SUDBOURNE PARISH COUNCIL Neutral Farm House, Mill Lane, Butley, Woodbridge. IP12 3PA Tel: 01394 459400, Email: [email protected] Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of Sudbourne Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 28th November 2017 in Sudbourne Village Hall at 7:30pm Members of the Public and Press are invited to attend

AGENDA 1. To receive apologies for absence 2. Declarations of interest regarding matters on this agenda 2.1 – To consider any dispensations 3. To Approve the draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 26th September 2017 4. Matters arising from the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 26th September 2017 5. Reports: 5.1 County Councillor Andrew Reid 5.2 District Councillor Ray Herring 5.3 Parish Clerk 6. Parish Council matters 6.1 – To approve the dates of the 2018 Parish Council meetings 6.2 – To consider joining the Suffolk Preservation Society 7. Finance 7.1. To Approve the Statement of Income & Expenditure and Items for Authorisation of Payment 7.2. To consider and Approve the 2018/19 budget and set the precept 8. Planning New Applications:- Planning Ref: DC/17/4581/FUL Address: Well House, High House Farm Road, Sudbourne Proposal: Extension and alterations to dwelling, removal of former extensions The Planning Group had No Objections to this application. No decision has been made by SCDC, to date. Planning Ref: DC/17/4516/FUL Address: Lodge Farm, Ferry Rd, Sudbourne Proposal: Conversion of Victorian stable into holiday let. Demolition of shooting lodge (green shed) entertainment annexe and replacement with new build entertaining annexe. The Planning Group had No Objections to this application. No decision has been made by SCDC, to date. Planning ref: DC/17/4233/FUL Address: Stable Cottage, Corner Farm, Sudbourne Proposal: Proposed extension at first floor level. The Planning Group had No Objections in principle to this application but felt a further extension this time on the first floor could lead to an overdevelopment of a small site sited within an area of AONB. No decision has been made by SCDC, to date. Update on existing applications:- Planning ref: DC/17/3688/FUL Address: Akeley, Snape Rd, Sudbourne Proposal: Demolition of existing rear lean-to to sun room. Erection of single storey rear extension and fixing of external cladding to existing dwelling. Associated landscaping. The Planning Group had No Objections to this application. This application has been Granted by SCDC with 2 Conditions. 8.1 – Enabling Development in Sudbourne – Update – Way Forward? 9. Correspondence 10. Play Area 11. Roads, Rights of way 12. Countryside, Estuary & Coastline 13. Any other matters arising 14. Date of next meeting – Tuesday 23rd January 2018 15. Public Forum

st Signed: Joanne Peters, Clerk to the Council Dated: 21 November 2017