Minutes - Friends of Poole Park - 5 March 2007

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Minutes - Friends of Poole Park - 5 March 2007



The meeting commenced at 7.25pm and concluded at 9.15pm


B Lister - Chairman / Publicity Officer M Heckford - Treasurer T Smith - Events Coordinator E Lawford - Secretary / Membership Secretary J Marter - Poole Park Ranger, Borough of Poole N Woods - Ranger Team Leader, Borough of Poole J Austin-Williams - Orchard Area Residents’ Association C Board - Friends of Poole Park C Bullen - Poole Park Railway Cllr Bulteel - Borough of Poole B Butler - Friends of Poole Park Cllr Collier - Borough of Poole L Dey - Friends of Poole Park E Farnsworth - Friends of Poole Park E Gault - Friends of Poole Park P Giles - Poole Radio Yacht Club J Jones - Friends of Poole Park S MacGregor - Friends of Poole Park C Middleton - Friends of Poole Park G Purkiss - Friends of Poole Park JR St John - Friends of Poole Park T St John - Friends of Poole Park P Steer - Parkstone Bay Association L Strothard - Democratic Support Officer, Borough of Poole G Sutton - Friends of Poole Park C Watkins - Orchard Area Residents’ Association

Members of the public in attendance: 0


The Chairman welcomed all those present and introduced Nick Woods, the Borough of Poole’s Ranger Team Leader, to the meeting.


Apologies for absence were received from Mr K Bearcroft, Cllr L Burden, Mrs C Chauncy, Mrs M Chave, Mr D Chick, Mrs A Edwards, Cllr D Gillard, Mrs M Muir, Mr T Muir and Mrs L Seabrook.


AGREED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 4 December 2006 be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


(a) Duck-feeding platform

In response to a question from Chris Watkins, the Chairman confirmed that consideration would be given to installing a duck-feeding platform in the freshwater lake.

(b) Horse Chestnut Tree Avenue

In response to a question from Sue MacGregor, the Chairman confirmed that the Friends of Poole Park had, at its meeting on 4 December 2006, formally recommended to the Borough of Poole’s Arboricultural Officers that consideration be given to replacing trees on the Horse Chestnut Avenue on an ad hoc basis, as and when they died. Seed had already been collected from a number of exemplar Horse Chestnuts in the hope that these could be successfully propagated for replanting on the Avenue.

In addition, the Arboricultural Officer had given an undertaking that the Friends of Poole Park would be notified in advance of any planned tree works in Poole Park.

(c) Leaflet

The Chairman announced that the Committee intended to update the Poole Park information leaflet to include more information on the park’s trees. Volunteers, particularly those interested in arboriculture, were asked to join a sub-committee to take the project forward.

(d) Safety Issues

A Member reported that her husband had been taken to Poole Hospital for emergency treatment after injuring himself stumbling over tree roots on the pathway behind the tennis courts and bowling green. Despite reporting the dangerous surface to the Local Authority, no action had been taken to make the area safe.

Poole Park’s Ranger apologised and undertook to investigate the area as soon as possible.


Poole Park’s Ranger gave an update report on completed and planned works within the Park as follows:

 Victorian benches at the fountain had been removed by vandals. As a result the Local Authority had asked contractors to reinforce the bases with concrete in order to prevent further occurrences;

 Both the perimeter fence at the mini-golf enclosure and the new rose garden trellis had been vandalised. A fencing contractor had been commissioned to repair the damage and replace the trellis with a more robust construction;

 Leisure Services planned to reintroduce the potable water fountain at the cricket pavilion;

 Land drains had been laid in order to prevent flooding of the rose garden;

 30 metres of coir natural fibre matting seeded with water reeds would be planted around the circumference of the freshwater lake in order to consolidate the lake edge;

 Leisure Services was clearing blocked drains throughout the Park;

 Following the BBC ‘Breathing Spaces’ / Dorset Wildlife Trust nest box building event on 18 February, a dozen nesting boxes had been donated to Poole Park by the Friends of Poole Park.


Members raised a number of questions, summarised as follows:

(i) Vandalism

In response to a question from John Austin-Williams regarding the financial cost of repairing vandalism in Poole Park and whether this equated to the cost of employing a member of staff to patrol the area, the Chairman reported that the Borough of Poole already paid for two patrols per evening. It would not be appropriate to employ a Ranger to patrol the Park as this did not form part of their duties. With regard to the cost implications of vandalism, the Local Authority would only submit an insurance claim to repair large-scale damage.

Cllr Collier agreed that park vandalism was extremely serious, but explained that other areas of Poole faced a more significant problem in comparison. Experience suggested that increasing the number of patrols in the Park did not necessarily represent the best solution to the problem but offering alternative distractions for young people was more

3 effective. As a result the Borough of Poole was focusing on increasing youth activities, including boating etc.

