World History II Semester I: Movement of Goods and Peoples Mr. Finch & Dr. Hodges

Unit 1: Trade and Religion (Chapter 14)

August 31 - September 16, 2010

Adam Smith Tupac Amaru Cortes and Moctezuma Qing Vase

Unit Description:

This unit examines the development of a unified world economic system through exploration, trade and conquest. From 1500-1776 the government of Spain and Portugal took an active interest in trade in the western hemisphere as a means to produce wealth, power and religious conversion. The basis of this commercial activity relied on maritime voyages, and the transition from mercantilism to capitalism. Profit motives in an unregulated market helped European governments gain economic prominence as reflected in the rise of the Spanish and Portuguese empires. This economic expansion was accompanied by the religious Reformation movement which challenged the authority of the church and emphasized the importance of the individual’s relationship with God. Finally this unit investigates the shift in the balance of power from Asia to Europe as they used their ingenuity and innovative spirit to exploit resources, labor and capital in the Western Hemisphere and Asia. The western world’s dependency on luxury goods from China, Japan and India fueled the rise of the west. Based on the nature of their interactions with these countries, Europeans both unified and divided the regions of the world. (Spodek)

Discussion Questions:

1. Describe the reasons for the increasing involvement of the Spanish and the Portuguese powers in sponsoring international trade in 1500?

2. How did the Protestant and Catholic Reformation influence the European’s views on religion and politics?

3. Explain how the transition from mercantilism to capitalism enabled the creation of the world trade system?

1 4. Besides technology, entrepreneurship what were the other factors that contributed to the rise of the west?


Mercantilism encomienda capitalism

Cortes Mita Pizarro

Aztecs Incas Protestant Reformation

Catholic Reformation Martin Luther Canton System

Shogun samurai Dutch East India Company

SKILL BUILDING ACTIVITY: Patterns of change and continuity


World Map Trade and Religion

Locate and name all continents, oceans and seas, India, China, Japan, Mozambique, Goa, Guangzhou, Spain, Portugal, Brazil and Mexico, Cuzco, Potosi and Tenochtitlan.

TIMELINE: (Complete by 9/11)

Key dates from 1492-1700  Voyages of Columbus  Cortes conquers Tenochtitlan  Pizarro captures Inca emperor Atahualpa  Potosi silver mine discovered  Matteo Ricci arrives in China  Christianity outlawed in Japan  Qing dynasty establishes “Canton system”

Classes & Assignments:

Tuesday, 8/31 Class: Course Introduction Semester 1: Global Expansion and Revolutions Semester 2: Global Conflict and Emerging Identities Explain course expectations, objectives and outcomes Note Taking: Use Cornell NOTE TAKING system for documents analysis.

2 HW: Define the term modern and its application to the world as we see it. Create a Periods of World History CHART to reflect key characteristics and trends of the Classical, Post-classical and Modern worlds. The purpose of this chart is to show patterns of change and continuity.

Wednesday, 9/1

Class: Share definitions of the term modern. Share patterns of change and continuity as reflected through the charts of various historical periods in the world. Discuss which historical period in the world you would like to live in and why?

HW: Read/highlight and take margin notes on pp. 451-453. Read/highlight and take notes on document “Adam Smith on Capitalism” (end before the Empires of Spain and Portugal). Use Cornell NOTE TAKING system for documents analysis. List key principles of mercantilism and capitalism and their role in shaping the new global trade system.

Thursday, 9/2

Class: How would you characterize the period from 1500 – 1776? Describe the philosophy of mercantilism and how did Adam Smith modify this existing system? How did the role of the government change during this period of trade expansion? How was the role of the church impacted by this system of global trade? What role did the Asians and Africans play in the creation of this world trade system? Discuss the pros and cons of this emerging world system.

Friday, 9/3

Class: Parent/Advisor Conferences. No School

Monday, 9/6

Class: Labor Day (No School)

HW: Read/highlight and take margin notes on pp.453-458 (beginning with the Spanish Empire & end before Portugal’s Empire).

Tuesday, 9/7

Class: Work on World Trade Map Discuss the nature of the interaction between the various Spanish conquistadors and the indigenous tribes that they encountered.

3 Create a European Nations Expand CHART to identify the Empire, the date, the Conquistador, the Tribe, Location and Result.

HW: Read/highlight and take margin notes on pp. 458-461 (beginning with Portugal’s Empire and end before trade and Religion).

Wednesday, 9/8

Class: Discuss the legacies of the Spanish and Portuguese Empires. Describe how the Portuguese empire compared to that of Spain.

Reflect on how the Portuguese efforts in Africa, Brazil and the Indian Ocean were different with varying consequences? Discuss the reasons for the decline of the Spanish and Portuguese empires.

HW: Read/highlight and take margin notes on pp. 461-465. Take Cornell Notes on the Document on pg. 465.

Thursday, 9/9

Class: What were the significant outcomes of the Protestant and the Catholic Reformation? How did the role of the government during this period compare with that of the Church? Using examples from the Weber and Tawney document show how religious sentiments influenced economic actions? Do you agree or disagree with the statement that “the unequal distribution of the goods of this world was the direct consequence of God’s Providence?” Why or why not? Provide well articulated reasons to support your response.

4 HW: Read/highlight and take margin notes on pp.476-479 (end before Southeast Asia) Identify the trading patterns of the Ottomans, Mughals, Ming and Qing dynasties.

Friday, 9/10

Class: Discuss the outlook of the government as regards trade in the Ottoman, Mughal, Ming and Qing dynasties. Complete comparative chart to reflect internal, external trade, role of the government and role of merchants. . HW: D-Night

Monday, 9/13

Class: Video to show the European and Asian trade routes in the 1500s. How did the Spanish and Portuguese trade systems compare to that of the Asians?

HW: Read/highlight and take margin notes on the Southeast Asian Empire pp. 479-481. Read/highlight and take Cornell Notes on document “How Europe Surpassed China Economically and Militarily.” (pg. 480)

Tuesday, 9/14

Class: Discuss the relationship between Southeast Asia, Europe and other parts of Asia. What role did the government play in determining the relationship between local merchants and foreign traders? What factors influenced the military and economic rise of Europe between 1500- 1776?

HW: Add Southeast Asia to the Asian comparative chart. Prepare a review question to reflect the results of the world trade system.

Wednesday, 9/15

Class: Compare and contrast the results of the expanding global trade system on Europe, Asia and Africa. What is capitalism and how did it compare to mercantilism? What is new and different about European attitudes toward money in the sixteenth century?

HW: Review for unit test: Multiple Choice/True/False= 15 points Map questions= 5 points Essay question= 20 points Total= 40 points Essay Question:

5 Compare and contrast the attitudes and ideologies of European nations and Asian nations in building trade networks and controlling territory around the world?

Thursday, 9/16

Class: Unit 1 TEST