Job Title: Project Worker Family Support Services and Day Centre for Homeless
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Job Description
Job Title: Project worker – Family Support Services and Day Centre for homeless
Reporting to: Manager of Day Centre
Date of Issue: January 2018
Vision and Mission COPE Galway’s vision is Improved Quality of Life in a Home of your own for people affected by homelessness and its ambition is to see everybody living in a home that meets their needs.
The mission of COPE Galway Homeless Services is to contribute to people finding and keeping their own homes and to improved quality of life.
Outcomes COPE Galway recognises that people need to live and sustain themselves safely in the community. All COPE Galway homeless services ranging from prevention, emergency response, resettlement and tenancy support are focused on helping people to achieve these outcomes.
Community Model COPE Galway’s community model approach is to assist with buildings strong connections between the individual and the community to sustain an independent and satisfying living environment, and the ultimate aim of all of the organisations homeless services is that people can maintain their own homes within their chosen communities.
COPE Galway homeless services COPE Galway operates a range of services for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Galway City including;
Day Centre at Teach Corrib - targeted on single person households who are homeless or at risk of homeless- ness in Galway City including the provision of information and referral to accommodation and mainstream ser- vices and assistance is securing long term accommodation. Food and access to washing and laundry facilities are available. The service operates from Monday to Saturday during day time hours.
Family Support Services – work with and support families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness includ- ing providing and placing families in emergency accommodation (operating some of this accommodation dir- ectly in the form of self-contained units at various locations in the community which are used for both emer- gency and transitional accommodation purposes and placing families in private emergency accommodation such as hotels, B&B’s and other forms of tourist accommodation); homeless prevention interventions, reset- tlement and tenancy support and the provision of information and referral to mainstream services and assist- ance is securing long term housing.
Emergency accommodation services – 24/7 services at Fairgreen Hostel (26 spaces for single men), Osterley Lodge (12 spaces for women and women with children) and Cold Weather Response (additional beds for winter months) focused on responding to the accommodation and other support needs of people who are in crises
1 and in need of emergency accommodation and supporting them to move out of homelessness and secure suit- able longer term accommodation. An Out of Hours Freephone Service operates each evening from 7pm to 11pm and facilitates referrals and placements for people in need of emergency accommodation.
Resettlement and Tenancy Support Services – focused on supporting people through their transition to inde- pendent living when moving out of homelessness and for the period of time required to help establish and sus- tain their tenancy.
Transitional accommodation that includes the Towards Independence Project and other transitional accom- modation for single person households which prioritises referrals from COPE Galway emergency accommoda- tion services
Overall Purpose of the job The Family Support Services is part of the suite of services provided through the Day Centre for homeless people in Galway. This includes a range of services for people, individuals and families, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Galway City including referral to and placement in emergency accommodation, housing information, food and refreshments, personal care, laundry, clothes exchange, out of hours service, homeless referral service and family support services. Interventions relating to prevention, resettlement and tenancy support are also provided by the Family Support Services.
In addition to the provision of these services the Day Centre also provides office facilities for the following; Substance Misuse Worker, Public Health Nurse, Community Mental Health Nurse, Clinical Services, Family Support Services, Tenancy Sustainment and Resettlement and Conferencing, Meetings, Assessments etc.
The post of Family Support worker and Day Centre Project worker will involve working directly with clients as part of the Family Support staff team responding appropriately to their needs. The Family Support Team operate from a city centre premises remote for the Day Centre at Teach Corrib. The role will also involve working with single individuals and couples a number of Saturdays each month and on occasions when the need arises at the Day Centre at Teach Corrib.
The post holder will work mainly with families who are who are homeless or at risk of homelessness; an approach based on an expectation that families will want to make changes in their lives and on encouraging and facilitating them to do so will be adopted in responding to their needs.
The Family Support Service is a community model of service provision to families who are homeless and at risk of homelessness. The work of this service is encapsulated under the four headings of; Prevention – early identification and intervention for families at risk of becoming homeless Emergency Accommodation and Support – assessment and arrangement of appropriate emergency accommodation placement; the service manages a number of self-contained units (13 at the time of the issuing of this job description) used to accommodate families on an emergency and transitional basis and organises placements in various forms of private emergency accommodation (PEA) such as B&B’s, Hotels and Holiday Apartments. Resettlement – providing targeted support addressing issues that led to homelessness and taking up a tenancy and re-establishing a home Tenancy Sustainment – providing long term support to families who have complex support needs, enabling them to remain in suitable accommodation.
