Study Guide: Test 1 (Chapters 1-4)

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Study Guide: Test 1 (Chapters 1-4)

Study Guide: Test 3 (Chapters 4, 5, 10, 11) Human Growth & Development Summer Semester 2008

Chapter 4: Health 1. What is the bio-psycho-social model? 2. What percentage of deaths in children under age 5 worldwide are due to infectious diseases? Where is the largest percentage of these? 3. What is oral rehydration therapy and what is its value? 4. What has caused a dramatic decline in childhood diseases in the industrialized world? 5. In the U.S., what is the most frequent cause of death in children over a year old? 6. What two other types of accidents are the next leading causes of the death of young children? 7. What is otitis media and who is most likely to have it? Why are they more susceptible than other groups? 8. What disease has increased dramatically in frequency and is the most frequent health reason for children being absent from school? 9. When does the immune system start to decline, and what non-age factors weaken it? 10. What are the ideal years for having children, and when is there a dramatic rise in the frequency of infertility among women? 11. What is the Western hemisphere stereotype regarding aging, and how does this correlate with health and aging itself? 12. What are the leading causes of death in middle adulthood? 13. What personality traits become serious threats to health in middle adulthood? 14. What are usually the first detected factors of cardiovascular disease? 15. What percentage of heart attack victims die before reaching the hospital? 16. What gene appears to be important in cancer prevention? 17. What percentage of people who have cancer are cured? 18. What are the most prevalent forms of cancer for men, for women, and overall? 19. What is the chief symptom of adult-onset diabetes, and about what percentage of the elderly have it? What increases the risk of getting it, and how is it treated?

1 20. What is the difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis? Roughly what percentages of people over 65 have it? 21. What is the advice or treatment for people who have osteoporosis? 22. What are the four most common causes of death in older adulthood? 23. Does normal cell death in the brain due to aging render a person incapable of conducting daily activities? 24. What is dementia? About what percentage of people over age 80 have Alzheimer disease? What are the symptoms as it progresses? 25. What are plaques and tangles? What is the difference between familial and sporadic Alzheimer disease? What are some suggested risk factors for Alzheimer’s? Protective factors? 26. What is cerebrovascular dementia, and what is its cause? What are the risk factors? 27. What is Parkinson Disease and what types of neurons are involved? What are the initial symptoms? 28. What are reversible dementias? Name some examples. 29. What are the statistical comparisons for older adults and others with regard to motor vehicle accidents? What are the statistics for falls among older adults? What are some associated physical reasons? 30. What are the advantages of breast feeding? 31. Why do mothers not breast feed, or stop earlier than the recommended one year? 32. What are marasmus and kwashiorkor? 33. What problems can result from early malnutrition? 34. What is the primary nutrition problem in the U.S. and other Western nations? 35. What are the causes of childhood obesity? 36. What are the social-emotional consequences of obesity? How do people stereotype obese people when they answer survey questions? 37. What are the factors in poor nutrition among teenagers? 38. What are the causes and characteristics of anorexia and bulimia nervosa? 39. What percentage of adult Americans weigh too much (overweight + obese)? 40. What factor between the ages of 25 and 40 opens the door to large weight gains? 41. What health risks are associated with adult obesity?

2 42. What are some advantages of losing weight? What element do the most effective weight-loss programs include? 43. What is the effect of caloric restriction on animals? 44. What functions or conditions appear to be improved among older adults when they take vitamins? 45. What does taking prescription drugs sometimes do to nutritional needs? 46. What percentage of U.S. children are getting enough exercise? Why are most of them not getting enough exercise? 47. What are the benefits of exercise? 48. With what benefits is exercise associated in aging adults? 49. How many alcoholics are there in the U.S.? 50. What are the possible negative effects of drinking too much on those around you? 51. Smoking is associated with what percentage of chronic pulmonary disease deaths? 52. What have been changes in smoking patterns in the U.S. in recent decades? 53. Do most teenagers try smoking, drinking and/or using a drug? 54. What type of person is more likely to become addicted? What are experimenters? 55. How does drug use in the U.S. compare to that of other nations? What type of drug is becoming an increasing source of concern with regard to abuse? 56. What does your textbook suggest as a potential factor in the prevention of drug use? 57. What is the pattern of drinking among college students? 58. What factors help to slow drinking and drug use by the mid-20’s? 59. What is the “invisible epidemic” among older adults, and what may be associated health risks? 60. What is considered to be the single most important preventable cause of death in industrialized nations? Chapter 5: Motor, Sensory & Perceptual Development 1. What is the difference between fine and gross motor skills? 2. What is the difference between the nature-focused view of motor development and the nurture-focused view? According to the Dynamic Systems Theory of motor development, what factors go into the acquisition of new motor skills? 3. Associate the names and descriptions of the newborn reflexes.

