Latin III Final Exam INFO Nomen ______

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Latin III Final Exam INFO Nomen ______

Latin III Final Exam INFO nomen ______

I. Vocabulary. Give one English meaning for each. Avoid derivatives! (60)

1. perturbo - 21.somnus - ______2. dignus - 22.posterus - ______3. silentium - 23.tantus - ______4. iterum - 24.perterreo - ______5. iuvenis - 25.prehendo - ______6. aedificium - 26.rideo - - 7. tempestas - ______28.saepe - ______8. mora - ______29.ita - ______9. angustus - 30.satis - ______31.tam - ______10.eiecio - 32.maiores - ______11.veho - ______33.opera - ______12.deinde - 34.aeger - ______35.tot - ______13.enim - ______36.incendo - 14.mercator - ______37.surgo - ______15.oculus - 38.cotidie - ______16.portus - 39.acutus - ______17.colligo - 40.ceteri - ______41.insignis - 18.doleo - ______19.excipio - 42.mirus - ______20.posteaquam- 43.contemno - ______44.existimo - 54.arbitror - ______45.quidem - 55.consumo - ______46.depono - 56.loquor - ______47.nondum - 57.polliceor - ______48.statim - 58.proficiscor - ______49.tandem - 59.sequor - ______50.culpa - ______60.fateor - 51.carus - ______52.felix - ______61.hortor - 53.necesse - ______62.morior - ______

II. II. Matching: Derivatives. (10)

III. Matching: Mythology/culture (20)

1. Numitor - ______2. Rhea Silvia - ______3. Mars - ______4. Romulus - ______5. Remus - ______6. Quirinus - ______7. Tarpeia - ______8. Numa Pompilius - ______9. Tullus Hostilius - ______10. Horatii - ______11. Ancus Marcius - ______12. Tarquinius Priscus - ______13. Tanaquil - ______14. Servius Tullius - ______15. Lucius Tarquinius Superbus - ______16. Tullia - ______17. Sextus Tarquinius - ______18. Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus - ______19. Lucretia - ______20. Lucius Junius Brutus - ______21. Propylaea - ______22. Parthenon - ______23. Acropolis - ______24. Caryatid - ______25. Nike - ______

IV. Fill in the English meaning: Phrases. (10)

1. SPQR - ______2. e.g. - ______3. ca. - ______4. ad hominem - ______5. esse quam videri - ______6. sic semper tyrannis - ______7. mea culpa - ______8. festina lente - ______9. arma virumque cano - ______10. odi et amo - ______11. fata viam invenient - ______12. cedant arma togae - ______

V-VI. A few Noun/Adjective paradigms will be declined. (50) Multiple Choice Questions – all the following underlined sentence portions will be MC (50 pts). 1. Nouns 4 th declension: masculine/feminine nom. ______metus ______gen. ______metūs ______dat. ______acc. ______abl. ______

4 th declension: neuter nom. ______cornu ______gen. ______cornūs ______dat. ______acc. ______abl. ______

5 th declension nom. ______dies ______gen. ______diei ______dat. ______acc. ______abl. ______

Give the correct form of the underlined noun. a. On that day, we rejoiced. ______b. The bull has only one horn. ______c. Our fears got the better of us. ______d. She was paralyzed by fear. ______e. The Minotaur’s horns are very sharp. ______f. Four days passed. ______g. We waited for many days. ______h. I overcame my fear. ______i. He will rue the day he met me. ______j. The horn’s shape is curved. ______k. With the horns having been removed… ______l. Part of the days were spent training. ______2. “The Naughty Nine” Adjectives and demonstratives hic and ille. Fill in the Latin word and definition of the Naughty Nine Adjectives.

