Psyc 2301 States of Consciousness Outline Prof. Hutchinson States of Consciousness 1 2Consciousness

1 2Stream of Consciousness

Levels of Awareness 1Higher-Level Consciousness

1Lower-Level Awareness 0

1 2 Automatic processing

0 1 Daydreaming

1 2 3 4Altered States of Consciousness


2 3Subconscious Awareness

1 2 3 4No Awareness

0 1 Unconscious thought

1Biological rhythms Psyc 2301 States of Consciousness Outline Prof. Hutchinson

Circadian rhythms

The Need for Sleep 1 2Sleep has 4 important benefits: 0 1  2 3 4  5 6 7  8 9 10 

1 2 3Sleep Deprivation


Sleep Stages

2 stages of wakefulness Psyc 2301 States of Consciousness Outline Prof. Hutchinson 0 1 2 Beta waves 3 4 5 Alpha waves

Sleep Stages 1 2Stage 1 sleep


2 3Stage 2 sleep

sleep spindles: 1 2 3 4Stage 3 and Stage 4 sleep


2 3Stage 5 REM sleep

1 2 3Cycles last

Normal night’s sleep:

Sleep Disorders Psyc 2301 States of Consciousness Outline Prof. Hutchinson


Somnambulism (Sleepwalking)


Night terrors


Sleep Apnea Psyc 2301 States of Consciousness Outline Prof. Hutchinson

Dreams Sigmund Freud’s concept of Wish Fulfillment:

Manifest Content:

Latent Content:


Psychoactive Drugs



Physical dependence:

Psychological dependence: Psyc 2301 States of Consciousness Outline Prof. Hutchinson


Depressants 1. Alcohol


2. Barbiturates

3. Tranquilizers (Benzodiazepines)

Opiates Psyc 2301 States of Consciousness Outline Prof. Hutchinson

Stimulants 1. Amphetamines

2. Cocaine

3. Crack

4. MDMA (ecstasy)

5. Caffeine

6. Nicotine Psyc 2301 States of Consciousness Outline Prof. Hutchinson


1. LSD

2. Marijuana