2011-12 SCWDP Application Guidance
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2011-12 SCWDP Application Monmouthshire.
A. Partnership Summary
This application sets out Monmouthshire’s plan for 2011-12 in order to allocate SCWDP resources across the Care Sector so that service users can rely on staff who are appropriately qualified and trained to deliver high quality services.
Each section of this application is linked to our business objectives for the partnership and associated actions, which will enable us to deliver resources to meet whole sector priorities during 2011/12. This will enable periodic monitoring and evaluation throughout the year. The specific actions and expected outcomes are included in appropriate sections of this application.
A significant change this year will be in our commitment to work with individuals, teams and whole organisations differently in order to become more responsive to individual service needs.
This can be possible by knowing where pressures are within organisations, teams and by identifying specific needs of individuals in order to adapt and develop resources flexibly in order to meet ongoing training needs.
For example, through improved links with commissioning, we aim to be able to support services where inspections have recommended improvements and to be able to “go in” and work towards raising standards through increasing skills, knowledge and new behaviours.
Therefore the theme for this application is one of flexibility in order to target resources to services in a measured and prioritised way so that we are confident that we continue to grow a social care workforce which can deliver high quality services in the 21st Century.
John McConnachie Principal Training Manager Monmouthshire County Council Chair Monmouthshire SCWDP
Simon Burch Chief Officer Social Care and Health Monmouthshire County Council B. Context of strategic local needs and priorities in relation to: The services needed and delivered; The workforce; Training and development.
The Monmouthshire Social Care Workforce Development Partnership continues to expand training and development opportunities to partners providing social care services throughout the county. We continue to offer free opportunities to partners who agree to provide us with information regarding training and development needs.
We have consulted with social care teams from the whole sector in Monmouthshire to identify where best to target SCWDP resources during 2011-12.
A new workforce information template has been devised to reflect the new SCWDP circular terms and priorities.
We have received completed returns from (45) organisations as well as the integrated social work and social care teams within the local authority. This is an excellent return within such a short timescale, as in previous years we have received the circular much earlier.
The size of the workforce who submit returns to the SCWDP in Monmouthshire has not changed significantly in the last year.
However, within the sector and local authority information tells us that there have been changes in the way in which teams and organisations operate and our focus will be to meet learning and development needs as a result of these changes.
A tender exercise has been undertaken by commissioning and this has re- established a list of preferred providers across services for children and young people and for adults.
We have put much effort into identifying real service priorities and aim to deliver a plan of training directly linked to the new QCF Framework and these priorities. In addition to this we aim to be as responsive as possible to individual needs of organisations and plan to engage in a more effective way by attending team meetings, delivering short sessions of training and development within workplaces or by other new methods, where appropriate/practical in order to target and distribute resources where priorities have been identified.
We plan to deliver training and development activities for whole teams across the sector according to their priorities stated in workforce information returns in areas such as POVA, Dementia and other areas linked to knowledge elements of the QCF. In addition and we plan to hold an event for up to 100 staff across the sector to incorporate and include POVA refresher in line with new policy/procedure in this area. Workforce Information returns from across the sector tell us that new priorities for the workforce are emerging in terms of service user/carer needs. There are many more teams/care organisations specialising in providing services to users who have dementia. C. Emerging Effective Practice
A summary of new practice resulting in improvements for the partnership, programme or funding - including areas such as the partnership, training participants, business governance, collaborative initiatives, efficiency savings etc. This will be collated and disseminated across Wales as an improvement tool.
A reduction in grant funding for the county of Monmouthshire in 2011/12 has meant targeting resources more effectively to support the sector in achieving qualifications and learning and development linked to organisational priorities and individual pathways for staff employed in social care services.
Monmouthshire have previously provided access to (NVQ) qualifications by working in partnership with Blaenau Gwent and Torfaen. The reduction of SCWDP grant coupled with a reduction in County Council funding has meant that the current partnership is not sustainable for Monmouthshire and we need to look at new ways and how we can benefit from collaboration in a more sustainable way.
The Grant/budget reduction has also meant a reduction in staff employed to manage, administer and provide direct training as the current structure does not allow for us to continue providing training in the same way as in previous years.
Monmouthshire SCWDP and Local Authority are currently consulting on how we will provide QCF qualifications in the most efficient/effective way and have given notice to partners that we intend to introduce a new model of delivery during 2011/12
In addition to any new provision a bursary scheme has been set up to enable more partner organisations to provide qualification training to their staff via SCWDP funding. We therefore aim to further increase the number of qualified staff across the sector in the next 12 months.
The bursary scheme will be in addition to directly commissioned qualifications.
Eligibility For the Bursary Scheme
The Scheme will be open to employees from commissioned, voluntary and independent providers that provide a social care function within the Monmouthshire area. The candidate must be working within Monmouthshire geographical boundaries.
The scheme welcomes bursary applications from the following New QCF Awards :
Level 2 diploma in Health and Social Care (adults) Wales and Northern Ireland (QCF) Level 2 diploma in Children’s Care Learning and Development (Wales and Northern Ireland) (QCF) Level 3 diploma in Health and Social Care (adults) Wales and Northern Ireland (QCF) Level 3 diploma in Health and Social Care (Children and Young People) Wales and Northern Ireland (QCF) Level 5 diploma in leadership for health and social care services (Children and Young People’s Management ) Wales (QCF) Level 5 diploma in leadership for health and social care services (Adults’ residential management) Wales (QCF)
Each bursary will be £300.00.
Candidates must not have previously received bursary funding from the partnership.
Candidates must not be receiving support via SCWDP employed Assessors, except where additional learning needs have been identified and agreed, and in this case will receive dedicated support from the SCWDP training and development team.
Candidates are still employed in the social care sector at the time of application, either with the qualification funding employer or another social care provider (any bursary allocation will be paid to the funding employer if the employee has moved).
Funding is available where candidates have completed any of the above detailed awards dated from 1st April 2011 onwards.
Monmouthshire SCWDP will reimburse funds as detailed above per completed award to the employer, upon receipt of the following documentation: i. Evidence of a full qualification being achieved (scanned electronic copy of qualification certificate) ii. A purchase order will be issued following receipt of the application form plus the electronic copy of the certificate iii. An invoice from the employing organisation for the relevant amount
Organisations may apply for as many grants as they are eligible for: in the event of over-subscription, it may be necessary to ration places in accordance with the National Training Targets.
The grant can be agreed before the qualification is achieved, and funds will be credited on completion of the full award.
When staff have achieved a qualification, organisations will be asked to evaluate the impact that the training and development and this scheme has had on service provision.
