Chapter 16 / Adopt a Revolutionary Motto for Your Life
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Chapter 16 / Adopt a Revolutionary Motto for Your Life
In the early formation of our nation George Washington had the opportunity to become king of the burgeoning nation. But given the young nation’s experience with England and because he had a robust prayer life he knew there was only one King, so he declined the offer.
The people of the land apparently knew the same. “In a 1774 report to King George, the Governor of Boston noted: ”If you ask an American, who is his master? He will tell you he has none, nor any governor but Jesus Christ.” The pre-war Colonial Committees of Correspondence soon made this the American motto: "No King but King Jesus."1
The story of God’s chosen people might have gone very differently had they chanted the same motto. Instead, they wanted a king. Over the period of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah there were thirty-eight kings. Only five of them were good. Of the others a refrain heard throughout the Old Testament goes like this: “They did evil in the eyes of the Lord.”
Prophets appeared exhorting the people to turn back to God. God spoke through one prophet—Isaiah—to tell the people of Judah that they would be captured and deported to Babylon but afterward he would bring them back home. The purpose? “Then you will know that I am the Lord; those who hope in me will not be disappointed. Then the whole human race will know that I, the Lord, am your Savior, your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob” (Isaiah 49:23).
In Isaiah 53 the prophet depicts the coming Messiah. “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by others, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain” (Isaiah 53: 2, 3). God did not want the people to miss him. But they did. And still do.
Our nation would have gone a much different route had Washington agreed to be king. But he seemed to know what many others didn’t. When we displace God on the throne of our lives, the outcome will go horribly wrong. But when we put God on the throne in our lives, we put ourselves in the best possible position for godly success.
Maybe our American ancestors knew the best way to start a revolution. Adopt the motto “No King but King Jesus” in your life. See what changes that ignites in your life.
1 Idea from Randy Frazee’s sermon on The Story, Chapter 16. Reference from “Is America a Christian Nation?” CARL PEARLSTON Sunday, January 18, 2015
TODAY: NEXT SUNDAY: NURSERY: Jill Vander Windt, Connor Weida Kaitlyn Lockhorst, Tessa Schoonhoven Service at Hawarden CRC Carmen Noteboom, Lila Sieck USHERS: Jacob Z., Josh Hooyer, Brady Koopmans Cody D., Scott Miedema, Kelly Noteboom GREETERS & COFFEE SERVERS: Don & Marie Mulder (4 doz cookies) Gerald & Rhonda Postma Kelly & Carmen Noteboom (4 doz cookies) Marlin & Leah Schoonhoven ORGANIST / PIANIST: A.M. Celia Ten Napel Donna Koopmans P.M. Service at Hawarden CRC Celia Ten Napel PRAISE TEAM: None Don & Verla VS, Don M., Sharla LIBRARIAN: AM Wanetta Vander Plaas Jan Fedders OFFERING: AM Christian Education World Renew PM Union Gospel Mission at Hawarden CRC World Renew
Priscilla Lockhorst was released from the Orange City Hospital and is currently living with Willard and Donna Koopmans. Fann Westra & Willard Koopmans are both recovering from surgery at home. Betty Juffer, Sadie De Vries and Gert Mulder who are under Hospice Care—and their families. Please pray for Gilbert and Mildred De Weerd, Jason, Earl, Tim and Sylvia, Dick, Kory, Megan, Joanne, Deb and all the elderly.
--COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE AT HAWARDEN CRC tonight at 6:00pm. Offering will be for the Union Gospel Mission.
--COUNCIL MEETING will be Monday January 19 at 7:00pm. Art Hamming Lunch and Devotions.
-- DEADLINE FOR IRETON CRC DIRECTORY 2015 - Please have all additions or corrections for the directory to Pam De Wit by Sunday, January 25. Email: [email protected]…..Thank You.
--UNITY CHRISTIAN IS HOSTING A MIDDLE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE on Thursday, January 22 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. This event is geared to share information and answer questions specifically through a breakout session format. Parents will have the opportunity to attend 15-minute sessions of their choice. Session topics include: finances, transportation, school strategic vision, 1:1 technology, after school opportunities, our Learning Center and our academic plan. Light refreshments will be served and tours will be given before and after the breakout sessions. Parents are welcome to bring their middle school age students. We also have home basketball games that night.
--BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: Please put any bulletin announcements in Pam De Wit’s Church mailbox or via email ([email protected]) by NOON on Thursday, January 22. Thank You. --SLEDDING AT INSPIRATION HILLS – GEMS will be sledding at Inspiration Hills on Saturday, January 24. Sledding will be from 5:30- 7:30. Families are invited or anyone else from the congregation is welcome. Cost is $4.00 a person. Each GEMS family is asked to bring a pan of bars along to share; there will be a shelter house with a fire and electricity. We will also have hot chocolate and coffee. Inspiration Hills provides the tubes. You don’t need to bring anything but warm clothes and your bars.
--SIOUXLAND HABITAT FOR HUMANITY TIP NIGHT - Call up your friends and plan to eat together at the Rock Valley Pizza Ranch on Saturday, January 24! It's a Tip Night to benefit Siouxland Habitat for Humanity and our mission to put God's love into action by building homes, communities and hope. Volunteers will be serving from 5:00 - 8:00. Plan on taking home a few extra goodies from the bake sale as well.
--SUNDAY MORNING DRIVERS WANTED - Check the back table –If you signup—please call Chris on Saturday night. THANKS! To everyone who has helped already!!
--HOW CROSSROAD STUDENTS GIVE BACK TO COMMUNITY – The consequences of crime wreak havoc in the lives of immediate victims and ripple outward to fracture entire communities. Go to KDCR, 88.5 FM on Sunday at 2:30 P.M. to listen to Crossroad Connection - a restorative justice ministry of Crossroad Bible Institute.
COMMUNION SCHEDULE 2015 Feb 22- Lent 1, April 3 Good Friday, May 17 or 24 Pentecost, (Memorial Day) July 12, Sept 13, Oct 25 Reformation Day PM, Nov 1 Advent
--ADULT BIBLE STUDY will meet next Sunday, January 25 at 7:00 PM, studying The Story, Chapters 14 -17. Lunch: Verla Van Sloten
--THE NORTHWEST IOWA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA will present its popular WINTER POPS CONCERT: The Memory of All That: Gershwin Tribute, January 31 at 7:30 PM in the B.J. Haan Auditorium. Guest artist is award-winning entertainer Spider Saloff, who earns rave reviews from audiences and the press for bringing Gershwin’s music to life. In this performance with NISO, Saloff will be joined by her pianist/music director Jeremy Kahn who has performed with jazz greats world-wide. Advance tickets are available at the True Vine in Sioux Center and Dove Christian Bookstore in Orange City. Tickets are also available at the door the night of the concert. For more information, contact the NISO office at 712-722-6230 or [email protected].
--NISO’S CELEBRITY CONDUCTOR CONTEST will be held in conjunction with this year’s Winter Pops Concert on January 31 at 7:30 pm. Prominent local individuals have been invited to compete by soliciting support from family and friends. Each dollar donated to NISO will constitute one vote, with results tabulated during intermission. The winner, with attire and baton of choice, will then have the distinct and well-earned privilege of conducting the orchestra in a special selection. Candidates who are vying for the honor are: Jason Alons, Orange City, IA; King Hickman, Sheldon, IA; Matthew Nice, Sioux Center, IA; and Greg Westra, Rock Valley, IA. Advance tickets are available at the True Vine in Sioux Center and Dove Christian Bookstore in Orange City. Tickets are also available at the door the night of the concert. For more information, contact the NISO office at 712-722-6230 or [email protected].
--SAVE THE DATE: Homecoming at Unity Christian - Friday, February 6 - afternoon and evening activities. WORSHIP SERVICES CALENDAR AND ACTIVITIES:
Jan 18 6:00 PM Combined Service at Hawarden CRC Feb 8 6:00 PM Unity’s Bel Canto will join us. Feb 15 9:30 AM Rev Bob Pollema Feb 15 6:00 PM Combined Service at Lebanon CRC Mar 8 6:00 PM Ireton CRC hosting the Community Prayer Service Mar 15 6:00 PM Combined Service at Ireton CRC
18-Jan Chpt 16 The Beginning of the End--Fall of Israel 2 Kings 17-19, 25-Jan Chpt 17 The Kingdoms’ Fall-- Fall of Judah 2 Kings 21, 23-25
Jan 18 None Jan 25 Verla Don VS, Don M, Sharla Feb 1 Patsy Gerald, Rhonda, Kaitlyn, Carmen
Sunday, Jan 18 9:30 AM Worship Service 10:45 AM – 11:30 AM Sunday School/Catechism all ages 3yr to Highschool 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM Adult Sunday School – “The Story “ - Chapter 16 6:00 PM Combined Worship Service at Hawarden CRC
Wednesday, Jan 21 7:00 – 8:15 PM Adult Study “The Story” Bible Study - Chapter 16