Leighton Linslade Town Council

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Leighton Linslade Town Council




Present: Councillors D Hopkin - CBC (Chair) R Berry – CBC (substituting for Cllr A Shadbolt) D Bowater - CBC A Dodwell - LLTC J M Freeman - LLTC R Johnstone – CBC G Rolfe – LLTC K Sharer – LLTC K Janes – CBC (substituting for Cllr B Spurr)

Also in attendance: P Kingsnorth (Town Clerk) S Sandiford (Committee Officer, LLTC) Cllr A Brandham - LLTC H Shore (Head of Business Investment, Central Bedfordshire Council) D Bowie (Head of Traffic Management, Central Bedfordshire Council) J Watts (Groundworks) V Harvey (South Beds. Friends of the Earth) G Borelli (I♥LB) B Chandler (LB Connect)

Members of the Public: 9 Members of the Press: 1


Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Councillor A Shadbolt (substituted by Councillor R Berry), Councillor B Spurr (substituted by Councillor K Janes), Councillor S Cotter and M Pyecroft (Central Bedfordshire Council).


Members were asked to declare any interests, including the nature of those interests, which they had in any of the items under consideration at this meeting. No declarations were made.


Three residents of Linslade spoke regarding the ongoing problems caused by commuter parking in the vicinity of the railway station, particularly Grange Close and Orchard Drive. Densely parked cars caused severe difficulties for large vehicles in gaining access. This meant that the roads had not been swept or drains cleaned for over a year. Cars parking across the pavements Leighton-Linslade Partnership Committee 8 March 2012 2 of 8

caused problems for residents with prams or disabled access. A representative of the Central Linslade Residents’ Association spoke regarding the proposal to introduce residents’ parking permits. In Central Linslade, residents often struggled to find a space to park, despite having a permit. It was also suggested that Station Road needed resurfacing and work to be done to the pavements as they were unsafe for pedestrians.

Members of the public were thanked for attending the meeting.


By invitation, David Bowie of Central Bedfordshire Council attended the meeting to speak regarding parking issues within the town. An extensive parking study was undertaken in 2011 and at the Sustainable Transport Committee meeting on 8 September 2011, it was agreed that action needed to be taken, particularly in regard to problems in Linslade caused by commuter parking.

It had been proposed to introduce residents parking zones within a six-minute walk of the railway station and the area had been divided into seven discrete parking zone areas, including Mentmore Road/Wing Road and Grange Close/Orchard Drive. Decisions had yet to be made on any restrictions per household and the cost at present for a permit was £50 for the first car, £70 for the second car and £90 for the third car.

It was anticipated that consultation with residents would take place in the late Spring/early Summer and that if a consensus was reached during consultation, the schemes would be implemented during the 2012-2013 financial year.

Monitoring of the parking restrictions would be undertaken using the ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) vehicles, which would recognise and ignore all registered vehicles but issue tickets to any vehicles without permits. Visitor permits would be available in blocks of twenty and visitor car registration details could be submitted via phone or internet. The actual resident parking permits were likely to be “virtual” rather than a physical permit to be displayed.

Camera footage taken by the ANPR vehicles could capture a blue disabled badge in the vehicle, in which case a ticket would not be issued. Any tickets issued in error to disabled badge holders (for example, if the camera captured the rear view of the car and the permit was not visible) would be cancelled with apologies.

Several queries remained to be addressed, for example whether residents with off-road parking would be eligible to apply for permits.

It was noted that despite the work conducted locally on the Station Travel Plan, a proportion of the commuter parking issues were caused by people travelling in from Buckinghamshire villages. It was suggested that perhaps some of the buses on the Aylesbury-Milton Keynes route be diverted to stop at the railway station. Leighton-Linslade Partnership Committee 8 March 2012 3 of 8


The Committee received the minutes of the Partnership Committee meeting held on 15 December 2011.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the Partnership Committee meeting held on 15 December 2011 be approved as a correct record and were signed accordingly.


The Committee received a report regarding the Development Briefs produced by Central Bedfordshire Council for future development of land South of the High Street and at Bridge Meadow.

