Teachers: Ngo Cong Minh Le Thi Hong Hanh

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Teachers: Ngo Cong Minh Le Thi Hong Hanh


SCHOOL: NGUYEN TRAI CLASS: 10 SUBJECT: ENGLISH TEACHERS: NGO CONG MINH – LE THI HONG HANH SCHOOL YEAR: 2009 - 2010 UNIT 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF… LESSON : READING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read a passage and have and adequate understanding about the daily routine in the life of a farmer II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : + Grammar : simple present, progressive present + New words : relating to the farmer’s daily activities III. TEACHING AIDS : pictures, handout worksheet, projector IV. PROCEDURE Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (5’) - Shows pictures of some people who are working- Work individually ( doctor, typist, football player, engineer, farmer) and give answers - asks: + what does he/ she do ? + what does a farmer do ? - says : to understand more about the life of a farmer , let’s come to Unit 1- lesson reading II. Pre- reading (7’) - Has Ss ask and answer questions about their daily Work in pairs activities Give feed back - Comments - Uses pictures relating to the farmer’s daily activities to teach the word meaning New words : + lead the buffalo to the field + plough (v, n) + harrow (v, n) + pump (v) + transplant (v) + fellow (n) } ( synonym ) friend + peasant (n) } farmer III. While reading * Task 1 -Work individual (20’) - Has Ss open their book to read the text silently and do - Do the exercise and the task that follow give feed back. - Guides Ss to scan to get the information - Comments * Task 2 Work in pairs - Has Ss read the text again then answer the questions - calls some pairs to answer the questions (closed pairs, opened pairs) - comments - has Ss close the book taken ask and answer about Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet according to the passage. Work in pairs * Task 3 - has Ss do task 3 after explaining the requirement - has Ss scan the text to get information to fill in the table - divides the class into 3 groups to make a brief note about Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet’s daily routine in the morning; in the afternoon; after dinner - calls some Ss to present their answer on the projector Work in group - comments Listen and comment IV. Post reading - has Ss talk about their father and mother’ s daily Work in group (10’) activities - calls some representative to present their passage in front of the class - comments V. Home work (3’) - has Ss learn the new words by heart - has Ss read the text carefully to remember Mr Vy and Mrs’s Tuyet’ daily routine - has Ss write a passage about 80 words talking about your father or mother’s daily routine.

UNIT 1 : A DAY IN A LIFE OF… LESSON : SPEAKING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the present simple to: + ask & answer some information about their daily routines + talk about their daily activities and their classmate II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : - Grammar - New words III. TEACHING AIDS : pictures, handout work sheets IV. PROCEDURE :

Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (5’) * Match the words with the pictures - Work in groups - divides the class into 2 sides (A and B). Each side has one representative in front of the desks - Fixes the pictures of subjects on the board – Hands out the words on subjects for two sides - Announces the winner who has more correct words - match the words under the pictures with the pictures II. Pre- speaking * Task 1 : (10’) - asks Ss to open their books at the page 15 and look at Quan’s activities in the time table - asks : + what time dose Quan have civic education lesson on Monday ? Ss : he has civic education lesson at 7.15am - answer individually + what lesson does Quan have at 7.15 on Monday ? Ss : at 7.15 on Monday he has civic education lesson -asks Ss to do Task 1 as the model - walks around the class and helps Ss if necessary -invites some pairs to practice their dialogues

- work in pairs - comment III. While - * Task 2 : - answer individually speaking (15’) - Describes Quan’s activities, using the picture below - asks Ss to look at picture (a) and answer the question + what does Quan do at 14:00 ? Ss : he gets up ( after talking a short nap) at 14:00 - Asks Ss to do Task 2 as the model - walks around and helps Ss if necessary - calls some groups to present their results - calls some Ss to present the whole Quan’s daily - work in groups activities - comment IV. Post- speaking * Task 3 : - Work in pairs (13’) - asks Ss to talk about their daily routine in pairs - walks around and helps Ss if necessary - invites some Ss to talk about their daily routine in front of the class - present individual - comments

V. Homework (2’) - has Ss write a passage from 80- 100 words about your Write the homework daily routine

LESSON PLAN UNIT 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF … LESSON: LISTENING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to : + Listen about one’s daily activities + Listen to number the pictures in their correct order + Listen to choose the True/ False statements II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : + Grammar + New words III. TEACHING AIDS : The cassette player IV. PROCEDURE : Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Times needed I. Warm-up (3’) - Has Ss arrange words into the meaningful words + jumbled words :  APNLE  RITNA  CLCOY  work in group of 4  YBCLCEI - Checks the result and give the situation: - Says : my father is a pilot. He often travels around the world by his plane. - Shows a picture and asks...  works individually + Who is he ?  He is a cycle driver - Says : to understand about a cycle’s daily activities. Today you’ll listen to the tape II. Pre- listening (8’) - Asks Ss to answer the question: 1. Have you ever traveled by cycle ? 2. 2. When was it ? 3. Is it interesting to travel by cycle ? work in pairs 4. Which do you prefer, going by bicycle or by cycle ? Give reason ? - Comments - Has Ss listen and repeat some words which related to the passage in the tape. + district + office + purchases  read in chorus + drop + ride + food stall + routine + pedal + passengers + park - Explains some difficult words : + district (n)  (example)  work individually + pedal (n)  (picture) + purchases (n)  (translate) + food stall (n)  (picture) III. While-listening - Has Ss look at the pictures (on page 16) and guess the  work individually * TASK 1 (12’) order of the pictures describing & compare the - Mr Lam’s morning activities answers with the -Says : you’ll hear Mr Lam, a cycle driver in HCM city, partners talk about his morning activities. Listen the tape and number the pictures in their correct order - Has Ss listen to the tape 1st time  listen and number - Checks Ss answers the pictures in their - Has Ss listen again & checks correct order - Has Ss listen to the tape the last time & checks - Has Ss listen to the tape to decide whether the  work individually statements are true/ false * TASK 2 (8’) - Has Ss listen to the tape three times and checks after times listen (explains the answer if necessary ) IV. Post- listening - Has Ss take turns to ask and answer questions about Mr  work inpairs (12’) Lam’s activities, using the cues below + name + occupation + star work + passengers + lunch + rest - Then retell his story to the class V. Homework (2’) -Has Ss write a passage ( about 50-60 words) talking about Lam’s morning activities - Prepare new lesson : writing + Find the word meaning : 1. stared death in the face 2. fasten our seat belt 3. dip 4. overjoyed

UNIT 1: THE DAY IN THE LIFE OF… LESSON : WRITING I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : + understand the context, language and the structure of a narrative + write a narrative about a hotel fire and use the giver instruchons / prompts II. LANGUAGE FOCUS - Grammar - New words : stared death in the face, fasten our seat belts, dip, we had only minutes to live III. TEACHING AIDS : The extra board, IV. PROCEDURE Stage Teacher’s activities

Time needed

I. Warm- up (3’) - Asks Work individually + Have you ever heard an interesting story /a frightening story ? + where / when did it happen ? +How did you feel about that ? - After having Ss answers T says : today you will read a model narrative to know how to write it. II. Pre- writing (10’) Task 1: Read in silence -Has Ss look at the text book (page 17&12) . Read the model narrative in silence - Explains some difficult words and phrases * New words : + stared death in the face (translation) + fasten our seat belts( picture) + dip( synonym) +we had only minutes to live ( explain) - Has Ss read and find all the verbs that are used in the past simple and the connectors (times expressions) in the Work individually story III. While-writing * Task 2 : (20’) - Has Ss identify the events, the climax, and the Work in groups conclusion of the story. Then report their results in front of the class - Walks around the class and helps Ss if necessary * Tasks 3: - Has Ss use the prompts below to build up a narrative about a hotel fire - Then provides 2 or 4 extra boards for 2 or 4 groups to write their narrative on - Goes around the class to check Ss’ practice and helps Work in groups them if necessary

IV. Post-writing -T asks 2 or 4 Ss to hang their extra boards on the board - Ss look for the (10’) and guides the others to find out the common mistakes mistake -T directs Ss to correct the mistakes - Ss correct the -T gives feed back mistake -T gives the key V. Homework (2’) - Has Ss rewrite the narrative correctly + prepare new lesson : “ language focus”  pronunciation : / I / - / I :/  grammar and vocabulary 1. the present simple 2. adverbs of frequency 3. the past simple

UNIT 1 : A DAY IN THE LIFE OF… LESSON 5 ( LANGUAGE FOCUS ) I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : + pronounce exactly and fluently the sounds / i / & / i: / in words and in sentences + use the simple present, the simple past and advs of frequency in speaking and writing II. TEACHING AIDS : a cassette, pictures, handouts III. PROCEDURE : Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (5’) - Sticks four pictures (of a bee, a ship, a sheep and money) -Work in groups on the board. - stick words to - gives four pieces of paper with above words pictures - has Ss stick them to the correct pictures - gives corrections - asks Ss to pronunciation those words  leads in the new lesson II. Pronunciation * listen and repeat -repeat Activity 1 (5’) -writes two sounds / i / & / i: / on the board -look at the book and - plays the cassette twice listen -plays each sound -listen and repeat in - plays the words in the text book chorus -plays each word -listen  gives corrections -repeat in chorus Activity 2 (5’) * practice these sentences -repeat the sounds - plays the cassette once -work individually - plays and pauses sent. by sent. - asks Ss to pick out the sound / i/ or / i:/ gives corrections more exercises : - plays a tape - has Ss pick out the words containing the sounds / i/ & / i:/ III. Grammar and - asks : -Work individual vocabulary (28’) + what do you do in your free times ? + what kinds of spots do you like ?  which tense is used in these sentences  introduces the exercise Activity * Exercise 1 : - work individually - has Ss do ex 1 - work individually - checks the result - asks : how often do you play tennis ? how often do you go to the cinema ? notes : positions of adverbs of frequency - has Ss do ex.2 -group of 4 - checks the result Activity * Exercise 3 - asks : -answer individually + what did you do yesterday afternoon ? + did you go fishing yesterday ?  which tense is used in the sentences notes : the formations and usage of the simple past ( passive voice) - has Ss do ex.3 - group of 4 - walks around the class and helps Ss if necessary - gives corrections IV. Homework (2’) * Do the exercises of language focus in work books (page - write 6)

LESSON PLAN UNIT 2 : SCHOOL TALKS LESSON : READING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : + read a passage for specific information + learn how to introduce oneself and express likes and dislikes II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : - Grammar - New words : words related to school III. TEACHING AIDS IV. PROCEDURE

Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (5’) * Play a game - Ss Work individually - T uses an extra board written the list of & topic on - T asks Ss to look at and try to remember the list in 2 minutes : + sports and games + entertainment + health problems + hobbies + holidays + film + weather + work and study - T takes the extra board away & asks Ss to retell the topics in the list - Ss answer - T checks & find out the winner individually II. Pre- reading (7’) - T asks : when you meet your friends, which topics do Ss answer individually you often talk about ? - T leads into the new lesson - T asks Ss to list words related to + subjects : maths, history.. + kinds of school : high school… III. While- reading - T asks Ss to sit in groups of four to do the exercise in - Ss work in group (15’) their textbooks ( task 1) - T corrects their mistakes - T asks Ss to scan the passage and then to do Tasks 2 - Ss work in pairs - T asks 2 pairs to present their results before the class - T asks Ss to reread the passage and then do Task 3 - T corrects their mistakes. - Ss work in pairs

IV. Post- reading - T asks Ss to sit in groups of 4 and talk about : - Work in groups (15’) + what subjects they like learning best and why + what they like or dislike doing at school + what they worry about at school - T asks some groups to present their talks before class - Some Ss present their talks before the class while the others list and remark V. Homework (3’) - T asks Ss to write a short paragrap about them selves. - Ss do homework at home UNIT 2 : SCHOOL TALKS LESSON : SPEAKING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to make questions and give responses in small talk II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : - Grammar - New words III. TEACHING AIDS IV. PROCEDURE Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (5’) - T asks Ss to complete the open conversation in 1 - Ss Work individually minute A : ____(1)______B : Hi, Nam. How are you ? A: I’m fine. Thanks, and you ? B: Very well. Thanks, I haven’t seen you for a long time. Let’s go somewhere for a drink A: Sorry,______(2)______- T explains something about these sentences - T leads into the new lesson II. Pre- reading (8’) *Task 1 : - Ss listen & remark - T gives Ss some expressions which are commonly used when people start or close a conversation ex : + It’s nice to meet you + Bye + How is everything ? + see you again ……… - T asks Ss to do task 1 - T asks some pairs to present their practice before the - Ss work in pairs class - Some Ss present their - T asks Ss to read these expressions results before the class while the others listen & remark. III. While- reading * Task 2 : - Ss work individually (15’) - T asks Ss to scan task 2 & do it - Ss work in pairs - T asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs -T corrects their mistakes if necessary * Task 3 : - Ss work individually - T asks Ss to scan task 3 & find out difficult words - T explains their meaning if necessary - Ss work in pairs - T asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs - T walks around the class & helps Ss if necessary - Some Ss present their - T asks some pairs to present their practice before the practice before the class class while the others listen & remark IV. Post- reading * Task 4 : (15’) - T divides the class into groups (T asks Ss to sit in groups of 4 ) - T asks Ss to do task 4 - Ss work in groups - T walks around the class & helps Ss if necessary - T asks some groups to their practice before the class - some groups present their result before the class while the others listen & remark V. Homework (2’) - T asks Ss to write about conversation done in groups - Ss do homework at home

UNIT 2 : SCHOOL TALKS LESSON : LISTENING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to short conversations and then match them with suitable pictures II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : + Grammar + New words III. TEACHING AIDS : cassette player IV. PROCEDURE

Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (5’) - Shows a picture of Ha Long Bay - answer individually - asks Ss some questions : + have you been to Ha Long Bay ? + do you enjoy spending your holiday in HLB ? + How do you like the weather in HLB ? - Encourages Ss to make questions about this picture - work in pairs - repeats good statements to lead in the new lesson II. Pre-listening (3’) - Suggests Ss to arrange a question in A with a - work in pairs response in B - Goes around and helps Ss if necessary - present in front of the - comments and correct class III. While- listening * Task 1 : (15’) &( 30’) - Divides class into groups of four - asks class to try describing the picture in the text book - plays the tape and asks Ss to listen to (2 or 3 times) - listen and match the * Task 2 : conversation with the - plays the tape again and asks Ss to listen and get pictures information - asks Ss to ask and answer question * Task 3 : - work in pairs - plays the tape and asks Ss to fill the missing words into the blanks - work in pairs - goes around and check some - plays the tape and correct IV. Post- listening - asks Ss to talk about the problem, they have Work in groups (5’) experienced at school V. Homework (2’) - asks Ss write 5 questions about personal hobbies . describe a picture that the teacher gives UNIT 2 : SCHOOL TALKS LESSON : WRITING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write or fill in a form II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : - Grammar - New words : new words related to forms III. TEACHING AIDS : forms, an extra boards IV. PROCEDURE Stage Teacher’s activities Student’ activities

Time needed

I. Warm- up (5’) - gives a game Ss choose the number F and answer the J O B questions B I R T H P E R M I S S I O N - Asks the questions 1. what do you look for after graduating from high school ? 2. Phu Yen is my place of ______3. What is the noun of the verb “permit” ? 4. key FORM Ss guess the key - Leads in the new lesson II. Pre- writing - Give some forms and hang an extra board with Ask and answer in pairs Task 1 (5’) some questions : 1. Do you know what they are ? 2. what do you forms for ? 3. What sort of information do you often have to provide when you will in a form ? - summarize information of each answer on the board - Asks Ss to match a line in A with a question in B Task 2 (10’) after presenting some new words : + marital status + occupation + block capital +applicable - Asks Ss to work in pair - corrects Work in pairs III. While-writing - Asks Ss to fill in the form Work individually Task 3 (5’) - Helps Ss and checks when Ss do - Corrects Exchange and con Task 4 (8’) - Asks Ss to fill in the form Work individually( 2- 3 Ss work on the boards)

- asks Ss to hang the extra boards while others correct their friend form each other - correct the common mistakes on the extra boards - give the feed back

IV. Post-writing - divides class into 10 groups and asks them to use Work in groups (10’) learnt information to write a form about one of topics below + apply for a job + apply for a scholarship +send money in a bank + attend to a club + make a library card - choose two of them to correct V. Homework (2’) - Write two of above topics + prepare new lesson

