Perryfields Primary School

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Perryfields Primary School

Perryfields Primary School NEWSLETTER

18th November 2013

“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together Is progress, working together is success”

Dear Parents,

Attendance: Wk ending 8th November – Yr 2 – 100% Wk ending 15th November – Yr 5 – 100%

Praise Assemblies The following pupils received certificates for Mathematics in our Praise Assembly on Friday 15th November.

Reception A Shyla Ely Reception B Aarish Tanveer Year One Alexander Cook Year Two Samantha Dlamini Year Three Aimee Holyoake Year Four Leah Nott + Ronia Iheama “Star of the Half-Term” (Sept/Oct) Year Five Maddison Bryan Year Six Ella Davies

Contact Forms Please – please – please – would you ensure that you have returned your contact forms to the school office. It is essential we receive your up to date forms, signed and dated for this academic year (even if there are no changes to the details we already hold). We cannot stress enough the importance of holding correct data here in school and, to date, we still have several forms outstanding. We thank you for your support in this matter.

Children in Need We would like to thank all pupils and parents who helped us raise money for this very worthwhile charity. It was nice to see so many children taking part in the ‘non-uniform’ day and we thank them all for their donations which amounted to £218.70. The cake and book sales went extremely well and we would like to thank Aimee, Anju, Darcy, Josh, Lauren, Lucy Maddison, Neve and Rhys for helping to sell the books which raised £60. Thanks also go to Eliot, Emily, Grace Jess T, Louis, Shayla and Tia who sold the cakes and raised £133.18. We are thrilled to tell you that a grand sum of £411.88 was raised altogether, which will now be forwarded to Children in Need. Well done everyone!!

Snow ! We hope you all have a note of our Parent Hotline – 08447 707576, School ID: 44975 – which you should use if you are in any doubt about school closures. We would like to thank the parents who have given their names to our Site Manager, Mr. Roseblade, and have offered to help clear the driveway in the event of a sudden fall of snow. Your offers of help are much appreciated.

Toast/Bacon We are glad to see pupils enjoying our morning snacks and would like to remind parents that the cost of a slice of toast is 25p and a bacon sandwich (available on a Wednesday only) is 50p. Behaviour As a school we pride ourselves on encouraging the children to make good choices. We praise children for helping to maintain a positive and co-operative school ethos. In Reception and Key Stage One (Years One and Two) children are awarded happy ticks. Once they have collected up to ten they receive a Rainbow Certificate from either myself or Mrs. Lawrence. These are followed with Prize books and Planet certificates. In contrast, unacceptable behaviour, as a result of children making an incorrect choice, is followed up by the Head or Deputy. If this occurs on three separate occasions, contact will be made by the school for an appointment with parents to discuss the unacceptable behaviour and consider possible solutions. Similarly, in Key Stage Two, (Years Three – Six) a Behaviour Tracker is used to record inappropriate choices made by the children. Prior to this the child will be given a chance to consider their behaviour and make a better choice. Again, if a child is recorded on the tracker on three separate weeks a letter will be sent home to inform parents of such. We also appreciate that some children may require a more personalised approach. Should this be the case parents will be informed.

On a positive note we start our behaviour tracking afresh after each half-term so that pupils have every opportunity to improve their behaviour. We will be arranging to reward our children who have made a good choice with a visit to the local cinema on Thursday 19th December. Further details will be sent out nearer the time. In the meantime I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.

Inconsiderate Parking We are continuing to receive numerous complaints about parents driving to and from POSH Club. The driving limit is 5mph and, in the interests of our children’s safety, we ask that you comply with this. To date the owners of a people carrier, a Ford Focus and silver Astra have been seen either driving at speed or blocking residents’ driveways. More specifically, on 14th November, we received a complaint from an extremely angry resident in Monckton Road who told us that a black mini convertible – reg. BD07 XEB –was parked across his driveway and, on a subsequent occasion, a silver Peugeot reg. KY56 LTF was parked across a driveway in Apsley Road, Would the owners please take care in future when choosing where to park. Thank you.

Forthcoming Dates: We thought you may find the following information useful:

Dates for your diary: Wednesday 20th November Year One Assembly + Parents to Lunch Wednesday 11th December Reception trip to Dudley Zoo Thursday 12th December Christmas Performance - a.m. + pm - yrs 1 - 6 Friday 13th December Christmas Performance – a.m. only - years 1 – 6 Tuesday 17th December Pre-School + Reception Performance – a.m. Tuesday 17th December Music Concert – p.m. Wednesday 18th December Pre-School + Reception Performance – a.m. Wednesday 18th December Whole School Christmas Dinner Thursday 19th December Cinema Trip – a.m. Thursday 19th December Visit from Santa + Class Christmas Parties Friday 20th December Talent Show – p.m. Break Up Monday 6th January INSET Day Tuesday 7th January School re-opens for all pupils

Yours sincerely,

MRS. T.L. JONES Headteacher

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