Powerpoint Country Presentation
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PowerPoint Country Presentation
Students will be able to: Identify the fashion of their chosen country Describe the culture and economy of their chosen country Demonstrate mastery of PowerPoint through use of graphics, animations, and slide transitions Present the information to the class
Students will choose a country from the attached list. Only one person may choose a particular country. The United States is not on the list so that the students may learn about the culture of other countries.
The presentation must include the following information regarding the chosen country: 1. Flag 2. Map 3. Population 4. Monetary Unit 5. Languages 6. Major Ethnic Groups and impact on fashion 7. Religion and impact on fashion 8. Major Industries 9. Major Occupations and how does clothing identify each (ex. What color does a judge wear?) 10. Food, Entertainment, art 11. National Costumes 12. Clothing as Symbols (ex. Why does a bride in the U.S. traditionally wear a white gown?) 13. Gender and Clothing (What is accepted for each gender in your country?)
The presentation should have at least 12 slides including: Title Slide Picture of the flag Map of Country A minimum of two additional graphics Animation and slide transitions on all slides A minimum of three Internet sources Last slide is bibliography of all sources used
Possible web sources: http://cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html http://www.countryreports.org/ http://www.mapsofworld.com/map-of-countries.html http://www.worldatlas.com/ PowerPoint Country Presentation Grading Rubric
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Presentation All thirteen Eleven or Nine or Seven or Five or fewer contains all items present fewer facts fewer facts fewer facts facts present thirteen items present present present of information required Presentation Each slide Animations Animations Animations Animations contains item present on at present on at present on at present on at animations on animated least eight least six least four least two each slide slides slides slides slides Presentation Transitions Transitions Transitions Transitions Transitions contains between each present on at present on at present on at present on at transitions slide least eight least six least four least two between each slides slides slides slides slide Presentation Attractive Attractive Attractive Attractive Attractive design background background background background background design, font design, font design, font design, font design, size easily size easily size generally size generally difficulty in visible (28 pt. visible (24 pt. visible (20 pt. visible (16 pt. reading text or larger) or smaller) or smaller) or smaller) (font size 12 pt. or smaller) Presentation No One Two Three Four or more grammar and grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical spelling or spelling or spelling or spelling or spelling or spelling errors error errors errors errors Student’s Appropriate Voice level Voice level Voice level Voice level delivery of voice level, slightly low, somewhat low to almost presentation business business low, casual understand, inaudible, to class dress dress dress casual dress casual dress ___ Afghanistan ___ Dominica ___ Liechtenstein ___ São Tomé and ___ Albania ___ Dominican ___ Lithuania Príncipe ___ Algeria Republic ___ Luxembourg ___ Saudi Arabia ___ Andorra ___ East Timor ___ Macedonia ___ Scotland ___ Angola ___ Ecuador ___ Madagascar ___ Senegal ___ Antigua and ___ Egypt ___ Malawi ___ Serbia and Barbuda ___ El Salvador ___ Malaysia Montenegro ___ Argentina ___ Equatorial Guinea ___ Maldives ___ Seychelles ___ Armenia ___ Eritrea ___ Mali ___ Sierra Leone ___ Australia ___ Estonia ___ Malta ___ Singapore ___ Austria ___ Ethiopia ___ Marshall Islands ___ Slovakia ___ Azerbaijan ___ Fiji ___ Mauritania ___ Slovenia ___ Bahamas ___ Finland ___ Mauritius ___ Solomon Islands ___ Bahrain ___ France ___ Mexico ___ Somalia ___ Bangladesh ___ Gabon ___ Micronesia ___ South Africa ___ Barbados ___ Gambia ___ Moldova ___ Spain ___ Belarus ___ Georgia ___ Monaco ___ Sri Lanka ___ Belgium ___ Germany ___ Mongolia ___ Sudan ___ Belize ___ Ghana ___ Morocco ___ Suriname ___ Benin ___ Great Britain ___ Mozambique ___ Swaziland ___ Bhutan ___ Greece ___ Myanmar ___ Sweden ___ Bolivia ___ Grenada ___ Namibia ___ Switzerland ___ Bosnia and ___ Guatemala ___ Nauru ___ Syria Herzegovina ___ Guinea ___ Nepal ___ Taiwan ___ Botswana ___ Guinea-Bissau ___ The Netherlands ___ Tajikistan ___ Brazil ___ Guyana ___ New Zealand ___ Tanzania ___ Brunei ___ Haiti ___ Nicaragua ___ Thailand ___ Bulgaria ___ Honduras ___ Niger ___ Togo ___ Burkina Faso ___ Hungary ___ Nigeria ___ Tonga ___ Burundi ___ Iceland ___ Northern Ireland ___ Trinidad and ___ Cambodia ___ India ___ Norway Tobago ___ Cameroon ___ Indonesia ___ Oman ___ Tunisia ___ Canada ___ Iran ___ Pakistan ___ Turkey ___ Cape Verde ___ Iraq ___ Palau ___ Turkmenistan ___ Central African ___ Ireland ___ Panama ___ Tuvalu Republic ___ Israel ___ Papua New ___ Uganda ___ Chad ___ Italy Guinea ___ Ukraine ___ Chile ___ Jamaica ___ Paraguay ___ United Arab ___ China ___ Japan ___ Peru Emirates ___ Colombia ___ Jordan ___ The Philippines ___ Uruguay ___ Comoros ___ Kazakhstan ___ Poland ___ Uzbekistan ___ Congo ___ Kenya ___ Portugal ___ Vanuatu ___ Congo, ___ Kiribati ___ Qatar ___ Vatican City (Holy Democratic ___ Korea, North ___ Romania See) Republic of the ___ Korea, South ___ Russia ___ Venezuela ___ Costa Rica ___ Kuwait ___ Rwanda ___ Vietnam ___ Côte d'Ivoire ___ Kyrgyzstan ___ St. Kitts and ___ Wales ___ Croatia ___ Laos Nevis ___ Yemen ___ Cuba ___ Latvia ___ St. Lucia ___ Yugoslavia ___ Cyprus ___ Lebanon ___ St. Vincent and ___ Zaire ___ Czech Republic ___ Lesotho The Grenadines ___ Zambia ___ Denmark ___ Liberia ___ Samoa ___ Zimbabwe ___ Djibouti ___ Libya ___ San Marino