UNIT 2 : SCHOOL TALKS LESSON : LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES :By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - pronounce exactly and fluently / A/ and / a:/ in words and in sentences - use Wh- questions in writing and communicating - use – ing and to infinitive form of verbs in speaking and writing II. TEACHING AIDS : a cassette / an extra board III. PROCEDURE Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (5’) - Writes sentences on the board. I like studying Close the books . One English but my cousin doesn’t. My father has got a car Ss reads and says what - Underlines the sounds and leads into the lesson sounds are repeated . The sounds / A/, / a:/ II. Pronunciation * listen and repeat Open their books Activity 1 (5’) -writes two sounds / A / & / a: / on the board - reads the sounds Repeat in chorus - reads the words in the text book Repeat in chorus then - asks Ss to close the books and numbers two sounds in individually from 1 or 2 - read the words in the text book Say loudly the number of the sound heard Open the books Read the words in pairs

Listen and repeat Activity 2 (7’) * practice these sentences Read individually as - read the sentences directed - asks Ss to pay attention to the sentence stress Work in pairs - asks Ss to pick out the words containing the sounds / A/, / a:/ Read the result - corrects more exercises Work in groups - asks Ss to rearrange words in correct sounds / A/ or / a:/ : cup, fat, car, stuck, dumb, fast, flood, cartoon, mud, shark - corrects III. Grammar & - asks Ss these questions - answer vocabulary (25’) + do you like learning English ? + yes, I do / No, I don’t + why do you want to learn it ? + because I want to be + how long have you learn it ? teacher + for 4 years

- underlines “learning” & “ to learn” - asks Ss to repeat the usage of gerund and infinitive Exercise 1 : Practice - asks Ss to make question for the following responses work in individually - calls some Ss to write on the board - checks and corrects Exercise 2 : - asks Ss to fill in the blanks with an- ing or to infinitive form of verbs work in groups of four - correct IV. Homework (3’) - asks Ss to do exercises of language focus in work books

UNIT 3 : PEOPLE’ S BACKGROUND LESSON 5 : READING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read the passage about a famous person II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : - Grammar :+ past simple, past perfect + the structure the first woman to receive a Phid from the sort - New words : some words relating to the field of science III. TEACHING AIDS : - Pictures of some famous people - Hand out (worksheet) - Flash card IV. PROCEDURE

Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (4’) - Asks Ss to close the books show some pictures Ss : - asks Ss to give the names and the jobs of these people - looks at the picture - asks a question to lead in .Have you ever heard about and tell the names and Marie Curie ? and what do you know her ? the jobs - T asks note on the board - answers the questions II. Pre- reading (7’) - Presents some words and structures Listens, takes note and + tutor (n) reprate after teacher + interrupt (v) + tragic (a) + realize (v) + Marie Curie because the first woman to receive a Ph.D from the sorbone = who received a Ph.D from the sorbone III. While reading * Task 1 (5’) -Work in pairs to match (23’) - Guides Ss what to do the words or phrases - Have Ss read silently the passage phrases in task1 and their meanings - checks Ss understanding and corrects the mistakes * Task 2 :(8’) Guides Ss to do the task - Do the task - Asks Ss to read the passage again and do the task individually - calls some Ss to give their answers - gives the answer, - Have Ss listen to their partners and correct if necessary listen and correct * Task 3 : (10’) - Asks Ss to read silently once more and get the information to answer the questions . Checks the answer and asks Ss to supply some more information if - work in pairs to ask necessary and answer - presents their task in front of the class. Listen to their partners and give some more information IV. Post- reading - Elicits Ss ‘ meanings of the words provides. Gives - gives the meanings of (10’) meanings of words if necessary words - asks Ss to discuss to find some evidences - have some representatives tell their ideas and the - work in groups to find others some useful information some evidence - gives some cues and asks Ss to summarize the text - presents the - call some group leaders to present the summary evidences, listen and add some more information - work in groups of 4 to summarize - listen and give comments V. Homework (3’) - learns words by heart and use the words in “after you Task note read” to make sentences - prepare and tell your partners a life of a Vietnamese famous person

UNIT 3 : PEOPLE’ S BACKGROUND LESSON : SPEAKING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer about people’s background II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : - Grammar : the past perfect and the simple past - New words : words related to one’s curriculum vitae - Pronunciation : / e/ or /ae/ III. TEACHING AIDS : pictures, extra pieces of paper IV. PROCEDURE Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (5’) * Match the information with the two famous people : Work in groups Marie Curie Uncle Ho

Ngh Pris e An on diar y Pris on diar y

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Uncle Ho’s portrait

19 11

Ba Nobel Dinh prize squ 79 years arEe old II. Pre- reading (5’) *Task 1 : ( in book) - family - dislike Pair- work - education - appearance - hobby - experience III. While- reading * Task 2 : ( in book) Work in groups of 4 (15’) - greeting - date of birth - place of birth - home - parents - brother( s) - sister(s) - primary school - secondary school - school work - favourite subject - experience - thanking * Imagine you are a manager. You are an interviewer and 3 & of year friends are interviewees IV. Post- reading * Task 3: Individually work (17’) - the manager informs the two winners and the reasons why… - talk about the person you admire most and the reason why…( Uncle Ho may be of your choices) V. Homework (2’) - practice talking about people’s background Group work - prepare for the next period : + more information about Olympic champions

LESSON PLAN UNIT 3 : PEOPLE’ S BACKGROUND LESSON : LISTENING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know Sally’s origin and then they can try to be a certain Olympic champion if they really love sports II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : - New words : words related to sports activities - Skills : listening and speaking III. TEACHING AIDS : picture on medals and Champion III. PROCEDURES Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (3’) - Shows a picture and give Ss the quick questions - Ss answer + what is it / that/ this ? + medal + do you want one ? + yes/ no + if you want you can get it, but you have to be the best/ champion a sport competition. And the person who can help you be the champion today is a girl. Who is she ? How is her origin ? Listen to the conversation between bob, the journalist and her

II. Pre-listening (7’) - write the important vocabulary items on the board Ss clouted to say the + general education (n) : any of a exams taken by pupils wearing of the words in British secondary school before their teacher’s + basket ball (n) explanation + romantic book (n) : love story + diploma (n) : a certificate awarded for passing an exam completing a course of study + Olympic (adj.) (n) : international athletic competition held in modern times every four years in a different country. + divide the conversation into 2 sections a/ “ congratulations… two brothers” b/ “ what do you like to do… tell me” III. While- listening - Take the parts of bob and sally - books closed (20’) - Give Ss time to think of it - Ss will be asked how Task 1 - Let Ss listen to the tape much they can hear - Get Ss to decide whether the statements are T or F At first I have Ss listen to me and try to fill in the blanks and then I tell them to check it up by looking at their books IV. Post- listening - I give Ss some more question about the conversation (4 Work in pairs (12’) or 5 would be a maximum number) - I get Ss to ask and answer questions about sally in front of the class V. Homework (3’) Prepare writing lesson

UNIT 3: PEOPLE’ S BACKGROUND LESSON :WRITING I. OBJECTIES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how to write about people’s background II. LANGUAGE FOCUS - Grammar : the part simple - New words : words related to people’s background III. TEACHING AIDS : hand cut IV. PROCEDURE Stage Teacher’s activities Student’ activities

Time needed

I. Warm- up (3’) - T gives a Vietnamese CV and asks Ss some questions Ss work individually + what is it ? + what do you know when you see one’s CV ? + what is used for ? + do you know how to write a CV in English ?

II. Pre- writing * Task 1 : (10’) - T asks Ss to read Mr. Brown’s CV and to remark the -Ss work in groups ways to write this CV. - T gets Ss’ remarks - T asks Ss these questions . Can we write it in the full Ss work individually form ? How ? - T guides Ps how to do the task + T asks one student to read these cues aloud and to give their Vietnamese meaning quickly + T asks Ss to answer what tense we use to write Ss work in groups + T gives Ss time to do the task + T asks two representatives of two groups to write Ss follow and remarks their letters on the board answer the questions + T remarks * Task 2 : - T asks some quick questions ( 10’) + do you know where and when your partner’s parents were born ? + do you know their jobs, their interests + what question do you often use to ask for the information ? - T gives Ss hand- out to do the Task - Ss work in pairs - T gets the answers by asking one pair to do the task - Ss follow and remark likes that on the board - T gets some more answers and remarks quickly their mistakes. III. While-writing * Task 3 : (10’) T asks Ss to read the information carefully and gives 4 extra boards for 4 Ss to write their letters on - T goes around the class to check Ss ‘ practice and helps them if necessary

IV. Post-writing -T asks 4 Ss to bang their boards on the board and the Ss work individually (10’) guides the others to find out mistakes Ss look for the mistakes - T directs Ss to correct the mistakes and correct them - T gives feedback V. Homework (2’) - T asks Ss to do the exercise in the exercise book (page 22) prepare “Language focus” + pay attention to the difference of pronunciation between / e/ - / ae/ + review the past perfect vs the past simple

UNIT 4 : SPECIAL EDUCATION LESSON : READING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read the passage and have an edaquate understanding about the class for the disabled children II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : 1. Pronunciation : identifying the sounds :/ o/ & / o:/ by underline the words containing those sounds in the text 2. grammar and vocabulary - the + adj. - used to + infinitive - which as a connector III. TEACHING AIDS : extra- board, pictures IV. PROCEDURE

Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (4’) T : asks some questions Students’ answers may 1. what do you often do everyday ? vary 2. do you often listen to music or watch T.V? 3. which of these activities would be difficult for blind and deaf people ? II. Pre- reading (7’) T : introduce the Braille Alphabet & explain what the - students guess what Braille Alphabet is the picture in the book T : present vocabulary & structures is (Braille Alphabet ) - prevent Ss from doing something (exp.) - Ss can translate into - opposition Vietnamese and give - oppose (v) – be opposed to something the synonyms - be proud of something/ somebody - Ss can make a - make efforts to do something sentences from these expression III. While reading - T : + asks Ss to work in pairs - Ss work in pair (23’) + have Ss guess some new words in the task 1 - Ss can translate into - T : + asks Ss to scan the reading to get the specific Vietnamese some information to do task 2 words + explain the word : “infer” in “it can be inferred” - work in groups + asks Ss to work in groups + check & correct these answers - explain their choice

IV. Post- reading - divide the class into groups of for to do exercise in the Work in groups (10’) book ( fill in gap) V. Homework (3’) - asks Ss to learn new words by heart - asks Ss to write the passage (about 100- 120 words) to show their feelings about disabled children - ask Ss to prepare part B UNIT 4 : SPECIAL EDUCATION LESSON : SPEAKING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the simple past tense to talk about their subjects and their school life II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : - Grammar - New words III. TEACHING AIDS : extra- board IV. PROCEDURE Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (5’) Play a game Work in groups - T divides class into a groups and asks Ss to try to remember the subjects learned - T calls the representative of each group to write down them on the board Correct their mistakes - T checks and finds out the winner by themselves - T leads into the new lesson II. Pre- speaking *Task 1 : (10’) - T guides Ss how to do task 1 clearly - T asks Ss to work in groups of four discussing Work in groups - T & Ss check & remark - T asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs - T asks some pairs to present their practice before the Work in pairs class III. While- reading * Task 2 Work in pairs (13’) - T explain the suggestion in the book & asks Ss to work in pairs - T calls some pairs to practice - T & Ss remark IV. Post- reading * Task 3: Listen and remark (17’) - T asks Ss to tell the whole class what they know about their partner - T calls some Ss to present in front of the class - T corrects if necessary - T divides the class into 5 groups to tell what they like and dislike in school - T calls the representable of each group to present in front of the class - T remarks and give V. Homework (2’) T asks Ss : Group work + to make the passage (100-120 words ) talking about which subject they like best & why

UNIT 4 : SPECIAL EDUCATION LESSON : LISTENING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - listen to find out information - listen & retell the story in speaking or writing II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : - Grammar - New words III. TEACHING AIDS : tape, cassette player IV. PROCEDURE Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (3’) - T divides class into 4 groups to write down some - Ss work in group words derived from the word “photo” - T calls Ss to write on the board - Ss write on the board - T remarks II. Pre-listening - T explains the meaning and the parts of speech of these Ss work in pairs (10’) words - T asks Ss to fill the blanks - T corrects - T asks Ss to listen and repeat the words : Ss listen & repeat + surroundings + sorrow + passion + labourer + deaf + mute + exhibition + stimulate * Task 2 : - T asks Ss to listen again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) - T checks the answers * Task 3 : T asks Ss to listen again and tick (v) the Group work sentences you hear Pair work IV. Post- listening T asks Ss to say how a forest fire may start and what Pair work(some leaders (8’) every camper ought to remember will present their * Free practice : reports ) what should we do to protect our forests ?

V. Homework (2’) Teaching asks students to write some sentences about Discussion ( group the causes of forest fires work)


I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read and understand a simple letter of complaint and write a complaint letter about the poor quality the service at an English Centre. II. TEACHING METHOD Communication method III. TEACHING AIDS: Blackboard, Pictures of some advertisements for English learning, Textbook. IV. NEW LESSON: UNIT 4/ LESSON 4/ WRITING Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm- Up - Asks Ss to work in groups ( Gives Ss ten or more adjectives and asks Ss to put them under two - Work in groups headings): compliments and complaints  Adjectives Bad; helpful; expensive; lazy; hard-working; good; careful; poor; unhappy; beautiful.  Suggested answers Compliments Complaints TASK 1 Helpful Bad Hard- expensive working - Listen to the teacher Good lazy and take notes Careful poor Beautiful unhappy - Gives Ss definition and format of a letter of complaint: Complaint is a kind of formal letter - Answer the question used when you are not happy with a service, a contract, a course… A letter of complaint usually - Take notes includes three main parts - Puts the question: What’s a complaint letter? - Gives the structure of the letter. Structure of a complaint letter  Writer’s address  Receiver’s address  Greeting: Dear…  Introduction: why you write the letter.  Body: what you want to complain  Conclusion: what you want them to do  Ending: yours faithfully  Signature - Work in pairs - Asks Ss to work in pairs to read the advertisement & the instruction - Explains some difficult words and expressions. * NEW WORDS - native teacher (n) - English- speaking countries (n) - Pick up the new - Air- conditioned(a) words and take note, - Air-conditioner. work individually. - Says: After studying for two weeks at English for Today centre, you notice that everything is worse than what the advertisement says. A friend of - Listen to the yours wants to know about the centre and you tell teacher him/her the facts. Now you work in pairs and complete the dialogue with your own ideas. - Goes around the class and offer help. - Calls on some Ss to read their own answers aloud to class. - Work in pairs - Has Ss read the letter of complaint in the book and complete it basing on the dialogue in task1. - Some Ss read. - Asks Ss to use appropriate connectors to make the Others listen to writing smoother. - Complete task1 - Tells Ss to exchange their writing with a friend. - Goes around the class, tests Ss - Individual work And picks up some writings to check the mistakes as the whole class.

