Desiree Oliveira

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Desiree Oliveira

Desiree Oliveira Spanish 670 Unit Plan

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students will be able to… - share about what their childhood was like. - compare and contrast the past and present Brazilian and American societies. - discuss Brazilians’ past and present eating habits. - share experiences about their personal lives using the past perfect. -discuss what life will be like in the future. - write an essay about what can be done in order to improve life on Earth in the future. - Share information about how to be successful in college and in their future careers.

Rationale for Selecting this topic or tasks (What motivated you, why is it valuable): This unit is the last one in the book, but as I have said before it’s REALLY boring. Actually, I decided to change even the focus of it. Originally it was about Science and Technology as it says in the book. But I decided to change it and adopt for it the same theme we had in the previous unit – Society (and the book just say it like this – Sociedade –, pretty broad). So I tried to narrow it down by covering Brazilian and American societies in the present and in the past, what life will be like in these societies and on Earth in the future, and also a few topics that are more personal to students like what their own childhood was like versus what childhood is like today, and what they should do to be successful in society in terms of their schooling and careers. I tried to make the activities communicative and real. Also tried to incorporate culture and authentic materials. They will be practicing all the communication modes. Three out of the five lessons have listening activities. There are many grammar points to cover, but it shouldn’t be hard because all of them, except the personal infinitive, are reviews and not new grammatical structures for the students.

Organizing Theme Task / Function / Topic Culture Grammar Vocabulary principles Society for unit  Share what their childhood  Brazilians’ past  Imperfect  A sociedade – (from was like. and present eating tense page 582 textbook)  Compare and contrast the habits magazine  Preterit  Environment – past and present Brazilian article  Past perfect page 497 and American societies.  Brazilian society  Future tense  Modern  Discuss what life will be now and 50 years  Future if- technology – like on Earth in the future. ago. clauses page 556  Purpose solutions for a  Personal better world in the future. infinitive  Discuss how to be successful in college and in our future careers, and, therefore, in society. Activities Interpersonal Interpretive Mode Presentational Mode Change of Pace (from Mode (reading, listening) (writing; making presentations; projects; (songs, games, etc.) textbook, as  Communicative  Student Response Forms for etc.) well as Activities Listening Activities  Essay on what can be done to I didn’t plan any supplementa  Interacting with  Reading of authentic cultural improve certain aspects of society change of pace l activities) partners and material – Brazilian’s present (poverty, pollution, war etc.) activities specifically. within small; and past eating habits. But I hope students groups to will enjoy the lessons practice the overall. I personally functions at think that the topics task. under culture are  Skill getting and “fun” by nature. skill using activities  Counterposed roles  Class discussions Assessments  Teacher  Teacher observes practices  Teacher corrects essay and provides monitors feedback to students on it.  Teacher corrects the activities students’ as a class practices  Teacher wraps up pair and small group activities by having a short class discussion  Teacher makes sure every student contributes to class discussions. Tentative Daily Distribution – 50 min classes

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday  BOCA  BOCA  BOCA  BOCA  BOCA  Review of the  Review past perfect  Future if-clauses  Ask students what  Personal Infinitive – imperfect tense and preterit – use  Activity 15.17 page their plans are for use PowerPoint  Pair work – students PowerPoint 541 the summer  Pair work share what their  Pair work  Small group work –  Play video –  Review the two own childhood was  Counterposed roles students discuss Listening activity like versus what  Listening activity – forms of the future what can be done to childhood is like page 549 (Para tense. improve certain today. Escutar A)  Ask them to aspects of society  Small groups – imagine what life on (poverty, pollution, students make a list Earth will be like in war etc.) by using comparing what the future, in 2050. future if-clauses society was like 50  Pair work – use  Class discussion of years ago and now. PowerPoint groups’ conclusions  Culture – class  Play recording –  Assign students to discussion of pre- Listening activity write a one page assigned reading of essay at home about Brazilians’ present what they discussed and past eating in the small groups habits and as a class. This will also prepare them for the last portion of the Final written test.

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