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Shoreline Community College s3



At 4:00 PM, the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Shoreline Community College District Number Seven was called to order by Chair Dick Stucky in the Board Room of the Administration Building of Shoreline Community College.


Ms. Shoubee Liaw, Mr. Roger Olstad, Mr. Jerry Smith, Mr. Dick Stucky and Ms. Gidget Terpstra were present.


Chair Stucky asked the Board to consider approval of the Consent Agenda.

On the agenda for approval: One set of minutes from Special Meeting of March 12, 2008; one set of minutes from the Regular Meeting of February 27, 2008; and a recommendation that the Board “authorizes provision of refreshments purchased with student services and activities fees at (1) the Speech Language Pathology Assistant graduation ceremony in 2008 and (2) the College’s plenary commencement exercises on June 8, 2008.” (TAB 1 – Refreshments at Graduation)

Motion 08:04: A motion was made by Ms. Shoubee Liaw to approve the March 12, 2008 Special Meeting minutes and the February 27, 2008 Regular Meeting minutes as written.

Mr. Roger Olstad seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by the Board.

Motion 08:05: A motion was made by Ms. Shoubee Liaw that the Board “authorizes provision of refreshments purchased with student services and activities fees at (1) the Speech Language Pathology Assistant graduation ceremony in 2008 and (2) the College’s plenary commencement exercises on June 8, 2008.”

Mr. Roger Olstad seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by the Board.




Student Listening Task Force Update Mr. John Backes, Vice President for Academic Affairs is the Instructional Commission’s representative to the Student Listening Task Force. He provided an overview of the SBCTC (State Board for Community and Technical Colleges) Student Listening Web Survey. The purpose of the survey, administered between October 23 and December 17, 2007:

. To better understand students’ satisfaction with Washington State’s community and technical colleges . To establish a benchmark for student opinions of experiences with the community and technical colleges of Washington State

The Areas of Investigation: I. Student Satisfaction; II. Attendance and Ambition; III. College Choice; IV. Tuition and Financial Aid; V. Technology; VI. Campus Climate.

The Geographic Distribution for Community and Technical Colleges/Districts consisted of ten regions with Region 2 being comprised of Cascadia, Edmonds and Shoreline.

Of note from the data collected from survey respondents:

. Regionally, Seattle and Eastside residents are least likely to have started their education at a community and/or, technical college. . Regionally, Seattle, North King and Eastside students are most often influenced by a specific program and more often influenced by the quality of instruction and reputation of the school. . Financial sources for college differ significantly geographically. . Younger students are more reliant upon financial sources other than personal income. . 85% of the students prefer to register online. . Enrollment in online learning differs regionally. . Online enrollment varies by educational goal and course load. . “The more dependent a student is on student services, the more sense of belonging they have.”

Mr. Backes reiterated that the data he shared is statewide data and that regional data is forthcoming. He added that no conclusions from the data have been drawn at this point and that the data provided, is raw.

NWCCU New Accreditation Model Proposal President Lambert and Vice President for Academic Affairs John Backes recently attended a NWCCU (Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities) meeting where the Commission shared their vision for a new accreditation model. SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 19, 2008 PAGE 3 OF 10

Colleges and universities feel that the best model for the 21st Century is one with a seven year cycle (versus a ten year cycle) and engages the colleges and universities, immediately. The new model consists of five clusters with colleges and universities expected to “report” during year one (cluster one). Clusters two, three and four (years two – five) would involve colleges and universities submitting data to the Commission. Cluster five (years six and seven) involves a “synthesis of findings that yields an evaluation of the fulfillment of the overall institutional mission and goals.”

President Lambert noted that the new model would be good for Shoreline Community College because the College has a strategic plan, a mission, values and annual reports.

Things that the College will need to concentrate on: clarity surrounding the data that the College collects, that the College set benchmarks and work on resource allocation—how are we using our budget in order to maintain a healthy budget and are we generating new revenue streams?

The expected “first year” of a new accreditation model is five years from now. However, if the College is involved in the pilot of the new accreditation model, it could be during the 2008 – 2009 academic year at the earliest.

Early Learning Update Dean Kenny Lawson expressed his appreciation for the state’s focus on Early Learning. Services at the community and technical colleges include Early Childhood Education (through programs and courses), parent education and childcare centers.

