Caroline E. Dadas

356 Bachelor Hall 708.420.6231 Department of English [email protected] Miami University Oxford, OH 45056 ______


Ph. D., English, Miami University (Ohio), Expected 2011.

Specializations: Digital Rhetorics, Public Sphere Theories, Civic Rhetorics, Composition Theory, Writing-Across-the-Curriculum

Dissertation Title: Writing Civic Spaces: A Theory of Civic Rhetorics in a Digital Age. Committee: Michele Simmons (Chair), Heidi McKee, Kate Ronald, Jason Palmeri, Leighton Peterson (Anthropology)

M.A., English, DePaul University, 2005.

Area of Concentration: Writing Pedagogy

B.A., English, Minor in Secondary Education, University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign, 2001.


Articles “Inventing the Election: Civic Participation and Presidential Candidates' Websites.” Computers and Composition. Vol 25, Issue 4 (2008): 416-431.

“Writing Oneself, Writing the Presidential Election.” First Monday. February, 2008. Online.

Reviews “The CCCC program cover.” Kairos. Issue 14.1 (Fall 2009).

Review of The Locations of Composition. Christopher J. Keller and Christian R. Weisser, eds. Pedagogy, Volume 9.2 (2009).

1 Review of Appeals in Modern Rhetoric: An Ordinary Language Approach by M. Jimmie Killingsworth. Composition Forum, Volume 17 (Spring 2007).

Conference Presentations

“Planted in Business: A Writing Center Grafted to a Discipline.” With Kate Ronald, Lisa Blankenship, Ann Updike, Abby Dubisar. European Writing Center Association Conference. May 2010. Paris, France.

“’Now What?’ Negotiating the Methodological Challenges of Digital Research.” Computers and Writing. May 2010. West Lafayette, IN.

“Audio Composing as a Means of Accessing Techno-rhetoric.” With Bre Garrett. Conference of College Composition and Communication. March 2010, Louisville, KY.

“Toward a Methodology for the Participatory Web.” Qualitative Research Network. Conference of College Composition and Communication. March 2010, Louisville, KY.

“Remixing the Election: YouTube as a Site of Community Deliberation.” Feminisms and Rhetorics. October 2009, East Lansing, MI.

“Digital Writing Assessment: Designing and Evaluating Multimodal Assignments, Courses and Programs.” With Jason Palmeri, Bre Garrett, Aurora Matzke, Cindy Lewiecki-Wilson, Ann Updike, Abby Dubisar, Denise Landrum, Joseph Cheatle. Conference of College Composition and Communication. March 2009, San Francisco, CA.

“Writing the Election in Political Blogs.” Thomas R. Watson Conference. October 2008, Louisville, KY.

“Civic Action through Invention: Presidential Candidates Websites as Enabling Participation.” Rhetoric Society of America. May 2008, Seattle, WA.

“Invention as Social Action: The Affordances of Information Design.” With Bre Garrett and Kerrie Carsey. Conference on College Composition and Communication. April 2008, New Orleans, LA.

“Breaking the Marble Ceiling, Feminizing the Interface? Nancy Pelosi’s Official Websites as Civic Participation.” Feminisms and Rhetorics. October 2007, Little Rock, AK.

“Through the Autoethnographic Lens: Negotiating the Experience of Teaching

2 First-Year Writing.” Research Network Forum at the Conference on College Composition and Communication. March 2006, New York, NY.

“Negotiating Creative Writing in the Rhetoric and Composition Classroom.” Research Network Forum at the Conference on College Composition and Communication. March 2006, Chicago, IL.


Digital Writing and Rhetoric: Composing with Words, Images, and Sound (English/IMS 224). Fall 2010. This course focuses on helping students develop the rhetorical skills and knowledge to create effective multimedia compositions.

Writing for Business Decision-Making. (Business 102). Fall 2010. This course encourages students to think about the common genres of business writing—memo, summary, email, letter—from a rhetorical perspective that considers purpose, audience, context.

Backgrounds in Composition Theory and Research (English 304). Fall 2009. A course in which English Education majors learn how to ground their pedagogical approaches in rhetoric and composition theory and ethical research practices.

College Composition in Digital Environments (English 111). Fall 2006, 2007, 2009. One of the two required first-year composition courses; students in the sections I taught composed traditional academic essays and multimodal compositions.

Composition and Literature (English 112). Spring 2007, 2009 A required first-year composition course, students studied literature from a rhetorical perspective. I taught my courses under the respective themes “Humor and Culture” and “Writing and Technologies.”

English. St. Francis Xavier Middle School. LaGrange, IL, 2001-2004; 2005-2006.



