& Directory of Schools 2007

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& Directory of Schools 2007

Member Handbook

& Directory of Schools 2007

Victorian Association of State Secondary Principals U2/13-21 Vale Street NORTH MELBOURNE, VIC 3051

Tel: 03 9326 8077 Fax: 03 9326 8147 Email: [email protected]

The information published in this Directory is only as current as the details provided to VASSP by members

Executive 2007 VASSP

Executive Committee 2007 The Executive Committee consists of the following Executive Position holders together with the three elected Committee members: President: Mr Brian Burgess Telephone: (03) 9326 8077 Fax: (03) 9326 VASSP Office 8147 Unit 2/13-21 Vale Street, NORTH MELBOURNE 3051 Deputy President: Mr Frank Sal Principal Doncaster Secondary College 123 Church Road, DONCASTER 3108 Tel: 9848 4677 Fax: 9840 1390 Email: [email protected] Vice President (P): Mr Harvey Wood Principal Tel: 9758 5022 Fax: 9752 2597 Fairhills High School Scoresby Road, KNOXFIELD 3180 Email: [email protected] Vice President (AP): Mr Peter Bowen Assistant Principal Montmorency Secondary College Telephone: 9435 6399 Fax: 9434 6259 Para Road MONTMORENCY 3094 Email: [email protected] Treasurer: Mr Peter MacLean Principal Wodonga Senior Secondary College 69 Woodlands St, WODONGA 3690 Email: [email protected] Tel: 02 6024 2100 General Representative: Ms Jane Garvey MacRobertson Girls’ High School 350 Kingsway MELBOURNE VIC 3004 Email: [email protected] Tel: 9820 0788

General Representative: Ms Bernadette Lloyd Kew High School Burke Road EAST KEW VIC 3102 Email: [email protected] Tel: 9859 8652 General Representative: Mr Robert Newton University High School 77 Story Street Parkville VIC 3953 Email: newton.robert.c @edumail.vic.gov.au Tel: 9347 2022 Executive Officer: Ms Marion Heale is an ex-officio member of Executive.

Field Officers: Morris Sleep: 0409 007 153

Project Officer: Ian Wallis 0412 805 895

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Executive Officer: Ms Marion Heale VASSP Office U2/13-21 Vale Street, North Melbourne Tel: (03) 9326 8077 Fax: (03) 9326 8147 Email: [email protected] Field Officer: Morris Sleep Tel: (03) 9326 8077 Fax: (03) 9326 8147 Mobile: 0409 007153 Email: [email protected]

Administration Officer: Elina Sinitsky Administration Officer Tel: (03) 9326 8077 Fax: (03) 9326 8147 Email: [email protected]

Secretarial Staff: Sarah Stevens (shared with VPA & APF)

Principal Matters: Phone: 9326 8077 Fax: 9326 8174 Journal Manager: Arthur Toussaint Mobile: 0404 004 283

Created on 8/04/18 Page 3 of 71 About VASSP


The Association was formed by the amalgamation of the Victorian High Schools Principals Association and the Association of Principals of Victorian Technical Institutions in 1987. In 1993 the Association attained its current form when it merged with the Vice Principals’ organisation.

Association membership is open to any person who holds a substantive principal or assistant principal position in a government secondary school or who is acting in one of those roles, Senior Education Officers and regional personnel with principal class experience. It is also open to leading teachers who are nominated by their principals for the benefits it may provide for them professionally, as future school leaders.


Members of the Association belong to regional groups based on the DoE regional structure. Some regions may, in fact, have two such groups due to their geographic size in the case of country regions or numerical size as in the case of metropolitan regions. The groups are encouraged to meet monthly.

The Association conducts two general meetings each year, one in March and the other, the Annual General Meeting, in November.

Between general meetings the Association is governed by a Committee and Executive. The Committee consists of the president, deputy president, two vice presidents, treasurer, 18 group representatives and 6 general representatives. Provision is made for gender balance and balance between principals and assistant principals. Both the Executive and the Committee meet on a regular basis.

Professional Assistance

1. Telephone

Advice is available on any matter relating a principal/AP’s role including staffing, workforce management, finance, merit and equity issues and general school administration issues.

