Biology 120 - Marine Biology

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Biology 120 - Marine Biology


Instructor: Liz Campbell Office: SAM 321 Phone: 934-3125 Leave a message which states clearly your name and tel. number. email: [email protected]

Office Hrs: TThF 10-11; other times by appointment Class Hours: Lecture Room 104 T,Th,F 9am – 9:50 Laboratory Room 305 M,W 9am - 10:50

Text book: Marine Biology 9th or 8th ed. Castro & Huber Laboratory Manual (available from the Copy Center, Rm BE3105) #2 pencil and eraser for lab drawings and exams For hour exams: Scantron cards #882 (without nicks, tears or folds)

On Reserve: Marine Biology 8th ed., Marine Biology Coloring Book, 1st ed.

Course Description: This class is designed as an introduction to life in the marine environment. The main focus is on the huge diversity of organisms that live within it particularly in Puget Sound, the adaptations and function of these organisms to the environment, and the impact of humans on the sea. Because marine biology is often best learned and appreciated by direct observations of the organisms and their environment, in addition to lectures and readings, the class includes field trips and videos.

Outcomes: Students will:  Demonstrate basic understanding of biology concepts, terms, and scientific process  Recognize the geologic and physical factors surrounding marine organisms  Describe the diversity of life in a marine environment  Describe relationships and interactions of plants and animals found in marine ecosystems  Recognize unique characteristics and adaptations of marine flora and fauna  Recognize and describe zoning and relationships for common organisms found on Seattle beaches  Describe impacts humans have on the marine environment.

Course Expectations: This class requires your daily participation. You are expected to read the assigned textbook and lab material prior to class. Ask questions when you don't understand the material. Many assignments will be announced in class and will require active class participation. Discussing biological concepts in a group is helpful in clarifying and learning concepts.

Respect each other as individuals and learners. Disorderly behavior and impolite language will not be tolerated. Be on time for class and ready to work for the entire class period. Arriving late and leaving early are disruptive.

Before coming into the classroom, silence and put away all electronic devices.

Plagiarism. Do not copy other students' assignments or allow other students to copy yours. Do not copy or paraphrase material from any source without acknowledging the source. Copying from any source is considered cheating/plagiarism and will result in a zero on the entire assignment for all involved and possibly further disciplinary action.

Pick up/download a copy of all handouts and study questions. If you must be absent, get the assignments and announcements from another student so you complete the work promptly. Make sure you have the names and phone numbers/email addresses of other students so that you can contact them and keep up with assignments.

Turn in completed assignments by their due dates. Assignments are due at the beginning of class on their due dates. I will accept one late assignment (no later than 7 days after the due-date using a "No questions asked - No excuses given" coupon). When the need arises, ask me for a coupon. Fill it out and fasten to the assignment. If you get sick, stay at home, and keep in touch with Liz by phone or email.

If you need course accommodations based on a documented disability or have any emergency medical information, or need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, lease contact me within the first week of class and inform me of your needs.

STUDY HELP: Seek assistance if you are having difficulty with any aspect of the course. I am available to help you during office hours and at other times by appointment. Tutors in biology open labs can assist you with basic biology concepts; SAM study areas, the library, the atrium and eateries on Broadway are all good spots to work on biology. I strongly recommend that you form study groups. Let me know if you do not have a copy of the text. There is a copy of Castro 8e on reserve in the library.

QUIZZES: Quizzes worth 5 points each are given at the beginning of class on Fridays and may appear spontaneously on other days. Missed quizzes cannot be made up. If you are late for class, you will not be given extra time. Your lowest quiz score will be dropped.

EXAMS: During the quarter there are three exams (approx. 50 pts each) covering material from lecture and lab. The final (4th) exam at the end of the quarter will include material from the entire course. Tests must be taken at the specified date/time. Any change in exam date will be announced in class. If you are absent from class when the date is changed, it is your responsibility to find out schedule changes. There are no exam make-ups except for extenuating circumstances. Contact Liz if you are unable to get to the exam. Vacation plans do not constitute an extenuating circumstance.