We have estimated uptake on this scheme during 2011/12 and this is reflected in the qualification section of the electronic forms
During 2011/12 the training staff team within Monmouthshire will focus on working directly to support teams across the sector to meet learning and development priorities by identifying training, direct delivery and or commissioning on behalf of teams. This will include commissioning of further qualifications for our own social care teams and any organisations not able to access bursaries for any reason.
From April 2011, access to training, learning and development Information, resources and course bookings will be available online via Monmouthshire’s SCWDP website at:- https://sites.google.com/site/wwwmonmouthshirescwdpcouk/home
A link to this site as well as this document and associated spread-sheets are available on the Scip South East Wales Website.
The new website and online booking system has been created to make access easier and in order to publish events with clear outcomes and other information to partners.
At the time of completing this application, the online booking system is projected to go live on 21st April 2011
The online facility has been built in such a way to assist the SCWDP to capture attendance in order to report more effectively in terms of staff groups linked to SCWDP excel worksheets.
The booking system will greatly reduce the amount of administration time for creating, advertising and booking events as well as reducing time taken to produce reports for SCWDP Group and senior managers as well as grant monitoring of attendance/non-attendance and achievements.
This will create capacity within the training team, which will enable greater focus on measuring the impact of training in new ways.
As previously stated, Our up to date workforce information has been devised in such a way as to tell us what the strategic drivers are for care sector organisations over the next three years.
We have received information which will not only allow us to target resources in line with priorities but to enable us to update training and development pathways and training plans for staff employed in services for adults and children’s and young people, based on emerging ways of working and service user needs.
Below is an excerpt from our analysis of workforce priorities over the next 1- 3 years. These priorities reflect business need as well as incorporating anticipated changes to the way services will be organised and operate in future. The above graph illustrates what the overarching priorities of whole sector care organisations will focus on:-
Services for Adults.
Despite delivering large volumes of training and development over the last 4-5 years, this area of adult protection sits high on our list of priorities for the coming years. In previous years we have commissioned external training to meet this training need. During 2009/10 the SCWDP began to introduce additional training provided by staff from the training team. This resulted in an increase in POVA referrals, something has not happened as a result of training provided by external provision.
During 2011/12 we plan to deliver POVA level 2 and refresher training across the sector using our own training team in partnership with senior staff and with our own operational POVA Co-ordinator having involvement in level 3 training for DSO’s.
This model will incorporate members of our integrated multi-disciplinary teams as part of the strategic direction of Social Services within Monmouthshire.
We are in the process of developing POVA level 2 training linked to new QCF and plan to collaborate with Gwent colleagues on the design and delivery of this. This could prove an exciting and productive area of cross boundary training delivery and lead to further links in the design and delivery of QCF Knowledge based training.
Dementia Care
Dementia Care is a rapidly expanding area across Monmouthshire and no doubt the rest of Wales as people live longer developing health conditions and become more frail. This coupled with the culture of maintaining independence and providing services in people’s own homes and communities’ means that we need to develop new skills, knowledge and behaviours for our care sector workers.
Within the local authority a group of specialists have worked on and developed dementia awareness training which has been delivered by experienced staff across teams in residential, domiciliary and day care.
In line with organisational priorities identified by workforce information returns, SCWDP aim to increase and develop learning opportunities for staff across the sector to meet the changing needs of service users in this area. We aim to provide a minimum of 144 places at learning and development events designed and delivered in partnership with sector colleagues/organisations. We aim to incorporate new care council guidance and link to QCF to provide essential knowledge to care staff. Frailty.
Monmouthshire County Council have worked extensively with partners across Gwent and the Health over the last 12 months to produce a whole suite of learning and development activity to provide new skills, knowledge and behaviours required by the new frailty service.
The Frailty model of care provision has developed quickly within Monmouthshire and whereby many counties are developing the roles of teams to be able to provide services in new ways, within Monmouthshire all of our teams are now fully integrated with specialist workers providing services across boundaries and organisations.
This is another positive step towards providing the right type of service to citizens, promoting their way of life and delivering services which are focussed on helping people live meaningful lives in their own environments.
A programme of induction for Frailty commenced in April 2011 and this will develop throughout year 1 to identify emerging learning and development needs for our integrated services during 2011/12.
Nutrition in care provision is of paramount importance particularly with vulnerable people of any age. For example many people who are frail require high energy/calorific intake though have a very poor appetite and changes to menu plans, methods will need to be introduced in order to meet this basic yet important human need. Organisations obviously work to tight budgets and therefore creativity and a certain amount of re-education needs to take place at the level of care staff, supervisor as well as catering/buying staff.
This is significant area for improvement identified by commissioning staff who liaise and contract with organisations and measure organisational performance through the monitoring of contracts.
We aim to target significant resources into Nutritional Care training during 2011/12 as included in the training plan.
Children/Young People’s Services
Monmouthshire SCWDP now have a senior manager for Children and Young People’s services as part of the local group to enable us to be sure that our resources are effectively contributing to improved services for young people receiving care and support in Monmouthshire.
Whilst we don’t have “Care Homes” within Monmouthshire we have a considerable amount of staff, mostly within the local authority who provide services to children and young people.
As in the previous 12 months we have a range of core training which we will deliver free of charge to all services for children and young people including:- Child Development 0-8 Child Development 8-18 Communicating With Children Direct Work with Children Motivational Interviewing Autism Awareness Supervision Skills Paediatric First Aid
Foster Care.
For the second year we have arranged a plan of core training specifically for our Foster Carers including all the subject areas above.
Currently 2 carers are expected to qualify with NVQ’s during 2011/12. Significant efforts are needed to ensure that we engage further Foster Carers to obtain QCF qualifications during this year. The SCWDP group will focus on working with the foster carers and social workers within the team to identify further carers to commence QCF’s during 2011/12
Other areas of Development in services for Children and Young People
With many of our services specialising in different , Domiciliary care within the local authority continues to expand services to families, children and young people and during 2011/12 we aim to provide additional learning and development for domiciliary care teams working across adults/children and young people’s services. Through consultation domiciliary care teams have prioritised further learning and development in:-
[1] Children's Illnesses [2] Parenting Skills [3] Attachment [4] Infant mental health [5] Peg feeding [6] Child protection awareness [7] Autism [8] Working and engaging with Children with profound disabilities D. Strategic Direction
Summary of the strategy and direction of travel for workforce development over the next 3 years, including priority training areas, covering all areas of the workforce and outcomes of training (three pages of text maximum - plus diagrams/charts)
The partnership have agreed 6 specific objectives for the next 3 years to be developed and an maintained to ensure the SCWDP is able to support and develop resources in line with sector needs, priorities and changes. Monmouthshire have already amalgamated many partnerships as referred to in the circular, making SCWDP links with these even more effective.
