From: Robert Vincent, Crifasi Sui Juris, All Rights Reserved

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From: Robert Vincent, Crifasi Sui Juris, All Rights Reserved

From: Robert Vincent Crifasi – sui juris All Rights reserved Without Prejudice Former SSAN (no longer active): 092402212 is void address used “without prejudice to rights” In care of – c/o: 42900 Nido Ct. Fremont, Non-Domestic is in real California No Zip Code used [DMM 122.32]

Date: July 12, anno Domini 2005

TO: H&R BLOCK, INC. C/o: Nicholas J. Spaeth Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer H&R Block World Headquarters 4400 Main Street Kansas City, MO 64111 Cert. Mail: 7005 0390 0001 2147 8744


TO: DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY, INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE C/o: Donald L. Korb IRS Chief Counsel 1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room 3026 Washington, D.C. 20224 Cert. Mail: 7005 0390 0001 2147 8751


TO WHOM IT CONCERNS: In care of: Nicholas J. Spaeth, in “individual” capacity

In care of: Donald Korb, in “individual” capacity

I, Robert Vincent Crifasi, Me, Myself, One living, breathing Son of the Almighty Creator and Great Spirit which created Thee, with explicit reservation of My God endowed natural Rights and Liberty without prejudice, proceeding sui juris, understanding the serene Law of the Land, with Assistance Special by the Almighty Creator, and atoned through Christ Jesus, herein serve lawful, legal NOTICE to the Officers of H&R BLOCK, INC. (in “individual” capacity) and to the agents of the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE (in “individual” capacity), and all adhesion agencies/employees of US GOVERNMENT, the BAR ASSOCIATION, and the HOLY SEE: ______This notice and all attached documents have been made part of the Public Record and will be used in administrative and judicial proceedings at law, or equity regarding this American Citizen, who by enacted federal law and the Legislative intent of the 16th Amendment is a “nontaxpayer” as he is neither the subject nor the object of federal revenue laws. ALL of these documents must be RECORDED and maintained in Claimant’s Administrative File and/or Individual Master File (IMF). Page 1 of 11 PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS

1. Affiant is competent to state to the matters set forth herein.

2. Affiant has personal knowledge of the facts stated herein.

3. All the facts stated herein are true, correct, and complete, admissible as evidence, and if called upon as a witness, Affiant will testify to their veracity.

4. Affiant is not in receipt of any document that verifies Affiant is an "officer", "employee" or "elected official" of the following: (1)"UNITED STATES", (2) “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”, (3) of a "State", (4) of any political subdivision thereof, (5) of the District of Columbia, (6) of any agency or instrumentality of the foregoing, or (7) an "officer" of a "United States corporation"; as those terms are defined and used within the 26 U.S.C.

5. Affiant is not a registered voter.

6. Affiant is not in receipt of any document that verifies Affiant is a “policy-making office-holder in the government”.

7. Affiant does not hold any government office.

8. Affiant is not or ever was “employed”.

9. Affiant is not or ever was “unemployed”.

10. Affiant is not or ever was “self-employed”.

11. Affiant is not even “employable”.

______This notice and all attached documents have been made part of the Public Record and will be used in administrative and judicial proceedings at law, or equity regarding this American Citizen, who by enacted federal law and the Legislative intent of the 16th Amendment is a “nontaxpayer” as he is neither the subject nor the object of federal revenue laws. ALL of these documents must be RECORDED and maintained in Claimant’s Administrative File and/or Individual Master File (IMF). Page 2 of 11 12. Affiant does work in the land and claims the unalienable right to work. [Working is a “right” not a privileged activity that can be assessed an indirect “income” tax.]

13. Affiant used the commercial services provided by the agents of H&R BLOCK, INC. in the preparation and filing of Forms 1040 for the calendar years of 1993 through 1999, and other years.


14. NOTICE IS HEREBY SERVED: All of the Forms 1040 in all calendar years prepared for Me in good faith by the employees of H&R BLOCK, INC. contain fatal errors of undisclosed material facts regarding the underlying liability statutes imposed against Me in the first place (estoppel at UCC 1-308 and UCC 1-103).

