Minutes of a Meeting of Sawtry Parish Council Held on September 8Th 2010
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Minutes of a meeting of Sawtry Parish Council held on April 8th 2015
Present: Cllrs Riddle, Laxton, Bacon, Morris, Day, Alexander, Tuplin, Rayson, Emerick, Custance, and the Clerk. No members of the public were present. 53/15 Apologies for absence Cllrs Newton, Scott and County Cllr Bywater 54/15 Minutes of last meeting March 11th 2015 – approved. Signed by Cllr Riddle. 55/15 Matters arising from previous minutes None 56/15 Co-option to fill vacancy No-one present to put themselves forward. 57/15 Members Declaration of Interest Cllr Rayson – 60/15 – F & GP – item 1 – Personal Interest Public forum – meeting suspended: Lucy Cartwright addressed the meeting in relation to the request on the agenda at item 60/15 – F & GP – item 1. Lucy requested temporary use of The Schoolroom in the Old School Hall for her nursery business whilst new premises are being prepared. Members of the Council asked questions in order to clarify the proposal. The meeting re-opened. 58/15 To Receive Reports From Representatives Of Outside Bodies
Sawtry Sports and Leisure Association – Cllrs Cllr Tuplin advised there had not been a Tuplin/Chisnall meeting since the last Full Council.
Sawtry Show – Cllr Tuplin Cllr Tuplin advised that the advance schedule had been circulated in this month’s Sawtry Eye.
Sawtry Carnival – Cllr Emerick Cllr Emerick advised that everything seems to be in place and it is expected that this year’s event is bigger than last year.
Sawtry in Bloom – Cllr Rayson Cllr Rayson had nothing to report.
District Council – Cllr Tysoe Cllr Tysoe was not present.
District Council – Cllr Tuplin Cllr Tuplin had nothing to report.
County Council – Cllr Bywater Cllr Bywater was not present.
59/15 To Receive The Chairman’s Report The Chairman reported that the Ex- servicemen’s Club had raised £89 for the chairman’s challenge and that this was much appreciated. 60/15 To Receive And In So Far As Required, Ratify Recommendations Contained In The Minutes Of The Following Committees (attached to this Agenda as listed) Amenities No meeting Churches and Civic April 1st – minutes attached The following proposals were put forward for Full Council approval: 1. All Saints Spoil Heap – that prices for fencing be obtained. Figures to Full Council for approval rather than waiting for the next meeting of this committee.
2. That paving slabs are purchased to create hard standing at the war memorial at St Andrews. Approximate cost for the purchase of the slabs is £50. The caretakers will lay them.
3. War Memorial – that nature takes it’s course and no action is taken by the Parish Council who do not own the War Memorial.
Report approved. Community April 1st – minutes attached
Report approved with an amendment that Cllr Laxton was not in attendance. Finance and General Purposes No meeting
From Correspondence:
1. Request to hire schoolroom for temporary child care facility
This was approved in principal. The Clerk to meet with the applicant to discuss the rent. A draft tenancy agreement to be drawn up for F & GP. F & GP were given delegated powers to negotiate the agreement.
2. Membership of CAPALC – It was agreed that the Clerk should write to NALC ask if the Parish Council can be members without having to join CAPALC.
Planning April 8th – minutes attached.
Report approved.
It was noted that the conditions requested for the application at 15 Tinkers Lane were not included in the HDC approval.
The Clerk to check if the conditions requested on the application for 10 Chesham Road were included.
61/15 To Report Any Changes To Committee None Membership Current membership attached for information. 62/15 Financial Report: 1. Summary of receipts and payments at 1. Noted – filed separately February 2015 2. To note HDC have awarded 100% small 2. Noted business rates relief to Parish Councils 3. To note financial checks carried out: 3. Noted Cllr Riddle – Petty Cash – March 27th 2015 63/15 To Approve Payment and signing of cheques Cllrs Rayson and Alexander confirmed cheque payments corresponded with invoices. Payments were approved and the cheques were signed after the meeting.
