent business: Motions: Action Items:  Discuss assessments and due increase – plan for Feb

Communications Committee (Jay – Chair; Cindy - web, message board and email) Updates: Urgent Business: Motions: Action Items:

Pool Committee (TBD – Chair) Updates:  Review of projects in the pipeline (decking, coping, resurfacing) to assess costs  Pool Contract Urgent Business: Motions:  Motion to go with Option D on pool hours (savings of $3255). - All in favor Action Items:  Prepare to discuss February pool meeting planning at Dec. meeting (all)  Get re-bids from 3 pool companies

Landscape & Maintenance Committee (Chris – Chair) Updates: Urgent Business: Motions: Action Items:  Re-bid for landscaping companies (Chris)

Tennis Committee (Peter – Chair) Updates: Urgent Business: Motions: Action Items:

Social Committee (Charly – Chair; Charly – clubhouse rentals) Updates: Urgent Business: Motions: Action Items:  Email social committee and hand that off

Unfinished or Tabled Business  Covenants  Reserve Replacement Study  Pool Gates/Card Access o Contractor came through and wrote up a bid. Contacted Sawnee – no reimbursement. o System still not functioning.  Rules and Guidelines for: o Membership/Renters o Pool o Tennis Courts o Clubhouse use/rental o Elections o Board eligibility o Late Letter Review and Collection Policy Motions: Action Items:  check insurance for deductible to see if we can claim gate electric issue (Dave/Brenden)  start rules and guidelines.

New Business Dec. 15 – 7:30pm (Cindy will be out of town)

Adjournment Adjourned – 9:30pm