The National Defence Academy of Latvia

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The National Defence Academy of Latvia

The National Defence Academy of Latvia

Self – Assessment Report

Riga 2002

1 Contents

I. Goals and Objectives of the NDA…………………… .page 3 1. General information 2. The goal of the NDA 3. The basic spheres of activity II. Self–Assessment Report……………………………… 4 1. Organization and Management of Academic Work 1.1. Regulations of enrollment and graduation 1.2. Tuition and material support 1.3. Control of relationship between students and administration 1.4. The status of students` organization 1.5. Student exchange programs and opportunities of practice abroad 1.6. Study management 1.7. Summary and actions to be taken 2. Academic Personnel ……………………………………………page 7 2.1. Academic staffing, renewal and improvement 2.2. Meeting the qualification requirements 2.3. Scientific research 2.4. Actions to be taken 3. Management and Provision of Material, Informative and Financial Assets …………………………………………… … page 9… 3.1. Management 3.2. Provision of material and informative assets 3.3. Financing 3.4. Actions to be taken 4. Ensuring of Quality and Control……………………………… 13 4.1. Plan of development 4.2. System of quality assessment and management 4.3. Improvement of academic programs III. Annexes 1) The NDA Charter 2) Draft NDA Charter (submitted to the Cabinet) 3) Concept of the LR NAF Officers` Military Education 4) The NDA Development Plan

2 1. Goals and Objectives of the NDA 1. General Information The National Defence Academy (NDA) was established on February 13,1992 by Resolution No 54 of Council of Ministers, dated 19.02.92, as the Academy of the MoD. Its founder is the state personified by the Cabinet. The NDA is a judicial entity having its own flag, armorial bearings, motto, anthem, and seal with the image of the Academy coat of arms and inscription `The National Defence Academy of Latvia`. The judicial basis of the NDA activity is the Charter (Satversme ) of the Republic of Latvia, its laws and other normative bills, the Charter of the NDA, and military regulations. Its academic work is organized according to the Law of Education,The Law of Professional Education, The Law of Higher Educational Institutions, and considering the Cabinet Regulations about National Standards of First Level Higher Professional Education and Regulations about National Standards of Second Level Professional Education, as well as the requirements of the Concept of Military Education of the National Armed Forces Officers.

2. The Goal of the NDA The NDA is a professional institution of higher education carrying out academic work and scientific research in the military field. The goal of the NDA is to provide professionally well-trained personnel of commanders for state defence, to organize and carry out practical studies in the field of national security and defence policy, in accordance with the demand of the National Armed Forces.

3. The Range of Activities To accompish its basic task in providing the NAF with qualified military personnel, the NDA realizes academic programs of higher professional education as well as ensures further studies to improve military qualification. The basic spheres of the NDA activity, as determined by the NDA Charter, are the following: - training officers for service in the NAF, which includes basic as well as further education ; - practical research in the military field, relevant for the perfection of national defence; system and ensuring the functioning of the NDA; - improvement of state defence system personnel qualification and retraining; - development and publishing of study aids, textbooks and research works. On the basis of qualification requirements approved by the Commander of the NAF, the NDA defines the contents and the type of the academic work, determines supplementary regulations for enrollment, immatriculation, the basic fields of research, confers qualification, diplomas and certificates. The NDA establishes and awards bonuses, develops its organizational and administrative structure, replenishes its personnel, determines wages for its civilian personnel within the frames set by the legislation.

3 In relation to its academic and research work, the NDA organizes training sessions and lectures, conferences, seminars and meetings; with the NAF Commander`s permission it organizes clubs, concludes contracts with educational, research and other oganizations, enters associations and involves in publishing activities.

II. The NDA Self-Assessment Report

1. Organization of Academic Work and Management

1.1. Regulations of Enrollment and Graduation Citizens of the Republic of Latvia with state of health meeting the established requirements for military service are enrolled at the NDA by tender procedure, based on the Law of Military Service and enrollment regulations. Up to 2001, the selection of candidates was organized by the NDA. For the `A` sub- program of 3-year long Platoon Commander Course enrolled citizens of the Republic of Latvia, fit for serving in the military, aged under 25, and having secondary education. For the`B` sub-program of 2-year long Platoon Commander Course, soldiers having served in active duty in the NAF for not less than 12 months, aged under 35, and having secondary education were selected. The Company Commander Course enrolled officers of the NAF having acquired platoon commander qualifications at the NDA or abroad and served in the subunits of the NAF for not less than 2 years. In conformity with the adopted concept of military education of the NAF officers and to raise the level of officers` general and professional preparedness, since 2001, the selection of candidates is provided by the NAF Recruitment and Selection Centre (RSC) involving also specialists from the MoD, the NAF, the NDA and the Office of State Military Service. Since September 2001, the enrollment has proceeded in three courses of studies:

- The sub-program of Basic Officer course of Command Structure, training officers of active duty, admits citizens of the Republic of Latvia, fit for service in the NAF, with higher education and aged under 27; - The sub-program of Basic Officer course of Command Structure, training reserve officers, admits citizens of the Republic of Latvia, fit for service in the NAF, studying in higher educational institutions and having completed the Section Commander training course; - Regulations for the Company Commander Course enrollment have remained unaltered. To be more objective in assessing the potentials of the candidate and his fitness for the military service, the entrance testing includes detection of leadership ability. Enrollment of university graduates since 2001 has essentially affected the quality and efficiency of the academic process. The present system, when the Academy graduates having completed the first level of studies proceed to the next level, provides close links between studies and service, as well as continuous improvement of the graduates` qualification.

4 Women, as well, are admitted for studies. Foreign citizens may study at the NDA, in accordance with international agreements. To graduate from the NDA, the student has to successfully acquire the program and pass the qualificiations test. The graduates of the Platoon Commander Course receive the rank of lieutenant.

1.2. Tuition and Material Support Education at the NDA is free of charge. In the course of studies, cadets and students are provided for by the state: they receive service fee or basic salary, free aliment and uniform, free medical care and place in the dormitory. Al the expenses are covered according to the regulations. Apart from this, by the NDA Commandant`s order, they may be granted additional social scholarship as well as receive extraordinary allowances in emergency cases stated by legislation. After having successfully completed the Basic Officer Course Program, the loan received by students (having enrolled since 2001) for study purposes is discharged from the MoD budget. To start military service, the graduates receive an extraordinary allowance or a loan without interest.

1.3. Monitoring the Relationship between Students and Administration The relationship between the students of the NDA and its administration is controled by military legislation: the Law about Defence Forces, the Law about the National Armed Forces, the Statute of Military Service, as well as military regulations, orders, directions, the Charter (Satversme) of the NDA, the Academic Statute and the Academy regulations. Upon enrollment, the RSC undertakes conclusion of agreements with the students regarding their studies as well as 5 years of further service in the NAF.

1.4. The Status of Students` Organization The students of the NDA have a unitary self-government- the Students Board (Krivi). It acts in conformity with its Statute developed by students themselves and on the Senate`s recommendation, confirmed by the Commandant. The resolutions of the student self-government are compulsory to all students. The student self-government: - protects and represents students` interests when dealing with material and cultural issues; - determines the procedure of electing students in the Charter Assembly and the Senate, according to the Charter and the Statute of the Charter Assembly;. - works for the maintenance and improvement of Academy traditions. Student self-government has the right to receive information from the direction of any structural unit about issues concerning students` interests. Representatives of student self- government have the right of taking part in tests and examinations as observers. The work of student self-government may be evaluated as satisfactory.

5 1.5. Student Exchange Programs and Opportunities for Practice Abroad To provide education and military practice, collaboration agreements have been signed with foreign Armed Forces. On agreement basis, 38 cadets of the NDA are currently acquiring military education in different specialities : in Germany (16), Sweden (13), Denmark (6), the U.S.A. (2), Great Britain (1).

As a result of international collaboration, an agreement has been signed with the Royal Defence Academy of Denmark about annual short-term student exchange program (one officer and two cadets each year on both sides). Exchange programs of the kind are systematically organized with the Defence Academy of Sweden. During the annual Conference of Military Academies of the Baltic Sea states, exchange of information and experience is carried out among the students of the eight participant states.

1.6. Study Management The academic basis of the NDA comprises five departments: - The Tactics Department; - The Technical Sciences Department; - The Foreign Languages Department; - The Physical Training Department. The work of all departments is coordinated by the Curriculum Management Section. The departments carry out work according to the Department Statute and provide the completion of all study programs. Currently, the NDA is realizing the following courses of studies: - The Platoon Commander Course: ○ Sub-program A (3-year course of studies); ○ Sub-program B (2-year course of studies). - The Company Commander Course; - The Basic Officer Course of Command Structure: ○ Sub program training officers for active duty; ○ Sub program training reserve officers. In addition, the following courses are available: - The Basic Officer-Specialist Course; - The Military Adjustment course (for graduates of foreign military institutions); - Different short-term efficiency courses (by order of the MoD and the NAF).