Cheque Invoice Budget Heading To Amount NET VAT No No 305862 740 Pension Conts CCC Pension Fund 1942.45 1942.45 0.00 305863 – 741 - Tax & NI, Wages ADMIN 4210.19 4210.19 0.00 305868 746 and Salaries (5 members of staff) 305869 747 Petty Cash CASH 200.00 200.00 0.00 305870 748 Office Expenses Walters Ltd 29.33 24.44 4.89 305871 749 Christmas – 87.00 CARESCO 271.80 271.80 0.00 Sawtry Eye – Dec/Jan, Feb/Mar – 184.80 305872 750 Refurbishment – ESPO 302.81 252.34 50.47 181.20 Property Maint – 51.05 Village Maint – 70.56 305873 751 Parish Van Maint Premier Motor 187.68 163.90 23.78 Vehicle Servicing Ltd 305874 752 All Saints All Saints Parochial 210.00 210.00 0.00 Churchyard Maint Church Council 305875 753 Property Maint S G Electrical 132.00 110.00 22.00 Services 305876 754 Subscriptions ICCM 90.00 90.00 0.00 TOTAL 7576.26 7475.12 101.14 64/15 To Note Direct Debit Payments: Noted Anglian Water – Old School Hall and House - £236.18 Anglian Water – Allotments - £57.39 HDC – Rates St Andrews - £60.00 British Gas – Old School Hall - £740.92 BT - £74.38 65/15 Correspondence: Noted
For referral: 1. MAGPAS – request for donation – to F & GP
For Information: 1. Copy of residents letter from Cambs CC and thanks for PC help 2. Copy of letter to resident in response to planning query 3. From Cambs CC re replacement of road markings and studs following surface dressing works
Newsletters: 1. A P Partnership – Spring 2015 & March 2015 2. MAGPAS newsletter 2015 3. Local Council’s Update April 2015 66/15 Exclusion Of Press & Public - To Resolve: No members of the public were present.
That the press and public be excluded from the meeting because the business to be transacted contains sensitive information.
67/15 Community Centre Update from Working Group Cllr Morris confirmed that the next meeting with Cambs CC was on April 28th. Members of the working party would be attending. 68/15 Next Meeting May 13th 2015 – Parish Council AGM Appendix 1 – Churches and Civic Committee Minutes April 1st 2015
Present: Cllrs Alexander, Scott, Morris, Rayson, Tuplin, Custance, Laxton, Riddle, Rector Rosie Ward, Tony Stefanelli and 1 member of the public 1 Apologies for absence None 2 Minutes of last meeting February 4th – previously circulated 3 Matters arising from previous minutes None 4 Members Declaration of Interest None 5 FEAST PARADE The Clerk confirmed that arrangements were on track. Rector Rosie advised that the theme would be Farming and Creation. 6 REVIEW OF CEMETERIES: 6.1 All Saints 6.1 It was agreed to recommend to Full Council Tidying of spoil heap that prices for fencing be obtained. Figures to Full Council for approval rather than waiting for the next meeting of this committee.
6.2 St Andrews 6.2 It was agreed to recommend to Full Council that paving slabs are purchased to create hard standing at the war memorial at St Andrews. Approximate cost for the purchase of the slabs is £50. The caretakers will lay them.
6.3 Closed Churchyard 6.3 The Clerk advised that the tree work identified in the local survey was taking place this week.
6.4 Grass Cutting 6.4 It was agreed that the new grass cutting contractor had done a good job on the first cut. 7 WORLD WAR 1/WORLD WAR 11 World War 1 - Commemoration Ceremonies for the two people who died in 1915 will be held on Sunday August 16th and Sunday September 20th .