Dean Lawson stated that recommendations coming from the SBCTC 2008 Early Learning Report include:

. Improving educational pathways for Early Childhood Education personnel/students. . Seeking financial assistance resources and incentives for early learning providers who want to advance their education . Increasing parent education offerings . Providing state funding for campus childcare centers to ensure that students have access to high quality and affordable childcare. . Increasing specific strategies for attracting and retaining diverse faculty, staff and administrators in community and technical college early learning programs. . Increasing opportunities for faculty and staff to build cultural competency.


Ms. Chris Melton, Registrar and Chair of the Calendar Committee, provided an overview of the action item and referenced TAB 2 (2009-2010, 2010-2011 College Calendars). SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 19, 2008 PAGE 4 OF 10

Recommendations from the Joint Union/Management Committee (JU/MC) were used in the development of the College Calendars for academic years 2009 – 2010 and 2010 - 2011. Ms. Melton, on behalf of the Calendar Committee, stated that she respectfully requested that the Board permanently approve the 2009 - 2010 calendar and to tentatively approve the calendar for 2010 – 2011.

Motion 08:06: A motion was made by Ms. Gidget Terpstra to permanently approve the 2009 - 2010 College Calendar and to tentatively approve the 2010 – 2011 College Calendar.

Mr. Jerry Smith seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by the Board.


Mr. John Backes, Vice President for Academic Affairs, provided an overview for the action item and referenced TAB 3 (Renewal of First- and Second-Year Tenure Track Faculty Candidates). Prior to the March 19, 2008 meeting, each Trustee received a copy of TAB 3 and copies of evaluations for each candidate from her/his ARC (Appointment Review Committee).

In addition, the Trustees received a letter, dated March 12, 2008, from President Lee Lambert and Vice President Backes, recommending the renewal of the tenure track faculty contracts for the 2008 – 2009 academic year.

The tenure track faculty candidates, their disciplines/areas, years on probation and committee chairs as denoted on Tab 3 (Renewal of First- and Second-Year Tenure Track Faculty Candidates): Years on Faculty Member Discipline/Area Probation Committee Chair Juliet Anderson Mathematics 2 Shana Calaway Christine Berntsen Nursing 2 Bette Perman Kennedy C. Conder Criminal Justice 2 Linda Forst Leoned Gines Biology 2 Judy Penn Melinda Lane Dental Hygiene 1 Nikki Honey Claire Lev Murata Information Literacy Librarian 1 Leslie Potter- Henderson Lynn VonSchlieder Nursing 2 Anna Shanks

Motion 08:07: After noting that substantial consideration is given to the tenure track process and candidates, a motion was made by Ms. Gidget SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 19, 2008 PAGE 5 OF 10 Terpstra to renew the tenure track faculty contracts for the 2008 – 2009 academic year for the First- and Second-Year Tenure Track

Faculty Candidates: Juliet Anderson, Christine Berntsen, Kennedy C. Conder, Leoned Gines, Melinda Lane, Claire Lev Murata and Lynn VonSchlieder.

Mr. Jerry Smith seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by the Board.


Mr. John Backes, Vice President for Academic Affairs, provided an overview for the action item and referenced TAB 4 (Tenure Considerations). Prior to the March 19, 2008 meeting, each Trustee received a copy of TAB 4 and copies of reports and recommendations for each candidate from her/his ARC (Appointment Review Committee). In addition, the Trustees, joined by President Lee Lambert and Vice President Backes, met with each ARC Chair during a Special Meeting on March 12, 2008.

The faculty members, their disciplines/areas and ARC Chairs:

Faculty Member Discipline/Area Committee Chair Ruthann B. Duffy English as a Second Language Daina Smuidrins Kathryn S. King Mathematics Helen Hancock Davis Oldham English Composition/World Literature Jeannette Idiart Patricia A. Olsen Nursing Irene Riddell Keith B. Smith* Manufacturing Technology Art West Keith A. Takechi Art History/Studio Arts Bruce Amstutz Lisa Van Horne Speech-Pathology Assistant Susan Sparks Kira L. Wennstrom Biology Steve Goetz

*In the academic year 2005 - 2006, Mr. Keith B. Smith was employed full-time in a temporary academic appointment. In 2006 – 2007, he was in a full-time tenure track candidate appointment and is eligible for tenure in the academic year 2007 – 2008 as stipulated on Page 8, Paragraph 3 of the Agreement.

Mr. Backes noted, “We take these standards very seriously” and expressed his appreciation to the ARC Chairs and the Appointment Review Committees for their work, the Deans for providing the guidance for the process and the many family and friends of the tenure candidates for being “their support group as they go through this rigorous process.” He also expressed his appreciation to the tenure candidates for the work they do in transforming the lives of students.