It is anticipated that many of our objectives will become wider than “Monmouthshire” as we continue to increase collaboration and economies of scale through cross boundary/organisational working and by developing projects/products with Colleges and Universities.
The associated actions below are agreed by the partnership and will be formulated into an action plan to be published on Scip(se) Website and sent to all partner organisations by June 2011.
Objective 1: Ensure High Quality Social Care Services
A social care workforce development partnership for Monmouthshire, linked to commissioning activity and underpinned by :-
The Workforce Strategy Plans of all partners in services for adults, children and young people in Monmouthshire Priorities as identified by partners/organisations across the sector Collaborative working
Key Action(s) for 2011/12
1/ Increase and expand partnership representation to ensure all areas of the workforce are included, as per WAG/SCWDP Circular 2011/12. 2/ Identify Key actions for each partner during 2011/12 to contribute to the workforce plan 3/ To work on key themes as identified by commissioning team/Care forums
Objective 2: Continue to meet the “One Sector One Workforce” Agenda and Requirements of the SCWDP Programme
A social care workforce development partnership, which is outcome focussed and designed for meeting staff, development and training needs across the whole sector in Monmouthshire. Key Action(s) for 2011/12
1/ To continue with SCWDP bi-monthly group meetings to ensure that the whole care sector have access to SCWDP funded learning and development opportunities
2/ To provide quarterly report on whole sector take up of learning and development opportunities
3/ To liaise with other SCWDP groups to identify areas for current and future collaboration
Objective 3: Establish a Learning Culture that Supports Continuous Professional Development
Learning processes within all establishments that will contribute to high quality services and raise public confidence
A Social Care Passport Scheme for qualifying and non-qualifying training across the sector in Monmouthshire
Key Action(s) for 2011/12
1/ Incorporate service manager feedback in order to redefine Training and Development Pathways linked to QCF 2/ To disseminate updated pathways at levels 2,3 and 5 QCF to whole sector partners/organisations during 2011/12 3/ To develop and devise a training and development pathway for Occupational Therapy linked to National Occupational Standards for (O.T) from induction to Recommended Occupational Qualification in order to raise standards and consider implementation of O.T trainee scheme for Monmouthshire during 2011/12
Objective 4: Base Staff Development and Training Activity on Quality Workforce Information
Staff development and training activity is based upon comprehensive accurate and “fit for purpose” workforce information
Key Action(s) for 2011/12
1/ To validate provider lists and agree workforce information templates for 2012/13 by October 2011 2/ Revisit workforce data/information each quarter to ensure that resources are targeting organisational learning and development needs. 3/ To undertake a number of joint visits with commissioning staff to identify ongoing needs/issues with organisations during 2011. 4/ SCWDP representation on all appropriate care forums in order to have accurate, up to date information regarding workforce needs. Objective 5: Use Evaluation to Improve the Quality of Service Provision
The impact of staff development and training activity upon the quality of service provision is measured and evaluated
Key Action(s) for 2011/12
1/ Continue to evaluate training and development activity from perspective of participant/Line Manager 2/ To Sample evaluation(s) during SCWDP meetings 3/ To sample evaluate practice based on workplace observation/supervisor feedback 3 months after training and development has taken place to identify who has benefitted as a result of learning and development.
Objective 6: Ensure the Involvement of Service Users and Carers
Service users and carers are involved in the planning, delivery and evaluation of staff development and training activity Service users and carers own development and training needs are considered and supported
Key Action(s) for 2011/12
1/ Continue to have dedicated SCWDP representative and seek to involve users at strategic level 2/ Further Development of Pathway for Direct Payments PA during 2011/12 3/ To increase access to SCWDP Supported learning and development activities for service users and carers from 1.2 % to 5 % during 2011/12. 4/ To gain service user feedback on the impact of training and development activity during 2011/12 E. Current Priorities This should include specific training priorities, outcomes and objectives for the current year, including evidence linked to local priorities (noted in section B) and the SCWDP targets noted in paragraphs 24 – 26 and paragraph 28 of the circular.
We have spent considerable time mapping training needs based on Workforce information returns. Historically, we have tried to ensure that all learning and development activities provide important knowledge evidence towards national occupational qualifications.
This year we have mapped all of our core training and development to the new QCF (Qualification Credit Framework). These knowledge units now provide a significant contribution towards staff achieving the new qualifications across the sector. Attendance will be prioritised for staff undertaking qualifications and to provide important updates/refreshers as part of ongoing continuous professional development.
