Maintain the Instructor/Advisor Table in Peoplesoft

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Maintain the Instructor/Advisor Table in Peoplesoft

Maintain the Instructor/Advisor Table in PeopleSoft


Job Aid

Table of Contents: Purpose...... 2 Search for an Instructor...... 3 Edit Data about an Instructor...... 5 Changes to the Instructor/Advisor table...... 7

Confidential to ASU Page 1 Last revised 11/16/2006 Maintain the Instructor/Advisor Table in PeopleSoft


The Instructor/Advisor table is used to maintain instructor data.

Instructors must be in this table before they can be selected as an instructor in the Schedule of Classes. The Academic Org of the instructor must match the academic Org of the class they will teach.

Teaching assistants, delegates and anyone else who will be responsible for teaching or for entering grades must be entered in this table.

Note: A person is not created in this table. The personal data on each individual must already exist in the bio-demo pages. This occurs when they are hired by HR and their personal data is entered into OASIS. Once the personal data exists, the instructor or advisor can be added to this table. If you don’t find the person in the system, contact [email protected] or call 965-6500 for the help desk.

Access To gain access to this table, fill out a security request form. Fill out section 1 Put “instructor/Advisor” in section 2. Sign section 3 Have your supervisor sign section 4 Fax it back to the number on the form.

Once you have been granted access, you will see the Instructor/advisor information section when you click on the “curriculum management” menu item.

Confidential to ASU Page 2 Last revised 11/16/2006 Maintain the Instructor/Advisor Table in PeopleSoft Search for an Instructor

Navigate to Curriculum Management > Instructor/Advisor Information> Instructor/Advisor Table.

Search for the person you want to add to the instructor/advisor table using the ID or Name. You can enter the full name or partial name. Click the Include History checkbox. Click Search to retrieve the person.

Confidential to ASU Page 3 Last revised 11/16/2006 Maintain the Instructor/Advisor Table in PeopleSoft If only one person matches the search criteria the data displays on the next page. If multiple results match the criteria, they display in the Search Results. View the results and click on the person whose data you want to edit.

Confidential to ASU Page 4 Last revised 11/16/2006 Maintain the Instructor/Advisor Table in PeopleSoft Edit Data about an Instructor 1) Look at the screen. If there are blank fields, then the row has not been saved. You can edit this screen and save the data. Go to step 2.

If all of the fields have values in them, the data has been saved and cannot be edited. To change the values, add a row by clicking on the plus sign in the upper right corner of the row. Once you have added a row, proceed to step 2.

Fill in the rest of the fields as follows:

2) Status: Change the status to active. If the status is inactive or blank, the instructor cannot be added to a class.

3) Instructor Type: Select the type of instructor from the pull down list. These values are not yet connected to any other system.

4) Academic Institution: This must be ASU00

5) Primary Acad Org: Select your college from the list.

6) Instructor Availability: Set this to available.

7) ASU is not using the advisor (lower) portion of the screen at this time. Click on the second tab (Approved Courses)

It is recommended that you tab from one field to the next when entering data. Sometimes the value of the field does not display until you tab out of it.

Confidential to ASU Page 5 Last revised 11/16/2006 Maintain the Instructor/Advisor Table in PeopleSoft

8) Academic Org: Click on the magnifying glass, and select the academic org that matches the academic org of the class you want them to teach. NOTE: this does not attach them to the class, it only makes it possible TO attach them via the class maintenance screen.

To add additional Academic Org values, click on the plus sign below the second blue bar and enter the next Academic Org or department for this instructor. Continue entering data until all Academic Orgs for this instructor are displayed.

9) Once the data is correct on both tabs, click on the Save button.

Confidential to ASU Page 6 Last revised 11/16/2006 Maintain the Instructor/Advisor Table in PeopleSoft Changes to the Instructor/Advisor table

If the instructor changes type or availability, you will add new effective dated rows to the table. The new effective dated row is always added by clicking the plus sign in the Instructor Details scroll area. Enter the appropriate effective date, keeping in mind this date must be on or before the first day of the term these new responsibilities begin. You can add many different rows. Each row must have a different effective date. Each date must be after the date of the first row that is saved.

If the instructor/advisor is leaving the university or will no longer have a teaching role, add an effective dated row on the Instructor/Advisor Table page. Change the status from Active to Inactive. Save the page. The instructor or advisor is no longer available for selection as of the effective date the record becomes inactive.

Confidential to ASU Page 7 Last revised 11/16/2006

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