Mr. Backes read the names of the faculty members submitted for tenure consideration and read the recommendation as denoted on TAB 4 (Tenure Considerations): SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 19, 2008 PAGE 6 OF 10

At this time, the Board has three options: 1) to grant tenure, 2) to deny tenure, or 3) to take no action, which results in a passive granting of tenure.

The Trustees noted that each report is read very carefully by the Board and expressed their appreciation for being able to learn about each candidate’s development in her/his teaching and learning by way of the reports and recommendations, and meeting with each candidate’s ARC Chair. Mr. Roger Olstad shared that he has been through the tenure process and a received tenure at the University of Washington. He noted that Shoreline Community College’s process is every bit as rigorous as the University of Washington’s process. “Tenure is something of value and importance to you as faculty and, be proud of your tenure.”

Motion 08:08: After noting that substantial consideration is given to the tenure process and candidates, a motion was made by Mr. Roger Olstad to renew the faculty appointments for the 2008 – 2009 academic year and to approve tenure for all eight faculty members identified by Mr. John Backes in his overview of the action: Ruthann B. Duffy, Kathryn S. King, Davis Oldham, Patricia A. Olsen, Keith B. Smith, Keith A. Takechi, Lisa Van Horne and Kira L. Wennstrom.

Mr. Shoubee Liaw seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by the Board.

A round of applause followed approval of the motion. The Trustees, joined by President Lambert and Federation President Karen Toreson, formed a reception line, presenting each tenure recipient with a letter and certificate, each denoting the awarding of tenure, and a plant to commemorate the honor.

Chair Dick Stucky called for a break in the meeting, giving the tenure recipients a moment to move to the Gallery to receive congratulations from their guests and members of the campus community. The meeting reconvened at 6:09 PM.


President Lambert noted that the 2008 legislative session just concluded and provided an overview of some of the key highlights related to community and technical colleges in the operating budget:

. $750,000 for online library resources (original request: $1.5 million) . $1.5 million for incumbent health care worker training (original request: $3 million); . $500,000 for child care matching grants; . $500,000 to convert faculty positions from part-time to full-time. SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 19, 2008 PAGE 7 OF 10 The final budget also provides full funding for the Opportunity Grant program.

President Lambert stated that the “One Stop Center” proposed for North Seattle Community College was not one of the items in the capital budget.

Governor Gregoire has until April 5 to take action on the budget bills.


Ms. Karen Toreson shared that second to Commencement, “This is one of the best days.” She thanked the Board for granting tenure to the eight faculty members.

Negotiations are continuing and there is a lot to do in a short amount of time.

Ms. Toreson concluded her report by stating that she is seeing more collaboration and cooperation across campus and that while “we still have more work to do, we are coming along.” She added that keeping a foundation of trust, respect and cooperation, goes a long way.


No report: Ms. Bonnie Madison was unable to attend March 19, 2008 meeting.


Mr. Andrew Ivanhoe informed the Board that based on the questions raised at the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees on February 27, 2008 regarding the New Student Constitution, he had forwarded a copy of the “old” and “new” constitutions to members of the Board as well as to Mr. Alan Smith, Assistant Attorney General. The SBA (Student Body Association) leadership is attempting to ascertain:

. Has the New Constitution passed? . What course of action should we (the SBA) take to activate the New Constitution? . Is there anything in the New Constitution that is 1. illegal? 2. in conflict with College Policy? 3. highly vulnerable to abuse and/or unintended consequences?

Assistant Attorney General Smith is currently reviewing both constitutions and the questions submitted by Mr. Ivanhoe on behalf of the SBA and will provide a response, soon.

Mr. Ivanhoe noted that the Students of Color Conference is scheduled for April 25 at the Sea-Tac Doubletree Hotel. However, workers at the hotel are joining a boycott of the hotel and students from Shoreline Community College plan not to attend the conference, in support of the boycott. SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 19, 2008 PAGE 8 OF 10 Mr. Ivanhoe stated that conference organizers are in the midst of determining next steps and students from other colleges have been holding discussions about joining the boycott.

President Lambert indicated that there are many different dimensions surrounding the issue, including legal implications—the contract signed with the hotel includes a $50,000.00 obligation if cancellation of the conference is to occur.