This job description will be subject to review to take account of any changes necessary as the project develops over time.
Duties will include; 1. Interview, assess and respond to clients – conduct interviews and comprehensive assessments in a professional, sensitive and appropriate manner, including adopting a proactive response to clients’ needs leading to referral to appropriate services 2. Ensure that all clients are treated respectfully in a welcoming and friendly environment; that they are listened to and are kept at the centre of service provision and are kept informed at all stages of the process as far as possible 3. Be flexible in the delivery of the range of services provided in the Family Support Service and Teach Corrib Day Centre. You will be required to work in Teach Corrib on a number of Saturdays each month.
2 4. Actively engage with and facilitate clients in accessing the broad range of services they re- quire both from within the services available on site in the Family Support Service and Teach Corrib Day Centre and elsewhere 5. Encourage and support clients in taking responsibility and contributing to their own welfare needs 6. Provide personal assistance in a sensitive and appropriate manner to those clients who require help in relation to personal hygiene; assistance with showering and washing and assistance with use of laundry services etc. 7. Provide information to enable clients to make appropriate links to health services relevant to their needs 8. Support the manager in identifying clients who require key-working and work with the alloc- ated caseload, assessing and reassessing as appropriate clients’ needs and supporting them in achieving agreed and specified outcomes using tools such as care planning and outcome meas- urements 9. Work in partnership with clients, promoting self -advocacy and when necessary advocate on clients behalf 10. Accompany clients to appointments and meetings where applicable, whilst in conjunction with the manager, ensuring that service provision in the Family Support Service is not affected 11. Support families on site in PEA and in their own homes 12. Work with all clients and endeavour to win their trust and respect, be proactive in addressing difficult or problematic situations as they arise in a sensitive and direct manner within the frame work of the organisational policies and procedures 13. Operate the administrative and recording systems in place in accordance with best practice standards and the procedures of COPE Galway
14. Ensure that the recording systems for PEA are operated and kept up to date at all times. 15. Ensure that the appropriate handovers are communicated to the relevant organisations each week 16. Work in conjunction with the Manager and/or Administration worker to ensure that the cor- rect financial recording systems are in place and are adhered to with regards to PEA placements 17. Carry out all other administrative and financial procedures in accordance with organisation policies 18. Keep up to date and accurate records 19. Input information on clients and activities onto the information system in place including en- suring that information is inputted onto PASS correctly and accurately and in a timely manner 20. Be involved in the preparation of reports, statistics and other information that may be re- quired 21. Prepare and assist in the collection of data for the monthly, quarterly and annual reports.
Meetings/Interagency/Communication 22. In conjunction with the Manager of COPE Galway Family Support Service, develop, foster and maintain positive professional relationships with other relevant services and agencies. 23. Attend and actively participate at project, organisational and interagency meetings including case discussions, reviews and team meetings 24. Attend meetings, briefings and information and training sessions as required 25. Communicate effectively with colleagues by ensuring that all incidents, emergencies, events and handovers are recorded 26. Ensure that confidentiality is maintained in accordance with the COPE Galway Confidentiality Policy and Procedure and agreed information sharing protocols 27. Liaise with the Housing Department of Galway City and County Councils with regard to the accommodation and housing needs of those presenting in need of emergency accommodation 28. Liaise with the designated emergency accommodation services and other accommodation providers on an ongoing basis in respect of referrals and placement of those presenting in need of emergency accommodation
3 29. Liaise with mainstream services in respect of referrals of clients in accessing support and assistance in the areas of housing, welfare benefits, physical and mental health needs, health promotion, education, training and employment etc. 30. Contribute to the development of appropriate referral systems for clients with external agencies
Facilitate and Support services hosted in the Family Support Service 31. In conjunction with the other family support staff operate a system for the scheduling of ap- pointments and clinic times for the services hosted in the Family Support Service 32. Ensure that the necessary meeting rooms and other facilities are prepared and available for these disciplines to attend the Family Support Service 33. In conjunction with the professionals providing these specialist services ensure that Health and Safety systems are adhered to so as to safeguard the safety and welfare of all