UNIT 4 : LESSON : LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - pronoun exactly & fluently the sound : / d/- / d:/ in words and in sentences - use the structure : used to + infinitive and which as a connector in writing and speaking II. TEACHING AIDS : a cassette III. PROCUDURE

Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (5’) - T writes the sentence on the board, put the socks on - Ss close the books . - top of the box One Ss reads and says - T underlines the sounds & leads into the lesson what sounds are repeated . II. Pronunciation * listen and repeat - Ss open their books Activity 1 (5’) -T writes two sounds / A / & / a: / on the board - T reads the sounds -Repeat in chorus - T reads the words in the text book - Repeat in chorus then in - T asks Ss to close the books and numbers two individually sounds from 1 to 2 -T read the words in the text book - Say loudly the number of the sound heard - Open the books - Read the words in pairs

- Listen and repeat * practice these sentences - Read individually as Activity 2 (7’) -T reads the sentences directed - asks Ss to pay attention to the sentence stress - Work in pairs - asks Ss to pick out the words containing the sounds / i/, / i:/ - Read the result - T checks the result more exercises : T plays the tape - check the result - T asks Ss to pick and the words containing / o/ they recognize in the sentences they hear : story, rob, tomorrow, hospital, stone, shop, airport - asks Ss to rearrange words in correct sounds / A/ or / a:/ : cup, fat, car, stuck, dumb, fast, flood, cartoon, mud, shark - corrects III. Grammar & T shows the picture about disable children and asks - answer vocabulary (25’) - What do they like ? - T gives the answer: they are disable children - T asks Ss to rewrite the sentence using “the + Adj.” - T leads to exercise 1 - T directs Ss to do exercise using the Adj. - Ss write on the board - T checks the result Activity 1 Exercise 2 - Ss work individually - T writes the sentence on the board and asks Ss to then exchange the result rewrite the sentence using Used to + ing in pairs Activity 2 ex : I often went fishing with my uncle when I was young + I used to go fishing - Ss write on the board - T has Ss do exercise 2 - T checks the result - Ss work in groups - T guides the suggestion exercise 3 and asks Ss to work in pairs - Ss work in pairs - T calls some pairs to read their answers - T corrects - Ss read their answer Activity 3

IV. Homework (3’) Do the exercise of language focus in workbooks of unit 4


LESSON : READING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read the passage specific information and learn about how present and future devices and equipment may change our lifestyle II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : - Grammar - New words: words related to modern devices and equipment III. TEACHING AIDS : pictures IV. PROCEDURE

Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (4’) T show a picture of a modern devices and asks Suggested answers question - It is a computer 1. what is this ? - yes, I can 2. Can you know to use it ? II. Pre- reading (8’) Task 1 : Answer the following questions - Ss work in groups - T writes the question on the board and asks to answer - to get information/ to 1. What do people use computer for ? send and receive mail 2. What can be other purser of computers in the - to do the shopping/ to future ? design hour/ to give - T checks and write the answers on the board advice Task 2 : match objects with their names - T has Ss work in pair and modern the objects painted in the textbook with their names - Ss do the task keys : 1d, - T conducts the connection and discusser the uses of 2e, 3g, 4c, 5a, 6f, 7b, 8h some of these devices III. While reading * Task 1 : match the words and phrase in column A - Ss work in groups (23’) with it’s the definition in column B keys : 1c, 2e, 3a, 4b, 5d - T asks Ss to guess the meaning of column A and continue with the meaning of column B - T checks and helps Ss if necessary * Task 2 : decide which of the three options below is - Some groups present the best little for the passages their result before the - T asks Ss to check the information of the passage, class then choose the best option - Ss work in groups - T : what’s the best title A, B or C ? - discuss to find the best title - Ss: © what can the * Task 3 : answer the questions, using the cues given computer do ? in the textbook: - T explains some words and asks Ss to answer the - Ss work in pair question - find the information to + miraculous : answer the questions + capable of : + magical : 1. what can the computer do to help us in our daily 1. computer can help us lives ? send and receive mails in 2. why is the computer a miraculous device? very short time - T checks and corrects the mistakes if necessary 2. because it’s not only capable of providing information but also in used as a calaulating machines IV. Post- reading - T gives a tape and asks Ss to discuss about it : “Talk Work in groups (10’) about the advantages of using a computer” Discuss - T gives suggestions and comments then checks and corrects V. Homework (3’) - T suggests Ss’s homework : Ss do homework at home + find out some problem that people encounter when using computer - T guides Ss to prepare the next lesson

UNIT 5 : TECHNOLOGY AND YOU LESSON : SPEAKING I. OBJECTIVIES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - ask and answer some information about the uses of modern inventions - talk about the uses of modern technology II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : - Grammar - New words : words related to modern devices and equipments III. TEACHING AIDS : handouts IV. PROCEDURE Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (5’) T give Ss some handouts Ss do the task in groups T has Ss work in groups and match the objects with their names Keys * Handout 1. c. radio Objects Names of electric 2.b. television devices 3.e. washing- machine - picture 1(maùy daøi) a. fax-machine 4.f. air condition - picture 2 (ti vi) b. television 5.d. electric cooker - picture 3 (maùy giaët) c. radio 6. a. fax- machine - picture 4(maùy ñieàu hoøa) d. electric cooker - picture 5(noài côm ñieän) e. washing-machine , f. air- condition Ss answers may ary - picture 6(maùy fax ) suggested answers T conducts the correction and asks Ss : - It’s used to watch films - can / could you tell me what a TV in used for ? - It’s used to learn T leads into the new lesson English

II. Pre- speaking *Task 1 : (in book) * Class organization : (8’) - T work in pairs. Asks and answer question about the Ss sit in pairs uses of modern inventions Ss practice in pairs - T has some pairs present their practice before the Some Ss present their class practice III. While- speaking * Task 2 ( in book) Work in pairs to choose (10’) - T work in pairs complete the sentences use the words the appropriate verbs to in the box ( you will have to use some verbs more than fill in the gaps once) - some Ss present their - T walks around the class and offer helps Ss if result before the class necessary keys : - T asks some pairs to present their results 1. store 2. transmit 3. process 4. send 5. hold 6. make 7. send 8. receive 9. design IV. Post- speaking * Task 3: (in book) - Ss answers may vary (10’) T asks Ss some questions to lead into the tasks 3 suggested answers: Questions : - I think… - In what way is information technology the most - Because… useful to our lives ? Ss do the task 3 in groups - Why do you think Ss ? some Ss present their T has Ss do the task 3 reasons before the class T walks around the class and offers ideas and while the other listen and comments when students need help then T selects remark some groups to present their results V. Homework (2’) T asks Ss : Ss work at home + find 3 modern inventions then work with a partner to talk about the uses of them

UNIT 5 : TECHNOLOGY AND YOU LESSON : LISTENING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to a monologue of 120- 150 words for general or specific information. II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : - Grammar - New words: words related to modern devices and equipments III. TEACHING AIDS IV. PROCEDURE Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (3’) T shows a picture of some modern devices and asks - Ss answer may vary questions * suggested answers 1. Name some modern devices you know ? 1. I have a fridge, a 2. Can you tell me what a fridge is used for and a telephone vacuum cleaner telephone ? 2. A fridge is used to keep food and vegetables fresh II. Pre-listening - T has Ss close their books and asks them Ss close their books and (10’) 1. How many modern devices are there ? look at the table in their 2. What are they ? books 3. How often do you use each of the them ? Ss work in pair, asking and T uses pictures, objectives to give the meaning of answering the question 3, new words then tick (v) in the task T plays the recording twice Ss listen and repeat III. While- listening Task 1 : - Ss read the statements in T has Ss read the statements in their books carefully silence T plays the recording twice - Ss listen, then discuss in T walks around the class and offer help Ss if pairs to decide whether the necessary statements are T or F T plays the recording to conduct the correction Some students present their Task 2 : results T has Ss read the story T plays the recording twice - Ss read the story with the T plays the recording once more gaps in silence T plays the recording to correct Ss results - Ss work in pairs, doing the task Ss checks their work IV. Post- listening T has Ss listen to the man’s talk again Ss listen then retell the T listen to check their work story in pairs Two students retell the story in of the class V. Homework T assigns homework Ss write the main ideas of the story in their notebooks

UNIT 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU LESSON :WRITING I. OBJECTIES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a set of instructions of 100- 120 words following a suggested model and word cues II. LANGUAGE FOCUS - Grammar : - New words : words related to modern devices and equipments III. TEACHING AIDS : pictures a phone card IV. PROCEDURE Stage Teacher’s activities Student’ activities

Time needed

I. Warm- up (5m’) - T shows a picture of a public telephone and asks Ss ‘ answer may vary questions 1. what is this ? 2. have you ever used a public telephone ? 3. Is this easy or difficult to use it ? May be Ss can’t answer - T has Ss open their books and introduces the set the question 4 of instructions on how to use a public telephone II. Pre- writing * Task 1 : read the following set of instructions on * Class organization : Ss (5m’) how to uses a public telephone sit in pairs - T uses pictures, real objects to give the meaning Ss read the set of of new words instructions in silence - T shows a phone card and asks questions and guess the meaning of + What’s it ? new words + What’s it used for ? Ss listen to questions and + What are the steps in using a public telephone ? answer + What should you do if you want to get help ? * Suggested answers : + What should you do if you want to call five - It is a phone card services/ the police/ an ambulance ? - It is used to make a call - They are first, left, next, insert… - To obtain help, dial 116 + To call fire service, dial 114 + To call the police, dial 113 + To call an ambulance, dial 115 Ss work in pairs

* Task 2 : Find out the connectors and the imperative from of the verbs from the instructions T has Ss read the instructions is silence and find out the connectors from the instructions Some Ss present their ( 2m) T walks around the class and offer helps Ss if results before the class necessary Ss work in groups, T asks some pairs to present their results looking at the T.V and * Task 3 : (in book) having discussions. Then T has Ss look at the T.V and remote control and they answer the questions answer the questions Representatives of each groups present their ideas in front of the class * Suggested answers (8m) 1. If we want to operate a T conduct the correction T.V with a record control, we have to make sure that the cord in plugged and the main is turned on 3.Press the power button 4. Press number 1,2 , 3,4… 5. Press the volume button up and down 6. Press the mute button

III. While- writing Task 4: ( in book) Ss work individually (7’) T answers task : each student write a set of Ss writing may be instructions on how to operate a T. V with a remote different control, using the picture and the question in their book as suggestions

IV. Post-writing Task 5: teacher gives suggestions and corrections Ss read one another’s (10’) writings. Then some Ss read their writing in front of the class V. Homework (2’) T assigns homework Ss write a set of instructions how to use an object they know

UNIT 5 : LESSON : LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - pronoun exactly & fluently the sound : / u/- / u:/ in words and in sentences - use the present perfect, the present perfect passive and “who, which, that” structure in writing and speaking II. TEACHING AIDS : III. PROCUDURE

Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (5’) - T writes the sentence on the board . After Lan had - One Ss reads and say put the fruit on the table, she cooked a meal what sounds are repeated yesterday - The sounds /u/ - /u:/ T underlines the sound and leads into the lesson. II. Pronunciation * Task 1: listen and repeat - Ss open their books Activity 1 (5’) -T writes two sounds / u / & / u: / on the board - T reads the sounds -Repeat in chorus - T reads the words in the text book - Repeat in chorus then in - T asks Ss to close their books and numbers two individually sounds from 1 to 2 -T read the words in the text book - Say loudly the number of the sound heard - Open the books - Read the words in pairs

- Listen and repeat * Task 2: practice these sentences - Read individually as Activity 2 (7’) -T reads the sentences directed - asks Ss to pay attention to the sentence stress - Work in pairs - asks Ss to pick out the words containing the sounds / u/, / u:/ - Read the result - T checks the result More exercises : T plays the tape - check the result - T asks Ss to tick and the words they recognize in the sentence they hear T gives a remark

III. Grammar & * T ask 1: The present perfect - Ss answer the questions vocabulary (25’) T asks Ss to answer the questions + I have never been to - How long have you learnt English ? Lon Don - Which tense is used in these sentence ? + The present perfect - Have you ever been to Lon Don ? tense T introduces the exercise Ss work individually then Exercise 1 using the present perfect tense exchange the result in T checks the result pairs * Task 2 : the present perfect passive T asks Ss to use these words to complete sentences : “Titanic” has been Titanic/ show/ country/ since May showed in the city since T asks Ss to give the form of the present perfect May passive and then do exercise 2 - Work in pair T goes around to helps Ss if necessary T checks the result * Task 3 : T reviews relative pronouns - Ss work individually T has Ss do the exercise 3 and compare the result T check the result with a partner

IV. Homework (3’) Do the exercise of language focus in workbook page 61

LESSON PLAN UNIT 6 : AN EXCURSION LESSON : READING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know about arrangements for an excursion through reading a letter II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : - Grammar : present progressive (future meaning) : be going to - New words: words related to excursion III. TEACHING AIDS : pictures IV. PROCEDURE

Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (3’) T asks: Is Viet Nam a beautiful country ? Ss answer T instructs a game among groups of 6, list as many Ss work in their groups landscapes in VN as possible T collects Ss papers, choose the paper with the most olaces, wads then aloud, announces the winter II. Pre- reading (7’) T ask : Have you ever visited them or just seen their Ss answer pictures or just heard about them ? T asks Ss to look at the 4 pictures in the book, work in pairs to decide what they are , match them with Ss answer in pairs correct information, tell each other which place they’d like to visit and the reason T explain some new words if necessary T checks corrects and call some Ss say their choice pairs to ask and answer about their opinion T asks Ss to look at the 5th picture gives some Ss say their choice guiding questions + what’s this landscape ? + who’s going to visit it ? + how is that trip going to talk place ? T leads into the text T explains some new words + excursion : (translate) + cave : (picture) + permission (n) = to permit = to allow Ss take notes + persuade (v) : try to make someone agree with you + campfire (n) = camp- fire T teaches Ss pronunciation

Ss read the words III. While reading T asks Ss to read the text and answer the 3 guiding Ss read the text silently (20’) questions Ss say their answers T asks Ss to answer the 1st two questions key : 1. It is the way to Huong Pagoda 2. Lan and her classmates are T ask Ss to read the text again to do task 1 Ss do the task T explains some words (complain, relax, individually destination ) T check Ss read the whole T asks Ss to read the question in task 2 reread the sentence text and answer Ss work in pairs T checks by calling some pairs to ask and answer IV. Post- reading T asks Ss to complete the summary by filling the Work in groups of 3 or 4 (12’) gaps T checks Ss choice Ss volunteer to do the T asks Ss to summarize the letter using their own task words Ss work in groups T asks Ss to work in groups make some arrangements for an excursion to somewhere in Tuy Hoa Ss listen T calls representative to present their plans V. Homework (3’) - learn vocal Ss do homework at home - complete the exercise above UNIT 6: AN EXCURSION

LESSON : SPEAKING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - Give opinions about arranging the seats on a boat - talk about their most suitable seat and give the reasons I. LANGUAGE FOCUS - Grammar - New words : II. TEACHING AIDS : III. PROCEDURE

Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (5’) Play a game - ask Ss to guess the word about a transport that I thinks about - divide class into 4 group. The group finding it correctly Group wok and quickly is the winner - If Ss can’t guess, T gives more information “It has 4 letters”

II. Pre- speaking BOAT Ss answer (15’) * T asks Ss some questions - have you traveled by boat ? - what are advantages and disadvantages of traveling by boat ? (about health- seasick, fresh air / skin- sunburnt/ sight seeing- a good view, etc…) T writes new words on board Task 1 : ask Ss to read task 1 in book T read the requirement aloud, then asks Ss Ss look at task 1 in the - What is it ? book answer - where is Chicago ? It’s in Chicago It’s the third big city in America, belongs to Illinois state. Lake Michigan is one of five beautiful lakes in America * T explain some hard words: -sundeck (n) Ss read task 1 - suffer from(v) - air conditioning (n) * T asks Ss some question to check Ss’ comprehension - what do you know about Mary ? Ss answer - where is the best seat for Mary ? * T asks Ss to look at the seat plan in Task 2 ( in book) - T explains the seat plan Ss look at the book + occupied + refreshments - T repeat the question. Where is the best seat for Mary ? - T asks 2 Ss to read the conversation in book - T explains some structures to ask and give opinions + I think he/ she should….. + that’s a good idea Ss read aloud + I don’t think so + to be suitable for + had better + what do you think ?/ what’s your idea ?

III. While- speaking Ask Ss to discuss in group Group work (12’) T goes around to check Ss’ practice Ask representatives of some groups present their decision, then ask the other group’s opinion IV. Post- speaking * Task 3: Pair work (10’) T : If our class is going to on a boat trip on Ba river. Which seat do you think is the most suitable for you ? why? - T asks some pairs to play role Role play

V. Homework (3’) - ask Ss to write a paragraph, giving your opinion about the seat on a trip & your reason - write 5 sentence about what you like to do when going for a picnic


LESSON : LISTENING I. ECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen and understand some information about a picnic II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : - Grammar - New words: words related to action of a picnic III. TEACHING AIDS : cassette player, pictures, worksheets IV. PROCEDURE

Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (3’) * Get Ss to play a game : worksheets Work in groups of 4 Match a verb in column A with a suitable word or phrase in column B A B 1. take a. soundly 2. get up b. yourself 3. prepare c. photos/ photographs 4. set up d. excited 5. play e. a tent 6. enjoy f. early 7. feel g. food and drinks 8. sleep h. at the stadium 9. return i. games 10. meet j. home * The rule : which group finish first and has the most right answers will be the winner * Collect the worksheets and give the key * Ask “when do you often do these actions ? Do you Answer individually often go for a picnic ?where ? when? II. Pre-listening * Lead Ss to the new lesson : Ss close their books and (10’) - Ask Ss to do the exercise in the book look at the table in their - check 2 pairs books - say : “you are going to listen to a passage of a picnic. Ss work in pair, First practice reading the following words. You’ll hear them in the passage - get Ss to practice reading the words in the book - explain new words : glorious, spacing, left over, Only listen tannical garden Listen and repeat III. While- listening - Explain the requirement in task 1 - work in groups of 4 (20’) - ask Ss to look at the pictures in the book and order them in groups - check but not comment - asks Ss to listen to the cassette player/ the teacher and listen and do the exercise do the exercise in the book in groups of 4 - go round and see if Ss can do the exercise to get Ss to listen more - check and get Ss to compare the key with their prediction - ask Ss to do task 2 : the same procedures as task 1 - ask Ss to read the question in task 3 in silence and then - discuss in groups of 4 listen and answer them - get Ss to discuss in groups - check and correct IV. Post- listening - get Ss to do the exercise in the book (after you Groups of 4 (10’) read ) - check and correct V. Homework (2’) Ask Ss to rewrite the answer if to the questions in task 3 Work at home Prepare the new lesson


LESSON :WRITING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a confirmation letter II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : Some expressions are after used in confirmation letter - I will…. - I’m glad to III. TEACHING AIDS : an extra board IV. PROCEDURE

Stage Teacher’s activities Student’ activities

Time needed I. Warm- up (5m’) - T asks Ss to find some words which can be used with Ss work in pairs the word “LETTER” such as invitation letter - T calls some Ss to give the answer + regret + business letter + friendly +apology + thank you + complaint + love + confirmation - T ask Ss some question to read into the new lesson + have you ever received a request letter ? + If you accept the request, how do you mute a confirmation letter ? Ss answer the question II. Pre- writing - T asks Ss to do task 1 Ss do task 1 as directed (5m’) - T explains the usages of “ I will…” and some new words + to pick someone up (translation) + convenient (a) = confact - T checks the result by calling 2 Ss and the complete the chart on the board Mai’s request Hoa’s conformation + can you go shopping + certainy I will help with me to buy the you to prepare tying we need for the every thing you trip ? need for the trip?

