Iv B Web Quest

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Iv B Web Quest

SHAKESPEARE AND Elizabethan England


"I may not be a lion, but I am a lion's cub, and I have a lion's heart" (Elizabeth I, Queen of England)


In order to fully understand Shakespeare’s works it is important to gain insight into his life and the times in which he lived. Studying Elizabethan England at the end of the sixteenth century gives you the information you need to appreciate the works of one of the most famous poets and playwrights in history.

The Task

To do this webquest you have to follow these instructions carefully:

- Your teacher will divide the class into four groups of four students and one group of three (group A: 4 students, group B: 4 students, group C: 3 students, group D: 4 students, group E: 4 students). - Each group/team will investigate a specific topic and will present their findings to the class by audio and visual means . - The team presentation will be at least 40 minutes long: one member will introduce the topic, each member of the team will speak about their individual work, another member will add the conclusion. Be creative in your presentation format! (ie Power Point or any other effective method. 4- 5 slides per student)

You will use the Web to obtain information on the following topics:

1. Historical and Social Context: The Tudors 2. Religious and political Life of the 1500s and 1600s 3. The Elizabethan Theatre 4. Shakespeare's Life and works 5. A timeless love story: Romeo and Juliet

Your group will also be responsible for submitting five questions that can be used on a quiz about your topic.

If you don't understand something or if you need help, you can use either the dictionaries and grammar references available at your school library or the online ones in the Internet (http://www.wordreference.com/enit/

- These are the activities you have to do:



ACTIVITY 3. PRESENTATION. During the presentation activity, all the students are invited to take notes!!

The Process and the Resources

Group A-The historians: Historical and Social Context: The Tudors (4 members) 1. Who was Queen of England during the time Shakespeare began to write? 2. Give the approximate dates of the Elizabethan period. 3. Who ruled before her? Trace a brief outline of the Tudor Monarchs 4. Identify the social classes during Shakespeare's time. 5. What was the status/role of women within this era? Married? Single? How would a young woman respond to a request from her father? What jobs did women mostly do at that time? What is primogeniture? 6. What was the Bubonic Plague and how did it affect society during Shakespeare's time? 7. Describe these aspects of Elizabethan life:

a. food b. socialization c. city life, hygiene, crime and punishment d. homes http://www.bardweb.net/england.html

Elizabethan England http://www2.springfield.k12.il.us/schools/springfield/eliz/elizabethanengland.html http://elizabethan.org/compendium/index.html

Tudor Kings and Queens http://www2.springfield.k12.il.us/schools/springfield/eliz/histevents.html

Fun facts about Elizabeth I http://www.folger.edu/template.cfm?cid=1257

In Elizabeth’s words… http://www.folger.edu/template.cfm?cid=1258

Everyday life http://www2.springfield.k12.il.us/schools/springfield/eliz/everylife.html

Women’s condition http://www.elizabethi.org/us/women/ http://www.william-shakespeare.info/elizabethan-women.htm

Group B- The Journalists: Religious and Political Life of the 1500s and 1600s (four members)

Political Climate Click on the links below and answer these questions:

1. What was the Spanish Armada? How many ships were involved? What year did the battle take place? Why did the catholic church support this mission? 2. What was the class system at the time*? (*Just mention the most important things as Group 1 will deal with society in Elizabethan time) 3. Why was the Elizabethan age called the “Golden Age”? 4. Who was Sir Walter Raleigh? What part did he play

The Spanish Armada http://www.britainexpress.com/History/tudor/armada.htm BBC History http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/tudors/adams_armada_01.shtml The Golden Age http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/the-age-of-exploration.htm Sir Walter Raleigh (a very short biography) http://www.huvard.com/becka/raleigh/raleigh_bio.html

Religious climate Questions: 1. What were some of the changes (reformation) that took place in religion during the Tudor times? 2. Describe the religious climate in the Elizabethan age. What was the main religion at the time? 3. How did Queen Elizabeth tackle the religious problems? 4. What was considered to be the centre of the universe at this time? Who controlled it? 5. Describe the hierarchy of beings or "chain of beings" believed in by Shakespeare and his contemporaries 6.

Religion in Elizabethan England http://elizabethan.org/compendium/7.html http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/religion-elizabethan-england.htm http://renaissance.duelingmodems.com/compendium/7.html

Religion and Spirituality http://www.erasofelegance.com/history/elizabethanreligion.html

Queen Elizabeth and the Reformation. http://history.boisestate.edu/westciv/reformat/englnd09.htm

Humanism: “Chain of beings” and its political implications http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/english/melani/cs6/ren.html

Thomas Hobbes http://www.nndb.com/people/691/000031598/

Group C- The Biographers : Shakespeare's Life (3 members)

- When and where was Shakespeare born? - Describe his upbringing and education - Who did he marry? Did he have any children? - What were the four types of plays he wrote? - Where were his plays performed and by whom? - What can you say about Shakespeare’s life in London? - Click on the link “Shakespeare Timeline” for 1594 and find the acting companies Shakespeare was associated with in the early days. Name one. - Besides writing plays, what other skills made Shakespeare a "jack of all trades?" - Where and when did Shakespeare die? Why is this an interesting date? - How old was Shakespeare when he died? - Where is Shakespeare buried?