Whilst noting this response, the Events Coordinator outlined that most instances of vandalism appeared to take place in early / late evening and an increased police presence at pub closing time could help to dissuade troublemakers. Members supported a suggestion from Cllr Collier that the Police Beat Officer be invited to attend a future meeting of the Friends of Poole Park in order to discuss the timing of patrols.

It was hoped that the opening of the ‘Mezza Luna’ Restaurant, together with undergrowth clearance in the Park, would help deter troublemakers from loitering in the Park after nightfall.

AGREED that the Chairman invite the Dorset Police Beat Officer to attend a future meeting of the Friends of Poole Park.

(ii) CCTV

Although there was currently no CCTV coverage in the park (except that installed at the restaurant and café), the Local Authority’s CCTV cable network was routed through the area, offering the possibility that ‘retrospective’ cameras could be installed to record events. It was possible that a camera could be installed on the roof of the new Park Ranger / Friends of Poole Park Hut, however any decision to link CCTV into the established network would have to be agreed by the Borough of Poole and Dorset Police.

(iii) Park Lake Road Pathway

In response to a query from Bill Butler, Cllr Collier undertook to investigate reports that the pathway between the railway line and boating lake was becoming a ‘quagmire’ and there was only a very narrow concrete path for pedestrians and cyclists to use.

(iv) Erosion to Model Yacht Enclosure

The Park Ranger confirmed that erosion to the Model Yacht Enclosure had been repaired.

(v) Report of the Orchard Area Residents’ Association

Chris Watkins presented a report from the Orchard Area Residents’ Association which raised a number of concerns as follows:

 there was evidence of a lack of maintenance throughout the park, including excessive litter;  there had been several instances of vandalism;  there was evidence of a general neglect of park flora;  disruption had been caused by the building works in progess;

4  vehicles had driven over and damaged grass areas;  there were areas of unswept leaves;  there was evidence of dangerous erosion at the sluice gates;  there was extensive littering on land adjacent to the eco-homes;  the area around the railway shed was neglected;  foliage at the bunny had been cut back by Network Rail and there were concerns over whether the Local Authority had been consulted before clearance commenced.

The Chairman acknowledged that whilst building works were in progress, a certain amount of disruption could be expected in the short term. However there was no suggestion that the Park’s maintenance team was being complacent.

Regarding littering, bigger refuse bins had already been installed, however recent inclement weather had blown litter across the park. Members felt that the hard working team of Rangers and Contractors were doing a good job maintaining the park.

Chris Bullen informed the meeting that he had invested in improvements to the railway shed and a perimeter fence would soon be erected around the composting area. He stated that he did not recognise Poole Park from the report given, adding that it was a ‘very unfair snapshot’ of the amenity.

With regard to land near Park Lake Road, Councillor Collier reported that a portion of the land would be cleared for use by the Poole Canoe Club. The designated wildlife corridor adjacent to the railway line would ensure minimal disruption to wildlife.

(vi) Central Park Toilets

The new toilet block at Central Park café was now open, however there were no signs indicating the facilities were for public use. The Chairman would liaise with Leisure Services in order to ensure that signs were installed as soon as possible.

The Cricket Pavilion toilets were now closed and would be reopened on an ad hoc basis whenever extra facilities were required.

(vii) Composting

In response to a suggestion from Sue MacGregor, the Chairman undertook to investigate options for installing a ‘compost viewer’ for educational purposes.


Subject to sufficient support from Members, the Committee would investigate opportunities for volunteers to be trained in using a hand-held police speed camera.

5 In addition, the Local Authority may consider options to purchase a camera which could be loaned out to community groups on an ad hoc basis.

AGREED that the Chairman liaise with Cllr Collier to investigate options for securing a hand-held speed camera.


Members received an update on planning obligation funding as follows:

 Approximately £150,000 was being spent on lake dredging. It was anticipated that the project would be completed by Easter;

 The allocation of Planning Obligation Funding was strictly controlled, and whilst funding could be allocated as a capital sum to purchase items including play equipment etc, money could not be used as revenue and therefore could not be used to fund a Park Warden;

 Funding for a Fitness Trail could be provided through Planning Obligation Funding however an application would have to be submitted to the Local Authority for consideration;

On behalf of Poole Radio Yacht Club, Peter Giles repeated a request that the Local Authority give consideration to dredging the Model Yacht Enclosure at the same time as the boating lake as the area was becoming increasingly unfit for purpose. In response, Cllr Collier gave an undertaking that the Local Authority would investigate the best options for dredging the compound, even if it was not possible to use the heavy equipment currently dredging the boating lake.

Members supported a request from Peter Steer that a full breakdown of Planning Obligations Funding spend to date be presented to a future meeting for consideration.


