Business Management and Enterprise

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Business Management and Enterprise


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Sample course outline Business Management and Enterprise – Preliminary Unit 3 and Unit 4

Each business venture will be determined by the capabilities and skills the individual groups of students have to offer. Discussion of ventures and products is initiated in Unit 1 and Unit 2. For selling purposes, teachers need to program for ongoing production lessons during Unit 3 and Unit 4. Possible business ventures may include craft creations: cards or gift tags, simple sewing projects, a café, a newspaper round.

Unit 3 (notional timeframe only – may take up to whole year) This unit focuses on preparing to sell a product that has been created, or providing a service. The unit addresses simple techniques to promote products and services, and explores processes involved in selling the product or providing the services.

Week Key teaching points Content Note: during the teaching of this Knowledge and understandings unit, it will be necessary for Attributes of an efficient worker students to continue to produce when preparing to sell a product or the products created in Unit 1 and provide a service, including: Unit 2, to ensure they have stock to  uses resources efficiently sell. Therefore, the teacher needs  seeks assistance when to organise practical lesson time. necessary Introduction to the unit,  focuses on tasks and avoids organisation of task requirements distractions into a portfolio/journal format. The concept of ethical practice Work out a timeline using the when school calendar, noting when tasks  receiving cash are due. 1  refunding cash Students to gather products  dealing with customers created and note services they can provide. Discuss and choose which Key words associated with items or products they think would preparing to sell a product or be most likely to sell to available provide a service markets. Skills Students to learn basic money- Follows instructions or a schedule handling skills, reading and to complete a task listening for prices, and practise Follows classroom rules when the buying and selling process. preparing to sell a product or Students to calculate how much it provide a service will cost to make the Uses teamwork skills when product/provide the service. promoting a product or providing a Students to collectively decide how service much to sell products for or charge Applies the attributes of an for the service. Discuss: would they 2–4 efficient worker preparing to sell a pay that amount of money for that product or provide a service product or service? Uses business vocabulary Students to calculate the profit Calculates the profit to be made on they will make for each the sale of the product or service item/service provided. Students to keep cashbooks to Calculates the selling price for a show expenditure and income from product or service sales. Uses effective communication skills Prepare students for excursion. when promoting a product or providing a service

Sample course outline | Business Management and Enterprise | Preliminary Unit 3 and Unit 4 6

Sample course outline | Business Management and Enterprise | Preliminary Unit 3 and Unit 4 7

Week Key teaching points Content Excursion 1: to view and practise money-handling skills and communicate with others appropriately. Possible venues: an open market, a food hall, department stalls. If possible, use public transport. On return, students to discuss cost of purchases, what students 5 bought and why. Did they get value for money? Why did they buy that particular product? Review through discussion/role play situations that occurred on excursion; for example, buying of products, buying of train ticket, communication between customers and shop assistants. Teamwork: Knowledge and understandings Students look at their individual Teamwork skills when preparing to contributions to the business. sell a product or provide a service, Individuals to show how they including: contribute to the team. Brainstorm  co-operates with team what each member of the team members contributes.  takes turns Scaffold discussion using verbal  shares resources questions and/or pictures for Attributes of an efficient worker choice. when preparing to sell a product or What does it take to be a good provide a service, including: team member? How do we communicate as a team? What is  uses resources efficiently good communication? When  seeks assistance when selling our product, how should we necessary talk to our clients? How can we  focuses on tasks and avoids communicate our product to distractions others? Supporting Skills pictographs/photos to be used to Uses effective communication skills 6–7 assist students to participate in when promoting a product or discussion. providing a service Role play different situations to Recognises own teamwork skills practise effective communication. Recognises own strengths that will Task 1: Gather photographic or be valuable to the team concrete evidence to show their Uses customer service skills when contribution to the team. Use the greeting a potential customer photographs to create teamwork poster. Follows instructions or a schedule Task 1 due Week 7 to complete a task Follows classroom rules when preparing to sell a product or provide a service Uses teamwork skills when promoting a product or providing a service Applies the attributes of an efficient worker preparing to sell a product or provide a service Uses business vocabulary

Sample course outline | Business Management and Enterprise | Preliminary Unit 3 and Unit 4 8

Sample course outline | Business Management and Enterprise | Preliminary Unit 3 and Unit 4 9