III. While- writing Before Ss do task2 , T asks them to read the situations Ss make remark (7’) carefully and reminds them of some difficult words Ss practice writing as + bunch (n) directed + wildlife (n) - T divides the class in+ groups 4 groups write letter 1 and 4 groups write 1 letter 2 and write their letter on - T goes around the class to check Ss practice and helps them if necessary. Ss work in group

IV. Post-writing (15) - T asks 2 Ss to hang their boards on the blackboard Ss look for the mistakes (letter 1 and letter2) - T also guides the other groups to find out the common mistakes Ss correct the mistakes - T directs Ss to correct the mistakes - T gives feed back - T gives the key V. Homework (2’) - each Ss rewrite the confirmation letter - prepare: language focus + pronunciation /a/ and /z/ + review the present UNIT 6 : AN EXCURSION

LESSON : LANGUAGE FOCUS IV. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - pronoun exactly & fluently the sound : / u/- / u:/ in words and in sentences - use the present progressive and “be going to” to express a future plan and a prediction II. TEACHING AIDS : a cassette III. PROCUDURE

Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Time needed I. Warm-up (3’) T has the whole class sing “happy birthday” with only Ss sing vowels /a/ T says “in this new song, we have various /a/ (short ,long, high, low). In English, we have two vowels / a/, /z/ . They are only different in length II. Pronunciation T introduces the lesson (12’) Listen and repeat : Ss close their books, T writes two vowels / a/ (column 1), /z/ (column 2) on listen the board T read the words in book are by one and has Ss listen Ss listen and choose 1 or and decide whether they are one or two 2 T writes the words on the board according to Ss’ opinions T asks Ss to look at the book and to check (correct it if necessary) Ss open book and check T read the words in the textbook Ss repeat in chorus, in Practice these sentences : individually T reads the sentences Ss listen and repeat T asks Ss to pay attention to the sentence stress Ss reads individually as T asks Ss to pick out the words containing the sounds /a/ directed & /z/ T checks the result Ss read the result III. Grammar & The present progressive ( with a future meaning) and - Ss answer vocabulary “be going to” Presentation (10’) T asks “what are you going to do this weekend”? T writes an answer an on the board “ she is visiting this weekend” T says and writes a sentence about herself “I’m going to visit… too but I haven’t decided the time” T asks Ss to remark the different use between “be going to” and present progressive T confirms Ss discuss + present progressive : an intention with a specific plan (specific time) + “be going to” an intentions with or without a specific time T analyses 2 examples in the book for more understanding Note : “be going to” present a prediction Ex: she looks tired . She is going to take a rest T introduce the exercise Exercise 1 : T asks Ss to choose the correct opinion in brackets T checks the result Practice Exercise 2 : Activity 1 (5’) T asks Ss to do ex 2 Ss work individually then T check the result exchange the result in Exercise 3 : pairs T asks Ss to complete the exchange, using the present Activity (5’) progressive on the Ss work in groups T checks the result

Activity 3 (8’) Ss work in pairs Consolidation

IV. Homework (2’) Make 2 sentences, using present progressive (future meaning) Make 2 sentences using “ be going to”

LESSON PLAN UNIT 7 : THE MASS MEDIA Lesson: Reading I . OBJECTIVES : 1. Knowledge : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand about different types of the mass media , knowing about some popular T.V programmes 2. Skill : Reading comprehension II . LANGUAGE FOCUS 1.Pronunciation : the sounds /ei/, / ai /, / oi / 2. Grammar ; Review “Wh- & How” questions 3. New words : Words related to the media, kinds of the mass media, advantages or disadvantages of the mass media, programs of radio T.V III . TEACHING AIDS : Projector, some pictures of M. C , pictures of the mass media IV. PROCEDURE Teacher‘s activities Students’ activities * Warm-up (3mn) T asks ; - Do you like listening to the radio? Ss answering. - Do you often watch T.V? - Which programs do you often watch ? T asks Ss look at the photos of M.C & guess the programs * Pre-reading (10mn) Asking Ss to work with their partners 1. When do you often watch T.V ? 2. How many chanels are there on our national T.V ? Ss work in pairs 3. How many hours per week do you watch T.V ? Ss asking & answering T checks and corrects , asks some pair to work * New words ; T explains the newwords cartoon, drama, comedy, portrait, Folk songs (pictures) * While reading (20mn) -T asks Ss to read the text to do the task 1 T checks and corrects - T has the class read the text again , this time more slowly, to scan the details and do the task2 T walks round the class, listens to Ss’ discussion & offers Ss work in pairs suggestions when necessary Ss match the words with T checks & corrects their definitions T asks Ss to do the task 3 T checks & corrects Dividing Ss into group of * Post reading Four T has Ss work in groups talk about programe on our national T.V Ss have discussions then T gives suggestion & comments representatives of each pair * Homework: (2mn) present their ideas in front of T suggests Ss’ homework the class (T or F)

Ss work in pairs to answer the questions

Ss group works discussions & then representatives of each group present their ideas

Talk about uses of media

UNIT 7: THE MASS MEDIA Lesson : SPEAKING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - Ask & answer questions about uses of media - Talking about different types of media II. LANGUAGE FOCUS - Grammar - New words : relating to mass media ( TV, interest) III. TEACHING AIDS : real object, picture, an extra board IV. PROCEDURE

Stage / Time needed Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm-up (3’) T uses many real objects & pictures of mass media Ss discuss and answer (TV, newspaper, books, radio telephone) T asks Ss to tell which types of them are mass media T asks Ss to explain why they called mass media T checks T leads into the new lesson II. Pre- speaking Task 1: Work in groups (10’) T asks Ss to work in groups (4,6 persons) to read the words below and put a tick next to the words of the mass media T walks round to helps Ss or listen to their discussion T asks Ss to answer & explain T asks Ss to give their knowledge about mass Answer and explain media. III. While- speaking Task 2: Read in silent (17’) T asks Ss to read the information in book and understand some words orally, aurally, visually. T devices Ss into pairs or groups & asks them to discuss about the feature of each type of the mass Ss discuss media has in common T asks Ss to make a chart or write their sentences on board Present their sentences T can use pictures or real object in warm-up T checks IV. Post- speaking * Task 3: Divide Ss into group of (10’) T asks Ss to work in groups to talk about different four types or the mass media & answer the questions in book 1. What are different types of the mass media? Ss have discussion then 2. what feature do they have in common? represent 3. what are their dist native features ? - T asks Ss to present their results - T calls other Ss to discuss about the results of their - T checks & corrects

V. Homework (3’) - ask Ss to write a paragraph about the mass media Ss do at home prepare listening seat on a trip & your reason - write 5 sentence about what you like to do when going for a picnic

UNIT 7: THE MASS MEDIA Lesson : LISTENING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, students will be able hear and understand a news item II. TEACHING AIDS : cassette player, pictures, worksheets III. PROCEDURE

Stage / Time needed Teacher’s activities Students’ activities II. Pre-listening (5’) - Have Ss work in pairs ask and answer the Ss ask and answer question provided - T asks do listen to the news on TV or radio? Ss answer and show their ideas Why or why not?

III. While- listening - have Ss listen to the tape one and ask them to - Ss listen and tick the Task 1(7’) tick the adjectives suitable to each news adjectives for each news, then Task 2(10’) - have Ss listen to the tape again and fill in the change and comment their task missing words - Ss listen and complete the Task 3(10’) - have Ss listen to the news stories again and news stories practice asking and answering in pairs together - Ss practice asking & answering the questions provided in pairs

IV. Post- listening Divide class into groups of 4 to 5 students and Ss stand in front of the class (10’) have them retell their classmates about one of two and retell the news stories after the news discussing V. Homework (3’) Introduce Ss some main points of the next part of Work at home the lesson and ask them to prepare it carefully

UNIT 7: THE MASS MEDIA LESSON :WRITING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - write about advantages & disadvantages of the mass media of 100-200 words using a suggested model & word cues II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : review words related to the mass media Ex: help/ encourage s.o to do s.t Make s.o / s.t + adj III. TEACHING AIDS : an extra board, pictures IV. PROCEDURE

Stage / Time needed Teacher’s activities Student’ activities I. Warm- up (5m’) Giving the pictures of TV , radio, magazine, Ss answering telephone & asking + what’s this? + what are advantages of telephone/ radio/magazine…? + what are disadvantages of them? II. Pre- writing task 1 Ss skim task 1 as directed (5m’) * Requiring Ss to hamming * Explaining the new words structures - help/ encourage s.o to do s.t + help us to learn + encourage us to busy - make s.o/ s.t + adj + make things memorable + make us a ware of + make us passive + make people violent Ss work in pair Asking Ss to repeat about the advantages & disadvantages of T.V III. While- writing Task 2: Individual or Ss work pairs (7’) Work in pairs. Discuss the advantages of the mass media, and write them down in the columns column below Ex: it makes people happy It provides quick access to information and entertainment It hams people’s eyes… Asking Ss to write the information into notebook Task 3: Write a paragraph about the advantages and Ss work individual or group disadvantages of one of the mass media discussed work of 6-8 in task 2

IV. Post-writing Task 4: Ss to hang their boards on the black board Ss look for the mistake (10’) & guides the others to find out the common Ss correct the mistake mistakes T directs Ss to correct the mistakes T gives the key V. Homework (2’) Write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages or one of the mass media

UNIT 7: THE MASS MEDIA Lesson : Language Focus I . OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - Know how to pronounce exactly & fluently the sounds /ai/ /oi/ /ei/ in the words & in the sentence - Use the present perfect, because of & in spite of II . TEACHING AIDS : extra board, a cassette III. PROCEDURE

Stage / Time needed Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm-up (3’) -greeting & asking Read & find out three sound - T writes three words on the board: make, bad, /ei/, /ai/, /ai/ dry - T underlines the sound & lead into the lesson II. Pronunciation Listen and repeat : (12’) T writes three sounds /ei/, /ai/, /oi/ Open their book Activity 1 - reads the model sounds - reads the words in the text book Repeat in chorus & then - guides Ss to read individually - asks Ss to close the book - work in groups - reads & asks Ss to find out the sounds Activity 2 Practice these sentences : - read individually -T reads all sentences - work in groups - T asks Ss to pay attention to the sentence stress - find out the sounds by - T asks Ss to pick out the words containing the writing them on the board sounds /ai/, /ei/ , /ai/ - T checks the result III. Grammar & - writes some sentences on the black board or vocabulary (25mn) extra board - I’ve just cleaned the floor - We’ve have already prepared the lesson - asks Ss which tense is used in these sentences - the present perfect ex1: T directs Ss to do exercise1 using the present Activity 1(8’) perfect - work individually - checks the result - work in groups ex2: Activity 2(7’) - asks Ss to revise the verbs of time: for, since, ago - work in groups - lets Ss read all sentences - in this exercise we’ll practice how to use adverbs of time in this sentences * Note: since, for, ago - checks the result - give the usage ex3: gives some sentences by using “because of, - fill in the blanks Activity 3(8’) in spite of” eg1: He was absent because of his illness eg2: in spite of the cold weathers, we all wore shorts - reminds the usage of “ because of” and “in spite of” - work in pairs - lets Ss do exercises - corrects the sentences

IV. Homework (3’) - Ss do exercises again - Ss prepare lesson 8

LESSON PLAN UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE LESSON : READING Period 1: I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read the passage and understand how the farmer’ lives change due to knowledge of their children from college or technical high school II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : - Grammar : simple past tense - New words: mud, muddy, straw, shortage, farming method, crop bumper crop , cash crop III. TEACHING AIDS : pictures and extra board IV. PROCEDURE

Stage / Time needed Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm-up (5’) - Asking Ss to look at 2 pictures Working in pairs the first : farmers work by hand, buffalo Giving the answer in the second: farmers work by machines front of the class - Asking Ss to compare the differences between the first and the second - Telling Ss about many changes in the village due to the knowledge of their children from college II. Pre- reading (10’) - asking Ss to look at the picture in their text books - Asking Ss some questions + what are the people in the picture doing? + how are they working ? + what do you think of the crop ? + what help produce good crop? - Explaining new words III. While reading - asking Ss to read the text silently - working in groups (13’) Task 1: - coming to the board - dividing the class into 5 groups of 10 to match their paper - delivering each group one piece of paper with with definitions on the phrase in column A written extra board - column B in the extra board correcting them - listening and writing Task 2: down - asking Ss to read the text again - discussing in group - dividing the class into 2 groups - standing up and + group A: before giving the answer + group B: now - correcting the grammar of their sentences Task 3: - asking Ss to read the text once again - working in pairs - asking one Ss to ask a question and the other answer IV. Post- reading - asking Ss to close their books and giving the - working in (15’) main idea of each paragraph individually - asking Ss to discuss the question what can an - work in groups education help you and the others? V. Homework (2’) Write 3 sentences in your own ideas of people Ss do homework at with an education can helps make the life of his home or her community better

UNIT 8 : THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE LESSON : SPEAKING V. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to make questions and give responses in small talks VI. LANGUAGE FOCUS : o Grammar o New words VII. TEACHING AIDS VIII. PROCEDURE Stage / Time needed Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm-up (5’) - T asks Ss to complete the open conversation in 1 - Ss Work minute individually A : ____(1)______B : Hi, Nam. How are you ? A: I’m fine. Thanks, and you ? B: Very well. Thanks, I haven’t seen you for a long time. Let’s go somewhere for a drink A: Sorry,______(2)______- T explains something about these sentences - T leads into the new lesson

II. Pre- reading (8’) *Task 1 : - Ss listen & remark - T gives Ss some expressions which are commonly used when people start or close a conversation ex : + It’s nice to meet you + Bye + How is everything ? + see you again ……… - T asks Ss to do task 1 - T asks some pairs to present their practice before - Ss work in pairs the class - Some Ss present - T asks Ss to read these expressions their results before the class while the others listen & remark. III. While- reading * Task 2 : - Ss work (15’) - T asks Ss to scan task 2 & do it individually - T asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs - Ss work in pairs -T corrects their mistakes if necessary * Task 3 : - T asks Ss to scan task 3 & find out difficult words - Ss work - T explains their meaning if necessary individually - T asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs - T walks around the class & helps Ss if necessary - Ss work in pairs - T asks some pairs to present their practice before the class - Some Ss present their practice before the class while the others listen & remark IV. Post- reading * Task 4 : (15’) - T divides the class into groups (T asks Ss to sit in groups of 4 ) - T asks Ss to do task 4 - Ss work in groups - T walks around the class & helps Ss if necessary - T asks some groups to their practice before the class - some groups present their result before the class while the others listen & remark V. Homework (2’) - T asks Ss to write about conversation done in - Ss do homework at groups home

UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE LESSON : LISTENING V. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to short conversations and then match them with suitable pictures VI. LANGUAGE FOCUS : + Grammar + New words VII. TEACHING AIDS : cassette player VIII. PROCEDURE

Stage / Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Time needed I. Warm-up (5’) - Shows a picture of Ha Long Bay - answer individually - asks Ss some questions : + have you been to Ha Long Bay ? + do you enjoy spending your holiday in HLB ? + How do you like the weather in HLB ? - Encourages Ss to make questions about this picture - work in pairs - repeats good statements to lead in the new lesson II. Pre-listening (3’) - Suggests Ss to arrange a question in A with a - work in pairs response in B - Goes around and helps Ss if necessary - present in front of the - comments and corrects class III. While- listening * Task 1 : (15’) &( 30’) - Divides class into groups of four - asks class to try describing the picture in the text book - plays the tape and asks Ss to listen to (2 or 3 times) - listen and match the * Task 2 : conversation with the - plays the tape again and asks Ss to listen and get pictures information - asks Ss to ask and answer question * Task 3 : - work in pairs - plays the tape and asks Ss to fill the missing words into the blanks - work in pairs - goes around and check some - plays the tape and correct IV. Post- listening - asks Ss to talk about the problem, they have - work in groups (5’) experienced at school V. Homework (2’) - asks Ss write 5 questions about personal hobbies & describe a picture that the teacher gives