World War 11 – It had previously been agreed to see what the British Legion were planning. No plans have been formalised to date. 8 FINANCIAL REPORT It was noted that the budget overall was underspent for the year but the grass cutting was over. This will be addressed in 2015/16 as the new contractor’s charges are lower. 9 NOTICES & CORRESPONDENCE: 9.1 It was agreed to recommend to Full Council 9.1 Request from Parochial Church Council that nature takes it’s course and no action is taken to clean War Memorial by the Parish Council who do not own the War Memorial. 10 NEXT MEETING June 3rd at 7.00pm Appendix 2 – Community Minutes April 1st 2015
Minutes of a meeting of the Community Committee held on April 1st 2015
Present: Cllrs Rayson, Scott, Morris, Tuplin, Custance, Laxton and Riddle 1 Apologies for absence Cllr Newton 2 Minutes of last meeting February 4th – previously circulated 3 Matters arising from previous minutes None 4 Members Declaration of Interest None 5 YOUTH UPDATE: 5.1 Infant School 5.1 No representative in attendance 5.2 Junior School 5.2 No representative in attendance 5.3 Community College 5.3 No representative in attendance 5.4 Youth Service 5.4 No representative in attendance. The Clerk confirmed that the Service Level Agreement between the Parish Council and Cambridgeshire County Council for the running of the Youth Club had been signed – the costs remain the same as last year. 6 SAWTRY SHOW The schedule will be in the April/May edition of the Sawtry Eye. It is not known at this stage how much the College will charge for the use of the premises.
7 SAWTRY CARNIVAL A meeting was held this week – minutes to follow.
8 POLICE UPDATE/CRIME FIGURES An update from PC Sykes was circulated as were the crime figures to February 2015. The committee were encouraged to note that the figures are lower than last year.
It was agreed that the Police doing speed checks were more effective than Speedwatch as they can result in penalties and points for those caught, whereas Speedwatch can only generate warning letters.
It was noted that the Police Community Day of Action would be on May 13th. It was suggested that the Parish Council could open up the Old Lock Up on the same day to give the public the opportunity to see it.
9 FINANCIAL REPORT Noted. The two expenditure headings were the Youth Club and the Fireworks.
11 NEXT MEETING June 3rd 2015 at 8.00pm Appendix 3 – Planning Committee Minutes April 8th 2015
Present: Cllrs Day, Morris, Bacon, Laxton, Riddle, Custance, Emerick, Rayson, Alexander, Tuplin 1 Apologies for absence Cllr Scott 2 Minutes of last meeting March 11th 2015 – attached 3 Matters arising from previous minutes None (for information only) 4 Members Declaration of Interest None 5 PLANNING APPLICATIONS None received 6 PLANNING DECISIONS: 1500012FUL 1 Laurel Close Ground floor extension to form disabled Approved wet room and bedroom 1500084FUL 56 Gidding Road Extensions and refurbishment to private Approved dwelling 1500110FUL 5 Tort Hill Proposed ground and first floor extension Approved and internal alterations 1402194FUL 10 Chesham Road Change of use of land from garden to Approved private car park for British Show Pony Society offices at 124 Green End Road 1402183FUL Willow Cottage, Garage and store conversion to ground Approved Chapel End floor bedroom, wetroom, dining area and single garage 15/00188/FUL 15 Tinkers Lane First floor extension to side and rear of Approved property and increase existing dropped kerb 1401665FUL 8 Tinkers Lane Single storey extension to rear Approved 1500056FUL 136 Green End Retrospective application for the erection Approved Road of a 1.8m high wooden fence adjacent to the highway boundary 7 TO CONSIDER REQUEST FROM It was agreed to recommend to Full Council that an MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC TO FULL application is made to Cambridgeshire County Council COUNCIL FOR MORE PEDESTRIAN requesting a pedestrian crossing in High Street near CROSSINGS IN SAWTRY the doctor’s. 8 TO CONSIDER INFRASTRUCTURE The Community Infrastructure Levy legislation was IMPROVEMENTS FROM discussed. It was noted that any payments from new COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE developments would not be paid by the developer until LEVY PAID TO PARISH COUNCIL the development was complete. FROM LOCAL DEVELOPMENTS 9 COMMUNITY LED PLAN – Cllr Day It was agreed that Cllr Day would approach the College to see if they would consider continuing the work already started by Cllr Chisnall on the Community Led Plan as part of a project for students. 10 Next Meeting April 22nd at 7.00pm (if plans received)