The tables below illustrate how we have mapped training and development to new QCF knowledge units and describe the amount of courses, places and planned attendance figures for 2011/12. All training events and activities will be advertised and booked online
L&D Projected Courses & Attendances 2011/12 & Links to QCF & NVQ Qualification Frameworks Course Title Links to QCF Links to Number Number of Number of NVQ of Planned Planned Planned Places Attendances Courses 2011/12
Introduction to Unit 4222-208 – HSC HSC 375 6 x 1 day 72 72 Health & Safety in 027 HSC 221 Social Care Unit 4222-235 – HSC HSC 213 2031 HSC 236 Unit 4222-264 – IC HSC 22 01 HSC 221 Unit 4222-265 – IC HSC 223 02 HSC 230 Unit 4222-266 – IC HSC 240 03 HSC 246 Unit 4222-226 – HSC HSC 0032 2019 Unit 4222-331 – HSC 3047 Unit 4222-233 – HSC 2029
C.O.S.H.H Unit 4222-208 – HSC HSC 22 4 x ½ day 48 24 027 HSC 221 Unit 4222-264 – IC HSC 223 01 HSC 230 Unit 4222-266 – IC HSC 246 03 HSC 0032
Basic Fire Safety Unit 4222-208 – HSC HSC 22 4 x ½ day 60 30 L&D Projected Courses & Attendances 2011/12 & Links to QCF & NVQ Qualification Frameworks Course Title Links to QCF Links to Number Number of Number of NVQ of Planned Planned Planned Places Attendances Courses 2011/12 027 Unit 4222-226 – HSC 2019
Emergency First Aid Unit 4222-226 – HSC HSC 22 6 x 1 day 72 72 2019 HSC 230 Unit 4222-267 – HSC 246 L2EFAW HSC 0032 Unit 4222-266 – IC 03 Unit 4222-212 – HSC 2003 Unit 4222-267 – L2EFAW
Paediatric First Aid Unit 4222-226 – HSC HSC 22 1 x 3 day 16 48 2019 HSC 230 Unit 4222-267 – HSC 246 L2EFAW HSC 0032 Unit 4222-266 – IC 03 Unit 4222-212 – HSC 2003 Unit 4222-267 – L2EFAW
Care of Medicines Unit 4222-616 – ASM HSC 375 4 x 1 day 64 64 (residential & home 34 HSC 221 care) Unit 4222-208 – HSC HSC 236 027 HSC 22 Unit 4222-212 – HSC 2003 Unit 4222-331 – HSC 3047
Infection Control Unit 4222-208 – HSC HSC 22 6 x 1 day 72 72 027 HSC 221 Unit 4222-235 – HSC HSC 223 2031 HSC 230 Unit 4222-264 – IC HSC 240 01 HSC 246 Unit 4222-265 – IC HSC 0032 02 Unit 4222-266 – IC 03
MAPPA Level 1 Unit 4222-245 – LD HSC 21 4 x 1 day 48 48 Risk Management of 201 HSC 22 Personal Safety & Unit 4222-256 – PD HSC 23 Lone Working OP 2.3 HSC 24
MAPPA Level 2 Unit 4222-245 – LD HSC 21 4 x 2 day 72 144 Risk Management 201 HSC 22 L&D Projected Courses & Attendances 2011/12 & Links to QCF & NVQ Qualification Frameworks Course Title Links to QCF Links to Number Number of Number of NVQ of Planned Planned Planned Places Attendances Courses 2011/12 Response – People Unit 4222-256 – PD HSC 23 with Challenging, OP 2.3 HSC 24 Aggressive and Violent Behaviours
Communication, Unit 4222-201 – SHC HSC 21 4 x 1 day 64 64 recording & 21 HSC 22 reporting Unit 4222-203 – HSC 23 SHC23 HSC 24 Unit 4222-209 – HSC 028 Unit 4222-212 – HSC 2003 Unit 4222-213 – HSC 200
P.o.V.A Level 2 Unit 4222-205 – HSC HSC 24 8 x 1 day 112 112 024 HSC 240 P.o.V.A Level 2 6 x ½ day 84 42 Refresher 4 x 2 day 60 120 P.o.V.A Level 3 x 2 day course
Promote the Support Unit 4222-203 – SHC HSC 21 4 x 1 day 60 120 & Care of Individuals 23 HSC 22 Unit 4222-207 – HSC HSC 23 026 HSC 24 Unit 4222-618 – CMH HSC 26 301 HSC 218 Unit 4222-619 – CMH HSC 234 302 HSC 35 Unit 4222-330 – HSC HSC 346 3046 HSC 3111 Unit 4222-223 – HSC HSC 3112 2015 HSC 3119 MH 14 MH 25
Promoting Unit 4222-203 – HSC 343 4 x 1 day 60 60 Independence in SHC23 HSC 240 Personal Care Unit 4222-254 – PD HSC 21 OP 2.1 HSC 22 Unit 4222-211 – HSC HSC 23 2002 HSC 24 Unit 4222-214 – HSC 2005 Unit 4222-216 – HSC 2007 Unit 4222-250 – LD 206 C Unit 4222-320 – HSC L&D Projected Courses & Attendances 2011/12 & Links to QCF & NVQ Qualification Frameworks Course Title Links to QCF Links to Number Number of Number of NVQ of Planned Planned Planned Places Attendances Courses 2011/12 3022 Unit 4222-235 – HSC 2031
Understanding Unit 4222-203 – HSC 21 6 x 1 day 64 64 Ageing & Working SHC23 HSC 22 With Confusion Unit 4222-237 – DEM HSC 23 201 SC 24 Dementia Unit 4222-239 – DEM Awareness 204 12 x 2 day 144 288 Unit 4222-242 – DEM Yesterday, Today, 209 Tomorrow Unit 4222-243 – DEM 210 Unit 4222-244 – DEM 211 Unit 4222-220 – HSC 2012
Responding to Grief Unit 4222-332 – HSC HSC 387 1 x 1 day 15 15 & Loss 3048 HSC 388 Unit 4222-328 – HSC HSC 384 3038 HSC 385 Unit 4222-327 – HSC HSC 239 3035 HSC 226 Unit 4222-227 – HSC HSC 2022 24/35 Unit 4222-220 – HSC 2012
Moving & Handling – Unit 4222-232 – HSC NVQ 12 x 2 day 144 288 All Wales Passport 2028 HSC 21 Scheme – Modules Unit 4222-229 – HSC HSC 22 A-F 2024 HSC 23 Unit 4222-208 – HSC HSC 24 6 x 1 day 72 72 Moving & Handling – 027 All Wales Passport Scheme – 2 x Day Refresher 1 x 1 day 8 72
Trained Trainer Refresher
Child Development Unit 4222-203 – 2 x 2 day 30 60 0-8 SHC23
Child Development Unit 4222-203 – 2 x 2 day 30 60 8-18 SHC23
Communicating With Unit 4222-201 – HSC HSC 21 1 x 2 day 15 60 Children & Life Story 027 Work Unit 4222-203 – SHC L&D Projected Courses & Attendances 2011/12 & Links to QCF & NVQ Qualification Frameworks Course Title Links to QCF Links to Number Number of Number of NVQ of Planned Planned Planned Places Attendances Courses 2011/12 23 Unit 4222-209 – HSC 028 Unit 4222-253 – LD 210
Autism Awareness Unit 4222-253 – LD 1 x 1 day 15 15 210
Dual Sensory Loss/ Unit 4222-201 – SHC HSC 27 4 x ½ day 64 32 21 HSC 29 Hearing Impairment/ Unit 4222-207 – HSC HSC 31 4 x ½ day 64 32 206 HSC 41 Sight Support Unit 4222-258 – HSC 35 4 x ½ day 64 32 SSMU 2.1 HSC 45 (these courses are 3 Unit 4222-243 – DEM HSC 24 x separate courses 210 HSC 26 and due to the Unit 4222-216 – HSC HSC 234 nature of content are 2007 HSC 21 linked to same Unit 4222-219 – HSC HSC 369 N.O.S.) 2011 HSC 370 Unit 4222-263 – SS OP 2.5 Unit 4222-262 – SS OP 2.4 Unit 4222-260 – SS OP 2.2 Unit 4222-324 – HSC 3029