Public consultation had demonstrated a good level of support for the proposals and the particular land uses identified. Some minor changes were made to the draft documents and the CBC Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee had made a recommendation to the CBC Executive to endorse the briefs as technical guidance for development management. The Executive would consider this recommendation on 27 March 2012.

RESOLVED to note the information.


By invitation, Ms J Watts of Groundworks (contracted on behalf of Central Bedfordshire Council) attended the meeting to provide an update on consultations regarding an Enhancement Plan for Grovebury Road Industrial Estate. Residents and businesses had been consulted and different issues identified, including signage, road surfaces, lighting and improving links from the industrial area to green spaces.

A document containing the proposed Enhancement Plan was circulated and all comments were welcomed.

RESOLVED for Committee Members to provide any comments to the Town Clerk within ten days of the meeting so that a formal response to the draft Enhancement Plan could be provided to Groundworks.


(a) The Committee received a copy of the draft minutes of the Signage Task and Finish group meeting held on 8 February 2012. It was noted that a second meeting would be held on 12 March 2012.

RESOLVED to receive the minutes of the Signage Task and Finish group meeting held on 8 February 2012. Leighton-Linslade Partnership Committee 8 March 2012 4 of 8

(b) The Committee received a copy of the draft minutes of the Big Plan II Projects Sub-Committee meeting held on 28 February 2012. It was noted that a second meeting would be held on 3 April 2012.

RESOLVED to receive the minutes of the Big Plan II Projects Sub- Committee meeting held on 28 February 2012.


(a) The Committee considered the recommendations made by the Events Sub- Committee at its meeting on 13 February 2012:

RECOMMENDED to the Partnership Committee that the Christmas Weekend be a three-day event on Friday 30 November, Saturday 1 December and Sunday 2 December 2012, with a budget of £12,000 for the three days and a further £3,000 for stewarding/overtime, possible theme to be confirmed. The Town Council having lead responsibility for the event.

RECOMMENDED to the Partnership Committee that consideration be given to the provision of free parking for the Christmas Shopping Weekend, to attract visitors into the town centre.

It was discussed that free bus travel into the town centre had been offered in the past and that this might be another way of attracting Christmas shoppers into the town. It was agreed to undertake further research into offering free bus travel into the town centre on the Saturdays in December leading up to Christmas.

RESOLVED that the Christmas Weekend be a three-day event on Friday 30 November, Saturday 1 December and Sunday 2 December 2012, with a budget of £12,000 for the three days and a further £3,000 for stewarding/overtime, possible theme to be confirmed. The Town Council having lead responsibility for the event.

RESOLVED that consideration be given to the provision of free parking for the Christmas Shopping Weekend, to attract visitors into the town centre.

Ideas arising from the last I♥LB group meeting were discussed, including the possibility of moving the funfair from Church Square to Duncombe Drive car park and asking restaurants and cafes to consider selling food on the High Street outside their premises. It was agreed to approach Councillor Ken Matthews at Central Bedfordshire Council to get an indication of possibilities from a Highways perspective.

(b) The Committee received a report regarding the Christmas lighting, following the meeting held with the contractor on 24 January 2012. A major problem in 2011 had been the electricity supply and it was proposed that either the existing supply cable be split to provide a separate source for the Leighton-Linslade Partnership Committee 8 March 2012 5 of 8

Christmas lighting, or that an independent ring main be installed. It was agreed that all options and costs should be fully researched.

RESOLVED that the viability of a ring main be researched.

RESOLVED that the Partnership Committee provide a budget of £25,000 in 2012-2013 for the additional infrastructure for Christmas lighting, a public address system, street markets and possibly an electronic message board.

65/LLP BUDGET 2012-2013

The Committee received a proposed budget for 2012-2013 for consideration. It was noted that income to be received from the Street Market was not included as this would be used for business growth in accordance with the Central Bedfordshire Economic Development Plan.

It was noted that a separate budget was in place for expenditure on the Street Market (equipment etc).

RECOMMENDED to the Town Council to approve the proposed Partnership Committee budget for 2012-2013 (Appendix 1).