1.7. Summary and Actions to be Taken The highest estimate (excellent) has to be given to the fields of study finansing and material support, as well as to the relationship between the administration and the students, based on legislation and mutual agreement (estimated as very good). The number of students is determined by the future employer`s (the NAF) order, consequently, all students are provided with job (excellent) in the acquired speciality, according to their qualification (estimated as satisfactory). The number of graduates appointed to positions not corresponding to the acquired qualification (though equivalent), should be cut to the miminum. For the time being, the student self-government has not been active enough (estimated as satisfactory).

6 To coordinate studies with the real demand of labour market and provide reciprocal links between the NDA and the NAF during the graduates` service, the NDA has been subordinated to the NAF. In the future, the principle of the potential employer selecting students according to specific requirements of military service and considering the number of specialists needed in each branch should be fully adhered to. To raise the efficiency of the academic process, studies in the present Platoon and Company Commander Courses should gradually be suspended, passing over to:

- The Basic Oficer Course of Command Structure (for university graduates) preparing officers for active duty; - The Basic Reserve Officer Course of Command Structure (for university students) . preparing reserve oficers; - The Officer-Specialist Course (for university graduates) preparing officers for particular specialities; - The Captain Course (for officers), to improve the officers` further qualification; - The Junior Staff Oficer course (for officers), to raise their efficiency.

2. Academic Personnel II.1. Academic Staffing, Renewal and Perfection The academic personnel of the NDA carry out pedagogical work and scientific research, develop study programs and secure their implementation. The personnel include military persons teaching specific subjects (highly professional military personnel with service experience), as well as civilians teaching academic subjects. To secure the highest possible quality of the academic personnel, the NDA involves highly qualified teaching staff (also from other institutions of higher education) and military persons with professional experience and scientific degrees. At present, for 84% of the academic personnel, working at the NDA is their principal ocupation. The breakdown of age groups is reflected in the chart:

As the Armed Forces of Latvia have been established comperatively recently, the average age of the administration and the academic personnel does not exceed 40.1 years. Thus, the problem lies in the shortage of sufficient academic education and military service experience rather than renewal of the personnel. To improve the situation, the majority of the academic personnel continue studies in civilian universities.

7 Besides, military academic personnel, in rotation, is being involved in military practice – commanding units of the NAF.

II.2. Meeting the Qualification Requirements As the Armed Forces of Latvia have been established comperatively recently, and there is neither developed military science nor master class or doctorate in the field of national security, academic, especially military qualified staffing is very problematic. Taking into consideration the objective historical situation, in order to ensure adequate qualification of the personnel, and at the same time providing officer training for national security, the new Charter of the NDA, submitted to the Cabinet, establishes definite, specific requirements for military persons to be appointed for academic positions (in special subjects). The Charter provides for the possibility to compensate the insufficient academic education with experience gained in military service. Although many academic positions are occupied by highly qualified personnel (Dr. Sc.Med. L Plavina, Dr.Philos.O.Pavlovs, Dr.Habil.Philol.B.Reidzane, Dr.Paed.I.Jurgena, Dr.Chem.I.Skrastins, Dr.Habil.Sc.eng.K.Kreslins, Dr.Sc.eng. J.Melderis, Dr.Mat.M.Buikis) and there are five more candidates for a doctor`s degree studying at different institutions of higher education, the prevailing qualification of the academic staff is at master level. This is due to the insufficiently developed science in the field of national security and defence. After the restoration of the state`s independence, when it was necessary to commence officer training in a short time, attention was paid to the involvement of experienced officers (mostly with foreign military education) for academic positions at the NDA.It has to be noted, though, that military science is not likely to be developed in Latvia, thus, in the future, our academic personnel will not be able to acquire top level academic education in specialized military subjects. The military personnel keep improving their professional qualification regularly attending different military training courses as well as foreign educational institutions. The Law of Military Service envisages systematic change of service stationing, determined by service career. Besides, academic activities burden the further education process. This has resulted in civilian academic staff having higher academic qualification in comparison with the military personnel.

II.3. Scientific Research Scientific research at the Academy is coordinated by the Scientific Board, whereas its practical side is organized by the Defence Research Centre, whose objective is organizing research in the field of military education and military problem handling, aimed at strengthening state security system. Its basic spheres of activity are the following: - Practical studies in the field of national security and defence policy, as well as military education and science; - Studying the experience of the NATO Alliance, countries of Northern Europe, as well as the neutral and other, especially small, countries in organizing total armed defence, crysis management, military education and training; - Favouring exchange of information with the MoD-s and Armed Forces Research centres of the Baltic states and other states of partnership in the field of security and defence.