2. Regular Publications VASSP also publishes advice in its regular publications- the monthly Bulletin and the Created on 8/04/18 Page 4 of 71 President’s Newsletter (“VASSP Bites”).

3. Access to Legal/Welfare Expertise In relation to matters such as potential legal issues, Merit & Equity and complaints procedures, members are advised to contact the Association before initiating any action.

4. Professional Development A Leadership Conference is held each year as are two general meetings for which guest speakers and workshops are arranged. VASSP is also involved in organising a range of leadership development programmes in 2007. These programmes will be particularly targeted at assistant principals and leading teachers.


The main form of regular communication with members is the monthly Bulletin which typically contains a President’s report as well as reports from the Executive Officer, Field officers and sub-committees. The Bulletin briefs members on current issues and Association policies.

Between Bulletins, a President’s newsletter is published when there is a need to communicate with members on specific issues. In addition the VASSP Office is able to e-mail each member when urgent communication is necessary. Field officers also issue a regular report to members prior to meeting with them monthly.

In association with our counterpart organisations in the other states, VASSP publishes a journal “Principal Matters” four times a year. The journal enjoys wide circulation among principals of both government and private secondary schools in both Australia and overseas.


VASSP gratefully acknowledges the support of its partners VicSuper, MECU, Academy Photography and CGU. We encourage our members to patronize these organizations where possible.

Created on 8/04/18 Page 5 of 71 Calendar of Events 2007

Month Committee Executive Other January - 24 February 15 & 16 28 March - 13 23 (SGM) April - - May 3 & 4 16 June 22 27 July 26 & 27 31 August - - September 14 19 October 18 & 19 23 November 16 20 2 (AGM) December - 12


Australian Secondary Principals Association. [ASPA] VASSP is an affiliate of the Australian Secondary Principals Association.[ASPA] ASPA conducts an annual conference in a different state each year which provides an excellent forum at which interstate networks can be built. ASPA also acts as a lobbyist and public spokesperson for government secondary education at the federal level.

International Links Through the Australian Secondary Principals Association our members enjoy an affiliation with the International Confederation of Principals [ ICP ] which conducts biennial conferences. In addition VASSP has built up a close relationship with colleagues in New Zealand (SPANZ), the United States (NASSP) , the United Kingdom (SHA and The Specialist Schools’ Trust), Scotland and Sweden. Strong links have also been forged with Asian and other European associations.

Created on 8/04/2018 Page 6 of 71 The Code of Professional Ethics


1. Preliminary The standing attached to the title “Principal Class Officer” is based upon the reputation of those members who have gone before. There is therefore a personal obligation upon present members to maintain the high standards of professional conduct demanded by the Principal Associations and the public who have come to rely upon integrity, truth and fairness in all matters pertaining to this office. It is beholden on all officers to observe such principles and ensure that any conduct that would place such a reputation at risk is avoided.

2. General

2.1. Appropriate professional conduct is essentially a state of mind arising from one’s principles and the discipline, values and expectations of what it means to be a Principal Class officer. As such, appropriate professional conduct is based upon the observance of unwritten conventions.

2.2. However there will be situations where reference to a set of written standards is necessary in order to provide guidance to members. Accordingly the following principles have been developed to guide officers as they give leadership to their school communities in an era of self managing schools and issues of competition between schools.

3. Principles

3.1. Integrity Members recognize that in all professional conduct of school business and operations there are basic principles of straightforwardness, honesty and sincerity.

3.2. Objectivity Members need to be fair and reasonable in all matters relating to their professional conduct particularly in areas of competing claims thereby avoiding accusations of bias and prejudice.

3.3. Legal Responsibility Members recognize that there are Federal and State government regulations that impose mandatory responsibilities and obligations.

Created on 8/04/2018 Page 7 of 71 3.4. Confidentiality Members need to strongly respect the confidentiality of information acquired in the performance of their professional duties, particularly in relation to students and their families and to all employed members of staff and exercise the most appropriate discretion in disclosing such information to a third party without specific authority unless there is a legal or specific duty to do so.

3.5. Professional Competence Members have a duty to maintain their level of competence and professional credibility to provide effective and on-going educational leadership through participation in association, system or personal professional development throughout their professional career.

3.6. Ethical Behaviour Members should conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the high reputation of their profession and refrain from any conduct that might bring discredit to themselves in particular and the profession in general.

