April and May at a Glance

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April and May at a Glance


Thursday, 21st April, 7.30 pm Monthly Meeting The Moor Club, for 7.45 pm start Tips for safety in the home – a talk by our local fire service Heaton Moor Road Competition: A home safety tip, written down Door: Trish Campbell, Raffle: Kate Young Cake rota: Carolyn Rowe, Anne Kelly, Sue Jordan Saturday, 23rd April, 10.30 am President’s Brunch Thom’s Bar, A chance to chat over a nice coffee and maybe a bacon butty. Heaton Moor Road Meet in the seats at the rear of the bar. Monday, 25th April, 7.30 pm Book Club Hosted by Barbara Humpage Thursday, 28th April, 7.30 pm Creative Crafts Group The Moor Club, Sewing, knitting, crochet, crafting and chatting. Heaton Moor Road Wednesday, 4th May, 7 pm Dining Group Turquoise, Cheadle Sign-up sheet at April meeting Thursday, 5th May, 7.30 pm Thursday Book Club Hosted by Open to new members. See Chris Stables or Suze. Laura Pasteiner Thursday, 12th May, 7.30 pm Creative Crafts Group The Moor Club, Sewing, knitting, crochet, crafting and chatting. Heaton Moor Road Thursday, 19th May, 7.30 pm Monthly Meeting The Moor Club, for 7.45 pm start Anniversary Cream Tea and Resolution discussion Heaton Moor Road Competition: Three slices of homemade quiche, on a plate Door: Barbara Humpage, Raffle: Val Pomfret, Scones: Anne Kelly Plant stall – bring your seedlings and cuttings to sell for WI funds

Many happy returns to members who celebrate their birthday in April.


Dear Members,

It is time to thinks about Bursaries and at the next meeting you will be asked for your opinions as to the type of Bursaries you would like to see awarded.

I am away from 20th April, so my apologies for my absence. I leave you in Tiff’s more than capable hands. I look forward to seeing you all at our 8th birthday party in May.

Best wishes, Angela


New Website

We have a new website. Many thanks to Suze for all her hard work in producing the new site. It looks fresh and tidy and is easy to navigate around with lots of photographs and news. It’s just another thing to make us proud of being a member of our WI. If you haven’t seen the new website, it’s at www.theheatonswi.com.

2016 Annual Meeting Resolutions

Every year members propose and select resolutions that could form the basis for NFWI campaigns and activity. Just under 100,000 members have taken part in the 2016 selection process so far. Over 40,000 members backed the following two resolutions. They will both go forward to a vote at the Annual Meeting in Brighton on 11th June.  Avoid food waste, address food poverty : The WI calls on all supermarkets to sign up to a voluntary agreement to avoid food waste, thereby passing surplus food on to charities thus helping to address the issue of increasing food poverty in the UK.

 Appropriate care in hospitals for people with dementia : We call upon HM Government and the NHS to provide facilities to enable carers to stay with people with Alzheimer's disease and dementia that have been admitted into hospital.

We will consider and vote on the resolutions at our May meeting.

The Heatons WI 2016 Charity

We have invited staff from Stockport Without Abuse, our 2016 chosen charity, to our May meeting. They will give a short talk about the work they do to support women, men and children who are affected by domestic abuse.

Royal Cheshire Show : Tuesday and Wednesday, 21st and 22nd June 2016

The entries have now been sent off to Cheshire Federation HQ. If you have any queries contact Sue J.

Would you be willing to make a lemon drizzle cake for sale in the WI tent refreshments area? Expenses reimbursed. Please see Sue J for more details.


Trip to Harlow Carr RHS

Unfortunately, this has had to be cancelled due to the excessive cost.

Trip to Martin Mere Wildfowl and Wetlands Centre : Monday, 16th May by Liz Robertson

I am hoping to arrange a visit to Martin Mere Wildfowl and Wetlands Centre, which is near Preston. They are offering us a special price of £10 which includes entrance, a guided boat trip and a cream tea.

The offer is restricted to WI members although pre-school children aged three and under may attend at no extra cost (but they won’t be eligible for the cream tea).

If there are enough people interested, I can book this and will collect payment at the April meeting. Can you please let me know if you are interested so I can judge whether to go ahead with this?

Exact timings and possible car sharing will be organised nearer the day.


The Committee is currently looking for suggestions for a WI outing in September or October. The cost of coach will be paid for out of our funds and members would be required to pay for any entrance fees, refreshments, etc. Where would you like to visit?

Christmas Ceilidh

A date for your diary – Friday, 25th November, at a venue in The Heatons, for members, family and friends (over 11 years of age). More details to follow.

NEWS FROM OUR NE CHESHIRE REP, LINDA McDOWELL and NEWS FROM CHESHIRE CFWI Headquarters - WI House, 11 White Friars, Chester, CH1 1NZ. Tel. 01244 347462; [email protected] NEC Group Logo : The NEC Group would like to have a new logo to be used on mailings, badges, a tablecloth and banner. They are interested to receive ideas and designs from members. If you have any bright ideas, please speak to Linda.

Invitation from Cheadle & Gatley – Charity Music Night and Hotpot Supper : Friday 22nd April 2016 – 7:30pm at Cheadle Social Club, Ashfield Crescent, Cheadle SK8 1 BQ. Tickets £9 each with a donation of £5 per ticket going to St Ann’s Hospice.

