Setting up Your Lab Book Notebook

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Setting up Your Lab Book Notebook

Chemistry Rev. 9/12 Setting up your lab book notebook

1. Title Page: is the First right hand page. In the center of this page print your name and my name as well as Chemistry 4th 5th or 6th clearly. 2. In Ink, number all the right hand pages in the upper right corner. If you are left-handed you may use the left pages instead of the right if you wish. 3. On the top of page 1 center the title, Table of Contents. Construct a table of four columns, Label Exp#, Experimental Title; , Page(s), Score.

Exp # Experimental Title Page(s) Score

(2cm) (2cm) (2cm)

4. On the back of page 2, attach the handout Basics Instructions for Laboratory Work. 5. On the top of page 3 construct a list of the SI units for length, mass, volume, pressure, energy, time, temperature and the amount of a substance. Under this list, construct a list of metric prefixes from Giga- to pico- in increments of 10-3, show the value of each in terms of 10xbase units 6. On the back of page 3 construct a table for precision of measuring tools as follows:

Measuring Tool Smallest division Uncertainty/unit

1. centimeter ruler .1 cm +/- .01 cm

7. Trim and securely attach with transparent tape (on its entire perimeter) the next section entitled “Laboratory Rubric” to the Fourth right hand page: 8. Use one line cross-outs for errors, do not erase or white out! One point will be subtracted from the score. 9. Scoring Rubric: For each lab your score will be determined according to the Internal Assessment Marking rubric which you have a copy of. Total possible raw score for each lab is 24 points. The raw score will be doubled with the total points possible being 45. Remember that your lab grade is worth 20% of your total grade for the class. Total possible points for each section follows:

Planning 6 Data Collection and processing 6 Conclusion and Evaluation 6 Manipulative Skills 3 Personal Skills 3 Total Raw Score 24 Explanation of Lab Report Rubric 09/12

Every laboratory will have five major sections and will be scored as C: 1) Design (6) a. Title/date and name of lab partner b. Aim/Purpose: in your own words, with background information c. Hypothesis, supported by research/theory/law d. Variables: dependent, independent, controlled e. list of materials/apparatus used 1. diagrams are acceptable f. procedure : step by step or paragraph form, passive voice, past tense 1. describe a method that allows for the control of variables 2. describe a method that allows for the collection of sufficient data

2) Data Collection and Presentation (6) a. Data Collection: 1. Raw data table with units and uncertainties 2. Good data table design and clarity b. Data Processing and presentation 1. reconstructed data table of processed data 2. labeled calculations including how units of answer were derived c. graphs 1. -Title 2. -axes labeled 3. -slope with units calculated and noted where appropriate d. answer to laboratory questions included in lab assignment

3) Conclusion & Evaluation (6) a. Conclusion: discussion of findings from your data, how it relates to the hypothesis; discuss the theories or principles that support your findings. b. Limitations of experimental design: evaluate procedure and results 1. calculation of percent experimental error 2. error analysis 3. examples of sources of error: a. loss of substance during transfer b. over or under drying wet samples c. massing warm samples d. incomplete reaction of reactants e. incomplete recovery of products f. unexpected side reactions c. suggestions for improvement: identify weaknesses and state suggestions for improvement

4) Manipulative Skills (3) a. Pays attention to safety issues. b. Competent and methodical in the use of techniques and equipment c. Follows instructions accurately, seeking assistance when required

5) Personal Skills (3) a. Works well with others, shows respect and consideration. b. Is self motivated and shows perseverance. c. Is ethical in all aspects of work. BASIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR LABORATORY WORK

1. Read the assignment before coming to the laboratory. 2. Prepare your lab book for collecting data before coming to the laboratory. 3. ALWAYS put on your goggles before going to your assigned bench. 4. NEVER remove your goggles until your bench is cleared and cleaned. 5. NEVER eat or drink in the lab. Avoid directly inhaling any gaseous substance produced or used in the laboratory. 6. Work independently. 7. Record your measurements directly into your notebook, NEVER transfer data from another piece of paper. 8. ALWAYS attend your Bunsen burner. 9. Work conscientiously to avoid accidents. 10. Use only the amounts of chemicals called for; improper dispensing of chemicals is wasteful and potentially dangerous. 11. Always add concentrated ACID TO WATER. 12. Dispose of excess liquid reagents and solutions by pouring them down the sink and rinsing them away with copious amounts of water. Dispose of solids in the correctly labeled container in the hood. 13. Do not place reagent bottle lids or stoppers on the lab table. Hold them in your hand while dispensing the desired amount of the chemical. 14. Always return a dropper to its original container. 15. NEVER pipet by mouth. 16. Use distilled water when making reaction mixtures or solutions, tap water for controlled temperature baths and washing glassware. 17. KEEP YOUR BENCH TOP CLEAN. 18. ALWAYS use the right tool for the right job. 19. KNOW THESE GLASSWARE ITEMS: beaker, Florence flask, Erlenmeyer flask, round bottom flask, test tube, graduated cylinder, buret, pipet, volumetric flask, side arm flask, crucible, evaporating dish, watchglass. 20. NEVER use dirty or chipped glassware. 21. When weighing ALWAYS use a weigh boat or weighing paper. 22. Do not weigh hot objects. Laboratory rubric: Design Identifies problem/ question (D) Reasoned hypothesis with background 2 C=com information plete Variables 6 P=parti Apparatus/Materials 2 al Procedure that controls variables N=not Procedure that collects relevant data 2 at all

DCP Records raw data, units, uncertainties 2 Presents raw data clearly 2 6 Processes data correctly 2

CEv Valid conclusion 2 Evaluates procedure 2 6 Suggestions for improvements 2

MS Safely uses appropriate lab 1 techniques 3 Follows lab instructions 1 Uses equipment appropriately 1

PS Works well with others 1 Self-motivation & Perseverance 1 3 Ethical Work 1

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