Elimination of Tennis Programs; Addition of Cross Country Programs President Lambert referred to a proposal to eliminate Men’s and Women’s Tennis and add Men’s and Women’s Cross Country. The primary reasons for the elimination of the Tennis Program include the limited number of teams to compete against and high travel expenses. The primary reasons for adding a Cross Country Program include ability to participate in the NWAACC’s (Northwest Athletic Association of Community Colleges) Northern Region meets and the lower costs to operate the program.

Dean Gillian Lewis spoke in support of the proposal and President Lambert asked the Board if they needed a fuller presentation on the proposal or, if they were comfortable with the Administration proceeding with the elimination of the Tennis Program and the addition of a Cross Country Program.

The Board agreed that the Administration proceed with the proposal to eliminate the Tennis Program and add, a Cross Country Program. (Note: Dean Lewis will inform the appropriate parties of the decision.)

ACE’s Commission on Lifelong Learning For a second year in a row, President Lambert received an invitation from ACE (American Council on Education), asking that he serve on ACE’s Commission on Lifelong Learning. Membership is for three years and involves spring and fall meetings in Washington D.C. President Lambert asked the Board for input as the commitment would have dollar implications and involve more travel for him and therefore, time away from campus.

While the Board and Ms. Karen Toreson acknowledged the importance of having the President on campus, they recognized the value in having an opportunity to rebuild the College’s national exposure and encouraged President Lambert to accept ACE’s invitation.

President Lambert will also discuss the invitation from the ACE with the College Council for their input.

Rainy Day Space – Summer Quarter President Lambert and Mr. Stuart Trippel, Acting Vice President for Administrative Services, met with representatives from the YMCA regarding having a back-up space (“Rainy Day SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 19, 2008 PAGE 9 OF 10 Space”) in the Shoreline Community College gymnasium during the YMCA’s summer program. Mr. Trippel is drafting an agreement that is mutually beneficial for the College and the YMCA.

CCA (Center for Career Alternatives) President Lambert and Trustee Shoubee Liaw recently attended a CCA (Center for Career Alternatives) fundraising event. The CCA is key in helping the College identify students for Shoreline Community College programs and classes.

Institute Of International Education’s Presidents’ Delegation to Southeast Asia President Lambert and Ms. Thalia Saplad, Executive Director – International Programs were invited to and will join, a delegation of approximately twenty persons from across the nation on a mission to promote U.S. higher education to Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam) during the mid through latter part of June 2008.

Meeting with Swedish Medical Center Personnel President Lambert and Nursing Program Director Ms. Georgia Pierce recently met with Swedish Medical Center management to discuss public/private partnerships. President Lambert noted that both parties (the College and the Medical Center) recognize the importance of the clinical and the crisis surrounding having masters level prepared faculty for the Nursing Program.

The PUB The expectation is for Food Service to be online on March 31. Issues to be worked out: priority use of spaces; rentals, maintenance of the facility and; heating and cooling.

New Administrative/Exempt Personnel Mr. Jim Hills will be starting on March 31as the Interim Special Assistant for Communications and Marketing. President Lambert noted that he plans for Mr. Hills to work with transfer faculty to start marketing transfer programs. Mr. Hills’ areas of responsibility: marketing; communication (external) and; governmental relations (legislative).

Mr. Bob Roehl (pronounced “Rail”) recently began work as the Acting Director - Facilities. Mr. Roehl, a longtime employee of King County, has extensive experience in the facilities area and, is a graduate of Shoreline Community College.


Chair Dick Stucky noted that while reading the tenure reports, the Board came across a frequently used term: Black Board. As a result, he requested that there be a Study Session in the near future about Black Board—what it is; what it does.

Chair Stucky, Vice Chair Shoubee Liaw and President Lambert are scheduled to visit Centralia College at the end of March to learn about Centralia’s move to, and application of, a Policy Governance model. SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 19, 2008 PAGE 10 OF 10

Chair Stucky stated that he had a recent tour through the PUB and was very impressed.

In closing, he mentioned that the Shoreline Public Schools Annual Breakfast is scheduled for March 27.


At 7:05 PM, Chair Stucky announced that the Board would reconvene in Executive Session for approximately fifteen minutes to discuss the administration’s position on collective bargaining and would reconvene in Regular Session only to adjourn.


Chair Stucky reconvened the meeting into Regular Session and adjourned the meeting at 7:35 PM.

Signed ______Richard P. Stucky, Chair

Attest: ______, 2008

______Lori Y.Yonemitsu, Secretary

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