Week Key teaching points Content Students investigate ways to Knowledge and understandings promote their product or service. Ways to promote a product or Students investigate different service features of an forms of advertising. Look in advertisement papers, online, posters, view and Locations to promote a product or role play television advertisements. service within the school Discuss key features in an Attributes of an efficient worker advertisement. when preparing to sell a product or Scaffold discussion using verbal provide a service, including: questions and/or pictures for  uses resources efficiently choice.  seeks assistance when What does a ‘good’ advertisement: necessary look like, sound like, and tell us?  How does it make us want to buy focuses on tasks and avoids the product? distractions 8–10 Students to work as a team to Teamwork skills when preparing to initiate a plan showing how they sell a product or provide a service, will advertise the product or including: service to their potential  co-operates with team customers. members Supporting pictographs/photos to  takes turns be used to assist students to  shares resources participate in discussion. Key words associated with Task 2: Students to create their preparing to sell a product or own advertisement that can be provide a service, including: used to promote the product or  selling price service. Can take any form, for  market promotion example a poster or a video. This  advertising advertisement includes features of  sales an advertisement and key words. Task 2 due in Week 9 Skills Students to work as a team: Creates an advertisement formulate a plan showing how and Finds suitable locations to promote where they will advertise the a product or service within the product or service. school Gather the teams’ advertisement Uses the advertisement to ideas. View and discuss which publicise the product or service advertisements will appeal best to Uses effective communication skills potential customers. Students to when promoting a product or choose advertisements to be used. providing a service Recognises own teamwork skills Recognises own strengths that will 11 be valuable to the team Follows instructions or a schedule to complete a task Follows classroom rules when preparing to sell a product or provide a service Uses teamwork skills when promoting a product or providing a service Applies the attributes of an efficient worker preparing to sell a product or provide a service Uses business vocabulary

Sample course outline | Business Management and Enterprise | Preliminary Unit 3 and Unit 4 10

Sample course outline | Business Management and Enterprise | Preliminary Unit 3 and Unit 4 11

Week Key teaching points Content Students to learn basic money- Knowledge and understandings handling skills. Students to practise The concept of ethical practice receiving cash and giving change. when Through role play practise selling  receiving cash and buying items created. Practise  refunding cash using appropriate and effective  dealing with customers communication skills when dealing with customers. The concept of selling price to Students role play/discuss different provide a profit for the business selling situations where people are Ways to communicate when faced with difficult decisions. promoting a product or providing a Task 3: Understanding the money service exchange situation: role play the Attributes of an efficient worker selling and buying of products. when preparing to sell a product or Initial teacher assessment of provide a service student ability to handle money Key words associated with correctly and use appropriate preparing to sell a product or language when dealing with provide a service, including: customers.  selling price Prepare students for excursion.  market promotion Task 3 due in Week 13  advertising 12–13  sales Skills Calculates the profit to be made on the sale of the product or service Calculates the selling price for a product or service Uses effective communication skills when promoting a product or providing a service Follows instructions or a schedule to complete a task Follows classroom rules when preparing to sell a product or provide a service Uses teamwork skills when promoting a product or providing a service Applies the attributes of an efficient worker preparing to sell a product or provide a service Uses business vocabulary Excursion 2 (choose a different In Unit 3, course review of skills venue from excursion 1): students and content Weeks 14–15 to to demonstrate include: money-handling skills and The concept of ethical practice communicating with others when appropriately. 14 Possible venues: an open market, a  receiving cash food hall, department stalls. If  refunding cash possible, use public transport.  dealing with customers On return, students to discuss cost The concept of selling price to of purchases, what students provide a profit for the business bought and why. Did they get value Ways to communicate when for money? Why did they buy that promoting a product or providing a

Sample course outline | Business Management and Enterprise | Preliminary Unit 3 and Unit 4 12

Week Key teaching points Content Students to learn basic money- Knowledge and understandings handling skills. Students to practise The concept of ethical practice receiving cash and giving change. when Through role play practise selling  receiving cash and buying items created. Practise  refunding cash using appropriate and effective  dealing with customers communication skills when dealing with customers. The concept of selling price to Students role play/discuss different provide a profit for the business selling situations where people are Ways to communicate when faced with difficult decisions. promoting a product or providing a Task 3: Understanding the money service exchange situation: role play the Attributes of an efficient worker selling and buying of products. when preparing to sell a product or Initial teacher assessment of provide a service student ability to handle money Key words associated with correctly and use appropriate preparing to sell a product or language when dealing with provide a service, including: customers.  selling price Prepare students for excursion.  market promotion Task 3 due in Week 13  advertising 12–13  sales Skills Calculates the profit to be made on the sale of the product or service Calculates the selling price for a product or service Uses effective communication skills when promoting a product or providing a service Follows instructions or a schedule to complete a task Follows classroom rules when preparing to sell a product or provide a service Uses teamwork skills when promoting a product or providing a service Applies the attributes of an efficient worker preparing to sell a product or provide a service Uses business vocabulary particular product? Had they seen service it advertised? Where? How? Attributes of an efficient worker Review, through discussion or role when preparing to sell a product or play, situations that occurred on provide a service the excursion; for example, buying of products, buying of train ticket, communication between customers and shop assistants.

