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KS1 Topic: Dinosaurs Block A: Fossil Evidence Imagine what it would have been like to be one of the world’s first paleontologists! Immerse yourself in imaginative dinosaur learning as you go back in time and imagine the UK covered in forest, swamp, rivers and lakes. What do we know about dinosaurs and how do we know?
Block B: Dinosaurs Main outcome: Science and UW (TW) Fossil Evidence Other outcomes: History (TW), Art and EAD (BI) [3 Sessions]
Science: Sort and classify things according to whether they are living, dead or were By the end of this block you never alive. will have achieved the UW (TW): make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things following outcomes: occur; talk about changes. History: Know and understand the history of these islands as a coherent, chronological narrative from the earliest times to the present day. History: Develop an awareness of the past, using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time. History: Understand some of the ways in which we find out about the past and identify different ways in which it is represented. UW (TW): Make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur; talk about changes. Art: To use a range of materials creatively to design and make products. Art: To use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination. Art: To develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture line, shape, form and space. EAD (BI): Children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about uses and purposes. They represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through art, music and role play. Session 1 Science, UW, Children will: History and Art Use seashells, pebbles, stones and other natural objects; pencils, clay tools, bottle tops Dinosaurs Galore! and other manmade objects to make impressions in clay Imagine what it would have been Sort objects and images of objects into 3 categories, living, dead or never alive like to be one of the world’s first Make dinosaur shaped biscuits ‘dino experts’/paleontologists! Learn about Mary Anning, while eating dinosaur biscuits Learn tongue twister ‘She sells seashells on the sea shore’ Session 2 Science UW History Children will: and UW Imagine the time of the dinosaurs DinoExperts Work out how to put together a selection of dried pasta shapes to form a dinosaur Go back in time, imagine UK skeleton covered in forest, swamp, rivers Dinosaur Quiz and lakes. What do we know Experience fossils at first hand about dinosaurs and how do we know? Session 3 Science, UW, Art, Children will: and EAD Look at present day animal camouflage Let’s create a dinosaur! Find clues in photos of dinosaur bones and skeletons to work out possible habitats and Chn use paint, collage, printing to habits create a dinosaur and write dino Design, paint and collage imagined dinosaur picture expert facts to describe it. Become the expert on this dinosaur and record dino expert facts as captions to create class display
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’) have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links, changed such Links and/or contents associated with such Links. Therefore, it is your sole responsibility to verify any of the Links which you wish you use. Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links. KS1 Topic: Dinosaurs Block A: Fossil Evidence
Abbreviations for Objectives Tables
Area of Learning and Development Aspect Abbreviation Prime Areas Personal, Social and Emotional Making relationships MR Development(PSED) Self-confidence and self-awareness SC&SA Managing feelings and behaviour MF&B Physical Development (PD) Moving and handling M&H Health and self-care H&SC Communication and Language (CL) Listening and attention L&A Understanding U Speaking S Specific Areas Literacy (L) Reading R Writing W Mathematics (M) Numbers N Shape, space and measures SS&M Understanding the World (UW) People and communities P&C The World TW Technology T Expressive Arts and Design (EAD) Exploring and using media and EUM&M materials BI Being imaginative
Early Learning Goals are matched with KS1 objectives from the National Curriculum
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’) have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links, changed such Links and/or contents associated with such Links. Therefore, it is your sole responsibility to verify any of the Links which you wish you use. Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links. KS1 Topic: Dinosaurs Block A: Fossil Evidence Resources
Session 1 Provided: Information sheet with Tongue Twister; Recipe for Dinosaur biscuits (see weblink). You will need: Ingredients for biscuits (see weblink) & dinosaur shaped biscuit cutters;. ‘Stone Girl Bone Girl: The Story of Mary Anning of Lyme Regis’ by Laurence Anholt & Sheila Moxley; ‘Ten Little Dinosaurs’ by Mike Brownlow & Simon Rickerty; clay or salt dough + selection of natural and manmade objects to press into clay/salt dough to leave an impression; paperclips; ingredients for biscuit recipe + dinosaur shaped biscuit cutters.
Session 2 Provided: Information sheets covering: Matching pairs game & Dinosaur facts cards. You will need: Current photo of class; Time line; long length of rope/nylon twine/coloured string that will reach from classroom to furthest point in playground; Labels for time line – now & date (2015), date chn were born (2010) & picture of babies, and other images; Fossils and ammonites (request resources from a local natural history museum or organisation such as
Session 3 Provided: Information sheet with camouflage images. You will need: Dinosaur Dreams (Funnybones)’by Allan Ahlberg, AAmstutz; A1 or A3 art paper for each child; Paint & broad and fine paint brushes; Selection of collage materials: embossed wall paper, bubble wrap, cardboard cartons, coloured cellophane, black mounting paper; Photos of different animals depicting different camouflage features.
Additional resources
Gather as many dinosaur themed resources as possible. Place plastic models in sand and water trays; dinosaur shaped cutters with the playdough; set up dinosaur small world play boxes and trays; find and display dinosaur information books, fiction focused dinosaur stories; have dinosaur puppets and soft toys ready for imaginative play and different construction kits to make dinosaur homes; dinosaur puzzles, trump cards, matching games
The Natural History Museum London and Oxford have excellent on-line teaching and learning resources.
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’) have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links, changed such Links and/or contents associated with such Links. Therefore, it is your sole responsibility to verify any of the Links which you wish you use. Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links.