U: ______- ______N: ______- ______U: ______- ______S: ______- ______

N: ______- ______A: ______- ______U: ______- ______T: ______- ______A: ______- ______

Decline alius, alia, aliud singular plural ______

Decline hic, haec, hoc singular plural ______

Give the correct form of the underlined adjective/demonstrative. a. This girl is very beautiful. ______b. He gave the prize to the other men. ______c. Neither city was destroyed. ______d. Those soldiers captured the town. ______e. We saw one island. ______f. I don’t like either town. ______g. We talked to the only guard. ______h. He is the pride of the whole country. ______i. That man’s horse was stolen. ______j. We showed this woman the way. ______k. He was saved by these warriors. ______l. We didn’t take any hostages. ______m. No lands are as beautiful as this. ______

3. Positives (1st/2nd decl.), Comparatives (3rd decl. NOT i-stem) and Superlatives (1st/2nd decl.) – Adjectives and Adverbs. 3 rd declension adjectives, positive degree ONLY masculine/feminine nom. ______omnis ______gen. ______dat. ______acc. ______abl. ______

neuter nom. ______omne ______gen. ______dat. ______acc. ______abl. ______

Give the correct form of the underlined adjectives (note: various adjectives will be used, not all are third declension). miser, misera, miserum – sad, wretched facilis, facile – easy fortis, forte – brave, strong celer, celeris, celere – fast acer, acris, acre – sharp, keen, bitter a. All the women were afraid. ______b. He was a brave man. ______c. He brought sweet wine (neu.). ______d. The mothers of all the soldiers cried. ______e. We walked on an easy road. ______f. We spoke to the brave warriors. ______g. He was stabbed with a sharp sword. ______h. The fast cart passed us. ______i. He is very miserable. ______j. The stronger gladiator won. ______k. We arrived as quickly as possible. ______l. We played the easiest game. ______m. She has a rather keen mind (f.). ______n. He was beaten by a faster horse. ______o. He gave a flower to the sad girl. ______

4. Irregular comparatives and superlatives. a. He is the best poet. ______b. The lower section (pars) filled first. ______c. More men were coming up the road. ______d. She spoke well. ______e. I was greatly offended. ______f. He asked for more food. ______g. The highest peak was in the clouds. ______h. This is the greater army. ______i. The smallest child had a toy. ______j. She is the worst knitter. ______

5. Participles (verbal ADJECTIVES) and Infinitives ago, agere, egi, actus Present Active Participle: ______, ______(gen) Perfect Passive Participle: ______, ______, ______Future Active Participle: ______, ______, ______

Present Active Infinitive: ______Present Passive Infinitive: ______Perfect Active Infinitive: ______Perfect Passive Infinitive: ______Future Active Infinitive: ______

Give the correct form of the underlined infinitive or participle (remember to decline the appropriate gender, number, and case!). a. The man driving the cart shouted. ______b. I want to discuss the proposal. ______c. She was about to give thanks to the gods. ______d. With his life having been spent in… ______e. He said that he would live a good life. ______f. We rescued the horse driven into the mud. ______g. They claimed that they had given thanks. ______h. We found the senators discussing the matter.______i. The horses ought to be driven across the river. ______j. He killed the man who was going to do the deed. ______

6. Fill in the Latin form of fero, ferre, tuli, latus.

a. The women are carrying the baskets. ______b. May we endure this gracefully. ______c. Carry that to your mother, Marcus! ______d. You (pl) have brought many gifts. ______e. I have endured this injustice. ______f.He had carried the package for miles. ______g. The injured soldiers were carried home. ______h. She will have brought the flowers. ______i.They were bringing the supplies. ______j.The leader will bear the burden. ______k. She isn’t able to endure much more. ______7. Subjunctives & Subjunctive clauses– give the correct form for the underlined phrases, supply cum , ut, ne, or ut non as necessary. ago, agere, egi, actus

a. Although he had lived a long life, nevertheless he was sad. ______b. May we spend time with our families. ______c. Since the loot has been collected, the soldiers will leave. ______d. We will find a ship, so that we might not spend another day here.

______e. The land was so bad, that the farmers led a hard life. ______f. After the horse had been driven in the water… ______g. He asked what was done. ______h. Let us not discuss the matter! ______i. He was so mad, that he did not give thanks. ______j. We are moving, so that we may live good lives. ______

8. Comprehension questions on a short passage.

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