PTA Meeting

Lindbergh Elementary

May 6, 2014

I. Call to order @ 7:10 pm

II. Minutes from the April meeting were motioned to approve by Gayle Sleath. 2nd by Maria Buffone. Motion carried.

III. Election of Officers for 2014 – 2015

- President: Amy Fradkin

- Mother Vice President: Sara Beauchamp

- Father Vice President: Eric Mattison

- Treasurer: Paul Goddard

- Secretary: Debbie Koehler

Motion made by Maria Buffone to elect officers as slated. 2nd by Gayle Sleath. Motion carried. The new officers will take over on July 1st, 2014.

IV. Statement of Treasurer - Amy Fradkin:

- Fundraiser Great Lakes – There were $105 in direct donations. The actual sales numbers are not calculated yet.

V. Committee Reports

- Principal - Mrs. Pamela DeNeen - Concert season going well - 5th graders going to camp May 14th – 16th. - Variety show moving along. - Bike to school day May 7th. - Education Foundation Green Tie event – May 7th. We are being highlighted for our strong PTA partnership. Other schools will be highlighted too. - School improvement visit will be May 21st 1:00 (rescheduled after snow day) - We might be recognized by Oakwood Hospital for good nutrition and healthy choices that are being made at the school. We could possibly receive a grant. - There are traffic issues because of construction– parents and police are helping out. - Our playground on upper elementary side is not compliant so it will be ripped out this summer and rebuilt. - We were selected to do summer enrichment camp. Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Barton are participating. It is a 3 weeks science workshop for $300. They can accept up to 15 kids per grade. August 4th through 24th. - Mr. Marua is going to do a community education sports program. Not all the information is in on that. - Father Vice President - Jim Thorpe – - Fun Fair Sign up Genius went up the other day. We are looking for captains for each section. Food, cake walk, inflatables, tickets, games. Captains will get 20 tickets and volunteers will earn 10 tickets as an incentive for helping if they sign up by May 22nd. Presale tickets start Wednesday June 4th. There will be a photo booth and also a raffle for “A Night at the Henry” gift certificate.

- Mother Vice President – Sara Beauchamp - Good kick off to Teacher Appreciation week. Surprise assembly went well. Over budget due to some items that needed to be bought for breakfast and extra costs for luncheon.

- Teachers - Miss Partyka - She expressed a Thank you to the PTA and all the parents for all that has been done for Teacher Appreciation Week.

- Other Committee Reports - Fundraising: Promethean boards – Still working on getting the 5 promethean boards we need. Hopefully the PTA will pay for 2 and the other 3 will come from the Superintendent and the Foundation but their 3 are probably not going to be donated by this summer. Maybe consider doing more fundraising.

- Script – order went in. $622has been raised through the script program. There will be one more script this year. There has been some discussion to continue it over the summer – thinking about it.

- Variety Show is busy practicing. Show is May 30th 7 – 8:30.

- Blood drive is also May 30th 2:30 – 8:15.

- Field Day and Mini Relay for Life both on June 11th. Watch for Sign-up Genius for Field Day.

- School Beautification – Need a volunteer – maybe around May 20th Amanda LeFranc volunteered.

- Reflections report from Amanda LeFranc. There were 2 state level and 6 district level winners.

- WATCH D.O.G.S – we need to renew our membership – renewal kit. A motion was made by Gayle Sleath to spend $170 to renew WATCH D.O.G.S kit. 2nd by Gina Moczka. Motion carried.

VI. Announcements - Renew Kroger card - Gift Card drawing for attendees. Gayle Sleath won a Cold Stone Creamery gift card. - Next meeting June 3, 2014 at 7:00pm VII. Adjournment @ 8:02 pm.