UNIT 8 : THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE LESSON : WRITING V. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write or fill in a form VI. LANGUAGE FOCUS : - Grammar - New words : new words related to forms VII. TEACHING AIDS : forms, an extra boards VIII. PROCEDURE Stage / Time needed Teacher’s activities Student’ activities I. Warm- up (5’) - gives a game Ss choose the number F and answer the J O B questions B I R T H P E R M I S S I O N - Asks the questions 1. what do you look for after graduating from high school ? 2. Phu Yen is my place of ______3. What is the noun of the verb “permit” ? 4. key FORM Ss guess the key - Leads in the new lesson II. Pre- writing - Give some forms and hang an extra board with Ask and answer in Task 1 (5’) some questions : pairs 1. Do you know what they are ? 2. what do you fill in the form for ? 3. What sort of information do you often have to provide when you fill in a form ? - summarize information of each answer on the board Task 2 (10’) - Asks Ss to match a line in A with a question in B after presenting some new words : + marital status + occupation + block capital + applicable - Asks Ss to work in pair - corrects Work in pairs III. While-writing - Asks Ss to fill in the form Work individually Task 3 (5’) - Helps Ss and checks when Ss do - Corrects Task 4 (8’) - Asks Ss to fill in the form Work individually( 2- 3 Ss work on the boards) - asks Ss to hang the extra boards while others correct their friend form each other - correct the common mistakes on the extra boards - give the feed back IV. Post-writing (10’) - divides class into 10 groups and asks them to use Work in groups learnt information to write a form about one of topics below + apply for a job + apply for a scholarship + send money in a bank + attend to a club + make a library card - choose two of them to correct V. Homework (2’) - Write two of above topics + prepare new lesson

UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE Lesson : Language Focus I . OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - Pronounce exactly and fluently the sounds /au/ and /au/ in words and in sentences - Use reported speech (statements) and conditional sentence (type 1) in speaking and writing II . TEACHING AIDS : III. PROCEDURE

Stage / Time needed Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm-up (3’) - Teacher writes the sentence on the board - Ss close the books “ I will put my coat on and go put ?” - T underlines the sounds and asks Ss to read the - Ss read and say the example and say what sounds are repeated sounds - T leads in to the lesson /au/, /au/ II. Pronunciation Listen and repeat : (12’) - T writes two sounds /au/, /au/ on the board - T reads twice - T asks Ss to repeat the words in the text book - Ss repeat in chorus Practice the sentences : -T reads the sentences - T asks Ss to pay attention to the sentence stress - listen and repeat - T picks out the words containing the sounds - read individually /au/, /au/ asks - work in pairs Reported speech - give the result - T asks one Ss: “how old are you ?” Activity 1 - T asks the other to give what she or he has just said. Lan said, “I am 16 years old” Lan said that she was 16 years old - T asks Ss to compare the differences between 2 sentences + personal pronoun + tense - T asks Ss to remind those changes - T corrects them - work in individually * exercise 1: the exchange the result - T asks Ss to report these statement using the in pairs verbs suggested - T checks the results * exercise 2: - T asks Ss to remind the differences among “say”, “tell”, “talk” - T asks Ss to do the exercise in textbook (page 90) Conditional sentence (type 1) - T picks out a picture of a car Activity 2 - T asks: “what is it? “, “Do you like it” - T reads “If I have much money, I will buy a car” - answer * exercise 3: - T asks Ss to look at what H. Anh hopes will happen in the future - work in groups of 4 - T asks Ss to write one paragraph about H. Anh by using conditional sentence 1 - T checks the result - read the result * exercise 4 - T asks Ss to put “when”, “if” into each gap - T check the result - work in pairs - compare the result with a partner

III. Homework (2’) - T asks Ss to do the exercise in workbook (page 49/50) - prepare “test yourself” THE SECOND TERM LESSON PLAN


UNIT 9: UNDERSEA WORLD LESSON: READING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read a passage for information of sea animals and plants and modern technology used to study it II. LANGUAGE FOCUS - Grammar: conditional sentences (type II) - New words : words related to plants and animal of the sea III. TEACHING AIDS : picture IV. PROCEDURE

Stage / Time needed Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm-up (5’) - showing a film about plants and animal of the sea - watching the film and saying what they have seen II. Pre- reading (5’) - which ocean does VN belong to ? - Ss do exercise with - tell some more plants and animals of the sea you the picture in text book know - T explains new words - gulf (n), (picture) - mystery (n), (translation) - starfish (n), (picture) - water current (n) ex: electric current - organism (n) - biodiversity (n) - Ss repeat new words - T instructs Ss to read these words and take notes III. While-reading - Ss read silently Task 1 (5’) - group work of four - pair work after Task 2 (5’) scanning the text IV. Post-reading - cues : food, environment, tourism - Ss discuss the (7’) usefulness o the sea in our daily life - learn the new words V. Homework (3’) - write a short passage about the sea (50 words)


I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about some types of sea creatures and undersea life- as well as how to protect them and the environment in general II. LANGUAGE FOCUS - Grammar - New words : herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers III. TEACHING AIDS : picture IV. PROCEDURE

Stage / Time needed Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm-up (5’) - showing 2 pictures - looking at the pictures + one a beautiful beach and answering the + the other a dirty one questions - what do you see in these 2 pictures ? - what should we do to protect the sea ? II. Pre- speaking - T introduces some new words - Ss look though these Task 1 (7’) + herbicide (n) sentences in task 1 to find + pesticide (n) out whether there are any + fertilizer (n) new words or not. - T ask Ss to read new words - Ss repeat new words - word in pair III. While- speaking - T gives 3 parts for each topic: threats, Ss work in group of four Task 2+3 (18’) consequences and solutions (each group discuss one of 4 topics) - one of the Ss of each group presents his or her ideas IV. Post- speaking - T asks Ss to talk about what they should do Ss work individually (12’) and what they shouldn’t do V. Homework (3’) - learn new words - prepare the next period

UNIT 9: UNDERSEA WORLD LESSON: LISTENING I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen and understanding some information about whales II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: Grammar New words: krill, migrate, mammal, the international whaling III. TEACHING AIDS : cassette player, picture I. PROCEDURE

Stage / Time needed Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm-up (5’) - T use a picture of a whale and asks Ss answer the question + what do you know about whale ? - Ss listen and repeat new II. Pre-listening (10’) - T gives new words words + krill (n) - pair work: Ss discuss + migrate (v) the questions in text book + mammal (n) + the international whaling commission III. While- listening - T lets Ss hear the tape 3 times - Ss work individually Task1 (10’) and do task 1 Task 2 (10’) - T lets Ss listen to the tape for specific - Ss can compare with information (3 times) their partners - T calls other Ss to correct the answer - Ss look through the questions before listening - Ss work individually and answer the questions IV. Post- listening Work in groups of 4 to (12’) talk about whales V. Homework (2’) - Ss can talk something about whales in the next period - prepare writing part

UNIT 9: UNDERSEA WORLD LESSON :WRITING II. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a short passage about sea animal III. LANGUAGE FOCUS : - grammar - new words: words related to sperm whales and dolphins IV. TEACHING AIDS : work- sheet V. PROCEDURE

Stage / Time needed Teacher’s activities Student’ activities I. Warm- up (5m’) T gives some words asking Ss to make Ss choose the words and sentences from the worlds relates to the make sentences to describe picture in the textbook : sperm whales, fish, the picture ocean, river, big, small II. Pre- writing - T gives new words Ss read the text silently and Task 1 (5’) + carnivore (n) do the exercise + gestation (n) Ss compare their work + entrapment sheets - T makes some questions to help Ss finish the table III. While- writing - T goes around class and help Ss if Work in groups of four Task2 (18’) necessary

IV. Post-writing (14’) - T asks Ss to write their passage (2) on the Ss compare their work black board sheets - T corrects them by pointing out common mistakes

V. Homework (2’) - write some thing about animal you like - prepare next period

UNIT 9: UNDERSEA WORLD LESSON: LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Pronounce exactly and fluently the sounds /is/, /ea/, /ua/ - Should + conditional sentence type 2 II. TEACHING AIDS III. PROCEDURE Stage / Time needed Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm-up (5’) - Ss play a game by finding A I E out meaningful words from some letters provided in the R O P box H T U - Ss pronounce these words

( poor, here, tour, pair, hear)

II. Pronunciation - T writes 3sounds on the board and asks Ss - Ss listen and repeat (12’) to listen and repeat /ia/, /ea/, /ua/ - Ss find some words that Activity 1(5’) have the same sounds Activity 2 (5’) - T asks Ss to work in pairs to read all the - Ss practice the sounds in sentences and themselves sentence

III. Grammar and - T asks Ss some questions - Ss answer question and vocabulary + what should you do before going to class? use “should” and + what shouldn’t you do when you have a “shouldn’t” cold ? Activity 1(E.1) (9’) - Ss work in pair: one asks and the other answers: S1: Liz needs a change what should she do ? S2: She should go away for a few days

Activity 2 (E.2) (9’) - T asks Ss to do as directed, but Ss say “ I - Ss gives the structure of think or I don’t think” conditional sentence type 2 Activity 3(E.3) (9’) - T divides class into 2 groups - Ss work in groups and - T can give points for good work one of groups go to the black board to write the answers III. Homework (2’) Do exercise of language focus in work book

LESSON PLAN UNIT 10: CONSERVATION LESSON: READING I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the value of forests and nature conservation II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: - Grammar: the passive voice - Pronunciation: /b/ ; /p/ - Vocabulary: words relating to conservation III. TEACHING AIDS: pictures, cassettes player, tape IV.PRODURE Stage / Time needed Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm-up (5’) - chatting - Ss’ answer may very T asks Ss some questions - suggested answer 1. can you tell me some environmental problems? - air pollution, dirty 2. what should we do to solve these problem? streets, flood, forest fires 3. what’s conservation? - planting trees, protecting, animals, conservation II. Pre- reading (5’) - teaching asks Ss to look at the pictures and answer the question on page 104 - T gives some difficult words related to - repeating words in conservation: chorus and individuals + eliminate (v) (translation) + circulation (n) (translation) + hydroelectric (picture) + vegetation (definition) +endangered species (translation) III. While-reading Task 1: match the word in A with B - pair work (18’) - T asks Ss to scan the passage and then do it - silent reading - T corrects Task 2: decide whether the following statements - group work are true or false - silent reading - T divides Ss into groups of 6 - T asks Ss to read the passage in silence and decide whether the following sentences are true or false - T corrects Task 3: - group work - T divides Ss into groups of 6 - T asks Ss to skin the passage in silence and choose the most suitable main idea for each paragraph IV. Post-reading - T asks Ss to answer the question in text book - pair work (7’) - one student in group Free practice: T asks Ss to discuss about presents - what should/ shouldn’t we do to protect our environment? V. Homework (3’) Write a short passage about 80 words about what we should/ shouldn’t do to protect our planet

UNIT 10: CONSERVATION LESSON: SPEAKING I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make a conservation and talk about how to protect rare animals by opening zoos of the new kind. II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: - Grammar - Words III. TEACHING AIDS: handout papers IV.PRODURE

Stage / Time needed Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm-up (5’) Activity 1: playing game - work in groups - giving Ss handout papers - instructing Ss to classify them to the following categories - The content of handout: below is a list of animals classify them to the following categories Farm animals Wild and zoo animals Pets Horse, elephant, monkey, sheep, pig, hen, tiger, - Ss answer may vary giraffe, snake, lion, cat, parrot, tortoise, fish, pard, rhinoceros Activity 2: chatting - asking Ss to answer the questions 1. Have you ever been to the zoo? 2. What animals can you see in the zoo? 3. What are zoos opened for? 4. What animals are in danger? II. Pre- speaking (3’) Task 1: - silent reading - asking Ss to read the paragraph and answer the - pair work questions - correcting Ss’ mistakes - should we open zoos of the new kind or not? - Ss’ answers III. While- speaking Task 2: (10’) - group work (20’) Activity 1: - asking Ss to put stick (v) in the right box to show your agreement or disagreement in task 2 - correcting Ss’ mistakes Activity 2: - asking Ss to share their ideas with a partner by - pair work making a conservation - T can work with a partner T: I think it would be better for animals if they live in the zoo of new kind because they may have better food S: I agree with you - give some advantages and disadvantages of zoos of the new kind - Ss’ answer - correcting Ss’ mistakes - Group work Task 3: Activity 1: - asking Ss to discuss the advantages and - pair work disadvantages of zoos of the new kind - correcting Ss’ mistakes Activity 2: - asking Ss to make a conversation - T can work with a partner - correcting Ss’ mistakes IV. Post- speaking Task 4: asking Ss to make reports Group work (some (13’) - correcting Ss’ mistakes leaders will present) Free practice: talk about zoos of the new kind freely V. Homework (3’) Write a passage about zoos of the new kind about 80 words

UNIT 10: CONSERVATION LESSON: LISTENING I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and get some information about a forest fire II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: - Grammar - Words: words related to a forest fire III. TEACHING AIDS: a film IV.PRODURE Stage / Time needed Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm-up (5’) - T has Ss see a short film about a forest fire, then fire Group work their opinions about this film ( what do you see in the film?)

II. Pre-listening (10’) - T asks Ss to talk about what may cause a forest fire If necessary T gives open questions 1. Do you often go camping in the forest? 2. Is it dangerous when making a camp- fire in the forest? 3. what will happen? When? 4. can you tell me some causes/ damages of forest fires? Listen and repeat: In chorus Forest campfire valuable forester destroy awful heap III. While- listening Task 1: - group work (20’) - T asks Ss to listen and number the events in the order you hear - T plays the tape again - T checks the answer Task 2: - T asks Ss to listen again and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F) - T checks the answer Task 3: - T asks Ss to listen again and tick (v) the sentences - pair work you hear - T plays the tape once more - T checks the answer

IV. Post- listening - T asks Ss to say how a forest fire may start and what - some leaders will (12’) every camper ought to remember present their reports Free practice: ( group work) What should we do to protect our forests? V. Homework (2’) Write some sentences about the causes of forest fires UNIT 10: CONSERVATION LESSON: WRITING I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter of invitation II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: some expressions are often used in letters of invitation - let’s….. - can you……….? - shall we…….? - why don’t you / we…..? - how about…….? - are you free….? - would you like……….? - do you feel like…? III. TEACHING AIDS: an extra board with a game papers IV.PRODURE Stage / Time needed Teacher’s activities Student’ activities I. Warm- up (5m’) - T directs Ss how to play a game - group work - T gives each group with 18 letters and asks them to rearrange into the words which have meaning - The winners will be the ones who are the first to give the answer KEY: LETTER OF INVITATION - Ss give the answer - T asks Ss some questions to lead into the new lesson: - Ss answer the + have you ever received a letter of invitation? questions + what are some expressions often used in letters of invitation ? II. Pre- writing Task 1: - Ss do task1 as Task 1 (5’) - T directs Ss to do task 1 and asks Ss to work in directed pairs in 5 minutes - T checks the result by asking some pairs of students to read their finished sentences - Key: 1.c 2.f/h 3.a 4.g/d 5.f/h 6.d/g 7.e 8.b - T asks Ss to look at the finished sentences and - Ss work individually make a remark on the form of the verbs following the expressions: + let’s……… + (bare infinitive) + why don’t you /we….. + ( to- infinitive) + would you like…… +(V-ing) - can you…… + (bare infinitive) + how about….. +(V-ing) + shall we…… + (bare infinitive) +are you free….. + (to-infinitive) - T asks Ss to use these expression to fill in the - Ss do task 2 a directed blanks in invitation letters in T.2 - at first Ss work Task 2: individually and then - before Ss do task 2, T asks them to skins over exchange their result task 2 to look for new words - Ss report the result - T explains the meaning of the new words and directs Ss to do task 2 - T checks the result - key: 1. are you free/ would you like 2. would you like/ are you free/ how about 3. can you/ why don’t we - T asks Ss to make remarks on the form of invitation letters and some III. While- writing Task2 (18’)

