Support Provider 2042 Prep Survey

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Support Provider 2042 Prep Survey

Napa County Support Provider 2042 Prep Survey

Name: Home Phone:

E-mail: School Phone:

In order for Participating Teachers to meet the requirements of SB 2042 Induction Standards additional proficiencies will be assets to Support Providers. So that we may gauge the need for possible additional Support Provider training, please check all the items on the survey that you have done or feel you could competently do. Please return the survey to Susan Wight at NCOE. Thank you!

Technology Have Done Could Activity Do E-mail: ❏ ❏ 1. An electronic address to someone else ❏ ❏ 2. Slides from a PowerPoint presentation for students or parents ❏ ❏ 3. A subscriber message and 2+ postings showing ongoing discussion ❏ ❏ 4. The address of chat room showing discussions in which you participated related to a professional issue 5. A lesson plan that integrates technology and your reflection (using a blank “Evidence of Student Learning” form from ❏ ❏ Event 3 or 5) on the implementation of the plan to a colleague, get his/her reaction, and e-mail the plan and the reaction to NCBTSA New Teacher Support Specialist 6. One lesson that directly teaches students one of the four components of information literacy (Ask good questions; ❏ ❏ Find information; Evaluate information; Use information) and a bookmark file or web page of sites used by your students to practice the skill

1 ❏ ❏ 7. Two lessons showing reinforcement of the skill 8. E-mail five (5) printouts from a grade book program ❏ ❏ spreadsheet or other electronic record-keeping program including: ❏ ❏ o A class summary of the focus content area after at least one quarter or trimester of instruction ❏ ❏ o A detailed report for one student o A description of how the data was used or a report ❏ ❏ generated to communicate with the parent or guardian of that student o Two different ways to display the same data for a ❏ ❏ group of students and an evaluation of the usefulness of different views ❏ ❏ o One chart of data for the whole class or instructional group ❏ ❏ 9. Complete the Consent Form on-line ❏ ❏ 10. Complete the Statewide Survey on-line ❏ ❏ 11. Submit Activity Logs (if available on NCOE website) electronically 12. Complete the CTAP on-line “My Proficiency Assessment” ❏ ❏ and My Technology Use Survey” at (http://ctap2); submit results to the NCBTSA Group once during each year of participation in the NCBTSA program ❏ ❏ 13. Respond in a timely manner to all NCBTSA e-mails requiring a response ❏ ❏ 14. Post a lesson integrating technological resources on the California Learning Resource Network ( ❏ ❏ 15. Include your Support Provider and the NCBTSA New Teacher Support Specialist on your Peer Editing team ❏ ❏ 16. Post a substitute plan blank template and two complete lessons on your school’s website ❏ ❏ 17. Design a website

2 Healthy Environments Have Done Could Do Activity ❏ ❏ 18. Reviewed the school’s crisis response plan. ❏ ❏ 19. Should a student or staff emergency arise, know how to contact the person’s designated contacts. ❏ ❏ 20. Know what to do in case of a student accident ❏ ❏ 21. Reviewed the district-adopted health curriculum to determine my responsibilities related to my teaching assignment. 22. Reviewed the booklet “Child Abuse: Educator’s Responsibilities” and understand and can implement state and ❏ ❏ federal reporting requirements related to child abuse and neglect; know the location of the Child Protective Services forms. 23. Read the school’s annual Notice to Parents and Guardians to ❏ ❏ familiarize myself with the state and local policies regarding family life and sex education, procedures for notifying parents, and parental rights regarding instruction in health.

Teaching English Learners Have Done Activity Could Do ❏ ❏ 24. Received CLAD or B-CLAD certification or the equivalent. ❏ ❏ 25. Analyzed student CELDT data. ❏ ❏ 26. Analyzed local assessment data for my English Learners. ❏ ❏ 27. Provided appropriate grouping for my English Learners based on CELDT and other data. ❏ ❏ 28. Reviewed the school/district plan for identifying and reclassifying ELL students. ❏ ❏ 29. Reviewed district-adopted materials for components that address the needs of English Language Learners. 30. Examined the documents: “ELD Standards. . .The “EZ” Way!” ❏ ❏ and “A Map for Teaching and Assessing California’s English Language Development (ELD) and English-Language Arts (ELA) Standards for English Learners” 31. Used “ELD Standards. . .The “EZ” Way!” and “A Map for Teaching and Assessing California’s English Language ❏ ❏ Development (ELD) and English-Language Arts (ELA) Standards for English Learners” in planning for my English Learners ❏ ❏ 32. Used ELD or SDAIE strategies to support my English learners. ❏ ❏ 33. Communicated comprehensible information to the parents of my students. 3 Teaching Special Populations Have Done Activity Could Do ❏ ❏ 34. Attended Differentiated Instruction training ❏ ❏ 35. Attended an Individualized Education Plan, Pupil Study Team, Student Study Team, or GATE goal-setting meeting ❏ ❏ 36. Annually read the Individualized Education Plans, 504 Plans, and GATE or other goal statements for my affected students. ❏ ❏ 37. Know names, titles and credentials of persons responsible for teaching my Special Needs students. ❏ ❏ 38. Taught two lessons this year in which I used strategies to support my Special Needs learners. ❏ ❏ 39. Communicate regularly with others significant to the education of these students.

Annually, we attempt to publish a BTSA resource list. If you are willing to offer assistance to others in specialized areas (e.g., Grade 8 Algebra, Power Point, project- based learning), please list your specialization below. Many thanks.


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