Fun Day and “Think Fit” Event : Saturday, 23rd April, Byley Village Hall. Tickets £8 each, including tea, coffee and biscuits. Try new activities, Tai Chi, Pilates, Latin dance, etc. See Linda for more details.

Baking Days : Next baking day Thursday, 28th April, 10 am to 1 pm, at WI House, Chester. Only ten members per class at a cost of £3 per class (recipe provided; bring your own ingredients). This month, scones.

Golf Taster Day : Tuesday, 3rd May, 10 am, Hartford Golf Club. No equipment needed but wear flat trainer-type shoes; warm clothing and waterproofs recommended. Cost £12. Reservations and cheques to CFWI at above address.

New Members’ Meetings : Thursday, 5th May at 10.30 am and Thursday, 19th May at 7.30 pm (NB, the 19th coincides with our monthly meeting). New members are invited to visit WI House in Chester and to meet other new WI members. See Sue Johnson for further details.

Bowls Fun Day : Saturday, 7th May, from 9.45 am at Lostock Social Club. See Sue Johnson for more details.

NECG Walk : Wednesday, 11th May, 10 am meet at the Ship Inn car park, Style (SK9 4JE) for 10.15 am departure. Moderate four mile walk along the Bollin Valley. No stiles but some steps. Lunch at the Ship Inn. Please dress appropriately – it may be muddy. Bring your own hot drink/water as there is no coffee stop.

Visit to the British Iron Works Centre, Shropshire and Oswestry : Friday, 13th May. Coach trip to visit the British Iron Works Centre – tour, coffee and croissants included in price – then visit to Oswestry in the afternoon for shopping and sights. Coach pick-up points in Knutsford, Chester and Nantwich, times and locations to be confirmed. Tickets £15 each. Bring packed lunch. Closing date Friday, 22nd April. More details from Linda.

County Walk : Friday, 20th May to Hilbre Island, Wirral. Details from CFWI.

NE Cheshire Group Coach Trip to York : Wednesday, 15th June. Tickets available at the April meeting – £12, including driver’s tip. WI members only.

Cheshire Federation visit to Denman College : 22nd to 24th July 2016. Courses available include Kick Start Ukulele, Pyrography, Marbling Silk, “Oxford Town and Gown” and Walking Summer Meadows. See Linda for an application form.

Cheshire Federation Autumn Council Meeting : Tuesday, 4th October 2016


2016 Annual National Federation General Meeting : Saturday, 11th June 2016, Brighton Centre, Brighton, East Sussex. Members wishing to attend this event as an observer (£20 each + 51p postage) should send details of name, WI and a self- addressed envelope (C5, not stamped), together with a cheque made payable to CFWI, to WI House. (This does not include any travel arrangements.)

MEMBERS’ NOTICE BOARD If you have a notice you would like to be included in the Members’ Notice Board section of the newsletter, or know of any local events other members might be interested in please send details to Sally at [email protected]

Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers

Jo Mellor is collecting Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers for local guide, scout and rainbow groups. Please pass any vouchers you don’t need yourself to Jo. Food Bank Collections

Each month Esther and Janet will collect donations for the Fallowfield and Withington Foodbank. (More information about the foodbank’s work and the Trussell Trust can be found at www.fallowfieldwithington.foodbank.org.uk). Donations of items such as cereal, tinned food, long-life milk, ladies’ toiletries, sweet treats, etc., can be brought to our monthly meetings for delivery to the foodbank.


Heatons Beer Festival

May Day weekend (1st to 4th May) at The Scout Hut behind St. Paul’s Church, Heaton Moor Road.

Heatons Open Gardens

Sunday, 15th May from mid-day until 5 pm. Admission by programme, available from local shops and businesses. More information at www.heatonsopengardens.net.

Four Heatons Summer Festival

The 2016 festival will take place on Sunday, 19th June – Father’s Day.


Monthly Meetings

Could we ask that the ladies who are on door and raffle duty arrive at the Moor Club by 7 pm, please?

A gentle reminder: Please make sure your mobile phones are switched off at the start of the meeting and, please, no chatting when the Chair or anyone else is speaking.

The Moor Club it is situated on Heaton Moor Road, opposite Boots Chemist, on the ground floor of the building, accessed by the middle front door. We meet from 7.30 pm with a prompt start at 7.45 pm. We pay 50p on the door to contribute to the cost of the cakes and ingredients and separately for our own tea or coffee – don’t forget your mug. A full bar service will be available during the tea break.

March Meeting Report

The March competition for an unusual souvenir was won by Liz Robertson, Carolyn Rowe came second and Brenda Nichols third.

March Meeting Finance: Refreshments: £20 net after hostess expenses (4 x £3.50), Raffle: £42; ACWW £4.30. Foreign coins – yet to be converted into Sterling.

ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World)

Donations of small change are collected at each monthly meeting at the sign-in desk. Details of ACWW’s work can be found www.acww.org.uk. Please note that stamps are no longer collected.

Foreign Coins

Don’t forget to bring any foreign coins you may have to our monthly meetings to be changed into sterling for our benefit. The Heatons WI Committee Members:

Angela Britland, President; Tiff Jordan, Vice-President and Minute Secretary; Susan Johnson, Secretary; Anne Kelly, Treasurer; Suze Appleton, IT Support; Karen Catchpole, Social Secretary; Krysia Kaczmarska; Linda McDowell, NE Cheshire Representative; Carolyn Rowe; Chris Stables, Craft Co-ordinator and Competition Organiser; Sally Stelfox, Publicity and Newsletter

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