Trustees: Clayton Barnard, Francis Coleman, Scott Kimball
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Village of Bloomfield Board of Trustees Meeting of June 26, 2013
Present: Mayor Mark Falsone Trustees: Clayton Barnard, Francis Coleman, Scott Kimball Brian Rayburn, Kathy Conradt Guest: Nancy Long Excused: Trustee Dave Conklin
The meeting was opened at 5:35pm with the pledge to the flag.
Minutes: The May minutes were approved as submitted.
Mayor’s report: 1. Received and responded to a letter from former town supervisor Pat Crowley concerning the Village’s position on hydro-fracturing. 2. Received a copy of a resolution adopted by the Ontario County Board of Supervisors requesting that Ontario County be assigned one telephone area code for the entire county.
Clerk’s report: 1. Board reviewed financial report for May 2013 2. Abstract #13 (vouchers 367-394, B5-7) was audited and approved for the following amounts: General Fund $6557.49, Water Fund $2991.22, Sewer Fund $4192.76, and Beautification Fund $1263.99. The clerk and supervisor of public works declared that all goods have been received and all services have been rendered. Trustee Barnard motioned, Trustee Coleman seconded and it was unanimously carried to pay the bills as presented. Trustee Barnard motioned, Trustee Coleman seconded and it was unanimously carried to approve the following transfers: in the General Fund $1538 from A1460.2 to A1325.4 in the amount of $104, to A1330.4 in the amount of $20, to A1420.4 in the amount of $534, to A1640.4 in the amount of $447, to A5182.4 in the amount of $164 and to A9089.8 in the amount of $269; and to the Sewer Fund $245 from G1990.4 to G1960.4 in the amount of $80 and to G8130.44 in the amount of $165. 3. Abstract #1 (vouchers 1-31) was audited and approved in the following amounts: General Fund $91,516.40, Water Fund $17,350.17, Sewer Fund $31,306.92, and Trust and The clerk and supervisor of public works declared that all goods have been received and all services have been rendered Agency $6536.05. Trustee Barnard motioned, Trustee Coleman seconded and it was unanimously carried to pay the bills as presented. 4. Reported that a clerical error was made and a water/sewer amount was incorrectly levied onto the wrong property tax number. The application for a corrected tax roll for 2013 has been approved by Ontario County Real Property Tax Services and now needs approval by the board. Trustee Coleman motioned, Mayor Falsone seconded and it was unanimously carried to amend the tax warrant such that $586.40 in water arrears and $646.38 in sewer arrears be removed from the property known as tax map#67.19-2-36.000 which was re-levied in error and that said amount be levied onto the water/sewer account known as C1710. 5. Attended an excellent records management workshop concerning email records and will present a short report at the July meeting. 6. The NY Chapter of the AWWA has recognized Chatfield Engineers and BPD as outstanding in the realm of water and sewer infrastructure for their contributions to several projects completed.
CEO report: reviewed. The grass has been neglected at 128 Main St. even though the CEO has made repeated attempts to contact the property owner. The Village will consider cutting the grass and charging the owner.
Public works report: WATER: 1. Two water breaks occurred this month on the same day on East Main Street. The first one was on a section of newer pipe that was installed around 15 years ago and was most likely a weak spot caused during construction. The second break was on original pipe and was most likely a result of the first break. 2. Maintenance was done on two pressure reducing valves this month. 3. A fire hydrant was destroyed as a result of a vehicle accident. I am working with the insurance company of the driver to have costs of replacement including labor paid to the village. 4. The storm last weekend caused severe electrical damage to the pump stations. We are currently running the system manually until repair technicians can get here. I have notified Joel Steele of the situation in case it needs to be covered by insurance. 5. The controls at the Michigan St. pump house were damaged beyond repair as a result of the electrical surges from the large tree falling on South Ave. New controls will cost approximately $6000. Trustee Coleman motioned, Trustee Barnard seconded and it was unanimously carried to amend the 2013/14 water fund budget to transfer $3000 from F8340.2 to F8320.2.
SEWER and WWTP: 6. The sewer plant project is moving along. JP is still working on requirements needed to secure the funding.
