Village of Oakfield Board of Trustees Semi-Monthly Meeting

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Village of Oakfield Board of Trustees Semi-Monthly Meeting


January 25th, 2015 @ 5:00 pm

A semi-monthly meeting of the Village of Oakfield Board of Trustees was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mayor Jason Armbrewster, followed by the Pledge to the Flag. The following Trustees were present: Scott Boring, David Boyle, and Joan Stevens. Absent Trustee: Shelly D’Alba

Also Present: Clerk/Treasurer, Andrew Maguire; DPW Supervisor, David Laney; Assistant Fire Chief, Chad Williams; Fire Chief, Peter Scheiber.



1. Resolution # 3- 2016: Appointing Inspectors of Elections.

A Motion by Trustee Stevens to approve Resolution #3- 2016: Appointing Inspectors of El ection, second by Trustee Boyle. Ayes: Boring, Boyle, Stevens. Carried.

2. Perm 1: Undertaking with NYSDOT for work on State Highways.

A Motion was made by Trustee Boyle to approve the Perm 1: Undertaking with NYSDO T for Work on State Highways, second by Trustee Stevens. Ayes: Boyle, Boring, Stevens. Carried.

3. Resolution #4-2016: Approval of Perm 1: An Undertaking with NYS DOT.

A Motion by Trustee Boyle to approve Resolution #4- 2016: Approval of Perm-1: An Und ertaking with NYS DOT for Work on the State Highways, second by Trustee Boring. Ayes: Boring, Boyle, Stevens. Carried.

4. Review of new PSM Clean Energy/CIR Electric Solar Power Purchase Agreement. M ayor Armbrewster states the panels will be maintained for 25 by CIR Electric, the Village c an purchase those panels after 5 years if they choose to. The Investors make money on thes e with tax breaks in large sums. Maintenance is needed at the site by the DPW once erected. Table discussion until Feb 8th 2016’s meeting.

5. Oakfield Fire Department Truck Apparatus. The Fire Department presented additional i tems that need to be included on the truck (see appendix A). Will be compiling information on financing and bonding to see which would be more cost effective. Will re-discuss at Feb 8th, 2016’s meeting. A driver checklist will be provided from the Fire Department on the tru ck maintenance that was performed. Mayor Armbrewster will send a letter to them informi ng them of how often it should be done. Fire Chief Scheiber agrees and states major mainte nance is done once a month. Trustee Stevens and Chief Scheiber will review all emergency protocols and create a new binder to cover all potential disasters. The old truck will be sold once the new truck is in commission, hope to get minimum of $35,000 for the sale. Solar P anels are up at the Fire Department Building. 3 new members have joined in 2016 and there will be an article in the paper about the Fire Department.

A Motion by Trustee Stevens to approve an additional expenditure amount of $24,754 for necessary equipment for the vehicle to be operational and certified (See Appendix A) secon d by Trustee Boyle. Ayes: Boring, Boyle, Stevens.

A Motion was made by Trustee Stevens to approve the agreement with Pierce Manufacturi ng at a total cost of $352,648 with a 60-90 time period for completion of the truck, second by Trustee Stevens. Ayes: Boyle, Boring, Stevens. Carried.

6. Historical Society Year End Report. Formal Written Report Submitted. Mayor Armbr ewster is very pleased with the Historical Society and all they have done for the community. They are out doing fundraisers and bettering the community.

7. D.P.W. Report. DL submitted a written report. Supervisor Laney states the DPW is working on hydrant flushing, some were frozen, and some were leaking. Working with To wn of Batavia and have some new ways to thaw them out with a pump. Water District 4 ha s a leaking hydrant, Clark Patterson Lee has been notified and contractors will take a look. Mayor Armbrewster states a system break down was provided to the DPW to fill out, and it was presented. Please see appendix A for its details. This document will help with checks a nd balances at the end of the year and addressing problems and tracking what was performe d already. The Town should be informed of this document; this can be sent monthly. Flushi ng is a big part of the water loss, but also needed for high quality water. Supervisor Laney s tates he is in process of creating an excel spreadsheet of every hydrant and when it was mai ntained and what was done to it, when and by whom. This will increase transparency and T own of Oakfield can review. Odyssey Controls sent a service agreement for approval; it wil l be time and materials, emergency response within 72 hours, $110/hr during regular, $165/ Hr after hours. Mayor Armbrewster states the Village will want to have this agreement in p lace for emergencies.

A Motion was made by Trustee Stevens to approve Odyssey Controls proposal for emerg ency services at a rate of $110/hr during business hours, $165/hr for after hours, second by Trustee Stevens. Ayes: Boyle, Boring, Stevens. Carried.

