North Conference Room Mulvey Municipal Center

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North Conference Room Mulvey Municipal Center


First Selectman Bishop called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Noel Bishop, Jim Crawford, Marie Farrell.

Also Present: Approximately 25 members of the public and press.

On a motion by Selectman Crawford, seconded by Selectman Farrell, it was

VOTED unanimous to add to the agenda, item #3a. Fire Truck Bids.

On a motion by First Selectman Bishop, seconded by Selectman Crawford, it was

VOTED unanimous to add to the agenda, item #3b. Acceptance of Conservation Grant.

First Selectman Bishop began by reading a letter to the people of Westbrook from Barbara Manstan.

1. Water Testing/Wells & Related Matters on Brookwood Drive & Oakridge Drive Invited Guests: Dick Leighton, Steve McDonald, John Riggio.

First Selectman Bishop presented a written chronology of events and material from the CT Water Company. He noted that all information is now sent by registered mail to residents in the areas in question. Mr. Bishop stated that the quarterly sampling of the wells per the DEP Consent order inside the landfill area will be done for up to thirty years.

Steve McDonald of WMC Consulting Engineers, reported that the landfill closure and transfer station are in compliance with DEP requirements. Mr. McDonald further stated wells were checked and one was replaced that wasn’t active and added that water testing is being done per DEP requirements and we are in compliance with the monitoring program.

Selectman Bishop noted that maps of the 7 wells being tested were sent to all residents in the specified area. Questions from residents were raised regarding the location of the wells. Steve McDonald stated that he felt the placement of the 7 wells were adequate. Some residents felt the results of the tests were not conclusive and that the Town should undertake a drinking water sampling project.

Representatives from the Connecticut Water Company reported that the cost for laying pipe from McVeagh Road to Pond Meadow Road would be anywhere from $150 to $200 per foot and that Prevailing Wage would increase the costs substantially. John Riggio, Public Works Director preferred running the pipe on the road in order to tie into other properties for further expansion.

First Selectman Bishop stated that the project would not qualify for LOCIP funding but that there are other grants that would be worth looking into.

Dick Leighton stated recently high levels of lead were reported in 3 residences but added that results vary from test to test. He indicated that we need another year of testing find out where the problem is.

There was discussion regarding methods of sampling between 2 different labs, whether state requirements were being met and testing costs. The Selectman indicated their interest in bringing in water explained that the Town wants to know the source of contamination.

Selectman Farrell said the Town should consider other sources of contamination and the possibility of other homes being involved. She added that all of this would have to be explained to taxpayers at a future Town Meeting. Selectman Crawford wants as many answers as possible before we go to the public with this issue. Further discussion continued regarding contamination in other areas and that health and safety should be the #1 priority of the this Board

On a motion by Selectman Farrell, seconded by Selectman Crawford, it was

VOTED unanimous to authorize VOC testing of neighborhood wells and to expand the test area for residential testing.

On a motion by Selectman Farrell, seconded by Selectman Crawford, it was VOTED unanimous to employ a professional service to look at the landfill monitoring wells and to make sure they are up to date and to conduct a broader feasibility study to include a plan and associated costs for future testing.

2. Executive Session – Reimbursement/Grove Beach Point Association. Invited Guest: Attorney Michael Wells.

On a motion by First Selectman Bishop, seconded by Selectman Crawford, it was

VOTED unanimous to adjourn to executive session at 8:15 p.m. inviting Attorney Michael Wells and Alan Parker.

Mr. Parker left the executive session at 8:25 p.m.

Came out of executive session at 9:05 p.m.

On a motion by Selectman Farrell, seconded by Selectman Crawford, it was

VOTED unanimous to invite Grove Beach Point Association and the Harbor Commission to the next meeting of the Board of Selectmen on December 4, 2008 to render the Board’s decision on this matter.

3, Memorandum of Understanding – Statewide Tactical On-Scene Communications System.

On a motion by Selectman Crawford, seconded by Selectman Farrell, it was

VOTED unanimous to approve the following agreement:

Memorandum of Agreement Between the State of Connecticut, Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, and the Town of Westbrook Regarding Statewide Tactical On-Scene Communications System (STPCS) Box which hereby authorizes the First Selectman, Noel Bishop, to execute said Memorandum of Agreement and deliver same to the State of Connecticut, and to perform all acts and things deemed necessary or appropriate to carry out the terms and conditions of said Memorandum of Agreement, including, but not limited to, executing and delivering such further documents contemplated by said Memorandum of Agreement, but excepting them from such acts as may require an expenditure of funds not budgeted or appropriated by the Board of Selectmen, Board of Finance and Town Meeting.

