Happisburgh Parish Council s3

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Happisburgh Parish Council s3



Present: Cllr Berry (Chairman), Cllr G Siely, Cllr Ritchie, Cllr Mole, Cllr Burke, Cllr Newall, Cllr Love, Cllr C Siely, Cllr Stockton

Jo Beardshaw (Clerk)

12 members of the public

1. To consider apologies for absence. Cllr Love had arrived late (item 3) following his attendance at a Walcott PC meeting 2. To receive Declarations of Interest on agenda items. Cllr Love declared an interest in any discussions regarding the car park

3. To agree the minutes of the meeting of Happisburgh Parish Council held on Monday 9th July and matters arising (for information only). The minutes were agreed.

4. Councillor reports 4.1 Chairman’s report. The Chairman noted that he hoped that there would be a Vattenfall drop in meeting on 11/11/17 but that Vattenfall have yet to finalise plans for it. He also noted that the Pay and Display machine had caused trouble over the summer with the change from old pound coins to new pound coins. The Chairman noted that the fence at the car park had been damaged and that Roy Cornell had repaired it (cheque on agenda)

Cllr G Siely noted that the allotments were all let and were running smoothly. Cllr C Siely kindly agreed to hedge cut at the allotments. Cllr G Siely noted that a chain link fence was required to prevent deer walking on to the allotments and eating produce. He would look into costings and revert at the October meeting

5. Correspondence 5.1 RNLI. Invitation to attend the Happisburgh naming Ceremony and Service of Dedication for the new lifeboats Howard Bell and Russell Pickering. Saturday 7 th October. 1.30pm. No Councillors were available to attend. 5.2 Email from resident (Happisburgh Common). Complaint regarding lack of free season tickets for residents of the village. The Parish Council noted that, whilst it sympathized with the issue, it was important to note that season tickets are available for £25 per year and that all money that goes in to the car park is reinvested into Happisburgh and that the car park directly reduces Council tax. In addition, it was noted that it would be impossible to administer a situation where season tickets were given to some people and not others within the village 5.3 D Cllr Lee Walker. Concern regarding sheep near dog walking areas. The Chairman rephrased this item as ‘dogs near agricultural land’. District Cllr Lee Walker noted that she had spoken with a member of the public who works for the NFU who were 1 Initials……………….. willing to give free signage encouraging dog walkers to act responsibly and keep dogs under control. Cllr Love noted that he regularly sees dogs out of control over his land.

6 Adjourn the meeting for public session / comments on planning applications and any other matters The meeting was adjourned at 8pm

6.1. District and County Councillor reports. County Cllr Eric Seward had sent his apologies. The Chairman noted that Cllr Seward rarely misses meetings.

It was noted that the village was utterly swamped by cars on the August bank holiday weekend and that some people found that they had to walk further than expected to attend the Church Fete. The Chairman noted that discussions were underway regarding a possible extension to the Beach Road car park, and that if this were to happen the car park could become one way, which would ease traffic congestion. It was noted that much of the time the Wenn Evans Centre car park is also full with cricket and football players. The Chairman said that he would work with Cllr Love during the month with a view to putting something on paper and working towards a solution prior to the following summer.

Rosemary Munday noted that the zip wire would shortly be needing additional work to it at an anticipated price of approximately £500 including VAT. The Parish Council AGREED to pay for around 20 cubic metres of bark which would bring the playground up to meet ROSPA requirements. Mrs Munday noted that she was persevering with the work on the slide and had negotiated with NGF and the original supplier to have the work done on the slide free of charge. She also noted that the posts at the Wenn Evans Centre playground would be replaced.

The meeting was reconvened at 8.15pm

7 Agenda items 7.1. To receive a presentation from Rob Young and Maxine Collis regarding Deep History Coast (NNDC). Maxine Collis had been unable to attend the meeting. Rob Young had attended, and was asked to speak after item 2 for his convience. He outlined the philosophy behind Deep History coast, and explained that whilst the original bid for funding had not been successful, the bid had been thoroughly reviewed and was deemed to be a well-thought-out, valid bid with local and district backing. The Deep History Coast Project Team is currently applying for funding from a variety of sources to develop a range of displays, interactive material and events along the coastline from Weybourne to Cart Gap (North Norfolk's Deep History Coast designated area) to enable people to understand more about the ancient archaeology, history and biodiversity of the coast. The project aims to make sure that these appeal to people of all ages and provides opportunities for tourists and local people to learn about, explore and enjoy the surroundings. Rob Young encouraged Councillors and parishioners to become involved and to make recommendations. The Clerk would contact Rob with details of the Time and Tide Bell. The Chairman thanked Rob for attending the meeting

2 Initials……………….. 7.2. To confirm a 10% increase in salary for Mr R Cornell for car park cleaning, and the revised contract. CONFIRMED 7.3. To discuss if the PC would like to consider a neighbourhood plan presentation from NNDC. The Clerk had asked some questions of NNDC regarding Neighbouhood planning, with the following response from Iain Withington at NNDC: ‘The council undertook the decision to not introduce CIl some time ago, that decision has not changed. Should the Council have a CIL, Fifteen per cent of the receipts are passed directly to those parish and town councils (in England) and community councils (in Wales) where development has taken place (see regulation 59A for details). Where a neighborhood Plan is in place that increases to 25%. Having said that the incentive for producing the NP should not be financial it should be for the purpose of land Use Planning for your community based on evidence, though your plan would detail and justify how the monies are to be spent and the PC would have to produce an annual financial return specific for CIL.