STREETS and EQUIPMENT: 7. Summer projects are proceeding as the weather permits. The never ending rain is holding things up quite a bit. Also the storm last weekend destroyed a large amount of the work we already had done. This month we will be repairing the damaged work and will try to get back on schedule with other projects. 8. The van that was ordered last budget year has been delivered. 9. Order of the radar sign is postponed for another month. A new model is due to be released next month that is much nicer, more durable, and most likely cheaper in cost. The vendor has been advised that one is needed a month before school starts. 10. Two trees were damaged heavily in last weekend’s storm, they will need to be taken down and are larger than we can do with our bucket truck. I have contacted Ted Collins to have them taken down. 11. The replacement pickup truck specs are not listed on the Ontario County bid, although they are on State bid. Pursuant to a new change to municipal law, effective June 15, 2013, a “piggyback resolution” must be adopted in order to use the bid list from another county to order the new pickup truck. Trustee Coleman offered the following resolution which was seconded by Trustee Kimball such that: WHEREAS, the Village of Bloomfield Board has budgeted monies in the 2013/14 Village budget for the upgrade and replacement of the existing 2010 Ford F150 pickup truck; and WHEREAS, NY State Legislature passed a new 'Piggybacking' law on August 1, 2012, which was subsequently signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo as of August 1, 2012, which authorizes municipalities and districts thereof to contract for certain good and services jointly with the State or other municipalities; and WHEREAS, a new subdivision 16 has been added to General Municipal Law (GML) SS 103 to authorize political subdivisions to purchase apparatus, materials, equipment and supplies, and to contract for services related to the installation, maintenance or repair of those items, through the use of contracts let by the United States or any agency thereof, any state of any other political subdivision or district therein; and WHEREAS, the Chautauqua County Department of Public Facilities has already advertised for the submission of competitive bids, which was clearly advertised in the newspapers, specifying that the bids would be open on November 8, 2012; and WHEREAS, the Chautauqua County Department of Public Facilities has already prepared a 'Notice of Award', dated November 19, 2012, listing all responsible low bidders, and WHEREAS, the Chautauqua County Department of Public Facilities 'Notice of Award', dated November 19, 2012, clearly indicates that the award is open to all other Political subdivisions and districts located wholly or partly within New York State, so they may make material purchases from this bid within the same Terms and Conditions, with vendor concurrence; and WHEREAS, V an Bortel Ford is the lowest responsible bidder for a new 2013 Ford F-150 XLT Super Cab 4-wheel drive pickup truck priced at $27,969.54. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Bloomfield, shall place an order for One Unused 2013 Ford F-150 XLT Super Cab 4-wheel drive pickup truck Van Bortel Ford per the bid price of $27,969.54, minus the trade-in allowance of $20,000 for the currently owned 2010 Ford F150 truck, FOB Village of Bloomfield Public Works Department, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Village Supervisor of Public Works shall execute the necessary paperwork and take such other steps as are necessary to complete the purchase of the pickup truck, the subject of this resolution. The roll call vote was: Trustee Coleman – yes, Trustee Kimball –yes, Trustee Barnard – yes, Mayor Falsone – yes, Trustee Conklin – excused and the resolution was duly adopted. WOLCDC: Trustee Barnard reported that there will be a meeting on Friday June 28 to discuss the future of the WOLCDC in light of new state filing requirements. TEB meeting: Trustee Barnard reported that he attended the meeting and gave a brief summary of topics discussed. 1. He has information regarding the Town’s position on hydo-fracking, as defined in a resolution, that will be copied and discussed at the July meeting. 2. Don Collins has been re-appointed as assessor 3. Two petitions were received to extend water along Rte 444 to the south and one for a length of approx. 1 and ½ mile will be given consideration.
Comprehensive Plan committee: Dan Morley was unable to attend but sent a brief summary of progress to date from the two meetings held in June. The goal of the committee is to have the review completed by year-end.
New business: 1. The town has a fee on their schedule for new manufactured home hook-ups in the park. The Village currently has no fee. Trustee Barnard motioned, Trustee Kimball seconded and it was unanimously carried to amend the fee schedule to add a manufactured home setup fee of $100. 2. Pursuant to the new Uniform Notice of Claim Act, Trustee Coleman motioned, Trustee Barnard seconded and it was unanimously carried to allow notices of claim against the Village of Bloomfield to be served on the NY Secretary of State as agent for NY’s public corporations, and further that the Village Clerk be designated as the individual authorized to receive the notices of claim from the NY Secretary of State.
Unfinished business: 1. Trustee Coleman inquired as to the status of the planning board’s review and recommendation on amending the area variance fee for sign variances. The planning board is researching other municipalities for a point of reference in recommending a fee. 2. Trustee Coleman expressed his feeling that the SEQR for any development on the parcel on the corner of Main and Elm St. will be critical and wants the planning board to be assured that the village board supports any request that they may have for professional assistance with that review.
Adjournment: Trustee Barnard motioned, Mayor Falsone seconded and it was unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Conradt, Clerk