3a. Fire Truck Bids.

Two sealed bids were received for the 1971Ford F250 Pickup Truck:  George Pytlik $1,555.00  George Rehberg $2,050.00

The truck was awarded to the highest bidder

3b. Acceptance of Conservation Grant.

On a motion by First Selectman Bishop, seconded by Selectman Crawford, it was

VOTED unanimous to approve and forward the following resolution to the Board of Finance and Town Meeting:

That the Town of Westbrook (a) accepts a grant in the amount of $9,845.18 from the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection for funding the project entitled “Salt Island Overlook Habitat Restoration: Invasive Plants Removal and Control,” (b) authorizes First Selectman, Noel Bishop, to enter into and sign a Grant Agreement on behalf of the Town of Westbrook for such purposes, and to provide such additional information and execute such other documents as may be required by the state or federal government in connection with said contracts and to execute any amendments, recisions, and revisions to said Grant Agreement; and (c) hereby transfers from Account #010-0009-000-0910, (Unappropriated Fund Balance, to new Special Account #101-1210-100-0205 (Salt Island Overlook Habitat Restoration) as recommended by the Board of Selectmen.

4. Interview Committee – Sanitarian/Heath Director/Recommendations. (Noel Bishop).

First Selectman Bishop noted that we have received 3 applicants for the position of Sanitarian/Health Director. He recommended that a screening committee be established for the purpose of reviewing applications and interviewing applicants.

The Selectman agreed on the following individuals to serve on this screening committee: Gina Fifield; member of the Nursing Board, Dan Izzo; Emergency Management, Tony Cozza; Water Pollution Control Commission, Carol Spears; Sanitarian/Essex, Dr. Zetson or Dr. Goff, Dennis Hallahan. First Selectman Bishop commented that if there are any issues in consultation with these individuals as to their willingness to serve on this Committee, he will then appoint an alternate and inform the Selectmen of the final proposed Committee.

Correspondence will be sent to the applicants notifying them of the protocol.

5. Status of Personnel Handbook and LOCIP Priorities/Set Date for Special Meeting.

The Selectmen agreed to add the Personnel Handbook to the next meeting of the Board of Selectmen on December 4th. Mr. William Swords will be in attendance. The also agreed to postpone further discussion on LOCIP priorities until after the New Year when more information is received from John Riggio, Director of Public Works.

6. Public Comment.


7. First Selectman’s Report.

First Selectman Bishop reported on the following:  Energy audits of Public Buildings  Coyote Issue  Estuary Transit Advisory Committee and Meeting with Legislators on State Funding  New Officers for Town Hall Municipal Union. Rich Annino, President Pam Fogarty, Vice President Carol Hess, Treasurer Heidi Wallace, Secretary  Board of Finance Meeting Presentation - November 19th  Budget Timelines  Update on Animal Welfare League  Report on Land Use Coordinator Grievance

Selectman Farrell commented on the budget timeline and said she felt it was unfair of the Board of Finance to pressure the Board of Selectmen and that at a previous meeting of the Board of Selectmen it was agreed to hold to last year’s meeting schedule and that this decision should have been conveyed to the Board of Finance.

Selectman Farrell questioned the status of the temporary position in the Administrative Office in reference to a letter from the Administrative Manager to the First Selectman, copied to the Board of Selectmen. Discussion followed and First Selectman stated that he felt this was a discussion for executive session. A special meeting will be scheduled for the first week of December.

8. Treasurer’s Report.

Treasurer Darlene Jones reported on the following:  DUI Enforcement Grant  Extra Work Related to Grants  Auditor’s Progress and Application for Extension  Request for an Additional 10 hours Per Week for the Treasurer Until 1/30/09  Update on Business Manager Position – Board of Education

On a motion by Selectman Farrell, seconded by Selectman Crawford, it was

VOTED unanimous to approve 10 extra hours per week for the Treasurer until January 30, 2009.

Selectman Crawford questioned why the Board was not kept informed of the status of the Business Manager position for the Board of Education. Selectman Farrell requested a letter be sent from the Board of Selectmen to the Board of Education regarding long-range planning and the possibility of a joint position between the two Boards.