(i) Cllr Collier liaise with leisure Services to investigate options for dredging the Model Yacht enclosure; and

(ii) that a full breakdown of Planning Obligations Funding spend to date and unallocated funds be presented to a future meeting of the Friends of Poole Park for consideration.


Members noted the report of the Membership Secretary as follows:

6  100 Members, including 21 Life Members, had renewed their membership of the Friends of Poole Park.

 Gift Aid had been introduced and Members were encouraged to authorise the collection of tax relief on their donations.

 Membership numbers were falling and it was important that all Members who had so far failed to renew, pay their subscription as soon as possible.

 It was vital that volunteers come forward to assist with Fest’ 07. Members were encouraged to contact Elaine Lawford as soon as possible.


The Treasurer informed the Meeting that the Statement of Accounts stood at £39,010.66 for the year ending 31 December 2006, however a financial audit had yet to be undertaken. The Treasurer undertook to circulate the final audited accounts as soon as this had been completed.

Proceeds from Fest’ 06 totalled £27,421.75, leading to a profit of £19,402.83 following out payments of £8018.92. A total sum of almost £40,000 had been raised by the three festivals, however the cost of subsequent festivals was likely to rise.

During the year a total of £3,151.69 had been spent on equipment for Poole Park, including a new picnic bench, talking tube, novelty litterbin and installing a mosquito system.

The Treasurer requested that the Local Authority and its sub-contractors submit invoices for equipment and services as soon as possible, stating that one invoice had been received nearly 12 months after the supply of services and this had led to difficulties as monies had been reallocated elsewhere during the course of the year.

Members noted that the Committee would consider approaching the SITA Waste Management Company for sponsorship of the Fitness Trail.

Members agreed to note the Statement of Accounts for the year ending 31 December 2006, subject to a financial audit being undertaken.

AGREED that the Friends of Poole Park Statement of Accounts for the year ending 31 December 2006 be noted, subject to a financial audit being undertaken by the Honorary Auditor / Accounts Examiner.


Members noted the Report of the Publicity Officer as follows:

7  a full page article on Poole Park / the Friends of Poole Park had been published in the 2007 Poole Guide;

 the updated Poole Park leaflet would incorporate a Membership Form. It was anticipated that the leaflet would be published in May;

 members were encouraged to subscribe to the Local Authority’s ‘News Direct’ email alert service, which had recently carried an article on the opening of Central Park. Members could subscribe to the service by logging onto the Borough of Poole’s website (www.boroughofpoole.com) and clicking on the ‘News Direct’ link;

 future Agendas could include an item on ‘Correspondence’, for Members to consider any written representations / requests received during the quarter;

 Sue MacGregor was thanked for volunteering to project manage the bandstand project. Further volunteers were required to project manage the floating fountain.

 Cllr Burden was thanked for his work in identifying a potential supplier for the floating fountain.


The Events Coordinator stressed there was a very real need for volunteers to assist with Fest 07 as the event may not go ahead if there was insufficient help. In addition, Members were asked to contact the Events Coordinator with any suggestions for sponsorship opportunities.

The Fitness Trail Project, comprising 14 exercise stations, was being developed but despite best efforts, Members had been unable to progress plans to introduce a disabled railway carriage onto the miniature railway. An update report was to be provided under Agenda Item 12.

Elaine Lawford was thanked for arranging a very successful Christmas Dinner and Disco and for setting up the Friends of Poole Park stall at the BBC ‘Breathing Spaces’ Nest Box Challenge on 18 February.

As no members had responded to a suggestion that ‘Meet and Greet’ Events be re established, this would no longer be pursued.


(i) Disabled Carriage

8 Bill Butler reported that investigations into providing a disabled carriage for the miniature railway had proved fruitless, despite a significant amount of time and money being invested by Chris Bullen into finding a solution.

The project management team had concluded that a disabled carriage would pose a safety hazard due to its dimensions and there was also concern that the Friends of Poole Park would be liable for any accidents in which it may be involved. Regrettably the team advised that the project would not be pursued further, however Chris Bullen would continue to investigate options for providing a lift / hoist to enable disabled children to be lifted into a standard carriage, Peter Steer would assist with this. Members thanked Bill Butler for his hard work.

(ii) Poole Park Fest 07

The Chairman agreed that an item on holding biennial Fests would be taken at the June Meeting of the Friends of Poole Park.

AGREED that Members debate the possibility of holding biennial festivals at the next meeting of the Friends of Poole Park.

(iii) Central Park

The Chairman reported that a premises licence had been granted for the Central Park Café at a meeting of the Local Authority’s Licensing Sub- Committee on Monday 5 March 2007.


AGREED that the next Meeting of The Friends of Poole Park would take place on Monday 11 June 2007 at 7.00pm in the Committee Suite, Civic Centre.



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