Shakespeare’s biography http://www.enotes.com/william-shakespeare/shakespeare-london http://www.gprc.ab.ca/employees/homepages/ghanna/life.html http://www.bardweb.net/man.html

Shakespeare’s “lost years”: his whereabouts from 1585 to 1592 are still a mystery… http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/375518/shakespeares_lost_years.html

Shakespeare (Timeline) http://shakespeare.palomar.edu/timeline/timeline.htm

Shakespeare’s complete works http://shakespeare.mit.edu/

Shakespeare’s comedies http://www2.springfield.k12.il.us/schools/springfield/eliz/Shakcomedies.html

Tragedies http://www2.springfield.k12.il.us/schools/springfield/eliz/shaktragedies.html

Sonnets http://www2.springfield.k12.il.us/schools/springfield/eliz/Sonnets.html

Group D -The Architects: The Elizabethan Stage (four members)

1. Was Shakespeare the only dramatist of the time? Who else wrote plays in Elizabethan England? 2. Where were most theatres built(in or out of the city)? Why? 3. Why is the Globe Theatre so famous? a. Where did the timbers to build the Globe come from? b. Who was the carpenter who built the Globe? c. What was Shakespeare's share as "householder?" 4. What was the cost of standing room at the Globe? 5. Who was Richard Burbage? Who were the King's Men or Chamberlain's Men? 6. What time of day did performances take place? How was the public notified about performances? 7. How were the seating arrangements for the audience? How did one get a good seat? What would the audience do if they did not like a performance? 8. Who played the female roles and why? How many women actors did the company usually feature? 9. What type of scenery and props were used? What were the costumes like? 10. What other skills did actors need besides acting ability? Was Shakespeare an actor? What was the term used to refer to actors? 11. Did Elizabeth I see Shakespeare’s plays on stage?


 Pit  Groundling  Heavens  Trap door  Tiring house

Elizabethan drama: backgorund http://english.freehosting.net/elizabethan2.htm

Elizabethan playhouses http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/elizabethan-playhouses.htm

The Globe (famous Elizabethan playhouse) http://www.shakespeares-globe.org/abouttheglobe/background/thefirstglobe/ http://www2.springfield.k12.il.us/schools/springfield/eliz/Globe.html http://www.bardweb.net/globe.html http://www2.springfield.k12.il.us/schools/springfield/eliz/Newglobe.html

Actors, acting and audience http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/englisch/shakespeare/

Costumes and sets in Shakespearian theatre http://www2.springfield.k12.il.us/schools/springfield/eliz/costumes.html

Shakespeare in London http://www.shakespeares- globe.org/abouttheglobe/background/shakespeareinlondon/ Queen Elizabeth and Shakespeare http://www.folger.edu/template.cfm?cid=1263

Group E- The literary critics: Romeo and Juliet by W. Shakespeare (four members)

About Marriage Click on the links below and answer these questions

1 Click on 1599 The Great Globe (link: Shakespeare Timeline). What is the probable year that Romeo and Juliet was written? 2 Romeo & Juliet marry secretly, but because she is trying to escape the arranged marriage to Paris. Read the site about marriage in the Renaissance (see below) and explain the reason for the secret marriage. 3 Name three marriage and betrothal customs found on this page. 4 Click on the link ”Betrothal and Wedding” for "more wedding customs." What colour should the bride's dress be? How is the intention to marry announced? What happens if it is not announced previous to the event? 5 Describe the wedding procession. 6 What is a dowry? 7 How important is a wedding ring to the Elizabethans?

About the play

1. What type of play is Romeo and Juliet? 2. Dramatis personae in Romeo and Juliet 3. The setting 4. Summary of the play (Act 1-5) 5. Themes 6. Romeo and Juliet: a timeless and universal story

Shakespeare Timeline http://shakespeare.palomar.edu/timeline/timeline.htm

Betrothal & Wedding http://elizabethan.org/compendium/9.html Romeo and Juliet: a quick review of the play’s plot http://www.absoluteshakespeare.com/guides/summaries/romeo_and_juliet/romeo_ and_juliet_summary.htm

Romeo and Juliet’s minor characters http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minor_characters_in_Romeo_and_Juliet

Romeo and Juliet: the characters, the themes http://www.bardweb.net/plays/romeo.html http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/romeojuliet/

Romeo and Juliet: the setting http://pages.towson.edu/quick/romeoandjuliet/setting.htm

Romeo and Juliet: the themes http://pages.towson.edu/quick/romeoandjuliet/rnjtheme.htm

Romeo and Juliet: a timeless story http://danielle.esposito.pagesperso-orange.fr/R&J.html

You may also find useful info in the sites below:

Romeo and Juliet’s study guide http://www.shakespeare-online.com/plays/romeoandjuliet/romeoresources.html

Romeo and Juliet: if you prefer LISTENING or if you are simply tired of reading (notes for text analysis) visit these sites: http://www.cliffsnotes.com/WileyCDA/LitNote/id-165.html http://shakespeare.mit.edu/romeo_juliet/index.html

EVALUATION Each team will be graded for structure and content:


Did the presentation have an effective introduction? Were the major points illustrated, explained and summarized? Was there an effective transition between the main points? Did it have an effective conclusion?


Was the content accurate? (style, fluency, etc) Did the presentation hold the class' interest? Were presentation media used effectively?

A group rubric will be uploaded as soon as possible.


So what have you learnt with through this WebQuest? By now you should be able to express some basic information concerning one of the greatest playwrights of the world, William Shakespeare, and the times when he lived, the Elizabethan period. Moreover, you should be eager to enjoy any literary masterpiece, bearing in mind that we can learn so many things from it.

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