Little Harbour PTA

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Little Harbour PTA

Little Harbour PTA Meeting Minutes Date: April 18, 2015 NEXT Meeting Scheduled for May 16, 2016 Attendees: Libby Giordano – President, Aimee Raymond – Vice President, Heather Franas – Secretary, Charlie Grossman – Principal, Kate Arruda - Teacher Liason Absent: Denise Croteau - Treasurer

 Meeting Called to Order  Principal’s Report

o LHS in the Middle of Smarter Balance Testing . 3rd Grade done . 5th Grade May 9 – 17 . 4th Grade May 18 - 26 . Using Chrome Books.

 Many borrowed from other schools.

o Meeting with City Council for 5mil approval for 2nd part of school renovations. . Gave the Council a Tour of the school last week to show what has been done, and what still remains. . No worries that approval with not go through. . Moving PODS are here in Parking Lot.

 PTA closet needs to be cleaned out.

o Gymnasium Climbing Wall . Sean McGrimley awarded $5,000 grant from Portsmouth Rotary for wall. . Total cost to be approx $10k–$12k  Have raised money through grants and BOXTOPS

 Still need to raise almost $1,500 to complete.

o So Dodgeball Tournament.

 Possible Tshirt fundraiser during/about Field Day?

o What that would mean for those who do not purchase a Tshirt?

o Garden Club . Portsmouth Garden Club given LHS $245.00 grant to start a school garden club.  Sean McGrimley and Andrew French to facilitate the club. . First project will be butterfly garden located out of main hall window towards loading dock.  Spaghetti Supper / Silent Auction

o Largest fundraiser of the year – . Initial fundraising is $22,323.00 . Fantastic Job done by Tracey Melchoir, Kathleen Slover and all of the wonderful volunteers.  Tracey will not be committee chair next year.

 We need to fill the position for 2016-2017 year. Put requests out now.  Harlem Wizards

o What a HUGE night for the whole community!

o Initial fundraising for whole event - $12,798.74 . We will split the proceeds with Dondero and New Franklin equally. . LHS’s share is approx. $4,266 . An event for community rather than fundraiser.  Fairy House Tour (FHT) – Sept. 2016

o Aimee Raymond is THE full coordinator for the FHT . She will not be coordinator for LHS. . We need an LHS coordinator before the end of school.

o Coordinator Position requires: . 4 x 1hr meetings during summer. . Contacting landscapers / greenhouses for fairy house building materials. . LHS can not participate as a benefactor if no coordinator is found. . LHS received $3,300 from the FHT last year


 Kindergarten Registration / Apparel

o Volunteers are set up

o Apparel table will be set up

 LHS Stickers / Socks

o Getting final costs and proofs for LHS car Stickers/ Magnets. . Hand out to LHS kindergarten families?

o Socks . Getting final estimates and proofs for special LHS socks to add to apparel line

 Treasurers Report (See attached) . Margarita’s Night - $677.06 . Breathe NH – 312.00 . Spaghetti Supper / Silent Auction - $22,323.41 . Harlem Wizards - $4,266

o Budget for 2015-2016 is $41,365 / Total income so far $45,418 . We have a SURPLUS and still have Flat Bread Pizza Night and other fundraisers still filtering in. . Surplus monies allocation to be voted on by PTA board and Membership.  NEW TREASURER NEEDED FOR BOARD POSITION NEXT YEAR

o Denise Croteau’s board position time is ending.

o We need a board member with finance background to fill her Huge shoes.

o Please contact Charlie Grossman, or another board member if you would like to participate on the PTA Executive Board as Treasurer. . WE NEED YOU.  Committee Chairs / Volunteers / PTA members

o Bring Classroom volunteers under PTA umbrella

o Discuss how to restructure our workload to include Committee Chairs that would ‘report’ to PTA.

o Discuss how to recruit those committee chairs.

o Discuss how best to present the PTA to community.

 Dogs

o Dogs are never permitted on school property.

o Dogs are not allowed to be tied up on school property.

o Charlie to once again send an email, reminding our community of the school and city policy on dogs on school property. Meeting End

Notes taken by: Heather Franas Minutes written by: Heather Franas Little Harbour School PTA Treasurer's Report 4/15/16 Denise Croteau, treasurer

Starting balance 8/1/15 (beginning of fiscal year) $38,201.50 Today's Balance on Hand $64,497.31 Total Outflows 8/1/15 - 4/15/16: $49,669.65 Total Inflows 8/1/15 - 4/15/16: $75,965.46

Expenses 1. Expenses trickling in from last year's budget...... $8178.45 Includes promethium board, music rug, 5th grade class gift expense, bus bills, scholarship and transfer of left over PE funds to climbing wall account 2. Grade Level enrichment...... $8,290.99 3. School Wide enrichment ...... $6,968.50 4. Teacher Supply...... $1,312.47 5. Misc. (printing, taxes, $326.16 for lice kits, etc.)...... $4,041.84 6. Specials enrichment...... $1,856.65 7. Expenses for fundraisers...... $18,348.75 8. Disbursement of NON PTA $- Dues to national and state...... $672.00

Income 1. Fundraisers...... $70,026.41 2. Membership Drive..(our portion)...... $2,188.00 3. Field trip parent contributions...... $490.00 4. Last year's fundraiser trickling in...... $358.73 5. Misc. (Start up cash being re-deposited etc.)...... $2,230.32 6. Receipts of NON PTA $ - State and national dues...... $672.00

Fundraisers Gross Expenses: Net: Apparel 821.45 0 821.45 Fairy house 3347.25 0 3347.25 Pancake Breakfast and Fall 2943.75 406.62 2537.13 Fest Char. Wrap 5682.00 645.20 5036.80 Pie Guy 1628.00 1060.50 567.50 Directory 3150.00 1692.65 1457.35 Bake sale 1434.16 0 1434.16 Book Fair-Scholastic 7693.52 7693.52 0 profits go right to teachers Used books 364.81 0 364.81 Breathe NH 1248.00 936.00 312.00 ______Wizards 16,996.41 4,197.67 12,798.74* ______Margaritas 683.06 6 677.06 ______Auction/sp dinner 24,034 1,710.59 22,323.41

*When this fundraiser is finalized we will be paying out a third of this money to Dondero and a third to New Franklin.

When you add up the Net column, you arrive at $51,677.66. Then you subtract 8,447.16 for payments to Dondero and New Franklin. That leaves $43,230.50. When you add on our portion of the membership drive, you arrive at $45,418.50. This fundraising total exceeds our goal of $41,365 for the year. We still have income coming from Breathe NH coupon book sales, Flatbread Night and a small amount from Shutterfly.

We will be looking to spend any excess money at the end of the year. There is still money to be spent from fundraising excess in 14-15 plus probably some from this year. Currently we are discussing spending the money on technology for the school.

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