3 4. What is universal about gross motor development? . What is the timetable for gross motor development? 5. What is the sequence of skills that precede walking? What seems to be the key developmental factor that the sequence of these skills indicates? At about what age do about 90% of all babies walk well (in the United States)? 6. What do preschoolers need for adequate motor development? Do formal lessons facilitate development? What may be a negative outcome of pushing the child? 7. Who does best at gross motor skill tasks, boys or girls? What do school children need to encourage gross motor development? 8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of organized sports for children? 9. When in the lifespan do gross motor skills peak show their peak performance? 10. At what month of infancy does voluntary reaching appear? What are the palmar and pincer grasps? Which one comes first? Why does the development of the skill of reaching also affect cognitive development? How early do infants use proprioceptive cues to reach? 11. In what two areas or types of endeavor is fine motor development most noticeable during the preschool years? Which one can the average child use first, a spoon, a fork, a knife, scissors? At what age can he/she tie his shoes? What does a drawing of a person by a 3-year old look like? 12. Briefly describe the brain patterns of left handers. 13. By what age, on average, do infants achieve 20/20 visual acuity? (6 mos. to 1 year) 14. What is the difference between sensation and perception? 15. What is the ecological view of perceptual development? What is an affordance? 16. Describe the research methods of: visual preference, orienting & tracking, habituation/dishabituation. 17. At what kinds of patterns do infants prefer to look? How about faces? 18. What does differentiation theory say infants tend to perceive from the environment? 19. What is the reasoning behind infant visual expectations research? What are the methods used? 20. Describe some general patterns of vision among first graders.

4 21. When do we know that babies are first able to hear? What are some signs that newborn hearing is not fully developed? 22. Can newborns smell? Can they taste? How early do they have intermodal perception? 23. Describe typical vision problems in middle adulthood? What three conditions compromise vision for some people in later adulthood? 24. How early do hearing declines often start? What percentage of people over 75 have hearing problems? Chapter 10: Emotional Development 1. What does it mean to say that basic emotions are universal? What does it imply? What are the most reliable cues to them? 2. What are emotions and what other behaviors and cognitions are they related to? 3. What are the dimensions of emotional competence that Sarnii talks about? You should be able to recognize these and to name and describe two or three of them. 4. What are the primary emotions and when do they emerge? 5. What is required for the development of self-conscious emotions? When do they emerge, and what are some of them? 6. When do anger and fear appear? What is social referencing, and when does it appear? 7. What is stranger anxiety and what is separation protest? 8. What are two strategies that babies use for emotional self-regulation? 9. Why is adult instruction required in relation to the self-conscious emotions? What are shame, pride and guilt most often in response to? What are they linked to, and what do they serve to do? 10. Which is related to good adjustment, shame or guilt? Why? 11. What emotional capabilities does a 2-4 year old have and not have? 12. What happens to babies of depressed mothers emotionally? 13. You should be able to recognize the changes in emotional development in middle and late childhood and name and describe two or three of them. 14. What happens to happiness between the 5th and 9th grades? Is it due to hormones? 15. What happens to emotions in older adulthood? Is it due to the passage of time?

5 16. What is temperament? What are its dimensions? What was the New York Longitudinal Study? What were two of its findings? 17. Describe the classifications of temperament. What percentages of babies fall into each? 18. How was temperament measured? 19. What variable of personality does Kagan study in babies? 20. Describe the biological inhibition pattern. 21. What are some arguments that temperament may be mostly biological? 22. How does American culture deal with shyness? 23. Is there any continuity with infant and adult temperament? What have studies shown? 24. What is goodness-of-fit? 25. What is attachment? What did Freud think was its basis? What did Harlowe show? 27. What is the Strange Situation, and what are the researchers looking for? 28. What are the attachment patterns, and what percentages of babies fall into each? 29. What are the factors affecting security of attachment? How late can a bond be established? 30. How is quality of caregiving related to attachment? 31. What was the Harvard Demo Project, and what is it an example of? 32. What did Vanelli find about childcare and attachment? Belsky? The NICHD study? 33. How does secure attachment make the person feel inwardly? What did Stroufe find secure attachment to be related to? 34. Compare securely attached preschoolers to avoidantly and resistantly attached ones. 35. To what is disorganized attachment consistently related? 36. From one study, what was the best predictor of adult function (not attachment)? 37. What does secure attachment to parents in adolescence relate to? 38. Describe the types of adolescent attachment. 39. Describe the types of adult attachment. Chapter 11: The Self, Identity & Personality 1. What is the self? 2. What is the dot-of-rouge experiment? How do children indicate self-awareness in it?

6 How do they show self-awareness in general from 15-23 months? 3. What types of descriptions do preschoolers tend to give of themselves? 4. What happens to self-understanding in middle and late childhoos? 5. What is perspective taking? 6. What happens to self-consciousness in adolescence? What are possible selves? 7. Describe the development of self-understanding in adulthood. 8. What are some reliable correlates of self-esteem? 9. What are some components of identity? 10. What are the two key variables in identity achievement? 11. Describe the paths to identity and how they related to the variables. 12. Describe the big five stable personality factors. 13. What is generativity in midlife? 14. Describe stagnation in midlife. 15. Is there a midlife crisis? What is there instead? 16. Describe personality changes in midlife. 17. Describe changes in coping strategies in midlife. 18. What happens to the average adult as he or she ages on the stable personality traits?


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