8 All in all, the research work of the academic personnel is satisfactory : every year, 5-6 research projects, commissioned by state institutions, and 6-8 NDA research projects in the field of improvement of military education and national defence system are completed. Though, students` involvement in the process is not satisfactory. Various specific assignments determined by the military service and having to be fulfilled alongside with the academic work could be mentioned as the main reason for this drawback.

II.4. Actions to be Taken Taking into consideration the consequences of the previous political administration system and the situation at the moment when the NDA was founded, as well as the specific features of the studies, determined by the military service, the provision of academic personnel and its qualifications, in general, can be estimated as satisfactory. The activity of the personnel in acquisition of scientific degrees has not been sufficient. Since the NDA was established, only two dissertations (one habilitated doctor`s degree and the other –doctor`s degree) have been completed and defended. One more doctor`s dissertation has been completed and submitted to the Promotion Board, and only five doctorate students are studying at different universities. Several officers are still attending master classes in civilian universities. To improve the situation, it has been planned, by 2005, to establish master studies in the field of national security, which is supposed to favour specialized training of the academic personnel. To strengthen the links between the studies at the NDA and the graduates` future military service, officers should gradually be forwarded to practice in the NAF units.

3. Management and Provision of Material, Informative, and Finansial Assets 3.1. Management 3.1.1. Organization of Management The main administrative, representative and decisive institutions are: - The Charter Assembly; - The Senate; - The Commandant; - The Inspection Committee. To act within the competence determined by the NDA Charter and the above institutions the following administrative and decisive bodies have been established: - The Commandant`s Office; - The Academy Board; - The Study Board; - The Scientific Board; - The Logistics Board. The work of the NDA is conducted by the Commandant. Management in other spheres is realized by: - deputy Commandant in Formation (issues of military service); - deputy Commandant in Academic work ( the study process);

9 - deputy Commandant in Logistics (supply and provision of studies); - deputy Commandant in Scientific work (scientific research). Since 2001, to make the officers` training more effective and meeting the service requirements, the NDA has been subordinated to the NAF Commander. To simplify the chain of command and clarify the breakdown of responsibilities, changes in the NDA staff structure have taken place.

3.1.2. Cooperation with other Institutions of Higher Education in Latvia The NDA cooperates with several institutions of higher education in Latvia. The closest contacts have ben established with the Naval Academy of Latvia and Riga Technical University. At each of the institutions mentioned, on mutual agreement basis, a group of the NDA cadets are trained to acquire the speciality of naval officers, at the same time receiving basic education at the NDA.

3.1.3. International Cooperation Collaboration with states of partnership is one of the NDA priorities to boost the quality of study programs and overtake the Western experience in officer training. Apart from international collaboration planned at the level of the MoD and NAF, the NDA has established close links with many foreign military schools, and cooperation with seven states has turned out to be lasting and profound in concrete spheres: - the U.S.A. – the English language classes; - the Czech Republic – exchange of instructors; - Denmark – cooperation between the Academies, efficiency courses in military leadership and pedagogy, collaboration between the Tactics Centres; - France – the French language classes; - Germany – training cadets in military specialities, relevant for the NAF; the German language classes; - Great Britain – tactical training; - Sweden – cooperation between the Academies, instructor exchange. Currently, 38 cadets of the NDA are being trained abroad in a variety of military specialities, as sapper, signals officer, artillery officer, navy officer, logistics officer. Officers and instructors of the NDA are studyimg abroad, too. At the present moment, the Aacademy officers are being trained at the Bundeswehr University in Germany, at the Baltic Defence College, the Military Academy of the Czech Republic in Brno. Two officers from the NDA are working as instructors at the Baltic Defence College in Estonia. The NDA personnel regularly take part in different training courses abroad, as well as training courses organized by foreign specialists in Latvia. The NDA is an active participant of the Association of the Baltic Sea States Military Academies and the organizer of its annual conference in 2002.

3.1.4. Practice The practice of the Platoon Commander Course at the NDA is organized in accordance with the Statute of the NDA Platoon Commander Course qualification practice in the Armed Force units. During the practice, the cadets activate their theoretical knowledge and

10 acquire practical skills fulfilling their official duties as platoon commanders or in equivalent positions. According to the enrollment regulations, the students of the Company Commander Course, prior to starting their studies at the NDA, have to go through practice of serving in the units of the NAF for not less than 2 years.