IV. Post-writing (14’)

V. Homework (2’)

UNIT 11: CONSERVATION LESSON: LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to - Pronounce: exactly and fluently the sounds /s/ & /z/ in words and sentences - Use “to infinitive” of purpose and “wh-question” II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: III. TEACHING AIDS: cassette player, tape, textbook IV. PRODURE: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up(5’) - T writes the sentence on the board Susan says she has Ss close the book shut the doors One Ss reads and says - T underlines the sounds and leads into the lesson what sounds are repeated (/s/ & /z/) Pronunciation Listen and repeat Open their books (12’) - Writes the 2 sounds /s/ & /z/ on the board Repeat in chorus Activity 1 (5’) - Reads the sounds Repeat in chorus/ in - Reads the words in textbook individual - Asks Ss to close the books and numbers two sounds into Read and choose /t/ & /d/ 2 groups (group 1: /s/, group 2: /z/) Ss say loudly the number - Read the words in the textbook of the sound the hear + prepared + booked + finished belong group 1 or 2 + cleaned + stopped + booked Ss open the books + lived + closed Ss read the words in pair Activity 2 (7’) Practise these sentences - Reads the sentences - Asks Ss to pay attention to the sentence information Listen and repeat - Asks Ss to pick out the words containing the sounds /s/ & Read individually as /z/ directed - Checks and corrects Work in pairs More exercise: - T plays the tape - T asks Ss to tick the words containing the sounds /s/ & /z/ Read the result they hear - T checks and gives mark Work individual Grammar & - T asks a question with “what …for” until having a good One student answer Vocabulary answer with “to infinitive” from the student - T explains the use of “to-inf.” of purpose and asks Ss to Activity 1 (8’) do exercise in the textbook Ss work in pair - T checks and corrects - T asks Ss to complete the sentences in exercise 2 in the Activity 2 (7’) textbook Ss work in pair - T checks and corrects - T gives the example (as in the textbook) Activity 3(8’) Ex: I often listen to music whenever I have free time - T asks Ss to make question for the underlined part - T asks Ss to do the rest sentences - T asks Ss to ask and answer together Ss give the question with - T checks and correct mistake “when” Ss work in pairs Role play (one asks and one answers) Homework - T asks Ss to do the exercises of language focus in (3’) workbooks


UNIT 11: NATIONAL PARKS LESSON: READING I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand and know more about some National Park in the world as well as Vietnam II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: - Grammar: + should and shouldn’t Conditional Sentence (3) + prepositions of direction: though, across… - New words: relating to the topic about National Parks III. TEACHING AIDS: pictures, projector IV. PRODURE: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up(5’) - Divides Ss 4 groups to play a game: “Match the name of Group work the animal with the suitable pictures Pre reading (5- - Asks Ss to work with a partner to answer the question in Pair work 7’) the textbook - Checks Ss’ answer While - Introduces some new words: Read in silence reading(20-25’) + butterfly (n) (picture) + orphanage (n) (definition) + sub tropical (adj.) + toxic (adj.) (example) + contamination (n/v) Task 1 (in the textbook) Group work - Checks and corrects Task 2 Pair work - Asks Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions in the text Post reading(7- - Asks Ss : “which of the three national parks would you like Discuss in group of 4 8’) to visit most ? why?” Homework(3’) - Asks Ss to learn the new words and make sentence using these words - Remember the main ideas of each park given in the reading

UNIT 11: NATIONAL PARKS LESSON: SPEAKING I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about an excursion II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: - Grammar: conditional sentence (type 3) - New words: III. TEACHING AIDS: pictures IV. PRODURE: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up(5’) - Shows the pictures of landscapes in Vietnam (Dalat, Work in 4 groups to discuss Nha Trang, Da Dia… to find things they should - Asks Ss to think of what they should bring when they bring when making an make an excursion there excursion to these places Pre speaking - Presents some new words (10’) - Fine (n) - Food poisoning (n) - carsick (a) - Presents conditional sentence (type 3) While Task 1 Present in front of the class speaking(17’) - T goes around & checks Task 2 - Asks Ss to do the task as example Ex: a. If we hadn’t gone by coach, we wouldn’t have got carsick. b. If we had gone by bike, we wouldn’t have got carsick Post Task 3 Group work speaking(10’) - Asks Ss to work in group of 4 to talk about their Present before the class excursious in the past and tell what they regret not doing Homework - Write 5 sentences to talk about what the students not Do at home (3’) regret not doing in the past (T asks students to do this)

UNIT 11: NATIONAL PARKS LESSON: LISTENING I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to and gaps some special features of Cuc Phuong National Park II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: + Grammar + New words: ethics, minority, flora, fauna, attack, enemy III. TEACHING AIDS: + pictures + tape IV. PRODURE: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up - Asks students to work in groups Group work + Math the pictures with the correct provinces # Cat Ba # Hai Phong # Cuc Phuong # Ninh Binh # Bach Ma # Hue # U Minh # Ca Mau Pre listening - Asks students to work in group to answer the question in the Group work textbook - Goes around to help and check the answer - Presents new words: # ethnic # fauna # minority # attack # ffora # enemy While listening Task 1 Listen only in - Plays the cassette (1st) groups of 4 ……………………(2nd) - Goes around- help- makes suggestions (if necessary) - Plays the cassette (3rd) - Checks the task Task 2 - Gets students pay close attention to the questions provided Listen and try to - Plays the casstte (1st) finish the task …………………..(2nd) Should pay careful attention to question words Listen- group work of 4 Listen- group work of 4 Try to write down key words for each question Post listenting - Asks Ss to work in groups to talk about the special features Work in group then of Cuc Phuong National Park present before class Homework - Complete the form about Cuc Phuong National Park: # in 1960 # 160 km # 200 square kilometres # in 2002 # 2000 # 450 # the spring of 1789

UNIT 11: NATIONAL PARKS LESSON: WRITING I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write the a letter of acceptance or refusal II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: Soften used in letters of acceptance or refusal - Yes, I’ d like / love to - I’m afraid I can’t…. - Yes, that’s a great idea - I’d love to, but…. III. TEACHING AIDS: extra board IV. PRODURE: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up(7’) - Invites Ss to write their letters of invitation on extra boards (homework- unit 10) - Checks and gives marks - Asks: Read and try to + Do you accept these invitations? correct + How can you write a letter of acceptance / refusal? Answer: “Yes/ No” Pre writing (15’) Task 1 Group work - Asks Ss to look at the textbook (page 117) - Explains the meaning of these expressions then fill in each blank of the note with a suitable expression - Asks Ss to work in group of 4 to choose the suitable one for each blank - Goes around- checks the result Task 2 - Asks Ss to rearrange…(key: 1/d-e-c-a-f-b) Group work of 6-8 - Checks Present the result While writing - Asks Ss to read the letter of acceptance in task 2 then Group work (10’) write a letter of acceptance / refusal - Divides the class into 4 groups + 2 groups (acceptance) + 2 groups (refusal) - Goes around check and helps if necessary Post writing (10’) - Hangs the extra boards of 2 typical groups , asks the Exchange their whole class to correct and remark boards and correct Homework(3’) “Imagine one of your friends invite you to go somewhere with him/ her. Write a letter of acceptance/ refusal.

UNIT 11: NATIONAL PARKS LESSON: LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to - Pronounce: exactly and fluently the sounds /t/ & /d/ - Grammar: conditional sentence type 3 II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: III. TEACHING AIDS: extra board IV. PRODURE: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up(5’) ( Sing a song) ABC SONG Sing in chorus Pronunciation Listen and repeat Open their books (12’) - Writes the 2 sounds /t/ & /d/ on the board Repeat in chorus Activity 1 (5’) - Reads the sounds Repeat in chorus/ in - Reads the words in textbook individual - Asks Ss to choose the words pronounced /t/ & /d/ Read and choose /t/ & /d/ (using an extra board) + prepared + booked + finished + cleaned + stopped + booked + lived + closed Activity 2 (7’) Practise these sentences - Reads the sentences Listen and repeat - Asks Ss to pick out the words containing the sounds Read individually as directed /t/ & /d/ Work in pairs - Checks the result Grammar & - Sets the situation- the structure Listen, look at the board and Vocabulary - Gets Ss to pay careful attention to the verb forms give remarks Activity 1 (8’) - Checks Group work 4 - Gets Ss to look at the example in the textbook Activity 2 (7’) - Gets Ss to make remarks when reuniting the sentences Group work 3 - Makes remarks and corrects the mistaken if possible - Gets Ss to do the ex 2 Listen only - Gets Ss to look carefully at the example - Gets Ss to do the ex 3 Pair work Activity 3(8’) - Checks Group work of 8 individual Homework(3’) - Do the exercise in workbook (page 65,66) - Prepare TEST YOURSELF


UNIT 12: MUSIC LESSON: READING I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the passage and have an adequate understanding about music. II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: - Grammar: - New words: Words related to music III. TEACHING AIDS: cassette player and tape, pictures in the textbook and some others ones of singers IV. PROCEDURES: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up(5’) - T lets the Ss listen to the tape and asks them question. Ss listen to the tape and may 1. What have you just listened to ? answer in various ways 2. What kind of music are you listening to ? # music 3. Name some kinds of music as you know ? # pop/ folk/ classical…music # traditional music/ pop music/ rock music/ jazz… Pre reading Activity 1: Ss discuss in groups and (10’) Pop match descriptions in the Rock’n roll correct order Classical music Baby one more time Folk Yesterday Activity 2: Turkish March (Mozart) T asks Ss to put the name of the music they hear in the Ly ngua o blank Ss read the statements and 1. ……is traditional songs of a country put in each blank the name of 2. ……is a style of music with a strong and loud hear music 3. ……is a modern music that is popular with the youth 1. folk music 4. ……is serious and traditional Western European 2. rock’n roll music 3. pop Activity 3: 4. classical T asks Ss to open the book, look at the pictures and answer the question about them Ss look at the pictures and 1. What kind of music does she play in the first name the kind of music from picture ? the pictures (pair work) 2. What bank in the second picture ? What kind of # It’s folk music music do they play ? 3. What kind of music do you think they play in the # It’s The Beatles. Rock’n third picture ? roll music # It’s classical music While T explains new words reading(15’) - funeral (n) - integral part - lyrical (a) T asks Ss to open the books, listen to the tape and read Ss open the books, listen to the text silently then do the tasks that follow the tape and read the text Activity 1: (Task 1, page 125, textbook) silently then do the tasks that T asks Ss to work in pairs to do the task 1 follow T checks and corrects Ss work in pairs Activity 2: (Task 2) T asks Ss to read the text, then answer the question T checks and corrects Ss work in pairs Post reading T asks Ss to reread the text then answer the questions Ss work in pairs (12’) T checks and corrects T devides class into groups of four T asks groups to talk their opinions about the roles of Ss work in groups of four music T goes around and helps and asks each group to display in front of class T checks and corrects Homework T asks Ss to do the exercise in the workbook (ex 12) Ss write in out (3’) T explain how to do the exercise

UNIT 12: MUSIC LESSON: SPEAKING I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use Vto, Ss to ask and answer (communicate) some information in the field of music II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: - Grammar: - New words: words related to music III. TEACHING AIDS: pictures in the textbook, some collective pictures, handout, worksheets, an extra board IV. PROCEDURES: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up(5’) T uses picture in the textbook, asks Ss to look at it and tries Ss answer to answer some questions Questions: Ss answer correctly or 1. What’s her name ? not 2. What is she doing ? 3. Does she listen to music when she goes to school ? 4. Why does she like music so much ? To understand why she likes it so much , we come to the new lessons. Ok ?

Pre speaking Task 1: (in book) Ss underline them in their (10’) Before reading, T asks Ss to underline some new words textbook - keep me happy - are easy to listen to - cheer me up - have the radio on Read loudly and correctly Ss listen to the T T asks Ss to look at the book and do the sklill/ exercise Ss read in silence T listen and corrects Ss work in pairs 1. She like pop music 2. Because it keeps her happy 3. The Backs street Boys 4. All the time T asks Ss to close their books and who can speak to what Ha Anh says about music T listens and gives mark Ss listen to her/ him (if possible) While Task 2 Ss work in groups (six) speaking (15’) - Using an extra board - explaining it - go around and helps Ss to do (if it is necessary) Prepare: - rousing - lyrical Ss practice - serene and peaceful - pleasant - help s.o forget troubles - make s.o excited - make s.o feel related T asks Ss to write their names on their papers and give T Post speaking Task 3: now report what you have found out your partners (12’) T asks any drills and practice Model: both Lan and Nga like it because it is relaxing or Ba likes pop music, but Nam prefer rock T changes group 1 into groups…. T asks Ss to practice speaking T asks Ss any some questions to check the result of Ss Ss practice speaking Ex: Does Ha like pop music ? - Asks Ss to work in group of 4 to talk about their excursions in the past and tell what they regret not doing Ss answer Homework Learn vocabulary, structures by heart Do at home (3’) Practice speaking by using, in this period vocabulary, structures Thanks for your listening

UNIT 12: MUSIC LESSON: LISTENING I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen more information about Van Cao’ life and occupation. Choose the true/ false statements correctly II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: + Grammar + New words: work related to music III. TEACHING AIDS: picture IV. PROCEDURE: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up(5’) - T has Ss listen to a short song which was written by Van Cao Ss listen to a song - T has Ss guess who the composer was Ss answer Pre listening - T has Ss look at the picture of Van Cao and asks some Ss work in pairs (15’) question. a. Who is in the picture ? b. What do you do about him ? c. Where and when was he born ? d. Is he still alive ? e. When did he die ? - T gives some words (adj.) related to Van Cao’s music: sweet and gentle, exciting, solemn lyrical - T has Ss look at the textbook and then answer the question below a. Which of these songs were written by him ? While Task 1 Ss listen to the tape listening (12’) - T introduces the situation of the task 1 Ss answer - T has Ss listen and then decide whether the statements are true or false - T plays the recording 3 times ( T may stop the recording when necessary) - T asks Ss to choose “T” or “F” statement - T helps Ss to choose the correct statement Task 2 - T asks Ss to listen the tape again then answer the questions Ss work in pairs 1. What is the name of the radio programme ? Ss correct their work 2. Which song by Van Cao does Quang Hung like most ? 3. Why does Quang Hung like it ? Post listening - T has Ss work in group of four to discuss Quang Hung’s Ss work in groups (10’) ideas about Van Cao’s music Ss answer - T asks Ss to answer the question 1.What does he do when he listen to “Tien quan ca”? 2. What does Quang Hung think about Van Cao ? 3. Do you agree or disagree with him Homework Ss prepare writing at home (3’)

UNIT 12: MUSIC LESSON: WRITING I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write about the life story of a famous person, write about the life story of a famous American musician and a famous Vietnamese musican. II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: - Grammar: - New words: words related to music III. TEACHING AIDS: pictures IV. PRODURE: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up(5’) - T has Ss listen to a short English song then asks Ss to answer Ss listen to music and the questions answer 1. Do you know who the singer is ? 2. Where does he/ she live ? - T shows a picture of Scott Joplin and asks questions 1. Who is he ? 2. Do you know any information about him ? Ss answer Pre writing - T has Ss learn new words : (15’) + compose + artiste work + musical black family + wonderful mixture Task 1 T has Ss work in pairs. Use the prompts below to make up complete sentences about Scott Joplin Ex: Scott / born/ Texas/ 1886/ poor/ but musical black family - T has Ss do the exercise in the textbook Ss work in pairs - T checks the result by asking some pairs of students key 1. He learned to play the guitar when he was very young 2. He learned to play the works of composers like Back, Beethoven, Mozart as well as to compose music 3. He quickly became famous 4. His tunes were wonderful mixture of classical European and African While writing Task 2 (10’) - T asks Ss to write about the life story of Van Cao - Before Ss do Task 2, Tasks them to answer the questions 1. When was he born ? Ss answer 2. Where was he born ? 3. How was his family ? 4. When did he compose music ? 5. When did he compose his first song ? 6. When did he compose Vietnamese national an them Tien Quan Ca ? 7. What are his artistic works ? 8. When did he die ? T asks Ss to write the answers into passage Ss work in group Post writing T checks the result and corrects their exercises (10’) Homework T asks Ss write a life story of a famous musician (about 50 (3’) words)

UNIT 12: MUSIC LESSON: LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to - Pronounce: exactly and fluently the sounds /s/ & /z/ in words and sentences - Use “to infinitive” of purpose and “wh-question” II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: III. TEACHING AIDS: cassette player, tape, textbook IV. PRODURE: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up(5’) - T writes the sentence on the board Susan says she has Ss close the book shut the doors One Ss reads and says - T underlines the sounds and leads into the lesson what sounds are repeated (/s/ & /z/) Pronunciation Listen and repeat Open their books (12’) - Writes the 2 sounds /s/ & /z/ on the board Repeat in chorus Activity 1 (5’) - Reads the sounds Repeat in chorus/ in - Reads the words in textbook individual - Asks Ss to close the books and numbers two sounds into Read and choose /t/ & /d/ 2 groups (group 1: /s/, group 2: /z/) Ss say loudly the number - Read the words in the textbook of the sound the hear + prepared + booked + finished belong group 1 or 2 + cleaned + stopped + booked Ss open the books + lived + closed Ss read the words in pair Activity 2 (7’) Practise these sentences - Reads the sentences - Asks Ss to pay attention to the sentence information Listen and repeat - Asks Ss to pick out the words containing the sounds /s/ & Read individually as /z/ directed - Checks and corrects Work in pairs More exercise: - T plays the tape - T asks Ss to tick the words containing the sounds /s/ & /z/ Read the result they hear - T checks and gives mark Work individual Grammar & - T asks a question with “what …for” until having a good One student answer Vocabulary answer with “to infinitive” from the student - T explains the use of “to-inf.” of purpose and asks Ss to Activity 1 (8’) do exercise in the textbook Ss work in pair - T checks and corrects - T asks Ss to complete the sentences in exercise 2 in the Activity 2 (7’) textbook Ss work in pair - T checks and corrects - T gives the example (as in the textbook) Activity 3(8’) Ex: I often listen to music whenever I have free time - T asks Ss to make question for the underlined part - T asks Ss to do the rest sentences - T asks Ss to ask and answer together Ss give the question with - T checks and correct mistake “when” Ss work in pairs Role play (one asks and one answers) Homework - T asks Ss to do the exercises of language focus in (3’) workbooks


UNIT 13: FILMS AND CINEMA LESSON: READING I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know about the history of cinema II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: - Grammar: structure “it is/ was not until… - New words: character, sequence, decade… III. TEACHING AIDS: pictures of actors IV. PROCEDURES: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up(2’) Giving the picture of an actor and asking: Ss answering - who’s this ? Ss answering - which film does he (she) act ?

