Social Reinforcers (home and school)

1. Smiles

2. Attention when talking

3. Being asked for an opinion

4. Telling another student something positive about student so that he/she could hear

5. Telling the principal something positive about student so that he/she could hear

6. Verbal Praise

7. Head nods

8. OK gesture

9. Clapping

10. Pat on the back

11. Positive comments written on school work

12. Giving student eye contact

13. Whistling

14. Handshake

a. Spaghetti- shake student’s arm so that it wiggles like spaghetti

b. “Give me a ‘High Five’”

c. Finger shake- hook one finger with one of the student’s

d. Group shake- conduct it like a group cheer

15. Student calls parents at work with news of student’s accomplishments

16.Teacher calls parents with news of student’s accomplishments Activity Reinforcers (school)

1. Assisting the custodian

2. Assisting the secretary

3. Using colored chalk

4. Decorating the bulletin board

5. Decorating the closet door

6. Being line leader

7. Stapling papers

8. Giving announcements over the intercom

9. Cleaning the teacher’s desk

10. Taking attendance and/or lunch count

11. Being on the school’s safety patrol

12. Distributing materials or supplies to classmates

13. Choosing where to sit

14. Moving desk for the day

15. Helping school librarian or visit the library on his/her own

16. Lunch with the teacher

17. Lunch in the room with a friend

18. Make up a homework assignment

19. Read a comic book for a book report

20. Extra credit in any assignment

21. One free assignment

22. Popcorn party

23. Invite two friends to play a game during class time

24. Work a puzzle, either jigsaw, word, crossword, or brain teaser

25. Write/draw on the dry erase board 26. Put your feet on the desk

27. Switch jobs with a classmate

28. Visit with the principal/be a principal helper

29. Give spelling test to the class

30. Correct papers for the teacher

31. Free time

32. Choose a game for the class to play

33. Use a tape recorder, either to listen to a tape or record your own voice

34. Listen to a CD/iPod during seatwork time

35. Play with clay

36. Water the plants in the classroom

37. Feed the class pet(s)

38. Play with the class pet(s)

39. Take the class pet(s) home for the weekend

40. Shoot paper at the trash can

41. Read to the class

42. Tell three jokes to the class

43. Perform a magic trick for the class

44. Complete a special craft project

45. Sit and work in the teacher’s chair for a designated amount of time

46. Teach a lesson to the class

47. Tutor (read to) younger students

48. Dismiss the class at the end of the day

49. Earn the privilege of leaving five minutes early

Activity Reinforcers (home)

1. Have friends stay overnight 2. Play with friends

3. Play outside

4. Play sports

5. Play a board game with a friend or with parents

6. Use the home computer

7. Watch television

8. Earn additional time on the telephone

9. Rent a movie

10. Play video games

11. Take dance or music lessons

12. Redecorate our own bedroom

13. Listen to the radio/records/CDs

14. Ride your bike/skateboard/rollerblades

15. Read a book or be read to

16. Go to or have a party

17. Play with the family pet(s)

18. Go ice skating

19. Go horseback riding

20. Go to a movie

21. Go to an arcade

22. Stay up past your bedtime

23. Sleep late on the weekend

24. Be served breakfast in bed

25. Get to use the family camera

26. Be able to attend summer camp

27. Have your own set of house keys 28. Camp out

29. Work a puzzle, either jigsaw, crossword, word, or brain teaser

30. Get an expensive haircut

31. Do a special project with Mom or Dad

32. Earn refrigerator privileges

33. Choose our own bedtime for one night, a wee, month, etc.

34. Complete a special art project

35. Build a model car or airplane

36. Go out to lunch

37. Go shopping

38. Go to the zoo

39. Go play miniature golf

40. Go fishing

41. Go swimming

42. Take a trip to Worlds or Fun/Oceans of Fun

Tangible Reinforcers (home and school)

1. Books

2. Posters

3. Carnival prizes

4. Awards

5. Erasers

6. Pencils

7. Pens

8. Crayons, markers, colored pencils

9. Stickers

10. Comic Books 11. Magazines

12. Soda Pop

13. Favorite foods

14. Special snack

15. Popcorn

16. Choose an item for a grab bag

17. Coloring books

18. Art supplies

19. Pages to color

20. Page from a maze book to complete

21. Dot-to-dot page to complete

22. Deck of playing cards

23. Colored Chalk

24. Bean bags

Tangible Reinforcers (school)

1. Note of praise to take home to show parents

2. Note of praise to take to the principal

Tangible Reinforcers (home)

1. Get served your favorite meal

2. Earn a bicycle

3. Flowers

4. Earn a tape or CD

5. Be allowed to have a pet 6. Earn materials for rebuilding a car, radio, TV, etc.

7. Clothes

8. Grooming items

9. Make-up

10. Jewelry

11. Wristwatch

12. Earn money

13. Be allowed to earn a new toy

14. Be allowed to earn a new radio

15. Earn a new puzzle

16. Get a new kite

17. Get a new glider


Social Reinforcers

1. Give an announcement over the intercom about your class’ hard work and accomplishments

2. Put an article in the school newspaper about the class’ positive accomplishments

3. Put a sign or banner above the classroom door proclaiming the class’ positive accomplishments

Activity Reinforcers

1. See a funny movie

2. Have an indoor picnic (spread tablecloths on the classroom floor to sit on)

3. Eat lunch outdoors

4. Have adults in for lunch

5. Have a mystery guest (invite an older child or another teacher to do magic tricks or tell jokes 6. Have the principal visit and share hobbies or read a book to the class

7. Trade teachers with another class for one activity or part of the day

8. Be dismissed from class five minutes early

9. Extra recess

10. Special field trip

11. Set up a challenge or competition with another class

12. Tape record or video tape the class singing songs

13. Put student in the movies (video tape class doing something fun)

14. Take class pictures

15. Have a Games Party (everyone brings board games and plays for 30 minutes)

16. Have a CD party

17. Have a talent show

18. Have a crazy hat day

19. Have a T-Shirt day

20. Have a crazy socks day

21. Have the teacher dress up in a costume or funny clothes for the day

22. Everyone wears slippers for the afternoon

23. Organize a treasure hunt (hide clues leading to a small prize for each student)

24. Have a White Elephant Swap (everyone brings unwanted games, toys, books)

25. Have a Share Your Furry Friend Pet Party

26. Bring favorite stuffed toys for a stuffed toy parade

27. Have a hobby display

28. Have a display of collections

29. Write and send letters to special pen pals

30. Send a helium-filled balloon with a message on it

31. Have a Read-In (students bring sleeping bags, pillows and snacks to school and spend the last hour of the day reading favorite books) 32. Work with a peer for the day (complete joint assignments)

Tangible Reinforcers

1. Have a Popcorn and/or Pop Party

2. Have a yogurt Sundae party (everyone brings a topping to sprinkle)

3. Make ice cream floats (students bring plastic spoons, paper cups, bottle of Root Beer and cartons of ice cream)

4. Have a pizza delivered to the class