3.1.5. Mass Media To spread information, the NDA is issuing the `Cadet` magazine and is getting ready for the publication of the `Military Review` journal. It also makes use of other informative assets, as booklets, the public press and TV. There is the NDA Home page ( on the Internet, where the most relevant information about the NDA is available . Information days at schools and subunits of the NAF, as well as at the NDA, are organized on regular basis. The above work at the NDA is organized by the Public Information Officer. Information about the NDA and study possibilities can also be obtained from the RSC.

3.2. Provision of Material and Informative Resources

3.2.1. Academic and Scientific Literature The library of the NDA has been established in 1993. It comprises a reading room and two lending departments – for coursebooks and scientific literature as well as fiction. The volume of the library funds is about 31.5 thousand units. Certain work has been done in installing a video- and CD electronic library, though the process has to be boosted. Extensive possibilities are provided for searching information in CD ROM databases. Active cooperation with other libraries, especially with the National Library of Latvia, has been established. As the scope of military literature issued in Latvian is very limited, books published in foreign languages are widely used. Besides, the academic personnel of the NDA regularly involve in developing coursebooks and abstracts of study material, thus providing students with the necessary issues.

3.2.2. Communications Network, Software To facilitate studies, 30 users have access to the Internet. The NDA has Internet Radiolink port with 11Mb/s, and unlimited data flow. Two computer classes have been installed with 15 working places in each. One of the classes has the Internet port. Students in the dormitories are also partially provided with computers. To improve the provision, it has been planned, in the first half of 2002, to secure the Internet access to the second computer classroom and to considerably increase its operational speed.

3.2.3. Logistics

11 Material provision is secured by the Logistics Board, monitored by the deputy Commandant in Logistics. The NDA possesses all the necessary infrastructure, the administrative and academic buildings, outbildings, a messhall, up-to-date student dormitories, medical aid post, storehouses, as well as lines of communication to secure functioning of the above. The NDA has two computer classrooms, two computerized foreign language teaching classrooms, the Tactics Centre meeting NATO standards, and specialised lecture-rooms. Work has been commenced to install an internationally integrated tactics simulator which will enable organizing of international training sessions and videoconferences. All the technical assets are provided from the specially allocated budget funds. Likewise, all the employees necessary foe securing the working process are included in the staff list. In case of necessity, to secure the service, labour contracts may be signed with legal entities and physical persons, according to the Cabinet regulations. The existing material basis is good. The NDA does not possess its own military training ground for field exercises, nevertheless, this opportunity is provided at Adazi training ground.. Repair works in the study block should be mentioned as the most relevant task for the nearest future. To further improve the cadets` living conditions, all dormitories have to be updated and computerized.

3.3 Finansing The NDA is budgeted by the state. Its finansing is included into the state budget program `State Defence, Security and Accession to NATO` as sub-program to the MoD budget program `National Armed Forces`. In addition to the state budget subsidy, the finansial resources of the NDA include also own revenue, donations and gifts by legal entities and physical persons. Taking into consideration the system of planning, programming and budgeting realized by the MoD, the NDA state budget subsidy (in 2002 – Ls 2013716, which exceeds that of 2001 by 30.42 %) secures the realization of all basic goals in accordance with the established priorities. The explicit and systematic financing has to be highly appreciated: all envisaged tasks are included into the development plan supported by concrete finansing. Although the finansing is satisfactory, it is limiting the NDA further development pace.

3.4. Actions to be Taken According to changes in command subordination and other alterations, a new NDA Charter has to be adopted. The Draft Charter has been submitted to the Ministries for a repeated approval. To raise the efficiency of the NDA management, the introduction of the new staff structure has to be fully completed. Successful and systematic realization of the basic goals of the NDA is preconditioned by provision of material basis meeting NATO standards. To accomplish the task, it is necessary to renovate the academic block (to be started in the first quarter of 2002) and the moto-transport fleet.. To improve the quality of the academic work, it is necessary to update the library, introducing the Internet (for distance learning including), as well as the electronic CD library and a video depository. As the provision of specialized military literature for study purposes is insufficient, it has to be improved.

12 International collaboration is very intensive and productive, though cooperation with defence academies of the Baltic States is passive at the present moment and has to be upgraded.