A number of changes have happened to CIL over the years and the government commissioned a review which was published in Feb, 2017, this concluded that CIL was not achieving its original objectives of delivering a faster, fairer way of collecting developer contributions for infrastructure nor waist delivering the infrastructure improvements as originally thought. The review has suggested a new approach is taken through a Local Infrastructure Tariff which will utilise both S106 agreements around larger scale development and a infrastructure tariff for smaller scale development. Combined this should address local infrastructure requirements and those arising from specific larger development.

As yet the Government has not responded and no further changes have been introduced but it is expected that changes to Cil will come at some stage.’ The Council AGREED that currently there is not the desire or drive to produce a neighbhourhood plan, but that the situation would be reviewed again regularly

7.4. To note the successful completion of the external audit for the year ended 31 st March 2017. Noted 7.5. To confirm next steps with Vattenfall and to discuss Parish Council objectives regarding Vattenfall. The Parish Council had received the following update from Vattenfall: ‘We are noting emerging themes being highlighted by many individuals and organisations. You can expect answers and context relevant to these to be addressed in our Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR) published at the end of October and in the next drop-in sessions in early November 2017, as part of our forthcoming statutory consultation period. The full suite of application documents, including the Environmental Statement, will provide additional and more detailed assessment than the PEIR. We will also explain how we have taken into account your response as part of the application process within our Consultation Report, which is a document submitted as part of the Development Consent Order (DCO) application.’ The Chairman noted that he was in the process of trying to arrange a village meeting with Vattenfall. It was noted that there is a general feeling of suspicion and mistrust of Vattenfall because Vattenfall staff are failing to or unable to answer questions. The Chairman noted that he expected that there would be a drop in session on 11/11/17 in the Wenn Evans Centre, but that that required confirmation. Cllr Burke noted that she felt that it was important to look at what grants / donations / funding could be obtained from 3 Initials……………….. Vattenfall if the project could not be stopped all together. She explained that she believed that the project would go ahead with the landfall site in Happisburgh, regardless of any attempts to prevent it. She noted that she had been researching some other Vattenfall projects in the UK. The Clerk would look further into this and email Councillors. Councillors AGREED that it would be useful for the Parish Council to employ the services of a land agent to act on it’s behalf. Cllr Love noted that the agent should not be the same as the agent used by landowners within the village. The Clerk would find a suitable agent and speak with Vattenfall to ask that they finance the land agent

8 Financial Matters. The bank reconciliation and bank statements had been checked and signed by the Vice Chairman

8.1. The following receipts were noted for the period: 8.1.1. NCC. Urban grass cutting. £250.12

9 The following payments were approved and cheques signed as follows:

9.1.1. PC account. S/O. Nest. Clerk Pension August. £91.71 (paid by Clerk and PC) 9.1.2. PC account. D/D.. URM. Glass. 29.08.17. £26.28 inc £4.38 VAT 9.1.3. PC account. Chq. 750 HMRC. Post Office Ltd. September. £43.40 9.1.4. PC account. Chq. 751. Robertson’s Mole Control. 5 moles removed from playing field. £100 inc £20 VAT 9.1.5. PC account. S/O. Nest. Clerk Pension September. £91.71 (paid by Clerk and PC) 9.1.6. PC account. Chq 752. Mazars. £390 inc £65 VAT 9.1.7. PC account. Chq 753. Clerk salary and expenses July and August £1014.86

9.1.8. CP account. DD. British Gas. 22.08.17. £41 inc £1.95 VAT 9.1.9. CP account. Chq 300185. Update of Parkeon P&D machines. £600 inc £100 VAT 9.1.10. CP account. Chq 300186. NGF. Zipwire repairs. £451.80 inc £75.30 VAT 9.1.11. CP account. Chq 300187. Roy Cornell. September work. £742.50 9.1.12. CP account. Chq 300188. Katharine Yuill. £460.80 9.1.13. CP account. Chq 300189. S I Martin, Grass cutting and strimming including footpath. £810 9.1.14. CP account. Chq 300190. G Hales. Grass cutting. £300 (request has been made to increase this payment in future) 9.1.15. CP account. Chq 300191. Wayside supplies. Toilet roll for car park. £176.25 9.1.16. CP account. Chq 300192. R Cornell. Repair broken post on fence at Car Park. £40

10. The following Planning applications were considered: 10.1. PF/17/1003. Hill Farm, Whimpwell Green. Notification of prior approval for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to pair of semi-detached dwellings. PC sent response: no objection 10.2. PF/17/0651. Happisburgh Manor, The Street. Change of use from dwelling to a mixed use of dwelling and residential rehabilitation therapy facility. Application withdrawn. Rosemary Munday asked if the Council had held a meeting with the applicant, as had been agreed at the June meeting. The Chairman noted that he had 4 Initials……………….. spoken with the applicant at length and had felt that his questions had been answered to his satisfaction. In addition, the Clerk noted that she did not think it was good practice to meet with applicants at a site meeting, and that it is important to consider only material planning considerations at such a site meeting. It was AGREED that the Clerk would write to the applicant on other matters (such as Beach Road) and invite him to attend a Parish Council meeting and also ask if he planned to re-apply for planning permission for the change of use for the Manor

11. The following planning decisions were noted: 11.1. PF/16/1563. Workshops at, Road Side Barn, Whimpwell Green. Conversion of barn / workshop to dwelling and erection of detached garage following demolition of existing outbuildings. Refused. Noted

12. Items for the Parish News: 12.1. Vattenfall drop-in session (if the timings work) 12.2. Private companies – revaluation of council tax bands

13. Any other items at the Chairman’s discretion None 14. Date of next meeting – Monday 9th October in the Wenn Evans Centre, Happisburgh at 7.30pm

The meeting closed at 8.50pm

5 Initials………………..

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