Equalities in Service Unit 4222-201 – SHC HSC 24 2 x ½ day 24 12 Delivery 21 HSC 26 Unit 4222-203 – SHC HSC 234 23 HSC 23 Unit 4222-204 – SHC HSC 227 24 HSC 234 Unit 4222-206 – HSC CCLD 025 203 Unit 4222-207 – HSC 026
Level 2 Award in Unit 4222-208 – HSC HSC 22 6 x 1 day 96 96 Food Safety in 027 HSC 221 Catering – 1 day Unit 4222-264 – IC HSC 223 01 HSC 246 Nutrition in Care Unit 4222-265 – IC HSC 230 6 x 1 day 96 96 02 HSC 0032 Unit 4222-266 – IC HSC 224 03 HSC 27 Unit 4222-213 – HSC HSC 29 2004 HSC 213 Unit 4222-216 – HSC HSC 214 2007 HSC 343 L&D Projected Courses & Attendances 2011/12 & Links to QCF & NVQ Qualification Frameworks Course Title Links to QCF Links to Number Number of Number of NVQ of Planned Planned Planned Places Attendances Courses 2011/12 Unit 4222-222 – HSC HSC 3050 2014 Unit 4222-233 – HSC 2029 Unit 4222-320 – HSC 3022 Unit 4222-333 – HSC 3050
Parkinson’s Disease Unit 4222-204 – SHC CCLD 1 x 1 day 12 12 24 203 Unit 4222-207 – HSC HSC 24 026 HSC 26 Unit 4222-618 – CMH HSC 234 301 HSC 3112 Unit 4222-616 – ASM HSC 3119 34 MH 25 Unit 4222-211 – HSC HSC 375 2002 HSC 215 Unit 4222-212 – HSC HSC 216 2003 HSC 224 Unit 4222-213 – HSC HSC 225 2004 HSC 27 Unit 4222-214 – HSC HSC 29 2005 HSC 375 Unit 4222-216 – HSC HSC 25 2007 HSC 221 Unit 4222-616 – ASM HSC 236 34 HSC 387 Unit 4222-247 – LD HSC 388 203 HSC 343 Unit 4222-331 – HSC HSC 328 3047 HSC 329 Unit 4222-328 – HSC 3038 Unit 4222-320 – HSC 3022 Unit 4222-319 – HSC 3020 Unit 4222-235 – HSC 2031
I.L.M Level 5 LMC A2, A3, A4, A5 1 x 4 day 12 48 Certificate in LMC B2, B3, B4, B5, Coaching & B6, B7, B8 Mentoring LMC C2 LMC D1, D2, D3 LMC E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9, E10, E11, E12, E13
Dignity in Care Unit 4222-201 – SHC HSC 21 4 x 1 day 60 60 21 HSC 23 Unit 4222-203 – SHC HSC 24 L&D Projected Courses & Attendances 2011/12 & Links to QCF & NVQ Qualification Frameworks Course Title Links to QCF Links to Number Number of Number of NVQ of Planned Planned Planned Places Attendances Courses 2011/12 23 HSC 26 Unit 4222-204 – SHC HSC 35 24 HSC 227 Unit 4222-205 – HSC HSC 234 024 HSC 240 Unit 4222-206 – HSC CCLD 025 203 Unit 4222-207 – HSC HSC 346 026 HSC 3112 Unit 4222-209 – HSC HSC 3119 028 MH 25 Unit 4222-618 – CMH HSC 215 301 HSC 27 Unit 4222-330 – HSC HSC 29 3046 HSC 239 Unit 4222-245 – LD HSC 328 201 HSC 329 Unit 4222-254 – PD HSC 343 OP 2.1 HSC 369 Unit 4222-256 – PD HSC 370 OP 2.3 HSC 384 Unit 4222-211 – HSC HSC 387 2002 HSC 388 Unit 4222-216 – HSC HSC 385 2007 HSC 25 Unit 4222-227 – HSC HSC 234 2022 HSC 218 Unit 4222-232 – HSC HSC 219 2028 HSC 220 Unit 4222-319 – HSC 3020 Unit 4222-320 – HSC 3022 Unit 4222-320 – HSC 3022 Unit 4222-327 – HSC 3035 Unit 4222-328 – HSC 3038 Unit 4222-332 – HSC 3048 Unit 4222-246 – LD 202 Unit 4222-247 – LD 203 Unit 4222-250 – LD 206 C Total Total Places Total Courses Attendances
173 1993 2506 In addition to the 173 QCF Knowledge courses above we will provide external short courses to Assessment/Care Management teams linked to National Occupational Standards/Legislative updates. We estimate the number of these events to be approximately 100.
This method of learning and development is important for small local authorities and provides opportunities for staff to attend and undertake development activities where a full course is not viable either through our own core training or by collaboration with others.
Total Total External Short Courses Attendances Courses 100 100x1.5=150
During 2010/11 we piloted the delivery of a generic management training course in partnership with Coleg Gwent. This year we aim to further develop this area of learning and development to encompass even more tools for managers of people providing care services to citizens in Monmouthshire.
Workforce information tells us that we need to build in more opportunities for managers to become more focussed on defining and working towards clearer outcomes.
This year we plan to deliver another whole sector management training programme for 12 managers across the sector.
In line with outcome based accountability, this year we plan to deliver Ilm Coaching and Mentoring Qualifications to 12 Managers across the sector
Total Total Management Courses Attendances Qualification 2 Courses 24= 96
Motivational Interviewing Training will be delivered to 24 staff from across the sector. This is an emerging priority for social work services across services for adults and children/you people alike
Total Total Motivational Courses Attendances Interviewing 2 Courses 24x2=48
Be There Don’t Go There - Engagement (See Evaluation section of this application for further details of these learning and development modules) Total Total Be There Don’t go Courses Attendances There- Engagement 2 Courses 16x4=64
Therefore our total number of planned courses for SCWDP organisations in Monmouthshire for 2011/12 is:-
Total Number of course Places = 2157
Total Number of attendances = 2864
F. Commitment to the bilingual provision of services
Through consultation with providers and through the analysis of workforce information returns, the partnership is able to ensure that provider organisations have access to Welsh Language training where required and requested.
The partnership can also benefit from links to Monmouthshire County Council’s corporate training and development activity and it is possible to source welsh language support for SCWDP members through the Welsh language Officer in the local authority.
The above also applies to staff who have been identified as having additional support needs in terms essential skills. Our Essential skills assessor is part funded via SCWDP grant and supports a range of candidates across the sector to gain essential skills whilst working towards occupational care qualifications.