Pre reading (3-5’) Asking Ss to work with their partners Ss asking answering in 1. Do you want to see a film at the cinema or on TV pairs ? Why ? Ss asking answering in 2. What kind of film do you like to see ? pairs While reading (28- Leading Ss to give the meaning of Voc… Ss reading in silence 30’) Asking Ss to scan the text Task 1: Ss working individually Asking Ss to do the exercise Correcting their mistakes Task 2: Ss working in silence Asking Ss to reread the text, then answering the Ss working in pairs questions Ss working individually Task 3: Asking Ss to scan the text to choose the best title Post reading (5-6’) Dividing Ss into groups of four Ss working in groups Asking Ss to talk about the passage using the cues - group 1: 19th century - group 2: 1910s - group 3: 1920s - group 4: 1905 - group 5: 1915 Homework(3’) Asking Ss to summary the history of cinema

UNIT 13: FILMS AND CINEMA LESSON: SPEAKING I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : - ask and answer about kinds of film - talk about their feeling about each kind of film II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: - New words: science fifteen, detective, horror, thriller, action III. TEACHING AIDS: extra precis of paper,… IV. PROCEDURES: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up(3’) T giving Ss a short piece of film Tom and Jerry Ss watching film T asking Ss some questions Ss answering 1. Can you give me the little of this film ? 2. What’s the kind of this film 3. Name some kinds of film you know T asking Ss to write down their answer on the board Pre speaking Task 1: Ss working in pairs (10’) New words: - science (n) - horror (n) - detective (n) - thriller (n) T explaining the meaning of the new words T introducing the task warmly Leading Ss to compare their answers While Task 2: new words: speaking (15’) - Action film (n) - terrifying (n) T introducing the task dearly Ss working in group of Giving the model 3 Asking Ss to talk their feeling about each kind of film T checking and correcting Task 3: T asking some questions 1. What kinds of film do you like best ? 2. What do you prefer, detective films or science fiction films ? Ss answering T asking 2 Ss to ask and answer the model in book T checking Ss working in pair Post speaking Task 4 Ss working in groups of (12’) T asking Ss to sit in groups of 3 and talk about a film they 3 have seen ? Ss practising Going around to help Ss if necessary Asking some groups to practice before the class T checking Homework T asking Ss to write a paragraph about one of Ss’s favourite Ss writing a paragraph (3’) films that they have ever seen as directed

UNIT 13: FILMS AND CINEMA LESSON: LISTENING I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen and get information about Lan and Huong’s for the next week II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: New words: picnic,suppose, instead, chat on the net… III. TEACHING AIDS: picture, a cassette player IV. PROCEDURE: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up(5’) Asking a question: what do you do in your free time ? Ss answering the question - leading to the new lesson Pre listening Leading Ss to read the cues in book Ss working individually (15’) Leading Ss to put a tick (v) in the sight column Asking some Ss to check their answer Leading Ss to listen and repeat the word in book While Task 1 Ss listening and answering listening (12’) Leading Ss to listen to a dialogue between Lan and Huong. Then answer the question: “what are they planning to do together” Checking and correcting their guessing Task 2 Ss working in groups Preparing some plash cards about Lan and Huong’s plans Ss listening and putting for the next week flashcards on the calendar Giving the calendar Ss working in pairs Checking and correcting (comparing with a partner) Task 3 Explaining Letting Ss listen to the tape again Checking Post listening Asking Ss to use the information about Lan and Huong’s Ss working in groups (10’) plans to talk again Calling some groups to present Homework Free practice: Ss working individually (3’) Talking about your plans for the next week Writing about your plans for the next week (about 80- 100 words)

UNIT 13: FILMS AND CINEMA LESSON: WRITING I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to - describe the film - write about a film they have seen II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: - Grammar: - New words: sending of a luxury liner (ship), disaster, iceberg III. TEACHING AIDS: CD, extra board IV. PROCEDURE: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up(5’) T show a short film and asks Watch the film - Have you ever seen this film ? Ss: yes - What is the name of the film ? Ss: Titanic - What do you know about it ? Ss: It is a love story film He will know about it clearly through the lesson today. Pre writing New words: Work in groups Task 1(15’) Sinking of a luxury liner (ship) Disaster (n) Iceberg (n) T asks Ss to read the passage of the film Titanic and them answer the questions (work in groups) T goes around the class and helps Ss if necessary T calls some Ss to write their answer down on the board Ss go to the board and T corrects write down While writing T guides Ss to use the description of Titanic and the Ss work in group of 4 Task 2 (12’) questions above as suggestion to write about film they have seen T asks Ss to work in group of 4 T goes around the class to check Ss’ practice and helps them if necessary T gives them some words, structures,… Ss write down on the board T calls some Ss to write down on the board Ss work in group T asks Ss to write the answer into passage Post writing T asks Ss to look at the board and give the comments Ss look at the board and (10’) T asks Ss to compare their own writing comment T corrects Ss compare Homework T asks Ss to rewrite their description of the film they Ss work at home (3’) have seen and prepare “language focus” - pronunciation /f/ and /v/ - review: adj. of attitude, It is / was not until that, a/ an and the

UNIT 13: FILMS AND CINEMA LESSON: LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to pronounce the consonants /f/ and /v/ to master the grammar part “adj. of attitude a/ an and the”, sentence structure “it is/ was not until… that” II. TEACHING AIDS: cassette player, pictures, extra board III. PROCEDURE Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up(5’) - Showing a fan in the class and asking what’s this ? Ss answering: a fan - Showing a vase on the table in the class and asking: Ss answering: a vase what’s this ? T : yes, a fan and a vase; “f” and “v” - Leading to pronunciation Pronunciation * Pronunciation: Ss listening (10’) Introducing and opening the tape Ss listening and repeating Opening the tape once more in chorus Calling Ss to read Ss reading individually Leading Ss to practice pronouncing the sentence (in book) Grammar & * Ex1: asking: Ss answering: very Vocabulary Ss a question : “what do you think about the film interesting (30’) Titanic?” Exercise 1 T : so, you are interested in the film Reminding “interesting” and “interested” when do we use “interested” and “interesting” ? Ss answering Leading to do ex 1 Introducing Asking Ss to write the adjectival forms of the verbs 1. fascinate – fascinating 2. excite – exciting 3. terrify – terrifying Ss working individually Correcting the mistakes Exercise 2 * Ex 2: Leading Ss to do exercise Ex: the movie wasn’t as good as we had expected (disappoint) - The movie was disappointing Ss working in groups of 4 - We were disappointed with the movie 1. …. 2. …. Checking by asking Ss to speak and write their answers More exercise: Ss comparing together Giving two pictures 1. 2. Nha Trang A pupil beach has get a bad mark Ss working in groups of 4 Asking Ss to describe the pictures by using adj. ending- ing one form Going around and helping pupils if necessary Checking Exercise 3 Exercise 3:have you visited Ha Long Bay ? or have you read “Harry porter?” If yes, when ? If Ss say “yes” – T: reporting his/ her answer slowly and clearly Ss yes Ex: he/ she visited Ha Long Bay in 2002 or it was not until 2002 that he / she visited Ha Long Bay Leading to do exercise 3 after explaining the structure “it was not untill…that” Asking Ps to rewrite the following sentences using the structure above checking Ss working in pairs Exercise 4 exercise 4: - asking Ps to put a or the in the numbered blanks - checking Ss working in pairs Homework * Asking Ss to underline the consonants /f/ and /v/ in the (3’) following words: wife, cough, plough, laugh Asking Ss to make sentences using the following adjectives 1. boring/ bored 2. attracted/ attracting * Preparing: - the new lesson until 14: reading - finding the meaning of new word: tounament/ championship/ hort…


UNIT 14: THE WORLD CUP LESSON: READING I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read the passage for specific information about the world cup II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: - Grammar: review passive voice in simple present - New words: cassette player, picture of some famous soccer players III. TEACHING AIDS: pictures of actors IV. PROCEDURES: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up (3- Divides class into some small group, asks Ss to match Work in group of 5, the 5’) the pictures of famous soccer player to their nations leader of each groups sticks Leads Ss to the new lesson the picture and their nations on the board Pre reading Asking Ss to ask and answer the questions Pairs work (5-7’) Gives new words Reads new words Asks Ss to read- correct mispronunciation if necessay Repeat chorously Asks Ss review the passage voice Individually

While reading Has Ss open their books, listen to the tape, scan the text Open, listen, scan (20-25’) Task 1: (individually) Asks Ss to read the text, match Group work of 4 or 5 Task 2: Asks Ss to read the text again, fill in the gaps Individually Task 3: Asks Ss to read the text once more, T / F exercise Group work (4/5)

Post reading Asks Ss to read the text , do the exercise in book Work in group of 4 or 5 (5-10’) Asks Ss to talk about the 2006 world cup by using the cues - How many teams takes part in it ? - Which team is the winner ? - Where is it held ? Homework Asking Ss to read the text, learn by heart new words (3’) Review the passage voice

UNIT 14: THE WORLD CUP LESSON: SPEAKING I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the history of the world cup II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: - Grammar: review the simple past tense - New words: words related to the name of some nations III. TEACHING AIDS: poster of the 2006 world cup IV. PROCEDURES: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up(3’) Play a game Work in group of 6 - Uses a poster of the 2006 world cup - Asks Ss to write down the name of the nation of each team - Lead Ss to the new lesson Pre speaking Read the name of these nations Repeat chorously (5-7’) Task 1: Asks Ss to look at the pictures and talk what they know Work in group of 4/ 5 about these teams * cues: - How many times do they join in the world cup ? - How many times did they become the world champion ? - Tell about the name of famous player in these teams * review the simple past tense While - Asks Ss to read the table in book Individually speaking (20- - Reads the model Repeat chorously 25’) - Asks Ss to practice the model Pair work - Call some couples read the model Pair work - Asks Ss to practice with their partners using the Pair work information in the table - Asks Ss to present their result in front of the class – Role play corrects their mistakes Post speaking Asks Ss to have a look at the table again, discuss with Group work (7-10’) their friends - the leader of each group Help Ss to correct mistakes if necessary presents their group’s result in front of class - their friends correct if necessary Homework Asks Ss to learn by heart the name of those nations Ss writing a paragraph as (3’) Write a passage about 100 words about the 2006 World directed Cup

UNIT 14: THE WORLD CUP LESSON: LISTENING I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get some information about a famous football player by listening II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: New words: words related to football III. TEACHING AIDS: a cassette player, extra board IV. PROCEDURE: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up(5’) T lets Ss listen to a song Listen T asks some question about this song Answer, individually a. what is this song about ? b.Do you know the title of this song ? c. in what occasion do you hear it ? Pre listening T asks Ss to look at the pictures in the book and: tell their Answer (5-7’) names/ who is the person they like best ? why ? T read words given Repeat chorously T asks Ss to read- correct mistakes. Lead into new part While Task 1 Listen listening (20- Plays the tape once Group work 25’) Hangs the extra board and asks Ss to fill in the gaps Group work Plays the tape again, asks Ss to complete Work in group Plays the tape once more, lets Ss listen to the tape sentence by sentence and asks them to check + correct their answers Remarks Task 2 Asks Ss to have a look at the questions Lets Ss to listen to the tape and asks them to answer the Individually questions Individually Asks Ss to write the answer on board, their friends correct if Open pairs necessary until T’s help Individually

Post listening T asks Ss to talk about the milestones in Pele’s life Work in group of 4/5 (7-10’) - the leader of each group presents their results - their friends complete if necessary Homework Asks Ss to do the exercise again Ss working individually (3’) Asks Ss to talk about the milestones in another person’s life they like best.

UNIT 14: THE WORLD CUP LESSON: WRITING I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write an announcement about organizing a football match II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: - Grammar: - New words: related to an announcement III. TEACHING AIDS: extraboard, cassette player IV. PROCEDURE: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up(3’) T records an announcement about a football match of the PY Listen football committee, asks Ss to answer: a. What is this announcement about ? Answer b. When ? Where ? c. Which team ? leads to new lesson Pre- writing Task 1 Work in groups of 4/5 (15’) T asks Ss to read the announcement, answer the qs in the book T remarks, corrects and summarizes main points noted in writing an announcement - who (announcer, organizer) - what (content of the announcement) - when (time) - where (place) Note: the simple future tense While writing Task 2 (15’) T explains the aim of the exercise divides class into small Work in group of 4/5 in groups extraboard Asks Ss to write T goes around and helps Ss if necessay Post writing (10’) Homework (3’)

UNIT 14: THE WOLRD CUP LESSON: LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - pronounce the sound /g/ & /k/ in words and in sentence fluently and exactly - use the sample future tense in making prediction and offers II. TEACHING AIDS: extraboard III. PROCEDURE - T explains the using of it again T asks Ss to do the exercise T asks Ss to give their results individually - asks their friends correct- corrects if necessary T summarizes the using of “the simple future tense” again

Homework T asks Ss to: (3’) - do the exercise again, write into their notebook - write 3 sentences by using this grammar point (about themselves)

Unit 15: cities Period 1: reading A. Aims  Ps can get more knowledge of the city of New York.  Enlarge their vocabulary related to city.  Improve their reading ability. B. Skills  Understanding new words expressions in context.  Passage comprehension.  Deciding on True or False statements. C. Time allowance  45 minutes D. Aids  Textbook and pictures E. Procedure

Time Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities 8’ I. Pre- reading Look at the pictures then ask answer Introduce some pictures of some famous cities in with a partner to name them. the world, ask Ps name them. Do you know these places? Answer in Vietnamese What are they? Work in pairs to ask and answer. Where is New York? Answer: What do you know about the city? Guide Ps to read the places in the pictures: The Empire State Building Listen to the teacher then repeat. Central Park Times Square The United Nations The Statue of Liberty New Amsterdam Broadway Hudson river Passaic 30’ II. While-reading Read and get the task, ask the 1. Task 1 teacher for help with new words. Ask Ps to read the task. Help them with some new Read the passage individually then words. Let Ps read the passage to do the task. discuss the answers with a partner to complete the task. Answers: 1. d 4. a 2. c 5. b 2. Task 2 3. e Ask Ps to work individually to read the statements. Guide Ps to understand them. Let Ps write the Read individually. Work in groups answer on the board. Check and correct. to find the answers. Feed back. 1. T 2. F It is ice- free in all seasons. 3. T It is on the Hudson and Passaic rivers. 4. T 3. Task 3 5. T Let Ps work in pairs to read then do the task. Go Work in pairs to answer the around helping them. questions. Ask Ps to answer individually ask the others to 1. It is in the southern part of correct mistakes of their partners. New York State. Feed back. 2. 7 million in the city and 19 million in the metropolitan region. 3. Because it was found by the Dutch. 4. Because it was home of the United Nation, the central of the global finance communication and business. 5. The Statue of Liberty, the Empire State of Building, Wall Street and Broadway theatre district.

5’ III. Post- reading Work in groups to discuss. Go around helping and encouraging them.

2’ IV. Homework Prepare for the presentation of the post-reading. - At home. Guide Ps to prepare.

Unit 15: cities Period 2: speaking A. Aims  Ps can get more knowledge of the city of New York.  Enlarge their vocabulary related to city.  Improve their speaking ability. B. Skills  Comparing 2 cities  Stating preferences and giving reasons. C. Time allowance  45 minutes D. Aids  Textbook and pictures E. Procedure

Time Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities 6’ I. Task 1 Read and do the task in pairs. Guide Ps to do the task and use the questions. 1. d 4.a- e 2. f 5. b- c 3. a- e 6.b- c

10’ II. Task 2 Work in pairs ask and answer about a city Go around helping Ps speak, encourage them to using given prompts and the questions in speak. the task 1. Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class.

15’ III. Task 3 Listen to the teacher. Imitate the Guide Ps to use the sample conversation to speak. pronunciation. Read aloud the conversation 2 times then let Ps Work in pairs to practise. work in pairs to practise. Present in front of the class. Call on some pairs to read in front of the class. Feed back.