LABS: The lab manual is available for sale at the Copy Center (BE 3105). Labs meet for 2 hours on Mondays and Wednesdays, and each lab is worth 10 points. Lab reports are due at the beginning of the next lab session. Because this class fulfills the laboratory requirement for the AA degree, participation is particularly important. If you are missing participation grades in 3 labs, you may be asked to withdraw from the class. You are expected to remain in lab for the entire 2 hours. If you complete the lab material before class is over, study your text or class notes, or prepare answers to study questions, etc.

Missed labs cannot be rescheduled. Your lowest lab score will be dropped; if you are absent for a lab it will be considered your lowest score.

OTHER LEARNING TOOLS: Study questions for each chapter are on my website. Use them to focus your reading before the topic is discussed in class. I may assign questions for you to answer in writing which you will use for discussion in class.

There will be other in-class and homework assignments including reading and responding to relevant published articles, internet explorations, and short research projects.

GRADES: Your grade is determined by the total number of points you earn on quizzes, exams, other assignments, and participation. You must have a passing average (60%) on exams in order to pass the class.

Grading scale A 4.0-3.9 C+ 2.4-2.2 A- 3.8-3.5 C 2.1-1.9 B+ 3.4-3.2 C- 1.8-1.5 B 3.1-2.9 D+ 1.4-1.2 B- 2.8-2.5 D 1.1-1.0

I = Incomplete. Student performed at passing level but did not complete course requirements. To remove, course work must be completed during the following quarter. Request I grade prior to final examination.

NC = No Credit. Student did not fulfill the course requirements. Students in good standing (i.e., passing grade) may request NC from an instructor prior to the final examination. This grade is granted at the instructor's discretion.

W = Withdrawal. Student requested grade. Last date to withdraw is May 24. Seattle Central Community College Liz Campbell Biology 120 - Spring 2013

Approximate Schedule (may be altered at any time)

Reading and other info Date Topic Lab CB = Coloring Book wk 1 4/1 Introduction M intro Ch. 1: 6-16 ; Ch .2 18-19 Scientific method Ch. 3: esp. 40-47 W sea water lab eye on sci. 54 Ch.4: 66 photosynthesis;69 cells and organelles; 70-73; 78- 81 diversity

______wk 2 4/8 Fundamentals of Biology M Microscope Ch. 5 W Marine Phytoplankton CB phytoplankton “sea forest” lab manual 108

______wk 3 4/15 Microbes & Producers M Seaweed and marine plants Ch. 6 W Exam 1 “Sailing the sea of life” Discover, Mar 2002. Ch. 7 p. 290 “Under the Antarctic ice” CB sponges, cnidarians CB cnid. life cycles ______wk 4 4/22 Invertebrates M Sponges & Cnidarians Ch.7 cont’d W Mollusks CB mollusks

Sat noon or Sun 1pm Low Tide Alki Beach

______wk 5 4/29 Invertebrates cont’d M Arthropods & Annelids 7 cont’d W Exam 2 CB polychaetes CB crustaceans

______wk 6 5/6 Fishes/ Chordates M Echinoderms 8 W Fishes/Chordates CB echinoderms CB bony fish morph CB bony/shark CB sea squirt, larvacean CB sea star/mussel ______wk 7 5/13 Reptiles, Birds, Mammals M birds, reptiles, mammals 9 W TBA CB sea otters ______wk 8 5/20 Ecology M Exam 3 10 W Concept Mapping

Sat 11am or Sun noon Low Tide Alki Beach ______wk 9 5/27 Mon. Memorial Day holiday M no class 11-12 Intertidal W TBA Estuaries ______wk 10 6/3 Impact of humans M albatross bolus 18 W TBA ______wk 11 6/10 MT TBA Final exam

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