G. The SCWDP Partnership This should include a summary of priorities for the partnership and include details on how the £20K ring-fenced funding will be utilised in order to provide optimum efficiency, effectiveness and value for money.
The Principal Training Manager post is part funded via the SCWDP £20,000 ring fenced funding to support the partnership. This post is responsible for submission of the bid, design and delivery of the workforce development programme for Monmouthshire. The Principal training manager chairs the partnership meetings and is responsible for ensuring all areas of the social care sector are actively represented and a method of communication is in place. The Principal Training Manager also delivers elements of the training programme including management development courses, coaching and mentoring activities to support care sector management development.
The priority for the partnership is to ensure that as many providers as possible are able to benefit from access to SCWDP resources in line with their business priorities in terms of providing high quality care services to service users.
The partnership meet bi-Monthly in order to ensure that we reflect the views of all parties in section 12 of the SCWDP Circular. Each person on the group has a role in ensuring that the SCWDP group seek views and identify priorities across the sector and either attend other groups or disseminate information. Anyone can contact the partnership via the SCWDP Partnership chair John McConnachie on 01873735453 or by e-mail to:- [email protected]
Details of all Partnership board members and dates of meetings are included in section L Partnership Governance
H. Social Work Qualifying Training Plan
Monmouthshire Trainee Scheme:
To ensure that Monmouthshire Social Care & Health services have an effective, and well trained workforce, who are confident and competent in delivering services, and who can work in partnership with service users, colleagues and other professionals in all Social Work settings.
The Scheme provides equality of access to social work training for people who may otherwise have been unable to undertake such training. The Scheme enables the trainee to acquire relevant experience over a wide range of social work settings and will give them financial support to undertake the training.
The scheme is managed by the Staff Development Officer who supervises the trainees’ induction, co-ordinates both work based learning and practice learning experiences. The Staff Development Officer liaises with Team Managers and Service Managers with regard to the different learning experiences. An on-site supervisor assesses trainees’ performance in work based learning, and a Practice Assessor undertakes the Practice Learning assessment, support and guidance. The Staff Development officers arranges for urgent training needs to be met, monitor trainees’ progress, and prepares for their employment in the agency at the end of their training.
During the first year, trainees are offered varied work experience in different settings in Social Services. Work Based experiences are across Children’s Services and Adult Services, enabling the trainee to experience a range of service users and types of service delivery. Following 9 months working in the Local Authority and subject to a positive assessment during the work based experience, the trainee is supported for the next 3 years to undertake their Social Work (BA Hons), course fees and a basic salary are paid by the Local Authority with the support from the SCWDP grant.
Trainees who complete the course successfully will be guaranteed an interview for a social work post in either Children’s or Adult Services and will, if offered a post, be expected to commit themselves to working for the Local Authority for a minimum of two years following completion of the qualification.
The scheme will continue in this way for a further year whilst we review it especially in terms of future need for social workers in teams in the next 3 years. Position to Date:
2008 – 2011 trainee: Monmouthshire Social Care and Health Services currently have one trainee undertaking their Level 3 Practice Learning Opportunity (PLO) and on track to become a Qualified Social Worker in June of this year.
2009-2012 trainee:The trainee who was undertaking their Level 2 PLO has deferred for family/personal reasons and plans to return to the course next year.
2010-2013 trainee: this trainee has successfully completed Level 1 of her Practice Learning and is receiving excellent feedback in her work based settings. To date she has worked in Community Care team, Through Care (Children’s services), and is currently based in Community Learning Disabilities team. PLO was based in a Provider setting (Women’s Aid) in partnership with the Local Authority.
2011-2014 trainee: Currently undertaking work based experience in Community Care team and doing very well. The plan is to move her to work experience in Children’s services from the beginning of June, where she will remain until Christmas with the exception of University days and Practice Learning experience starting in September.
In the Autumn of this year we will advertise for our next trainee, the successful candidate will start at University in September 2012
Monmouthshire works in partnership with other local authorities and private/voluntary sector organisations in order to ensure that other social work degree students have access to appropriate and relevant work placements as part of their education qualification training.
I. Collaborative working arrangements
Monmouthshire SCWDP has well established collaborative working arrangement with other neighbouring local authorities including:- Newport Blaenau Gwent Torfaen Caerphilly Merthyr
Much specialist training is jointly commissioned and administration is shared out to minimise duplication and to make the most of resources. This area of collaboration is really important as it enables local authorities to commission and deliver important and often expensive training and development activities whereby they could not afford to do this alone.
This includes a whole programme of development for newly qualified social workers during their first year in practice and includes training for social work staff across children and adults services across the county.
Monmouthshire SCWDP aim to commission and deliver more training linked to QCF requirements in partnership with other counties and organisations during the next 12 Months, thereby benefiting from economies of scale and ensuring greater consistency in meeting training outcomes for care staff and are currently liaising with pan Gwent partners to identify further areas of joint working and delivery of training during 2011/12.
A full plan of current activities for this collaborative arrangement is included below. The grid below contains all elements of training agreed to date. It is expected that the list will include further areas, which we are currently discussing.
