Tec Issue Worksheet s1

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Tec Issue Worksheet s1

Tab 3 D-1 TAP Accelerator Funding for Implementation Committees Update


ISSUE/SITUATION: THE ISSUE/OPPORTUNITY IS: Be concise - 1 or 2 sentences that get to In October 2016, the Board authorized Board staff to create a process for the heart of the distributing a portion of Governor Inslee’s discretionary Workforce Innovation and situation, problem or Opportunity Act (WIOA) statewide activity funds to the Talent and Prosperity for All opportunity being (TAP) Implementation Committees, accelerating their work (“TAP Accelerator addressed. funding”). An update is warranted because the TAP Implementation Committees will be accessing these funds over the coming months and will soon be amending their charters as a result.

TAP STRATEGIC SUPPORTS TAP STRATEGIC PRIORITY: PRIORITY: Which TAP strategic All six TAP Implementation Committees may access these funds to achieved their priority or priorities does assigned TAP goals. this recommendation support? Can you tie to specific goals and objectives in TAP? Briefly describe these connections. If the connection is unclear, describe why this is of consequence to the Workforce Board and/or workforce system.

POTENTIAL IMPACT: IT IS SIGNIFICANT BECAUSE: Effect on people, businesses, TAP Accelerator funding is designed to address unmet TAP Implementation communities. What is Committee needs and further leverage the current resources that agencies and better or different from stakeholders are contributing (i.e., staff and other in-kind support) to the work of the other existing Board’s TAP Implementation committees. strategies?

OPTIMAL NEXT MY IDEAL OUTCOME OF THIS DISCUSSION IS: STEPS: What do you really want The Board will have the necessary context about committee projects supported by to happen as a result of TAP Accelerator funds to be integrated into committee charters and approved at a this discussion with the future Board meeting. Workforce Board?

BACKGROUND: RELEVANT BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Short history of how this recommendation came At the October 2016 Board meeting, the Board took action on a to be. What has been recommendation from the TAP Accelerator Committee on distributing tried, to what result? approximately $3 million in support from Governor Inslee’s discretionary What evidence exists to WIOA statewide activity funds. The Board specified three uses for the funds: support this

Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board Tab 3 D-1 recommendation?  Approximately $2.2 million to establish the Upskill-Backfill Initiative (subsequently awarded by the Board over summer 2017).  $25,000 per local workforce development council to incorporate Governor Inslee’s Upskill-Backfill strategies into local planning and MOU negotiations with partners, and to implement them when possible (awards were distributed in January-February 2017).  $360,000 split equally among the Board’s six TAP Implementation Committees to accelerate their progress towards assigned TAP goals.

In the Board motion, agency staff is authorized to manage the funding process for administering this third group of funds to the TAP Implementation committees. Subsequently, agency staff developed an application process for committees to access their $60,000 portion of these funds (application is attached).

Allowable uses for the funds include, but are not limited to:  Committee professional development.  Implementation of pilot projects to test identified service delivery models.  Contract services for technical consultation.  Staff support.

Applications are required to describe leveraged resources that contributed to the specified grant-funded project.

Agency staff will accept funding applications from TAP Implementation Committees until July 31, 2017. Any un-awarded funds may be made available to existing committee projects if effective use can be demonstrated. Committees are required to fully obligate their funds by October 31, 2017. All funds must be spent and projects completed by December 31, 2018.

The application for funds also requires committees that submit projects chosen for funding to amend their Committee Charter to reflect the strategy, timeline, measurable goals, and governance structure for project implementation. Committees must also specify how the project advances the committee’s mission to achieve its assigned TAP goals and provide quarterly progress updates on the project. At a future meeting, the Board will be asked to review and approve these charter amendments to each TAP Implementation Committee as part of either a Consent Agenda or TAP Implementation Update.

As of June 7, 2017, several TAP Implementation Committees have discussed or approved funding applications. The attached table presents a summary of the various proposals in development. Staff will be available to answer the Board’s questions about the proposals. Board staff have neither reviewed nor approved the potential applications on the chart as of June 7th, but all projects have at least been developed and discussed by the individual TAP Implementation Committees. The Board’s staff will update the Board on additional projects that are before the June 21 Board meeting.

Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board Tab 3 D-1

STAKEHOLDER STAKEHOLDERS HAVE PROVIDED INPUT AND THEY THINK: ENGAGEMENT, PROS AND CONS: Each TAP Implementation Committee is currently engaged in developing and Which stakeholders approving funding applications before the July 31, 2017 deadline. have been engaged in the development of this recommendation? What are the pros and cons of this recommendation? According to whom (which stakeholder groups)? Are there viable alternatives to consider? FINANCIAL THE COST AND RESOURCE NEEDS OF THIS RECOMMENDATION ARE: ANALYSIS AND IMPACT: The Board approved distribution of these funds and authorized agency staff to What will it cost to create an application process during their October 2016 meeting. There is no future enact this fiscal impact. recommendation? What resources will be used? Are new resources required? How much? Where will existing or new resources come from? Are there savings to be gained from this investment? Over what period? Are there other returns on investment to consider?

RECOMMENDATION THE RECOMMENDATION AND/OR REQUESTED ACTION IS: AND NEXT STEPS: What specific result do This item is for discussion only. The Board will act in a future meeting on approving you want from the committee charters amended as a result of committees receiving TAP Accelerator Board? Is this funding. recommendation for discussion or action? If for discussion, will action be required at a later date? What next steps are expected after this discussion?

Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board

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