9. Town Clerk/Historic Document Preservation Grant.

On a motion by Selectman Farrell, seconded by Selectman Crawford, it was

VOTED unanimous to authorize Noel Bishop, First Selectman, or the Town Clerk as his designee, to execute and deliver in the name of and on behalf of the Town of Westbrook, an application and contract with the State Library for a Historic Document Preservation Grant.

10. Items for Board of Finance. a. Request for Appropriation – Well Testing

On a motion by Selectman Farrell, seconded by Selectman Crawford, it was

VOTED unanimous to table this item until the next meeting. b. Request for Appropriation – Wood Chipper/Public Works.

On a motion by Selectman Farrell, seconded by Selectman Crawford, it was

VOTED unanimous table this item until the next meeting. c. Request for Appropriation – 2009 Pickup/Public Works.

On a motion by Selectman Farrell, seconded by Selectman Crawford, it was

VOTED unanimous to table this item until the next meeting.

11. Request from David Daniels. – Ambleside. On a motion by Selectman Farrell, seconded by Selectman Crawford, it was

VOTED unanimous to table this item.

12. Resignations.


13. Expirations and Reappointments.

On a motion by Selectman Crawford, seconded by First Selectman Bishop, it was

VOTED unanimous to reappoint Michael Morrissey (R) – Economic Development Commission, term to expire 12/1/11.

On a motion by Selectman Crawford, seconded by First Selectman Bishop, it was

VOTED unanimous to reappoint James Hunicke (U) – Harbor Commission (Conservation Rep.), term to expire 10/1/11.

14. Appointments.


15. Vacancies and Nominations. The following vacancies remain posted: Retirement Board (1) (D R or U) Zoning Citation Hearing Officer (1) Estuary Transit District (Sel. Rep.) (D R or U) IWWC (1) (Conservation Rep.) (D R or U) IWWC (1) (CRERPA Rep.) (D R or U) IWWC (1) (D R or U) Regional Mental Health Board (1) (D R or U) ZBA Alt. (1) (D R or U) Conservation Commission (1) (D R or U) Board of Fire Commissioners Alt. (1) (D R or U) IWWC (1) (Sel. Rep.) (D R or U) 16. Approval of Minutes.

Special Meeting 10/16/08

On a motion by Selectman Farrell, seconded by Selectman Crawford, it was

VOTED unanimous to approve the minutes of Special Meeting 10/16/08 as filed.

Special Meeting 10/21/08

On a motion by Selectman Farrell, seconded by Selectman Crawford, it was

VOTED unanimous to approve the minutes of Special Meeting 10/21/08 with the following changes: Item #1. Paragraph 3, There was a decision on issuing a maintenance bond to assure that the Town Green is restored back to its original state and to make sure that the trees will survive or if replacements are needed.

Special Meeting 10/30/08

On a motion by Selectman Farrell, seconded by Selectman Crawford, it was

VOTED unanimous to approve the minutes of Special Meeting 10/30/08 with the following changes: Item #1. Paragraph 2, He explained that they have missed a few opportunities to deposit sand on the beach from previous dredging. Item #1. Paragraph 10, Selectman Farrell had noted that a study had begun and presented by the Conservation Commission regarding the loss of sand along beachfront areas.

Special Meeting 11/3/08 (2 pm)

On a motion by Selectman Farrell, seconded by First Selectman Bishop, it was

VOTED unanimous to approve the minutes of Special Meeting 11/3/08 as filed.

Special Meeting 11/3/08 (4 pm)

On a motion by Selectman Farrell, seconded by Selectman Crawford, it was

VOTED unanimous to approve the minutes of Special Meeting 11/3/08 as filed.

Regular Meeting 10/16/08

On a motion by Selectman Farrell, seconded by Selectman Crawford, it was

VOTED unanimous to approve the minutes of Regular Meeting 10/16/08 with the following addition: Item #4. The Board of Selectman agreed to follow last years budget schedule delivering the budget to the Board of Finance mid March. Item #13. The name of Jackie Bloomberg was omitted.

17. Public Comment.


On a motion by Selectman Crawford, seconded by Selectman Farrell, it was

VOTED unanimous to adjourn at 11:30 p.m.


Noel Bishop First Selectman; Gerda Ziolkowski Clerk ______

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