Training Area LA Co-ordinator N No. of No. of Cost per Total Cost Mon o. of courses places place of course days per course No CHILD CARE GENERAL 2010- 2010-11 11 1a Understanding child Newport 2 1 16 £100 £1,502 2 development 0-8 years 1b Understanding child Newport 2 1 16 £125 £1,502 1 development 0-8 years 2a Understanding child Newport 2 1 16 £94 £1,502 2 development 8-18 years 2b Understanding child Newport 2 1 16 £96 £1,542 1 development 8-18 years 3 Engaging with young children Blaenau Gwent 2 1 20 £54 £1,620 2 (under 10 years)
4 Engage with adolescents Blaenau Gwent 1 1 20 £37 £658 2 [including motivational Life Work] 5 Communication with children Newport 2 1 16 £105 £1,686 1 with disabilities Intermediate level 6 “Breaking the News” plus Early Newport 6 1 12 £88 £788 2 Counselling for parents on early diagnosis or death of children (ongoing course)
7 TEACCH Caerphilly 2 1 16 £117 £1,750 1
8 Autistic Spectrum disorders - Caerphilly 1 1 26 £43 £911 2 [Aspergers]
9 Autistic Spectrum disorders Caerphilly 1 1 20 £36 £690 2
10a Court Skills and giving evidence Caerphilly + 2 1 16 £81 £1,556 2 + gathering evidence and report legal writing 10b Court Skills and giving evidence Caerphilly + 2 1 16 £74 £1,250 2 + gathering evidence and report legal writing
11 Assessment Thresholds Merthyr Tydfil 1 1 16 £55 £881 3 analysis and linked to outcomes in Children's Services
12 Action for Justice [JICA Updates Caerphilly 1 1 20 x x 2 for managers and SWs]
13 Child Protection Joint Caerphilly 17 1 5 x x 1 Interviewing [JICA] 4 week course [1 week then 3 weeks] - NOTE: Nominations required 1 month in advance of start dates
14 Beyond The Mask [Working with Newport 2 1 16 £186 £2,975 2 the aftermath of physical, sexual emotional abuse and neglect] Social Workers
15 Working with children who Caerphilly 2 1 20 £113 £1,660 2 demonstrate sexualized behaviour (10 years +)
16 Beyond The Mask [Working with Newport 3 1 16 £174 £2,439 2 the aftermath of physical, sexual emotional abuse and neglect] Foster Carers
17 Allegations against foster carers Newport 1 1 16 £65 £906 2 [for supervising social workers]
18 Assessing Attachment Newport 1 1 16 £48 £771 2
19 Leaving Care Programme: Blaenau Gwent 1 1 15 £34 £888 2 Promoting emotional resilience
20 Leaving Care Programme: Blaenau Gwent ½ 1 16 £43 £350 2 Legal updates for managers SOCIAL CARE PASSPORT [Torfaen, Monmouth, Newport] 21 Working with people with Newport 3 1 16 £143 £1,715 2 Learning Disabilities - good practice [previously Right from the Start] 22 Dual Diagnosis (Mental Health & Newport 1 1 20 £47 £933 2 Learning Disabilities)
23 JIVVA – programme to be Blaenau Gwent 17 1 5 £750 1 developed by PofVA training sub-group - NOTE: Nominations required 1 month in advance of start dates
24 POVA Minute Taking Blaenau Gwent 1 1 16 x x 2
25 POVA Level 4 for DSOs Monmouth 1 1 16 £29 £450 4
26 Court Skills and giving evidence Monmouth 2 1 16 x x 4 + gathering evidence and report writing (Adults)
27 Working with the aftermath of a Monmouthshire 1 1 16 £47 £757 2 stroke - for Adult SWs
28 OT Legislative Updates Torfaen 1 1 20 £48 £955 3
29 Working with brain traumas Merthyr Tydfil 1 1 16 £56 £891 5 including injury
30 Liberating Life Choices (previously Newport 2 1 12 £154 £1,845 1 Personal Relationships and Sexuality)
31 Ageing and Learning Disability Caerphilly 1 1 20 £38 £530 2
MENTAL HEALTH CPD for ASWs and AMHP’s 32 The Appropriate Adult under Torfaen 1 1 22 £36 £575 2 PACE Learning Disabilities & Older people + PACE Mental Health for SWs, ASWs and AMHPs 33 Case Law Update with Monmouthshire 1 1 20 £89 £4,998 4 scenarios/discussion x3 (inc. CPNs) 34 Substance Misuse - AMHPs Newport 1 20 ABHB 6
35 Suicide (inc. CPNs) Torfaen 2 1 20 £140 £2,800 3
36 Self Harm (inc. CPNs) Torfaen 2 1 20 £84 £1,633 3
37 The interface between Mental Newport 1 1 20 ABHB ABHB 4 Health Act and Mental Capacity Act
MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT 38 Coaching and Mentoring ILM Caerphilly 5 1 12 £1,000 £12,000 0 accredited Level 3
39 Direct Skills with children - First Merthyr Tydfil 1 1 20 £39 £786 2 Year in Practice
40 Assessment of parenting Monmouthshire 2 1 20 £87 £1,557 2 capacity - First Year in Practice
41 Assessing Attachment Newport 1 1 16 £53 £843 4
42 Repairing after assessing Newport 1 1 16 £53 £843 3 Attachment
43 Process and Practice in Child Newport 6½ 1 16 £336 £5,370 1 Protection
44 Substance Misuse Torfaen 1 1 15 £40 £603 5
J. Resources A short summary setting out the infrastructure of resources/staffing (numbers and grades) used to support the programme and the delivery of training. Financial information is not required here as this will be provided in the financial summary.
Principal Training Manager - 50% SCWDP Funded Band J Staff Development Officer - 70 % SCWDP Funded Band I Staff Development Officer - 50 % SCWDP Funded Band H Practice Learning Development Officer ( Funded outside of SCWDP) NVQ Co-ordinator 18.5 WTE - Band H NVQ Peripatetic Assessor WTE SCP- Band D NVQ Administrator (Joint funded with Blaenau Gwent/Torfaen) Band D Training Organiser- 50 % SCWDP Funded SCP- Band E Training Organiser- Funded outside of SCWDP NVQ/Basic Skills Advisor 50 % SCWDP Funded –Band D Administration Assistant - WTE Band C Modern Apprentice- Funded outside of SCWDP
K. Evaluation and Performance Management This should set out what methods are in place (and developments that are planned) for evaluating: The outcome and effectiveness of training offered; The outcomes from staff development on both the workforce and service users and how this is monitored; The effectiveness and achievements of the partnership;
Please find evaluation information as part of section D which illustrates how the SCWDP intend to evaluate the outcome and effectiveness of training and development on staff performance, and the impact on the services provided to service users.
The partnership will evaluate itself against strategic objectives and associated action plan and provide an update on progress as part of SCWDP mid and end of year monitoring
Actions that are stated to be complete this year will be included in full, and for ease of reference each action will be evaluated and colour coded Red, Amber or Green so that it will be possible at a glance to view progress along with supporting data and text to provide a complete evaluation of progress in terms of effort and effect, in order to report on significant challenges/successes and this will begin to identify new initiatives for the next 12 months which will form the annual strategic actions for 2012/13
Evaluation of the impact of Social Work from a perspective of the Service User.
During 2010 Monmouthshire Integrated services and the Training unit took part in a SSIA Project (Be There Don’t Go There)
Overall Purpose of the project
To identify the Skills, Knowledge and values required of Social Workers in the 21st Century. Our aim was to initially identify how our social workers within multi- disciplinary teams are making a positive difference to service users in terms of supporting them to achieve their outcomes.
This information would not only provide us with valuable feedback but also enable us to identify any areas for performance improvement which would be in line with the experiences/expectations of service users and carers.
The purpose was to identify how our Social Workers interact/engage with service users. To find out how they engage and work towards creating "real" independence. To find out what service users experience can tell us in terms of our multi agency approach. We wanted to get real answers from service users and be able to sort and measure this information in order to find out who in our teams is making a positive difference and also how they are doing it? We wanted to dig deeper and find out about service users expectations about the way we behave, what their values and beliefs are and how we can work in the best way to match their expectations.
