Elmhurst Little League
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Attendees: Board Members: Keith McBeath Lisa Mast Tonya Harmeyer Chad Creager Michelle Creager Dave Shields Lee Shields Pat Lee Regular Members: Brian Mast Judi Mathieson Ernie Sandoval
Meeting was called to order at 6:17 pm.
Volunteer Application – Board:
o Judi and Bryan Mathieson applied for a position on the Board. It was a unanimous vote to accept their application. Judi will be our Volunteer Coordinator and Bryan will be the Umpire Coordinator.
Manager/Coach Voting:
o Greg Jencks Minor Coach 7 yes 0 no 0 abstain o James Conley Major Manager 5 yes 2 no 0 abstain o Ernie Sandovall Major Manager 7 yes 0 no 0 abstain o Ernie Sandovall Major Coach 7 yes 0 no 0 abstain
January Minutes: Lisa Mast
o Dave motion to accept minutes, Michelle second, unanimously accepted by members present
District Minutes:
o Columbia City has no Little League o The President at Foster Park has resigned o Churubusco has no President at this time o Mark Fore will be selling equipment, uniforms, etc. If you are interested, stop by to see them o Just a reminder that the first 80 background checks will be free o Clinic information will be handed out at manager meeting o 3 Rivers Umpire will charge $15.00/person for league umpire training. For Board members, managers and league officials, they will charge $5.00/person. They are willing to come out to do a one day training for our umpires. o Protecting Young Pitching Arms brochure was handed out. Managers will receive this handout at the Managers meeting
Budget: Michelle Creager
o Dave motion to accept the budget, Lee second, unanimously accepted by members present Committee Updates:
o Concession – See Task 2 at the end of the minutes. It was discussed that the age for workers in the concession stand should be changed from age 16 to high school students. Dave motion to accept Task 2 with the amendment of the workers age, Chad second, unanimously accepted by members present
o All votes were tallied and there was a majority vote to accept all changes from the members who were in position when the voting took place.
Double-Goal Coach Course:
o This is an on-line course to train managers on how to coach kids. Dave volunteered to take the course. It was a unanimous vote and Dave will report back at the next meeting.
Registration Preparation:
o Fliers: Keith asked for volunteers to take fliers to schools in our area about registration. o Receipts: Michelle will be dropping off the form to the printer soon. o Signs: Signs are out in town but still need to some in the outskirts of town. o Fund Raising: Lee will be purchasing the candy next week. It will be delivered to the fire station. o Spirit Wear: There will only be orders taken at registration for spirit wear. Lee made up an order form. Dave motion to accept the form, Chad second, unanimous vote to accept form. o Registration Form: Dave motion to approve the additional form needed at registration, Michelle second, unanimous vote to accept form. o There was discussion about giving away the wristbands and pins (from previous years) at registration. Also there was discussion about have a raffle for the equipment that we received from Wiser Park.
Tryout Planning:
o The dates for tryouts are March 5, 6, 7, 9 and 12. Times are 7:00 – 9:00. More information will come after our next meeting.
Meeting Location and Time:
o It was mentioned that once baseball season started, we would not be able to meet on Thursday. The new day and location would be Sunday at Hodell Acres, 5 yes, 0 no, and 4 abstain. Also the time would be 4:00, 5 yes, 0 no, and 4 abstain.
Updates: o Address Changes - Michelle still has not been able to meet with Jill Fisher. o Accounts Receivables – No changes o Batting Cages – Keith will get a hold of Gleave to have them start soon. o Boundary Change – We will wait to see what comes from the boundary changes and will know more after registration. o Concession – The vender permit does not apply to Elmhurst o Contact City Councilman – Hold o Door/Window Cages – Brian has painted and moved to where they need to go. o Equipment – Everything has been inventoried. Keith will get a list of what is needed to the Board so it can be voted on before purchasing. o Inter League Play/Scheduling – Dave has made calls but everyone wants to wait until after registration to discuss anything. o Locks and Keys – Concession doors, equipment storage shed have new locks. We will need new doors for the major and senior pressbox. o Sponsors and Pennants – We have received sponsor money from Harmony Lodge (T-ball), Southwest Fire (Prep), Rich’s Auto (Prep), Hanson (Major and Minor), Brooks (Major). Fredericks Photography is willing to be a sponsor for the Prep league. Extra Innings would like to be a sponsor. For their sponsorship they will offer the following equipment selling, tunnel rentals and batting cage rental. Every child in the league will receive ½ hour batting, managers can bring in their team for an hour of free batting and T-ball will receive 10% off anything they buy. Keith motion to accept Extra Innings sponsorship, Chad second, unanimous vote to accept their offer. o Winter Workout – There are 11-12 kids involved and it is going good. They could still use some more coaches. The time is from 6:30 – 8:30.
Michelle motion to adjourn at 8:30. Task 2
How do we tighten controls and avoid being taken advantage of? o Stand workers would be ADULTS!!!! No one under 16 would be allowed to work any part of the stand. NO KIDS! PERIOD!
Who is eligible for free food? o ELL Park Directors, Umpires and Concession Stand workers would be entitled to $2.50 of whatever they want for their 2 hr shift. We continue to use the umpire cards, which allow them to return at a later date for food if the stand is closed down when they finish their game. 3R umpires would get a bottled beverage.
How do we identify? o One word … UNIFORMS. We need to have Park Directors and Umpires wear their uniforms.
What items do they get? o Anything they want for their $2.50 (i.e. Dog & Pop)
How do we handle Sportsmanship coins and Foul ball tickets? o At the coaches meeting, it needs to be reinforced that the coins are for Sportsmanship, not be given out to everyone at the first game. Coins need to be identified by the hole drilled in the coin. o Foul ball tickets need to be delivered to the press boxes by the Park Director or a Concession Stand worker. They are not to be handed out to children to be delivered.
What items should the stand carry? o The consensus was that we are carrying too much of a selection. The menu will be broken down into categories and only the top 3 sellers will be kept on the menu. The Cappuccino will be a cold weather item, discontinuing it around the end of May.
How do we maintain profit margin whiling cutting costs? o By limiting the selection and increasing prices.