Association of Fundraising Professionals

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Association of Fundraising Professionals

Association of Fundraising Professionals Silicon Valley Collegiate Chapter

Request for Proposals Development Internship Opportunity

Application Deadline: Monday, February 27, 2012

Submit via email to:

[email protected]


Fax to the attention of Bridget Holian at (408) 260-7267 Background and Guidelines

AFP Silicon Valley Collegiate Chapter In an effort to support the local community and help expand the pool of viable development professionals, the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Silicon Valley Chapter has recently established a local AFP Collegiate Chapter.

The goals of the AFP Silicon Valley Collegiate Chapter are to (1) introduce college students to the development profession, (2) provide education in the field of fundraising, (3) connect emerging development professionals with seasoned fundraisers, and (4) provide hands-on opportunities for members to gain fundraising experience.

Development Internship Overview College students actively participating in the AFP Collegiate Chapter are offered the opportunity to apply for a field internship where they will participate in a fundraising effort at a local non-profit agency or educational institution. Ideally interns will focus on one or two major fundraising strategies and be provided an opportunity to actively participate in the planning, execution and follow-up of a revenue generating effort. Exposure to all aspects of the organization is important as well.

Fundraising Projects The development field requires a range of skills and talents (grant writing, event planning, direct mail, major gifts solicitations, capital campaign fundraising, etc.) In that spirit, we will select projects that represent a range of fundraising techniques and expertise.

Eligibility Guidelines Applications will only be considered from agencies or institutions located in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties. Applicant institutions must be AFP Silicon Valley Chapter members and comply with AFP ethical standards. Internships which are simply administrative in nature will not be considered; fundraising responsibilities must be a central component of the internship opportunity. Internships must be a minimum of 200 hours in length (to be completed during the months of January and May).

Financial Responsibility We will present students with both paid and unpaid internship opportunities. If you wish to offer a paid internship opportunity, it must be paid at the minimum wage rate ($8/hour). Based on a 192-hour internship, the total cost will be $1,536. AFP Silicon Valley will partially underwrite the cost of a limited number of internships, as the budget allows; sponsoring non-profits and educational institutions will be responsible for paying $1,000 of the intern’s total stipend, and AFP Silicon Valley will contribute $536, if your agency’s internship is selected. If your agency is able to cover the entire cost of the internship, or can fund more hours than indicated above, please note that on the application. If you are unable to sponsor a paid internship, but would like to offer an unpaid opportunity, please indicate that on the application—your opportunity will still be publicized to students.

Timeline Summer internship placements will be made by April. Host agencies will have the opportunity to interview their potential intern before making an offer. As this is a competitive process, not all internships will be fulfilled. Internship schedules will be mutually agreed upon by the host agency and student intern.

Supervision In order to be considered for this opportunity, organizations must identify who will supervise the development intern. Preferably, supervisors will have management experience and a proven track record in the development field. Members of AFP are encouraged to oversee internship positions. SECTION I. APPLICATION COVER SHEET

AFP Membership: Yes  No 

Name of Organization: ______

Address: ______

City: ____ State: Zip Code: __

Telephone: _____ Fax: ______


Name and Title of Intern’s Direct Supervisor: ______

This person’s email address: ______

Will this person be primary contact during the matching process: Yes ___ No _ __

If not please list the name, title and email of contact person: ______


Name of Executive Director: ______

Organization’s Annual Operating Budget: $ ______

Fundraising Revenue Generated from Community Sources (individuals, corporations, foundations, special events)1 : $______

Will you provide a work space and necessary office supplies for the intern to be successful? Yes __ No__

Provide a brief description of the fundraising project you wish the development intern to support:

Paid internships require a $1,000 commitment from the sponsoring agency. Will you be able to fund the internship at this level? Yes ____ No2 ____

If yes, how do you intend to underwrite the $1,000 internship stipend, and who will be the signature authority on the organization’s $1,000 stipend?

1 Please do not include government funding or program fees 2 Unpaid internships may still be selected and presented as opportunities, but will be less competitive in nature. SECTION II. INTERN POSITION AND SERVICE PROJECT DESCRIPTION

1. Describe the project(s) that the development intern will support at your organization. List any fundraising goals associated with the project.

2. Write a brief position description outlining the roles and responsibilities that the development intern will be expected to fulfill.

3. Provide a list of required and preferred skill sets for this position.

4. Describe the skill sets and expertise that an intern may acquire through this opportunity (grant writing, prospect research, face-to-face solicitations, crafting direct mail appeals, etc.) III. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION

1. Briefly describe your organization’s history and mission. Please indicate your target population and the geographic area that you serve.

2. Briefly describe the fundraising expertise and management experience of the development intern’s supervisor. Please indicate whether the supervisor is or has been a member of AFP.

3. Briefly describe how the proposed fundraising project fits into your overall development strategy. Please indicate whether this is a new or ongoing fundraising effort.

4. Briefly describe why partnering with a development intern will be an asset to your organization at this time. IV. SIGNATURE AUTHORIZATION

An authorized organizational representative must sign the application for it to be considered complete. Please have the executive director or authorized staff/board member sign below.

Name: ______

Title: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

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