We ended up with so much more than we realised we would achieve at the beginning when service users told us who made the difference and when,where and how they did it.
They told us what was important to the service user when receiving a service and we then figured out that most "excellent" social workers are demonstrating unconscious competence.
Through undertaking behaviour modelling interviews we elicited this unconscious competence and identified the key components to individual engagement strategies.
We uncovered similarities between social workers who provide "the best" as explained by the people receiving services.
We identified that these social workers have similar values, beliefs, behaviours and that they know the importance of the surrounding environments and how to make minute changes that make a huge difference to the way we can provide the right services based on need and in a way that removes dependence, is creative, innovative and sustainable
How was this achieved?
We set up the project and involved:-
Social workers from the integrated services in South Monmouthshire Service users and carers receiving services Training Manager Team Manager Group Manager Other members of the team We also interviewed a whole cross section of Monmouthshire “Social services” and collated their responses on film
We talked to service users to find out what difference social workers made in their lives and how they utilise skills to engage with service users in order to identify clear expectations and outcomes.
Using behavioural modelling technologies and theories we designed a questionnaire to test how they make a difference on a number of levels linked to Roberts Dilts theory of how people operate at a number of Neurological Levels and how this affects their behavioural performance.
We surveyed 130 service users to identify:- Who in the multi-disciplinary team made the most difference when you recently received a service?
40 % Responded with Social worker
33% Identified skills like developing relationships quickly, ability to solve problems creatively and ability to negotiate as being most helpful.
43 % valued the way that social workers behaved, for example they valued being listened to and the use of language which helps them understand and make choices.
42% believed that the way social workers operate and use their skills enables service users to be involved in decision making.
49 % said that we could improve their experience by making adjustments to the environment which includes, where and when we engage with them
What this told us ?
Social workers are making a difference to service users lives and this can be identified in the way social workers operate across the various levels.
Service users identified a number of social workers who, in the service users words, are already providing excellent services
Modelling Excellence
We then arranged to meet these social workers and designed “ Modelling Interviews” to capture both conscious as well as unconscious competence.
Through this modelling process we identified that when someone does something well they are not always consciously aware of how they do it.
Our social workers have learned a lot about how they work and this has taught us what is important to the service user as well. The Results
Utilising Robert Dilts theory that excellence must be considered across a number of levels enabled us to design questions that would test how our social workers are making the difference that is expected by the people who receive the service
Having gathered information from service users and carers about how social workers can and do continue to make a difference, we are clearer about the required skills, values and behaviours in the 21st Century.
Continuing with the theory that if one person can do something well, this can be transferred to others, we conducted modelling interviews. Modelling excellence displayed by some of our best social workers has enabled us to unpick how they perform consciously and sometimes unconsciously.
The Outcome(s)
Analysis of the information gathered as part of the project has enabled us to identify a series of outcomes which form a programme of professional development for social workers which will make it possible for them to operate in a way that supports the development of their competence.
The outcomes formed a 4 day modular development programme which was delivered as a pilot during September-December 2010.
These outcomes were cross referenced to National Occupational Standards and linked to Continuous Professional Development requirements. We aim to map the outcomes to the emerging CPEL Framework during 2011/12
We have incorporated this development programme into our annual training plan and during 2011/12 will roll out to Children and Young Peoples services.
The project has been selected as a finalist for a Social Care Accolade from the Care Council for Wales.
L. SCWDP Partnership Governance
The SCWDP plan has been agreed by the partnership coordinating board.
Partnership Board Representation/Contacts Below
NAME ADDRESS TEL. NO EMAIL ADDRESS John McConnachie The Training Unit 01873 735453 [email protected] Coed Glas Chair Coed Glas Lane Abergavenny NP7 5LE Cheryl Haskell The Training Unit 01873 735442 [email protected] Coed Glas Staff Development Coed Glas Lane Residential Abergavenny Domicilary NP7 5LE Day Care Jacqui Stoddart The Training Unit 01873 735454 [email protected] Coed Glas Assessment/Care Coed Glas Lane Management/Foster Care Abergavenny, NP7 5LE Social Work Degree Programme
Sue Dryburgh Commissioning Team 01873 735687 [email protected] Coed Glas Commissioned Services Coed Glas Lane Abergavenny, NP7 5LE Caroline Daly Coleg Gwent Business Development 01495 333333 [email protected] Unit Further/Higher Education The Rhadyr, Usk Monmouthshire NP15 1XJ Gail Hannam Penpergwm Residential Home 01873 840267 [email protected] Penpergwm Independent Residential Abergavenny NP7 9AE Care Teresa James ASD Coordinator 01600 710000 [email protected] Singleton Court, Monmouth ASD CYP Partnership Health/Welbeing Partnership
Louise George GAVO 01291 672352 [email protected] Holly House Voluntary Sector Llancayo Court Usk NP15 1HY Diana Wallace Direct Payments Coordinator 01600 710053 [email protected] Singleton Court, Monmouth Service Users and Carers Debbie Price Service Manager 01633 644588 [email protected] Care and Assessment Children And Young Peoples County Hall Services Cwmbran Annabelle Arnold Training Organiser/SCWDP 01873 735410 [email protected] Coordinator Training Organisation Coed Glas Bookings Coed Glas Lane Queries Abergavenny NP7 5LE
Permission for the Partnership chair to submit this application was agreed on 5th April 2011.
Partnership meetings have been arranged Bi-monthly for 2011/12
Meeting Dates ( Training Unit, Coed Glas, Abergavenny)
April 5th 10-12 June 7th 10-12 September 6th 10-12 November 7th 10-12 January 9th 10-12 March 5th 10-12
All training, associated information and resources is available via the website below:-
https://sites.google.com/site/wwwmonmouthshirescwdpcouk/home A link to this website is also posted on the SCip(se) Website as well as being published to all partner providers
M. Contact Details
Director of Social Services; Simon Burch, Chief Officer, Social Care and Health, Monmouthshire County Council Telephone 01633 644644 e-mail [email protected]
Director of Finance; Joy Robson, Head of Finance, Monmouthshire County Council Telephone 01633 644644 e-mail mailto:[email protected]
Lead contact for SCWDP application; John McConnachie, Principal Training Manager, Monmouthshire County Council Telephone 01873 735453 e-mail [email protected]
Applications are not expected to exceed 40 pages unless previously agreed with the WAG. All correspondence in relation to this should be sent to [email protected].