Week Key teaching points Content 15 Students to review work covered in Teamwork skills when preparing to Semester 1. Check all tasks have sell a product or provide a service been completed. Key words associated with

Sample course outline | Business Management and Enterprise | Preliminary Unit 3 and Unit 4 13

Week Key teaching points Content Students to learn basic money- Knowledge and understandings handling skills. Students to practise The concept of ethical practice receiving cash and giving change. when Through role play practise selling  receiving cash and buying items created. Practise  refunding cash using appropriate and effective  dealing with customers communication skills when dealing with customers. The concept of selling price to Students role play/discuss different provide a profit for the business selling situations where people are Ways to communicate when faced with difficult decisions. promoting a product or providing a Task 3: Understanding the money service exchange situation: role play the Attributes of an efficient worker selling and buying of products. when preparing to sell a product or Initial teacher assessment of provide a service student ability to handle money Key words associated with correctly and use appropriate preparing to sell a product or language when dealing with provide a service, including: customers.  selling price Prepare students for excursion.  market promotion Task 3 due in Week 13  advertising 12–13  sales Skills Calculates the profit to be made on the sale of the product or service Calculates the selling price for a product or service Uses effective communication skills when promoting a product or providing a service Follows instructions or a schedule to complete a task Follows classroom rules when preparing to sell a product or provide a service Uses teamwork skills when promoting a product or providing a service Applies the attributes of an efficient worker preparing to sell a product or provide a service Uses business vocabulary Review knowledge of language: preparing to sell a product or  advertising provide a service  buying and selling  handling money Review how they are working as a team. Is everyone fulfilling his or her role? How is this affecting their business? What can they do to improve their teamwork? Review if everyone is being an efficient worker. Is everyone working to the best of their ability?

Sample course outline | Business Management and Enterprise | Preliminary Unit 3 and Unit 4 14

Week Key teaching points Content Students to learn basic money- Knowledge and understandings handling skills. Students to practise The concept of ethical practice receiving cash and giving change. when Through role play practise selling  receiving cash and buying items created. Practise  refunding cash using appropriate and effective  dealing with customers communication skills when dealing with customers. The concept of selling price to Students role play/discuss different provide a profit for the business selling situations where people are Ways to communicate when faced with difficult decisions. promoting a product or providing a Task 3: Understanding the money service exchange situation: role play the Attributes of an efficient worker selling and buying of products. when preparing to sell a product or Initial teacher assessment of provide a service student ability to handle money Key words associated with correctly and use appropriate preparing to sell a product or language when dealing with provide a service, including: customers.  selling price Prepare students for excursion.  market promotion Task 3 due in Week 13  advertising 12–13  sales Skills Calculates the profit to be made on the sale of the product or service Calculates the selling price for a product or service Uses effective communication skills when promoting a product or providing a service Follows instructions or a schedule to complete a task Follows classroom rules when preparing to sell a product or provide a service Uses teamwork skills when promoting a product or providing a service Applies the attributes of an efficient worker preparing to sell a product or provide a service Uses business vocabulary Portfolios/journals to teacher for review.

Sample course outline | Business Management and Enterprise | Preliminary Unit 3 and Unit 4 15

Sample course outline | Business Management and Enterprise | Preliminary Unit 3 and Unit 4 16

Unit 4 (notional timeframe only – may take up to whole year) This unit focuses on selling a product or providing a service that has been created. It addresses simple business principles relating to selling products and services. Students engage in business activity, gain sales experience and handle cash.

Week Key teaching points Content Note: during the teaching of this unit, it will be Knowledge and understandings necessary for students to continue to produce the Teamwork skills when selling a product or products created in units 1, 2 and 3 to ensure they providing a service, including: have stock to sell. Therefore, the teacher needs to  co-operates with team members organise practical lesson time.  takes turns Review Semester 1 using portfolio/ journal for  shares resources students. Recycling of resources where possible Introduction to Unit 4, organisation of task Attributes of an efficient worker when 1 requirements for the portfolio or journal format. selling a product or providing a service, Work out a timeline using the school calendar, including: noting when they will be able to sell to which markets.  uses resources efficiently  seeks assistance when necessary Review teamwork.  focuses on tasks and avoids distractions Review attributes of a good team member. Discussion: Key words associated with selling a product What does each member have to contribute to the or providing a service business? Create a photographic display of their Skills team efforts to date. Recognises own teamwork skills Good team members make efficient workers. Recognises own strengths that will be Introduce the idea of working well to support team valuable to the team 2 members. Uses teamwork skills when selling a product or providing a service Uses business vocabulary Recognises own teamwork skills Recognises own strengths that will be valuable to the team How will they use teamwork skills when selling a product or providing a service Attributes of an efficient worker. Students look at Knowledge and understandings different types of businesses and jobs within the Attributes of an efficient worker when businesses. Students investigate: selling a product or providing a service,  what each job within the business entails including:  the key elements of an efficient worker to do the  uses resources efficiently job well – what skills the worker doing that job  seeks assistance when necessary will need  focuses on tasks and avoids distractions  if the job requires good teamwork. 3–6 Recycling of resources where possible Task 4 due Week 6 Students to choose and investigate a job within a Key words associated with selling a product business. The investigation must look at the above or providing a service three points. Students can either write or use photos Skills or pictographs to complete the task. Sells the product or provides a service Follows classroom rules when selling a product or providing a service