8. Clerk’s Report. Formal written report submitted.

9. Mayor’s Report. Mayor Armbrewster spoke about an Automated External Defibrillator (A. E.D.) and the potential of getting one or two for the Village Office and DPW with training. Genesee Association of Municipalities was talking about the County sales tax sharing that needs to be re-worked in 2018. The County gets to re-distribute sales tax which is the large st piece of the Village’s revenue in the General Fund. Trustee Boyle will attend any meetin gs pertaining in the Mayor’s absence. Meeting with Carol Glor about the O and M agreeme nt to make the right decisions. Detail with the budget, will have a budget with some inflatio n and some buffer zones for expenditures; for a “just in case” scenario. Mountain Engineeri ng will cover the “I and I” study with in house services. This report will help for future fun ding. Income surveys with G&G Processing will be getting started. Sent a letter to the Villa ge assessor asking for quarterly reports on home ownership data. The Village Office does n ot have the proper information and resident’s bill could get lost or go unpaid as that residen t no longer lives there. Asked the Village Employees to list their duties and what they are re sponsible for. Department heads gave reviews to employees. A Motion was made by Trustee Stevens to go into executive session @ 6:05 PM to discu ss a personnel issue, second by Trustee Boyle. Ayes: Boyle, Boring, Stevens. Carried.

A Motion was made by Trustee Stevens to close executive session @ 6:24 PM after disc ussing a personnel issue, second by Trustee Boyle. Ayes: Boyle, Boring, Stevens. Carrie d.

Having no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned @ 6:25 p.m. on A Motion by Trustee Boring seconded by Trustee Boyle. Ayes: Boring, Boyle, Stevens. Carried. The next regular Board Meeting will be February 8th, 2016. @ 5:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Andrew Maguire Clerk/Treasurer January 25th, 2016



WHEREAS ELECTION LAW Section 15-116 requires the Board of Trustees of a Village to adopt a Resolution at least forty (40) days prior to a Village Election appointing two (2) to four (4) inspectors, alternate inspectors, if any, and a Chairperson of Inspectors, and

WHEREAS, said resolution must also fix the compensation of the inspectors.


THE REPUBLICAN INSPECTORS ARE: Virginia Mullen Rose Nicometo

THE DEMOCRATIC INSPECTORS ARE: Peter Vandetta Barb Barbour THE ALTERNATE INSPECTORS ARE: Republican: Beverly Beckley

Democrat: Elaine Forti, Linda Giambrone,

The fixed rate of compensation is $9.00 per hour in 2016.

Motion to adopt Resolution #3-2016 by Trustee Stevens Seconded by Trustee Boyle Ayes: Boring, Boyle, Stevens Carried.

January 25th, 2016 Village of Oakfield

Resolution #4 -2016: Approval of Perm-1 with New York State Department of Transportation: Undertaking for the benefit of the NYS DOT in connection with work affecting state highways

WHEREAS, The Village of Oakfield receives permits from the New York State Department of Transportation (hereinafter referred to as the "NYSDOT") and otherwise conducts activities and operations upon highways and/or within right-of-way controlled by the State of New York for such purposes as the obstruction, installation, construction, maintenance and/or operation of facilities; and

WHEREAS, The Village of Oakfield’s access and operation upon state right-of-way is conditioned compliance with Highway Law Sections 52, 103, 203 and/or 234, including the conditions that The Village of Oakfield assume all responsibility for (a) the temporary control of all modes of traffic (including motorized and non-motorized travel) affected by The Village’s operations, (b) complete restoration of state facilities to their condition prior to permitted use or activity, and (c) all claims, damages, losses and expenses,

WHEREAS, in relation to all operations and/or actions undertaken within state right of way, The Village of Oakfield hereby agrees to the terms and conditions stated in the Perm 1: Undertaking for the benefit of the New York State Department of Transportation, in connection with work affecting state highways.

FURTHERMORE, The Village of Oakfield hereby warrants that the obligations of this Undertaking are backed by the full faith and credit of the Village of Oakfield. The Village of Oakfield may insure or bond any of the obligations set forth herein, or may rely upon self- insurance, budgeted funds, or funds for general operations.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, This Undertaking shall be applicable to all permitted activities and operations undertaken after the date of execution and work initiated while this Undertaking is in effect. This Undertaking may be revoked upon thirty days written notice but will continue to apply to all permitted activities/operations that were permitted by virtue of this Undertaking. Unless terminated for the purpose of future activities/operations, this Undertaking shall have a term of twenty (20) years and shall be kept on file to facilitate the issuance of future permits to which it will apply.

Motion to adopt Resolution #4-2016 by Trustee Boyle Seconded by Trustee Boring Ayes: Boring, Boyle, Stevens. Carried.

Appendix A:

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