4. Ensuring of Quality and Control

4.1. The Plan of Development

4.1.1. Long-Term Development Plan The prospects and possibilities of the NDA development have been outlined and justified within the long-term, medium-term, and short-term development planning system. The long-term planning has been developed according to the priorities defined for the period of 2000 through 2012 (DOC-1), as well as the directions and goals set by the medium-term (4years) development plans (DOC-2A and DOC 2B). The long-term plan is considerably affected by the programs and plans connected with accession to NATO. The long-term development planning has been integrated into the NAF planning system, this is why the plan is specified and supplemented every year, alongside with the revision of the NAF medium-term plan. The main long-term development priorities are : - providing for officers` military eduction system, to meet the standards of NATO countries; - developing basis for academic studies, according to contemporary standards; - raising the importance of science at the NDA, developing Master Course in the field of national security.

4.1.2. Short-Term Development Plan The short-term plan is created according to determined spheres of development and priorities, so that meeting objectives of the long-term plan is secured. The NDA short-term development plan is included into the MoD system of planning, programming and budgeting. At present, the main short-term spheres are the following: - Improvement of the quality of academic work, introduction of the new concept of oficers` military education; - Development of Distance Study Centre; - Creating of up-to-date, internationally integrated tactics simulator, - Improvement of the academic basis and students` living conditions; - Improvement of the academic personnel efficiency.

4.2. System of Quality Assessment and Management To assess and ensure the quality of work, the NDA has developed an external and internal control system. The overall control and analysis of the academic work is constantly

13 realized by the Commandant`s Office and the Academy Board. In separate fields, it is realized by the Study Board, the Scientific and Logistics Boards. The internal control over the quality of academic work is conducted by the Administration Committee of Self-Assessment, approved by the Senate, representing all groups of the personnel (employees including). To assess the quality of the academic work, the following activities are organized and the results analysed: - Conferences of the graduates (with opinion poll carried out); - Cadets` questionnaires; - Questionnaires of the academic personnel; - Opinion poll of the graduate courses about the work of the academic personnel; - Evaluation of the NDA, requested from the MoD and the NAF; - Analysis of the results and recommendations of the State (Qualification)Examination Committee; - Data compiled by the Personnel Department concerning staff provision.

The quality of the academic work is constantly controled by the departments and the Curriculum Management Section, coordinated and monitored by the Study Board, holding meetings as often as once a month. The external control of the quality is realized by the MoD and the NAF. The control is based on the approved requirements for platoon and company commanders` qualification. The work is analysed at annual conferences as well. Once in two years, the external assessment is organized with the participation of foreign military experts. For example, in 2000, an external assessment was realized by experts from Great Britain, Denmark and Sweden. This kind of assessment has turned out to be effective, as exactly the analysis of quality assessment and the recommendations given for its improvement served as the basis for the cardinal reorganization of the officers` military education system. To analyse the effectivity of the newly introduced concept of the NAF officers` military education, an external assessment has to be carried out repeatedly in 2003, with foreign military experts participating.

4.3. Improvement of Academic Programs The student costs at military educational institutions are considerably higher in comparison with civilian universities. For a more rational employment of the state budget, the new concept of the NAF officers` military education was adopted. It envisages providing professional training to graduates of civilian universities. Requirements set by NATO for its countries and candidate-states also have effect on the future form and contents of the studies. Besides, for state security and defence, training officers of reserve is equally important to those of active duty. The previous study programs, aimed at providing a great number of officers for national security needs, in their present shape, have exhausted their potential. Considering the general development of the Armed Forces and the requirements related with the accession to NATO, a complete transformation of the previous academic programs to a new quality, minimizing the range and considerably shortening the period of studies, is necessary. The transformation includes:

14 - Reorganizing the Platoon Commander Course (3 years) into the Basic Officer Course of Command Structure (1 year); - Reorganizing the Platoon Commander Course, (2 years) (part-time), into the Basic Reserve Officer Course of Command Structure (2 years, alongside with studies in civilian universities, once a week integrating the distance learning program); - Application of the Platoon Commander 2 -year study program for training the Navy specialists, prior to the course of specialization;

- Substitution of the Company Commander Course (I year) by the Captain and Junior Staff Officer Courses (relatively short-term courses, aimed at improving the officers` efficiency).

January 25, 2002

Commandant of the NDA Juris Maklakovs

Deputy Commandant in Formation Normunds Aizpurs

Deputy Commandant in Academic Work Gunars Upitis

Deputy Commandant in Logistics Ivo Mogilnijs

Deputy Commandant in Scientific Work Janis Melderis


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