You Are Summoned to Attend a Meeting of North Waltham Parish Council on Tuesday 20Th March
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EAST DEAN PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: Richard Newton
Clerk: Allison Spyer 14 Barley View, North Waltham, Hampshire RG25 2ST Tel: 07786 063570 Email: [email protected]
10th March 2015, 7.30pm, St Winfrid’s Church
Councillors Present: Richard Newton (Chairman), Jo Lush, Lydia Baxter, Andrew Sillence, Paula ACTION Rickaby (arrived 7.45), PCSO Jo Cole, Allison Spyer (Clerk). FOR
139 Apologies: Cllr Andrew Gibson and Cllr Neville Whitely
140 Declarations of Interest: RN declared an interest in footpaths item as a local landowner.
141 Meeting open to the Public: No member of the public wished to speak
142 Minutes of the previous meeting held on 13th January 2015 already circulated: Minutes were approved and signed.
143 Police Meeting Update: PCSO Jo Cole stated that there was very little crime wise to report. A few attempted opportunity break- ins in nearby villages were all. Doors with double locks seem to be most effective at preventing them gaining entry. She also informed the council that residents can now sign up at to receive beat alerts.
144 Proposal to Form Joint Neighbourhood Plan with West Dean: Bill Seabrooke from West Dean gave a presentation in support of a joint neighbourhood plan. The idea PC for a neighbourhood plan is to offer some protection from the fairly new Localism Act (which encourages development) and has been set up to protect small villages and give them a say regarding development within their boundaries. Everything has to be by consent and the plan has to be put to the whole population and the results passed on to the borough council.
After discussion the Parish Council agreed in principal that the PC would like to be involved but feel the new council that will be formed in the coming months should take this on formally
145 Footpaths Update: RN reported that footpaths remain closed and will do so for the foreseeable future. They were just about to be reopened but a slight problem has been discovered due to one FP going over the level crossing. AS This requires further investigation and there is no timescale as to when the matter will be resolved. ASil reported that Old Road (discussed at the last PC meeting) is still considered to be a road. Permission needs to be granted from HCC if a pathway is to be cut thru the vegetation. ASil also conducted a straw poll with the affected residents and found half were for the footpath being opened up and half were against. AS to put the Item on the next agenda.
146 Clerk Update: AS reported that the Website has now been updated but problems may continue until the Clerk obtains a new laptop which is able to support the automatic updates that are regularly installed– updated. The newsletter format has been researched and the newsletter started (for approval later in the meeting)... The issue with the banking has hopefully been resolved, the bank had statements set at annual rather than monthly, this has now been changed.
147 Newsletter: The Parish Council were largely happy with the newsletter but made a few amendments. AS to AS implement and send to RN for final approval.
148 Test Valley Local Plan: Nothing to update currently.
149 Working with Lockerley Over Emergency Planning: RN Thanked Jeff for attending the meeting over at Lockerley. The plan is still a work in progress.
East Dean Parish Council Minutes 10th March 2015 Page 01 EAST DEAN PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: Richard Newton
Clerk: Allison Spyer 14 Barley View, North Waltham, Hampshire RG25 2ST Tel: 07766 783031 Email: [email protected]
150 APA Planning: The Parish Council agreed to follow the same format as last year, RN will provide the wine JL and PR will RN/PR/JL provide food. AS to invite Cllrs Andrew Gibson, Neville Whitley and Caroline Nokes. AS
151 HCC Update: Cllr Andrew Gibson was unable to attend the meeting but informed the PC that the MOD have asked for assistance to get superfast Broadband because they are not currently in the plan, and Highways will check out the drains along East Dean Road.
152 Finance:
153 Receipts No current receipts
154 Payments £300.00 Allison Spyer, Salary £22.40 Allison Spyer, Expenses
The payments were approved.
155 Bank Reconciliations: Deferred until next meeting as statements have still not been received. AS
156 Correspondence: No correspondence has been received.
157 Meeting open to the public: No member of the public wished to speak
158 Date of next meeting: Thursday 23rd April 2015, RN closed the meeting at 9.03
Signed ……………………………………………………. Date ………………………………………………