Carbon control Do you know your carbon footprint? This activity gets students using a straightforward online ‘carbonator’ to calculate their carbon footprints. They then compare their footprints to those of others and discuss ways of making them smaller. There’s even the chance to enter a competition!

UPD8 has developed this activity in collaboration with the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce), DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) and Tesco. The RSA-led project aims to get 7-14 year-olds working together to reduce their CO2 emissions at home, through transport and through the food they eat.

Please see for detailed activities on carbon control, including comprehensive guidance for students.

Curriculum links 11-14 QCA unit 9G environmental chemistry • Environmental problems – global warming

Learning objectives Students will  Consider some impacts of global warming  Learn what a carbon footprint is  Calculate their own carbon footprint and consider how to reduce it

Running the activity If you wish – and have time - ask students to complete the attitudinal survey (please download the separate word document). This is an excellent opportunity for your students – and you – to learn about their prior knowledge and attitudes to climate change. By taking part in this survey students will also be helping to generate better understanding on what can be done to tackle climate change. The address for completed forms is at the end of the form.

Display page 1, which shows some likely impacts of climate change. Have a brief class discussion on the impacts of climate change – which groups of people will be affected most, and why?

Display page 2. This defines the term ‘carbon footprint’ and gives values of typical annual carbon footprints for different lifestyles. It also shows the amount of carbon dioxide generated from different behaviours such as travel, energy use in the home, and food choices.

Give each student a copy of page 3. Ask students to use the program at to calculate their own annual carbon footprint. Then get them to use the value for their own carbon footprint – and those of others in the class – to fill in the white boxes. You will need to get students to rank order the size of their carbon footprints to fill in the box ‘My carbon footprint is the first/second/third/fourth etc biggest in the class’. They need a piece of data from page 2 to fill in the final box. Then ask small groups to decide what they will do as individuals to reduce their own carbon footprints.

Finally, direct students to the RSA competition (see web link below).

Web links

RSA Carbon Control

For students to discover, calculate and learn how to make positive steps to play a part in preventing climate change. Science upd8 is a joint initiative from ASE and the Centre for Science Education, Sheffield Hallam University. We are grateful for support from the Department for Education and Skills in developing this programme. Copyright rests jointly with the Association for Science Education (ASE) and the Centre for Science Education, Sheffield Hallam University (CSE). Teachers and others who have signed up may download and use UPD8 materials freely within their school, but other usage, or any other organization wishing to use the materials, should consult the joint ‘owners’ of the material (ASE and CSE) through [email protected].