Sample course outline | Business Management and Enterprise | Preliminary Unit 3 and Unit 4 17

Week Key teaching points Content Review of Task 4. Collectively look at the different Uses teamwork skills when selling a product jobs or businesses students have investigated and or providing a service find the common features of an efficient worker. Follows instructions or a schedule to 7 Students discuss the attributes they need to have if complete a task their business is going to be a success. Follows correct procedures when seeking assistance Uses business vocabulary Communication: Knowledge and understandings Students practise effective communication through Ways to communicate when selling a role play and/or creating comic strips for different product or providing a service scenarios. Skills Students to demonstrate using good manners and Uses effective communication skills when small talk when talking to people they do not know. dealing with customers Students to demonstrate how to communicate with Uses customer service skills when dealing 8 customers, resolving issues that may occur, what to with customers do if they require assistance themselves. Resolves customer issues Excursion 3 (choose a different venue from excursion Follows correct procedures when seeking 1 and excursion 2): students to observe and assistance demonstrate communicating with others Follows instructions or a schedule to appropriately. complete a task Possible venues: an open market, a food hall, department stalls. If possible, use public transport. Money skills: Knowledge and understandings Through role play practise selling and buying items Ethical practice when ensuring the security created. Practise using appropriate and effective of cash communication skills when dealing with customers. The concept of money spent versus money Students to keep cashbooks to show expenditure received and income from sales. The concept of spending money to make 9–10 Students to calculate how much the business has money spent so far and review how much each item has cost to make. Check and agree as a team the selling Correct procedures for handling money, price of items. including: Students to calculate the profit they will make for  receiving money each item or service provided.  giving correct change Prepare students for selling.  recording money Task 5 Part 1: Selling: school-based venue. Ways to communicate when selling a Students to demonstrate the use of effective product or providing a service communication skills, efficient worker skills, Key words associated with selling a product effective handling of money and demonstrate good or providing a service teamwork skills. Skills On return, students to discuss cost of purchases, 11–12 Uses effective communication skills when what people bought and why. Did people get value dealing with customers for money? Why did people buy that particular Uses customer service skills when dealing product? Had they seen it advertised? Where? What with customers items do the students have left? Can they sell them later or recycle materials in another way? Sells the product or provides a service Follows simple, correct procedures for handling money, including: Review through discussion or role play situations that occurred on excursion; for example, buying of  receiving money products, buying of train ticket, communication  giving correct change between customers and shop assistant. Counts and records amount of money Task 5 Part 1 due Week 12 received on the sale of product or service 13–14 Task 5 Part 2: Selling: venue outside the school Follows correct procedures when seeking environment. Choose a student-friendly venue; for assistance example, local shopping centre, church fete day, Follows instructions or a schedule to local library, playgroup or community centre. complete a task

Sample course outline | Business Management and Enterprise | Preliminary Unit 3 and Unit 4 18

Week Key teaching points Content Students to demonstrate the use of effective Follows classroom rules when selling a communication skills, efficient worker skills, ethical product or providing a service handling of money and demonstrate good teamwork Recognises own teamwork skills skills. Recognises own strengths that will be On return, students to review final selling valuable to the team experience. Discuss cost of purchases, what people Uses teamwork skills when selling a product bought and why. Did they get value for money? Why or providing a service did students buy particular products? Had they seen them advertised? Where? What items do the Applies the attributes of an efficient worker students have left? Can they sell them later or when selling a product or providing a recycle materials in another way? service Teacher to use a checklist of skills to assess student Uses business vocabulary performance. Task 5 Part 2 due Week 14 Review favourite aspects of the course. The Unit 4 content review to include: Portfolios to be completed. Ethical practice when ensuring the security of cash The concept of money spent versus money received The concept of spending money to make money Correct procedures for handling money 15 Ways to communicate when selling a product or providing a service Recycling of resources where possible Attributes of an efficient worker when selling a product or providing a service Teamwork skills when selling a product or providing a service Key words associated with selling a product or providing a service

Sample course outline | Business Management and Enterprise | Preliminary Unit 3 and Unit 4

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