Attach assessment and supporting documents you will use with this lesson PRE-OBSERVATION PLAN Fill out one week in advance of observation and submit to University Supervisor

Student Miranda M. Polodna University Supervisor Judy O’Kane Date 10-23-2012

Task Group & Individual Instruct, and Collegial Collaboration Ex: Group Lesson, Individual Instruction, Team Meeting, Collegial Collaboration Goal(s):

o Reading: To recognize the correct spelling of words and to create words that rhyme and have similar meanings, through concept mapping. o Math: To support the understanding of multi-step addition, turn-taking, and to showing positive sportsmanship.

Two or Three Content Guideline Connections

o Standard 2: Development: The teacher understands how children with road ranges of ability learn and provides instruction that supports their intellectual, social and personal development o Standard 4: Instructional Strategies: The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies, including the use of technology to encourage children’s development of critical thinking, problem solving and performance skills. o Standard 5: Environment: The Teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning and self motivation o Standard 7: Instructional Planning: The teacher organizes and plans systematic instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, pupils the community and curriculum goals.

Objective – What do I hope to accomplish?

o Reading: The students will be able to read the word and through concept mapping, they will provide rhyming words and words that relate. o Math: The students will be able to play a dice game that involves multi-step addition. The game will be played as a large group and it supports teamwork, turn-taking, and showing positive sportsmanship.

Plan to achieve objective

Reading: The students will be given a small bin of water. The teacher will give the students each a magic card in which they will place in the water when instructed to do so. A word will appear an the students will read the word. The word will be written on the board and the students will take turns providing rhyming words, and words that relate to the magic word. Math: Each student will be given one dice. The dice rules will be stated. The teacher will call upon students to help with the rules of the game. A student order will be chosen by the teacher. Each student will take his/her turn to roll every round. The students can use their number lines on their desks, their fingers, or mental math to solve each problem. Only the student whose turn it is may say the answer. The game is over once three people have achieved the “total” score that is chosen.