Health and Safety 34. Adhere to Health and Safety policy and procedures as per COPE Galway Health and Safety Manual and Safety Statement 35. Implement Health and Safety policy and procedures 36. Familiarise yourself with the safety features of the premises including the fire alarm system, fire safety equipment and the panic alarm system 37. Contribute to the development and updating of Health and Safety practices 38. Make every effort at all times to ensure your own personal safety and the safety of other staff and clients 39. Highlight issues or concerns pertaining to Health and Safety in a timely and appropriate manner 40. Ensure that details of all incidents and accidents are recorded and reported appropriately 41. Participate in Health and Safety training
Roles 42. Provide staff cover on a rota 43. Work effectively as both a team member and lone worker 44. Undertake specific roles within the project as required and within the wider organisation 45. Participate in regular supervision and appraisals with your line manager and actively assist in identifying your own job related training needs 46. Ensure compliance with organisational and project policies and procedures to ensure consist- ent professional delivery of services and the maintenance of quality standards 47. Ensure that clients are consulted and involved in the operation of the project to the greatest extent that is compatible with clients wishes keeping in mind the nature of the project 48. Contribute actively to the development of the service, its review and evaluation and keep up- dated on best practice in the areas of family support work, homelessness and tenancy support 49. Be client focussed whilst working within the ethos of COPE Galway 50. Carry out cleaning duties in the Family Support Service as required 51. Undertake any other duties commensurate with the role 52. Oversee the development and running of developmental activity sessions connected with the Interim Day Centre
This Job Description is not an exhaustive list of all duties and responsibilities that may be required and is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the Project.
Key terms and conditions of employment;
Hours of work: 29.5 Hours per week
Salary: Project Worker scale, point appropriate
Method of pay: Monthly 4 Annual Leave: 22 days pro rata per annum
Nature of contract: Fixed Term contract initially with a view to extension
Place of work: COPE Galway Family Support Services offices and Teach Corrib Day Centre
5 Signed: ______Date:______PERSON SPECIFICATION
The ideal candidate will have a proven interest in working with people who are homeless and a third level qualification in social care or equivalent. Flexibility regarding rosters and unsocial hours working is also required.
Essential Requirements Education: A recognised third level qualification in the Social Care, Community Development or related field.
Knowledge A working knowledge of Housing Legislation in Ireland, current homelessness policy and an up to date knowledge of best practice in the area of homeless services Understanding of why people become homeless and the related health, welfare and support needs they have Understanding of a broad range of issues including mental health, addictions, relationship and family breakdown, poverty and social exclusion A very strong and up to date working knowledge of the social welfare system including appeals and the housing assessments and application process Advanced Computer skills including word processing, excel and database Full clean drivers licence and access to car
Experience: A minimum of two years paid experience of working in the area of homelessness with a mix of household types including single men, single women and families Experience of assessment and care planning Experience of working with persons with mental health and addiction problems Experience of advocating for clients with a wide range of local services and supports Experience of interagency working with a range of housing, welfare, health and social work services including case conferencing Ability to work on own initiative with the guidance of the service manager
Desirable Requirements
Experience in Client Participation Experience of managing Health and Safety
Core competencies :
Commitment to the vision, mission and values of the Organisation and a belief that they are appropriate Ability to engage with and develop and maintain relationships with clients, individuals, agen- cies and stakeholders as required in the achievement of desired outcomes Ability to operate effectively as part of a team and to act on instructions or directions provided Considers the perspective and views of others in informing and improving own work practices and respond objectively and professionally to feedback from colleagues or clients Ability to act appropriately and maintain appropriate boundaries in all client interactions Demonstrates ownership, commitment and transparency in all aspect of work Anticipate client needs and proactively seek to meet them Follows through on all required actions in working towards meeting client needs and team goals Ability to address sensitive issues without any bias or prejudice Ability to remain optimistic and resilient with a strong work ethic, while facing chal- lenges 6 Works on own initiative and plan, organise and prioritise work to meeting challenging situ- ations Supports clients to self-advocate to enable them to decide the outcomes they want to achieve Ability to act confidently and select the appropriate approach to dealing with challenging behaviours Engages in quality key working to meet client needs including showing initiative and finding solutions when reviewing and managing case plans Engages in work practices which promote independence, improved quality of life and well-being of clients and advocates for clients according to their needs and rights Committed to promoting a positive and trusting work environment