3 Coordinator, Business 102: Writing for Business Decision-Making. Farmer School of Business. Fall 2010-Spring 2011.  Met regularly with the associate dean to discuss course outcomes and future goals  Acted as a liaison between the associate dean, seven 102 instructors, and the Howe Writing Initiative  Provided pedagogical support and feedback to 102 instructors

Assistant Director, Howe Writing Initiative. Farmer School of Business. Fall 2007- Spring 2009.  Met with Business School faculty to help design, revise, and assess writing assignments  Consulted with Business students regarding class assignments  Presented to Business School classes on topics such as the principles of business writing, rhetorical situations of business writing, and assignment-specific topics

Director, Multicultural Leadership Program Summer Leadership Institute. Summer 2008.  Created institute curriculum that helped prepare high school students for college- level writing instruction  Led a team of six teachers in designing and teaching the curriculum  Taught four writing-intensive institute sessions daily

WAC Workshops and Presentations “Conducting Effective Consultations.” Miami University Center for Writing Excellence. Spring 2009.

“Writing in a Business Context.” Summer Business Institute at the Farmer School of Business. Summer 2008 and 2009.

“Making Recommendations based on Research.” Acquisition and Management of Customers (MKT 291). Fall 2008.

“Reporting Findings of the Stock Market Research through Writing.” Principles of Investments and Security Markets (FIN 401). Fall 2008.

“Writing Essays for Portfolio Admission.” Farmer School of Business. Spring 2008 and Fall 2009.

“The Rhetoric of Case-Based In-Basket Exercises.” Marketing Analysis (MKT 335). Spring 2008, Fall 2009, Spring 2009.

“Benefits of Administrative Positions.” Issues of the Profession (English 605). Spring 2008 and 2009.

“Writing in the Farmer School of Business.” Teaching Introduction to Technical and Business Writing (English 698.B). Spring 2008.

4 “The Mission of the Howe Writing Initiative.” Ohio Writing Centers Consortium Conference at the Center for Writing Excellence. Spring 2008.

“Rhetorical Choices for Business Writing.” Management Information Systems (MIS 235). Fall 2007 and Spring 2008.

“Characteristics of Effective Team Writing.” Organizational Behavior and Theory (MGT 291). Fall 2007.


Departmental Pilot team member, Chalk and Wire e-portfolio system. Fall 2009-Spring 2010.

Facilitator, Digital Writing Collaborative Workshop—Assessing Digital Texts: A Recursive Approach. With Bre Garrett. Fall 2009.

Department meeting representative, Miami English Graduate Adjunct Association. 2008-2009.

Video editor, Digital Writing Collaborative Longitudinal Study. Spring 2008.

Judge, Digital Writing Collaborative’s Bedford St, Martin’s Award. Spring 2008, 2009.

Workshop Facilitator, Digital Writing Collaborative Workshop—Teaching with Sophie. With Aurora Matzke, Fall 2008.

Facilitator, Digital Writing Collaborative Workshop—Analyzing the Rhetoric and Design of Digital Texts. With Lisa Blankenship. Fall 2008.

Interviewer, Digital Writing Collaborative Longitudinal Study. Fall 2007.

Portfolio Placement Reader, Miami Portfolio Program. Summer 2007, 2009.

Editorial Board, Miami University Teachers’ Guide and College Composition at Miami. Spring 2007.

University Member, M.A. exam committee. Katie Klein, Miami University Department of Education. Tom Romano, chair. Spring 2010.

Book discussion leader, Oxford Jewish Literature Series, “A Mind of her Own:

5 Fathers And Daughters in a Changing World.” Fall 2007.

Coordinator and facilitator, Miami University Oral History Project: Story Circle on the Digital Writing Collaborative. Spring 2007.

National Stage One Reviewer, CCCC proposals. Spring 2010.

Participant-researcher, CCCC Queer Caucus Institutional Website Research Project. Spring 2010.

Local Arrangements Committee, Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, IL. Spring 2005.

Professional Development

Digital Media and Composition Seminar. The Ohio State University. Summer 2008.

Graduate Student Teaching Enhancement Program, Miami University, Fall 2006.


Outstanding Teacher Award, Miami University English Department, 2009-2010.

English Department Dissertation Fellowship, Spring 2010.

Software Familiarity

Audacity CSS Dreamweaver Excel InDesign iMovie/MovieMaker Photoshop

Professional Affiliations

National Council of Teachers of English

6 College Composition and Communication Conference on College Composition and Communication Queer Caucus Modern Language Association

References Dr. Michele Simmons, Dissertation Director Department of English 356 Bachelor Hall Miami University Oxford, OH 45056 (513) 529-5221 [email protected]

Dr. Heidi McKee Department of English 356 Bachelor Hall Miami University Oxford, OH 45056 (513) 529-2635 [email protected]

Dr. Kate Ronald Roger and Joyce L. Howe Professor Department of English and School of Business 356 Bachelor Hall Miami University Oxford, OH 45056 (513) 529-5257 [email protected]

Dr. Jason Palmeri Department of English 356 Bachelor Hall Miami University Oxford, OH 45056 (513) 529-7110 [email protected]

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