10’ IV. Task 4 Use the structures and contents in the task Guide Ps to use the structures and contents in the 2 nad3 to speak freely in the class. Ask the task 2 and 3. teacher for help if need. Go around helping them to speak as well as notice Ps’ mistakes of pronunciation. Check some common mistakes of pronunciation. Feed back. 4’ V. Homework - Ask Ps to do exercises in workbook. - At home.

UNit 15: cities Period 3: listening A. Aims  Ps can get more knowledge of the city of New York.  Enlarge their vocabulary related to city.  Improve their listening ability. B. Skills  Monologue  Listening for specific information  Filling in a table C. Time allowance  45 minutes D. Aids  Textbook and pictures E. Procedure Time Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities 10’ I. Pre- listening Look at the picture and work in pairs to Introduce the picture of the Statue of answer the questions. Liberty and as Ps some questions. 1. It is the Statue of Liberty. 2. It is the statue of a woman 3. It’s got a crown on its head. 4. It’s got a tablet on its left hand. 5. It’s holding a burning torch in its right hand. 6. It’s wearing a robe. 25’ II. While- listening Read and get the task. Ask the teacher for Task 1 help with new words. Guide Ps to read the task help Ps to Listen to the tape 3 times and choose the understand the questions in the task. Give correct answer. some new words they may face. 1. B 4. A Turn on the tape 3 times. Call on some Ps 2. A 5. C to write the answer on the board. Turn on 3. B the tape 1 time. Stop at each key sentence to check and correct. Read the task and read the table to get the Task 2 contents. Turn on the tape 2 times. Call on a P to Listen to the tape 2 times then fill in the table. fill in the table on the board. Check and Formal Liberty lightening the world correct. Feed back. name Height 46 metres Weight 205 tons Material Cooper and iron The base Stone and concrete Opening 9.30 a.m_ 5. 00 p.m_ daily time except Christmas Day 8’ III. Post- listening Present what they have listened. Guide Ps to work in groups to talk about what the have listened then ask Ps to present in front of the class. 2’ IV. Homework - Ask Ps to do the exercises. - At home. Unit 15: cities Period 4: writing A. Aims  Ps can get more knowledge of the city of New York.  Enlarge their vocabulary related to city.  Improve their writing ability. B. Skills  Describing a city. C. Time allowance  45 minutes D. Aids  Textbook and pictures E. Procedure

Time Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities 5’ I. Lead- in Ask Ps some questions: Answer: Where is London? What do you know about it? 18’ II. presentation Get the questions then work in pairs to read the Task 1 description of London. Guide Ps to get the questions. Answer: Call on some Ps to answer the questions. 1. In Southern England, on the river Themes. Feed back. 2. It covers an area of 1610 square kilometers. 3. 7 million. 4. It is capital city. 5. It was founded by Romans in 43 AD. 6. It is famous for many things: its historic buildings, such as St. Paul’s Cathedral and the Houses of Parliament; its museums and its many shops. 7. The parks. 17’ III. Practice Task 2 Work in groups to choose a city in Vietnam they Ask Ps work in groups to find a city in like. Make an outline basing on answering the Vietnam. questions in the task 1. Go around helping Ps write. Write individually basing on the outline. Help Ps answer the questions to make their group’s outline. Give some new words if they need. Call on some Ps to check and correct their writing. Check and correct some common mistakes of grammar and spelling. Feed back. 4’ IV. Production Present about a city they have written. Ask a P of a group to present about a city they have written. 1’ V. Homework Hand in the writing. - At home. Unit 15: cities Period 5: language focus A. Aims  Ps can pronounce correctly: /ð/ and / /.  Ps get to use non-defining and defining clauses properly. B. Skills  Pronunciation: / ð / and / /.  Grammar and vocabulary:  Non-defining vs. defining relative clauses  Although as a contrasting connector C. Time allowance  45 minutes D. Aids  Textbook and pictures E. Procedure

Time Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities I. Pronunciation Listen to the tape. Pay attention to the differences  Listen and repeat between the two sounds. Repeat after the tape. 13’ Turn on the tape 2 times. Notice the differences between the two sounds. Turn on 1 time ask them to repeat. Listen to the tape and repeat. Pratise these sentences Pronounce in front of the class. Turn on the tape 2 times. Ask Ps to repeat Correct mistakes of pronunciation after the tape. Call on some P pronounces. Feed back II. Grammar and vocabulary Read the example, notice the key sentence. 20’  Exercise 1 Listen to the teacher’s explanation. Point out the Non- defining relative clauses key sentence and draw the role and the position of Ask Ps to read the example. Highlight the the clause. key sentence. Guide Ps to point out the role Answer: and the position of the clause. MÖnh ®Ò kh«ng x¸c ®Þnh dïng trong c©u víi Give more examples to make clear vai trß bæ xung th«ng tin. NÕu bá mÖnh ®Ò explanation. Ask P to draw the conclusion. quan hÖ kh«ng x¸c ®Þnh c©u vÉn cã nghÜa. Ask Ps work in pairs to discuss the answer. Nã cã thÓ ®øng gi÷a hoÆc cuèi c©u, ®îc ng¨n Go around helping them to complete the c¸ch víi c¸c thµnh phÇn kh¸c cña c©u bëi mét task. dÊu phÈy. Do the exercise in dividually. May give some explanation to some cities, 1. Washington D.C, which is located on the call on some Ps to answer orally or write on East Coast of the United States, has many the board. interesting and historical places to visit. Ask the others to correct mistakes, feed 2. Brasilia, which is the capital of Brazil, is back. less than 50 years old. 3. Mexico City, which has a population of nearly 20 000000, is the largest metropolitan area in the world. 4. Seoul, which hosted the 1988 Summer Olympics, is well known for its shopping centres. 5. Kyoto, which is used to be the capital of Japan, has many temples. Check and correct mistakes of grammar and spelling.  Exercise 2 Work in pairs to do the exercise. Guide Ps to understand the task. Ask Ps to work in pairs. Go around helping Ps write, 6. Although there is not much to do in the encourage Ps to write. countryside, I prefer living in there. Connecting contrasting ideas: although/ 7. Although there is a lot of pollution in Los though… give some explanation, notice the Angeles, it is an ideal place to live. comma between the two sentences. 8. Although the shops are crowed, people Although New York is not the capital of the are not buying much. country, it is the home of the United 9. Although the city is a favourite tourist Nations. destination for many people, it has its problems. Feed back. 10. Although it is a safe neighbourhood, it is best to be careful.

III. Production Summarise the grammar points they have learnt. 10’ Ask a P to summarise the grammar points and the sounds they have learnt. IV. Homework 2’ - Ask Ps to do exercises in workbook. - At home.

Unit 16 historical places Reading A * Skills: - Reading for gist and for specific information. - Summarize the passage. B. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative. C. Time: 45 minutes D. Teaching aids: Pictuets. E. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities

I. Warm-up: (5 minutes) - Ps’ answers may vary. - Show the picture. - Ps work in groups. - Ask Ps to answer the questions: What is it? Where can you see it? What do you know about it? - Lead Ps to the lesson. II. Pre-reading ( 7 minutes) * Activity 1: - Work in pairs. - Ask Ps to list some historical places they know in - Ps’ answers are different. Vietnam. - Stand up and say their answers. * Activity 2: - Ask Ps to look at the picture and answer questions: Is Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam a hictorical place? What do you know about this place? - Introduce some historical places of Vietnam: Co Loa Citadel, Hoa Lu Capital, Con Son-Kiep Bac Site, Den Hung Remains, Pac Bo Site…. - Lead Ps to the lesson. III. While- reading ( 22 minutes) - Introduce the passage. - Ask Ps to read the passage silently and find out new words. - Find out the new words. - Explain the new words. - Ps copy new words. - Help Ps read the new words. - Read the new words.

Task 1: - Ask Ps to read for gist then do task 1: Choose A, B, - Ps work in groups. or C that best suits the meaning of the italicized - Stand up and say their answers. word. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C Ask Ps to read the words or phrases and understand - Underline the new words. the meanings. - Take notes. - Conduct the correction.

Task 2: - Ask Ps to read the passage for specific information, then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). - Reading and work in groups. - Prompt and correct Ps’ mistakes. - Ps do the task. - Walk round and help them. - Answers: - Conduct the correction. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T - Ps do the task and explain the answers, IV. Post-reading (10 minutes) correct the incorrect information. - Ask Ps to read the passage again and talk about Van Mieu-Quoc Tu Giam, using the suggestions below: + Why is Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam a place of interest? - Ps work in groups. + When and where were they built? - Ps’ answers may vary. + What were their functions? + What is special about the stelae there? - Walk round and help them. - Conduct the correction.

V. Homework ( 1 minute) - Ask Ps to complete the exercise in post-reading. - Do exercises in student book.

Unit 16 historical places Period 2 speaking A. Aims  Ps can get more knowledge of Van Mieu Quoc Tu Giam.  Enlarge their vocabulary related to historical places.  Improve their speaking ability. B. Skills  Asking and answering questions about historical places.  Talking about historical places from given information. C. Time allowance  45 minutes D. Aids  Textbook and pictures. E. Procedure Time Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities I. Homework correction 8’ Ask a P to translate the reading text into - Give some comments. Vietnamese. Feed back. Give mark. II. Task 1 Work in pairs to talk. Go around helping them to speak, encourage Suggested answers: 13’ them to use other ways to talk. When did the construction of the Feed back mausoleum finish? How many floors are there in the Mausoleum? What is the use of each floor? On what days can we visit the Mausoleum? What time can we visit the Mausoleum in summer? Can we visit the Mausoleum in October? Why? Why not? Can we take photographs inside the Mausoleum? III. Task 2 Practise speaking in groups to be in the role Let Ps work in groups to be in the role of a of a tourist guide using the information tourist guide. Go around helping them to speak. about Hue Imperial and Thong Nhat 12’ Call on some Ps to present. Conference Hall. May ask the teacher for Feed back. help. Present in front of the class. IV. Task 3 Ask the other members of the group 10’ Guide Ps to do the task go around helping them. question about a historical place they have Feed back been to or know about, not down the main information, and then report to the class what you have learnt about that place. V. Homework Write an outline of information about the place - At home. 2’ you know to present. Guide Ps to do the task making an outline.

Unit 16 historical places Period 3 listening A. Aims  Ps can get more knowledge of a historical place.  Enlarge their vocabulary related to historical places.  Improve their listening ability. B. Skills  Monologue :  Listening for specific information.  Filling in the table. C. Time allowance  45 minutes D. Aids  Textbook and pictures, cassette player and a tape. E. Procedure Time Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities I. Pre- listening 10’ Ask Ps to answer those questions in the - Look at the pictures then answer the book after looking at the pictures. questions. Turn on the tape, ask Ps listen and repeat. Suggested answers: Notre Dam Cathedral in Ho Chi Minh City. Ha Long Bay. The Huc Bridge in Hanoi Noon gate in Hue Imperial City Listen pay attention to stress and intonation and repeat. II. While- listening 20’ Task 1 - Get the task then listen to the tape. Choose Ask Ps to read and get the task. Help Ps the best answer to complete the sentences. with new words. Answers: Turn on the tape let Ps complete the 1. B 4.C sentences. 2. A Task 2 3. C 5. C Answers: 1. It lies on Thu Bon River, 30 km south of Da Nang. 2. It was known as a major trading centre of Southeast Asia between the 16th and the 17th centuries. 3. Hoi An now famous for its old temples, pagodas, and small- titled roofed houses and Narrow Street. 4. They were made of wood and their pillars were carved with ornamental designs. 5. It was built in 1855. 6. It was built nearly two centuries ago. 7. The house now looks almost exactly as it did in the early 19th centuries. 8. In 1999. III. Post- listening 13’ Task 3 - Work in groups to talk about Hoi An. Let Ps work in groups to talk about Hoi - Present. An using the cues. Call on some of Ps to present in front of the class. Feed back. IV. Home work 2’ Prepare to present in front of the class - Ask the teacher for help. Guide Ps to prepare at home.


Unit 16 historical places Period 4 writing A. Aims  Ps can get more knowledge of tourism of Vietnam.  Enlarge their vocabulary related to describing a chart.  Improve their writing ability. B. Skills  Describing a chart. C. Time allowance  45 minutes D. Aids  Textbook and pictures E. Procedure Time Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities I. HOMEWORK CORRECTION 8’ Call on a P to present the homework. - Present Ask the others to comment. Comment the work of the partner. Feed back. Give mark. II. Task 1 Read the task then study the chart in pairs to 12’ Guide Ps to read the task then study the chart answer the questions that follow. Make more to answer the questions that follow. May questions. Answer: translate into Vietnamese for easy 1. The USA. understanding. 2. 99,700 Give some suggestions to make more 3. Australia questions. 4. No, it isn’t Call on some Ps to answer basing on the 5. France chart. Feed back. 6. The number of American visitors in Vietnam in 2002 increased by 29,497 in comparison with that in 2001. III. Task 2 13’ Let Ps work individually. Go around helping - Work individually basing on the answer to the if they need. Give more suggestions and new questions in the task 1. Write a description of the words and phrases: chart provided in the task 1. Arrival Statistics Vietnam National Administration of Tourism Rank Increase Decrease Higher Fewer IV. Production 10’ Ask Ps to list country had the biggest Answer: the USA number of visitors to Vietnam. V. Homework 2’ Part D: Writing in the workbook (Page 195) Guide Ps to do the exercise. * SUGGESTED ANSWER: The chart shows the number of visitor arrivals to Vietnam from USA, France and Australia in 2001 and 2002. The statistics were provided by Vietnam national Administration of tourism. It is clear from the chart that the number of visitors to Vietnam from USA, France and Australia in 2002 is higher than in 2001. According to the chart, the USA had the biggest number of visitors to Vietnam with 230,470 visitors in 2001 and 259,967 in 2002. France ranked second with 99,700 visitors in 2001 and 111,546 in 2002. Australia had little fewer visitors than France although the number of Australian visitors to Vietnam increased from 84,085 in 2001 to 96,924 in 2002.

Test yourself f A. Objectives: - Ps should know how to use some grammatical parts correctly. B. Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative. C. Time: 45 minutes D. Teaching aids: Textbook, tape record, handouts. E. Procedure: Time Teachers activities Pupils activities 5 minut es I. Homework Do the given exercises. - Ask Ps to do the given exercises. 7 mi II. New lesson nutes I. Listening Listen to the radio and do the task. 1. Activity 1 Ps work in pairs. - Ask Ss to listen to the radio and fill in the * Answers: missing words. 1. three 2. friends 3. capital - Turn on the radio for the first time. 4. crowds 5. noisy 6. interestin - Walk round and help them. g - If Ps cannot complete the task, T will tur 7. streets 8. flowers 9. enjoy n the radio the second time. 10. modern - Turn on the radio for the third time to che ck the answers. 8 mi - Conduct the correction. nutes II. Reading - Ask Ss to read the passage silently and fi - Read the passage silently. nd out new words. - Find out the new words. - Help Ss read the new words. - Reading. - Ask Ss to read the passage and choose th - Do the task in pairs. e best answer. * Answers: - Ask Ss to work in pairs. 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. A - Walk round and help Ss with the new wo rds. 12 mi - Correct Ss mistakes. nutes III. Pronunciation and Grammar 1. Pronunciation - Do the task. - Ask Ss to listen to the radio and put a tic k (v) in the right box. 2. Grammar - Do the task in pairs. a. Ask Ss to combine the sentences. * Answers: - Walk round and help them. 1. Their house, which is quite big and modern, - Conduct the correction. is in the suburb of the city. 2. The new English teacher, who I met yester day, seems to be very friendly. 3. Sandra has got a new job with Capital Insu rers, which is a much better company than the last one she worked for. 4. Her latest novel, which I read on holiday, i s really good. 5. This bag, which I carried all the way from t b. Ask Ss to put the adjectives in brackets i he station, is full of books. nto the comparative or superlative form. * Answers: - Ask Ps to put the verbs in brackets in the 1. bigger 2. best 3. better correct form. 4. more polluted 4. more stressful 8 mi - Walk round and help them. nutes - Conduct the correction.

IV. Writing - Find out the new words. - Ask Ps to read the words/ phrases. - Reading. - Help Ps read the new words. - Do the task. - Ask Ps to write a description of Taipei, u - Ss work in groups. sing the words and phrases given as cues. * Answers: - Walk round and help them. 3 mi - Ss answers may vary. - Ask Ps to read their biography aloud. nutes - Correct Ps mistakes if there are any.

2 III. Consolidation - Listen to the teacher. minute Teacher revises some main contents. s IV. Homework - Ask Ps to prepare for the coming test. - Ask Ps to revise the grammatical parts fr om lesson 15 to 16. - At home - Complete the biography of Mark Twain.

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