15. NOTICE IS HEREBY SERVED: All of the Forms 1040 in all calendar years prepared for Me by the employees of H&R BLOCK, INC. contain clerical reporting errors (estoppel at UCC 1-103) related to all the unattested W-2 statements provided by private companies operating solely in the private sector (“without the UNITED STATES”), and relied upon in all the calendar years filed by Me to the agents of the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, FRESNO, CALIFORNIA & the CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA.

16. NOTICE IS HEREBY SERVED: Any unattested third-party information that seems to indicate that I did receive “wages”, “gross income” or “taxable income” is false and in error. All of my earnings for the years in question, and in all calendar years in the record, came through value exchange of My lifetime experience, and through exercising My skilled labor in occupations of common right, totally in the private sector in the land, and “without the United States” (as that term is used at 28 USC 1746(1)).

Except for a brief stint in the military in A.D. 1979, I did not engage in any corporate privilege or government employment that is subject to an excise tax in all calendar years.

______This notice and all attached documents have been made part of the Public Record and will be used in administrative and judicial proceedings at law, or equity regarding this American Citizen, who by enacted federal law and the Legislative intent of the 16th Amendment is a “nontaxpayer” as he is neither the subject nor the object of federal revenue laws. ALL of these documents must be RECORDED and maintained in Claimant’s Administrative File and/or Individual Master File (IMF). Page 3 of 11 17. NOTICE IS HEREBY SERVED: I am not in receipt of any verifiable evidence (pursuant to 26 IRC 6065) that indicates that I am: (A) the subject of the SSA record #092402212(void). (B) operating as a “trade or business” connected to “the “UNITED STATES”. (C) a “business filer”. (D) an SSA/IRS “customer” or “non-filing customer” or 1040 “taxpayer”. (E) an “illegal tax protestor”. (F) “surety” or “trustee” or “fiduciary” or “human resource” for the Social Security Trust ID #092402212(void). (G) in any way identified as a “U.S. citizen” as that term is used in item 3 of SSA form SS-5. (H) or that I elected to be treated as a “U.S. resident” of any exclusive federal territories, Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands. (I) or that transactions entered into the IMF-MCC record #092402212(void) by anonymous agents of the IRS were duly authorized and procedurally correct.

The IRS District Director/Technical Support Manager – Compliance Group at Fresno, California is in verifiable receipt (by US Postal records) and in verifiable DEFAULT of sealed Instruments attesting to the facts disclosed above. Agents of the IRS have verifiably acted negligently and/or fraudulently by not correcting the transcripts maintained in IMF-MCC #092402212(void) after the errors were verifiably made known to them. “Personal involvement in deprivation of constitutional rights is prerequisite to award of damages, but defendant may be personally involved in constitutional deprivation by direct participation, failure to remedy wrongs after learning about it, creation of a policy or custom under which unconstitutional practices occur or gross negligence in managing subordinates who cause violation.” (Gallegos v. Haggerty, N.D. of New York, 689 F. Supp. 93 (1988) (emphasis added).

18. NOTICE IS HEREBY SERVED: Subsequently, the transcripts maintained in the IRS IMF-MCC file #092402212 (SSN/TIN/EIN/ITIN is void) contain clerical errors related to all the Forms 1040 and W-2 ever filed in error by Me, and by W-3 reporting companies, (estoppel at UCC 1-103) in all calendar years.

The solution is simple: redact all reported unattested W-2, W-3 and 1099-G amounts to $ZERO (0) for all modules in the IRS IMF-MCC record regarding 092-40-2212 (void). This correction is based on the statutory ______This notice and all attached documents have been made part of the Public Record and will be used in administrative and judicial proceedings at law, or equity regarding this American Citizen, who by enacted federal law and the Legislative intent of the 16th Amendment is a “nontaxpayer” as he is neither the subject nor the object of federal revenue laws. ALL of these documents must be RECORDED and maintained in Claimant’s Administrative File and/or Individual Master File (IMF). Page 4 of 11 language behind IRC section 3401 and 3121 and others. I have requested corrected forms W-2c from the reporting companies, but they have refused to issue forms correctly listing $ZERO (0) payments of “wages as defined in IRC section 3401(a) and 3121(a)” for fear of IRS retaliation.