The Committee was advised that a Jobs Fair was being planned for Leighton- Linslade in Spring 2012, to be operated by Job Centre Plus.

RESOLVED to note the information.

Membership of the two Task and Finish groups set up at the previous meeting on 15 December 2011 was discussed.

RESOLVED for members of the Markets Task and Finish group to be Councillors D Hopkin, R Goodchild, S Cotter and R Johnstone.

RESOLVED for members of the Economic Development Task and Finish group to be Councillors D Hopkin, D Bowater, M Bishop and A Dodwell.


The Committee received a copy of the Work Plan and Objectives for 2011- 2015. It was noted that the actions arising from the Task and Finish groups would drive the work plan for Committee meetings during the next year.

RESOLVED to note the information. Leighton-Linslade Partnership Committee 8 March 2012 6 of 8


The Committee received a report summarising the findings of the Mary Portas Review on Town Centres, which was commissioned by the Government in May 2011.

RESOLVED to note the information.

The report also provided information on the “Portas Pilots” scheme and the Committee discussed at length whether it would be possible to submit a bid for the town to be part of the scheme. After debate, it was agreed that unfortunately, timescales were too short to meet the necessary deadline, particularly as officer resource at both Leighton-Linslade Town Council and Central Bedfordshire Council were insufficient to put the required time and effort into developing a bid.

RESOLVED not to submit a bid for the “Portas Pilots” scheme at this time.


The Committee received an update regarding plans for Astral Park. It was noted that four potential sites for a sports pavilion with community room had been identified and that public consultation would be taking place on 17 March 2012. A report would go to the Leisure and Community Committee on 2 April, for a recommendation to be made to Council on 30 April 2012 on the preferred location.

A Traffic Impact Assessment would be commissioned and it was proposed that further professional services would be commissioned to assist the Town Council with the project.

RESOLVED to note the information.


The Committee received a report on interaction with local business groups.

RESOLVED to note the information.

The meeting closed at 2126 hours.


Chair 31 MAY 2012 Leighton-Linslade Partnership Committee 8 March 2012 7 of 8


(a) Update on monies allocated to the Committee in 2011-2012. It is anticipated that the following monies from 2011-2012 remaining unspent and an amount of £58,979 to be carried forward to 2012-2013:

Big Plan Projects (502/4522) £12,437 Town Centres Management (503/4408/4505) £25,813 Earmarked Reserves Big Plan (900/9208) £16,065 Tourism (900/9022) £1,347 Town Centres (900/9027) £3,317 £58,979

(b) Proposed Budget 2012-2013

The Town Council has made the following provision within its 2012-2013 provision (new monies) relevant to the Partnership Committee:

411/4412 Christmas Lights 25,500 502/4522 Big Plan Projects 13,576 503/4505 Town Centre Management 37,000 76,076

No information has been received regarding any budget or Section 106 contributions available to spend from Central Bedfordshire Council.

There is, therefore, potentially £135,055 available for the Partnership Committee.

Proposed expenditure (which will not need to be referred back to the Town Council for approval):

School Crossing Patrols (2) 5,000 Christmas Lighting 125,500 Christmas event 15,000 Electricity supply to town centre including PA, Christmas lighting, market stall and electronic message board 25,000 Shopping Directory 1,500 Town publicity leaflet (matched funding to be obtained) 3,000 Children’s trail insurance, maintenance etc. 1,000 Signage 5,000 Business Development 1,000 Street Furniture e.g. benches 6,000 Tourism initiatives 32,055 Staffing support 15,000 £135,055 Terms of Reference in respect of budgets:

1 The Committee may wish to consider enhancing the Christmas lighting budget and reducing another budget head. Leighton-Linslade Partnership Committee 8 March 2012 8 of 8

Decision-making arrangements:

1 The annual budget shall be developed by the Committee and recommended to the Town Council and Central Bedfordshire Council for approval, only where Central Bedfordshire Council makes funding available in any financial year.

2 Thereafter, the Committee will make decisions at its meetings. Decisions will be made by consensus whenever possible. However, if no consensus can be reached, a majority vote, based on one vote per core member, will carry the decision, with the Chair having the casting vote if the vote is equal.

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