19. NOTICE IS HEREBY SERVED: I herein revoke my election to volunteer my signature authority on all IRS form W-4 agreements ever used in error by my private sector payers in the occupations of common right, in which I toil under the statutes of our Almighty Creator, in all the calendar years in the IMF-MCC record (estoppel at UCC 1-103 and UCC 1-308).

20. NOTICE IS HEREBY SERVED: I herein revoke my election to volunteer my signature authority on all IRS & CFTB forms prepared by Me, Myself, and/or for Me by agents of H&R BLOCK, INC., and filed in error by Me (estoppel at UCC 1-103 and UCC 1-308) for all modules in the IRS IMF-MCC record regarding file #092- 40-2212(void).

By not filing a federal income tax return in the calendar years in question, and in all other calendar years, I hereby claim and exercise my natural unalienable Right to remain silent; that is My inalienable Right and that is still protected in the Bill of Rights and the Fifth Amendment to the federal Constitution.

I do not consent to bare false witness against Myself.

21. NOTICE IS HEREBY SERVED: I am not in receipt of verifiable evidence pursuant to 26 IRC 6065 that the Notice(s) of Federal Tax Lien (NFTL) recorded at Alameda County, Oakland, California on August 20, 2004 was(were) not unlawfully recorded against Me by the agents of the IRS acting willfully to deny Me lawful due process under common-law, and/or judicial review of My situation, and My sealed asseverations.

22. NOTICE IS HEREBY SERVED: Agents of H&R BLOCK, INC. may have acted erroneously / negligently and/or in willful violation of other laws by not

______This notice and all attached documents have been made part of the Public Record and will be used in administrative and judicial proceedings at law, or equity regarding this American Citizen, who by enacted federal law and the Legislative intent of the 16th Amendment is a “nontaxpayer” as he is neither the subject nor the object of federal revenue laws. ALL of these documents must be RECORDED and maintained in Claimant’s Administrative File and/or Individual Master File (IMF). Page 5 of 11 fully disclosing the underlying laws, statutes and especially the implementing regulations that impose an obligation upon Me to submit a "form 1040 - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return" in all calendar years in the IMF-MCC records (estoppel at UCC 1-103 and UCC 1-308).

23. NOTICE IS HEREBY SERVED: I herein conditionally accept your offer to have me agree that I am a “taxpayer” as that term is defined in Section 7701(a) (14) of the Internal Revenue Code (I.R.C.), upon verifiable (26 IRC 6065) proof of claim that I am the person subject and liable to any internal revenue tax.

“Verifiable proof of claim” means specifically identify all laws, statutes and especially the implementing regulations that impose an obligation upon Me to submit a "form 1040 - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return" for the "tax period ending 12/31:1993/1994/1995/2000/2001/2002/2003/2004", or in any calendar year, and attested to pursuant to 26 IRC 6065 by a duly authorized agent.

The IRS DUE PROCESS MEETING WORKSHEET is enclosed for your convenience. I respectfully demand that a duly authorized agent fill it out, sign it as indicated on page 4 of the worksheet, and return it to Me via certified mail, in care of the Notary indicated below (address provided) within fifteen (15) days of verifiable receipt. A request for an extension of time cannot be granted due to the condition of DEFAULT that exists regarding the IRS IMF-MCC file #092402212 (SSN/TIN/EIN/ITIN is void).

24. NOTICE IS HEREBY SERVED: I am one damaged, dissatisfied, and MAD AS HELL! former customer of H&R BLOCK, INC. The employees, agents and officers of said corporation failed in their mission and vision statements published in their commercial literature: “The best people in Tax. That’s our claim.”

Mission Statement To help our clients achieve their financial objectives by serving as their tax and financial partner. Vision

______This notice and all attached documents have been made part of the Public Record and will be used in administrative and judicial proceedings at law, or equity regarding this American Citizen, who by enacted federal law and the Legislative intent of the 16th Amendment is a “nontaxpayer” as he is neither the subject nor the object of federal revenue laws. ALL of these documents must be RECORDED and maintained in Claimant’s Administrative File and/or Individual Master File (IMF). Page 6 of 11 To be the world's leading provider of financial services through tax and accounting- based advisory relationships. If any employee of H&R BLOCK, INC. and/or employee of the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE and/or employee of the CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD believe that they are operating in any way “partnered” or “related” with Me - THEY ARE FIRED!

25. NOTICE IS HEREBY SERVED: Agents/employees of the foreign corporation known as the DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY, INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE and the agents/employees of the CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD seem to be operating against Me without verifiable, substantive, and reliable authority to despoil the enjoyment of My most precious property - My private labor. I am the Injured Party in the above stated actions.

The new IRS mission is to "provide America's taxpayers top quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities and by applying the tax law with integrity and fairness to all." (emphasis added)

Without verifiable proof of claim of the items specified in this Instrument, the IRS employees, Directors, and Officers are in verifiable DEFAULT of their mission statement.

26. NOTICE IS HEREBY SERVED: Respectfully, Mr. Korb, and Mr. Spaeth, you are served my constructive notice and demands under law, as I believe yours is the proper venue to correct this situation: (08-18-1996) Office of Chief Counsel Mission Statement As independent legal counsel to the Internal Revenue Service, the mission of the Office of Chief Counsel is to: • Provide the correct legal interpretation of the internal revenue laws; • Represent the Internal Revenue Service in litigation; • Provide all other legal support for the Internal Revenue Service; and

______This notice and all attached documents have been made part of the Public Record and will be used in administrative and judicial proceedings at law, or equity regarding this American Citizen, who by enacted federal law and the Legislative intent of the 16th Amendment is a “nontaxpayer” as he is neither the subject nor the object of federal revenue laws. ALL of these documents must be RECORDED and maintained in Claimant’s Administrative File and/or Individual Master File (IMF). Page 7 of 11 • Perform these duties in a manner that enhances public confidence in the integrity, efficiency, and fairness of our nation's tax system.

You now have full personal knowledge of the corrections that must be made in the H&R BLOCK records, and in the IRS & CFTB IMF-MCC records regarding #092402212 (SSN/TIN/EIN/ITIN is void).

Therefore, I expect to receive your written response on or before [date exactly fifteen (15) days hence verifiable receipt] to resolve the clerical errors contained in the transcripts (UCC 1-103), to formally terminate this case, and to permanently close your files for lack of IRS agency jurisdiction, rather than for rampant violations of the law.

“ Silence can only be equated with fraud where there is a legal or moral duty to speak or where an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading. ... We cannot condone this shocking conduct by the IRS. Our revenue system is based upon the good faith of the taxpayers and the taxpayers should be able to expect the same from government in its enforcement and collection activities ... This sort of deception will not be tolerated and if this is the 'routine' it should be corrected immediately." [U. S. v. Tweel, 550 F.2d 297, 299 (1977), emphasis added] [quoting U.S. v. Prudden, 424 F.2d 1021, 1032 (1970)] Carmine v. Bowen, 64 A. 932.


Respectfully, Mr. Korb, and Mr. Spaeth, you have fifteen (15) days in which you can respond and/or rebut this AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH and ADMINISTRATIVE NOTICE OF ERROR, from verifiable receipt, UCC 1-204. A request for an extension of time cannot be granted due to the condition of DEFAULT that exists regarding the IRS IMF-MCC file #092402212 (SSN/TIN/EIN/ITIN is void).

A lack of response or rebuttal means that you, Donald Korb, and you, Nicholas J. Spaeth, bonded agents, in both “individual” and official capacities, assent to the material facts presented in this sealed Instrument containing the title: AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH and ADMINISTRATIVE NOTICE OF ERROR, and that a fault exists, UCC 1-201(16), creating fraud through material misrepresentation that vitiates all forms, contracts, testimony, agreements, etc. expressed or implied, from the beginning, UCC 1-103. A frivolous response is no response. ______This notice and all attached documents have been made part of the Public Record and will be used in administrative and judicial proceedings at law, or equity regarding this American Citizen, who by enacted federal law and the Legislative intent of the 16th Amendment is a “nontaxpayer” as he is neither the subject nor the object of federal revenue laws. ALL of these documents must be RECORDED and maintained in Claimant’s Administrative File and/or Individual Master File (IMF). Page 8 of 11 Conduct yourselves accordingly. Peace.

Further, Affiant saith not. Verification I, Robert Vincent Crifasi, sui juris, Damaged Party, hereby verify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the united States of America and of California, without the “United States” (federal government), that the foregoing statement of facts and laws is true and correct, according to the best of my current information, knowledge and belief, so help me God, pursuant to the federal statute at 28 U.S.C. 1746(1). The Bill of Rights, the Constitutions, Laws and Treaties of the united States of America are all the supreme Law of the Land.

Notice Using a notary on this document does not constitute any adhesion, nor does it alter My status in any manner. The purpose for notary is verification only and not for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction.

Sealed, under Authority and by Direct Act of My own hand. Done at Fremont, California republic “without the United States” (28 USC 1746(1)), on the twelfth (12 th) day of July in the Year of our Lord Christ Jesus two Thousand five (anno Domini 2005), and in the two Hundred twenty-ninth (229th) year in the independence of America.

All Rights claimed and reserved Without Prejudice, Executed on:


Private Seal ______Robert Vincent Crifasi

NOTICE: The purpose for notary is verification only and not for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction.


Subscribed and sworn before me by ______this ______day of ______, 2005 ______Notary’s Signature Notary Address: The UPS Store, Center #1805 3984 Washington Blvd.

______Fremont, CA 94538-4906 ThisPhone: notice and510.226.7690 all attached documents have been made part of the Public Record and will be used in administrative and judicial proceedings at law, or equity regarding this American Citizen, who by enacted federal law and the Legislative intent of the 16th Amendment is a “nontaxpayer” as he is neither the subject nor the object of federal revenue laws. ALL of these documents must be RECORDED and maintained in Claimant’s Administrative File and/or Individual Master File (IMF). Page 9 of 11 This Instrument is not complete without the following Enclosures: 1. FINAL NOTICE and DEMAND FOR PAYMENT dated July 2, anno Domini 2005 – Cert. Mail: 7004 0750 0000 5472 8328 & 7003 1680 0007 2448 7326.

2. VERIFIED AFFIDAVIT and NOTICE OF DEFAULT dated July 1, anno Domini 2005 -Cert. Mail: 7004 0750 0000 5472 8304 & 7004 0750 0000 5472 8311.

3. Private Notice of Fault and Three Day Opportunity to Cure dated June 22, anno Domini 2005 – Cert. Mail: 7004 0750 0000 5472 8281 & 7004 0750 0000 5472 8298.

4. ADMINISTRATIVE NOTICE OF ERROR dated May 17, anno Domini 2005 - Cert. mail 7004 0750 0000 5472 8250.

5. RE: NO NEXUS WITH THE ENTITY IN QUESTION dated January 17, anno Domini 2005 – Cert. mail 7004 0750 0003 3138 0096 & 7004 0750 0003 3138 0102.

6. IRS DUE PROCESS MEETING WORKSHEET mailed May 17, anno Domini 2005 - Cert. mail 7004 0750 0000 5472 8250.

7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: POWER OF ATTORNEY done at Fremont, California dated July 11, anno Domini 2005.

Copies to:

1. GERALD H. GOLDBERG, in “individual” capacity CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD PO Box 942840 Sacramento CA 94240-0040 with all enclosures, Cert. mail: 7005 0390 0001 2147 8768

2. IRS District Director C/o: Technical Support Manager – Compliance Group Fresno, CA 93888 (without enclosures already filed)

3. Barbara J Hornbeck Employee ID: 78-00088 Campus Appeals Office M/S 55201 5045 E. Butler Fresno, CA 93727-5136 (without enclosures already filed)




______This notice and all attached documents have been made part of the Public Record and will be used in administrative and judicial proceedings at law, or equity regarding this American Citizen, who by enacted federal law and the Legislative intent of the 16th Amendment is a “nontaxpayer” as he is neither the subject nor the object of federal revenue laws. ALL of these documents must be RECORDED and maintained in Claimant’s Administrative File and/or Individual Master File (IMF). Page 10 of 11 //





______This notice and all attached documents have been made part of the Public Record and will be used in administrative and judicial proceedings at law, or equity regarding this American Citizen, who by enacted federal law and the Legislative intent of the 16th Amendment is a “nontaxpayer” as he is neither the subject nor the object of federal revenue laws. ALL of these documents must be RECORDED and maintained in Claimant’s Administrative File and/or Individual Master File (IMF). Page 11 of 11

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