3.7. Conflict of Interest Members should avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest where possible and make such disclosures to affected parties when they do exist with a view to resolving them and at the first opportunity.

3.8. Collegiate Relationships

3.8.1. Personal Members will not use any professional or confidential information in such a way that it is detrimental or cause professional hurt or injury to a colleague notwithstanding any legal or professional disclosure to do so.

3.8.2. Other Schools Members will avoid injuring or damaging the reputation of other members or their schools through false or mischievous action. Furthermore members will not discredit the reputation, integrity or standing of other members and their schools to any member of the public, the media, potential enrollees or their families or any other colleagues.

3.8.3. School achievements Members will be honest and realistic in stating claims about their schools based on accurate available data; and desist from public pronouncements or publications that Created on 8/04/2018 Page 8 of 71 compare and interpret the data from other schools, in particular information relating to school achievements, that may unfairly cast injury or erroneous judgement upon other colleagues and their school communities.

3.8.4. Fair Dealings Members should actively avoid misrepresenting the skills or experiences of any student or staff member when a process of transfer negotiation is being undertaken between schools.

3.8.5. Association Responsibility Members enjoy prestige, standing and quality support from their Principal Association achieved over a period of time. The Association in order to maintain an on-going credibility needs the input of advice, enthusiasm, commitment and support for its policies, processes and programs at the school, district, regional and state levels.

Created on 8/04/2018 Page 9 of 71 VASSP Directory of Government Secondary Schools

Phone Fax

Alexandra Secondary College 57 70 2000 57 722049 Downey St. Mr Colin Rowe P ALEXANDRA, VIC 3714 Mr Andrew Johnston AP

Alpine School 5159 6580 5159 6618 Great Alpine Road Mr Mark S. Reeves P Dinner Plain, VIC 3898 Mr Russell Shem C/P

Altona Secondary College 9398 5811 9315 9031 227 Civic Parade P Altona, VIC 3018 Mr Paul O’Reilly AP

Apollo Bay P-12 College 52376483 52376065 Pengilley Avenue P APOLLO BAY, VIC 3233 Ms Elizabeth Ann Hanger AP Mr Brian McKenzie AP

Ararat Community College 53 524177 53 524966 PO Box 340 Mr Brendan Bush P ARARAT, VIC 3377 Mr Peter Brennan AP

Ashwood College 9807 1333 9888 1441 Vannam Drive Ms Catherine Long P ASHWOOD, VIC 3147 Mr Hugh Halliburton AP Ms Kerrie Croft AP

Bacchus Marsh College - Admin 53 672 955 53 675 104 PO Box 329 Ms Robyn G. Hunter P BACCHUS MARSH, VIC 3340

Bacchus Marsh College - Maddingley 53 672955 53 675104 PO Box 329 Mr Dennis G. Twentyman AP BACCHUS MARSH, VIC 3340

Bacchus Marsh College - Darley 53 676168 53 676178 PO Box 329 Mr Warwick Beynon AP BACCHUS MARSH, VIC 3340

Baimbridge College 55 722788 55 725811 85 Stephen St Mr Robert Vecchiet P HAMILTON, VIC 3300 Ms Rosemary Morgan AP Mr Anthony Speed A/AP

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Bairnsdale Secondary College - Junior Campus 5150 4800 5150 4801 P.O.Box 325 Mr Graham J. Blackley C/P BAIRNSDALE, VIC 3875 Mr Paul Martin AP Mr Domenic Zappia AP Ms Janet Ramadge AP

Bairnsdale Secondary College - Senior Campus 5150 4802 5150 4803 PO Box 325 Ms Frances Haldane C/P BAIRNSDALE, VIC 3875 Mr James Rowley P

Ballarat High School 5338 9000 53 342623 Sturt Street West Mr Peter Dredge P BALLARAT, VIC 3350 Mr Rodney Homburg AP Ms Susan J. Jackson AP Mr Chris Maple AP Mr Gary Palmer AP Ms Jessica Sargeant AP

Ballarat Secondary College - Admin 5336 7200 5333 7250 PO Box 1877 Mail Centre Mr Anthony Rose P BALLARAT, VIC 3354

Ballarat Secondary College - Barkly Senior Campus 5336 7200 5336 7250 PO Box 1877 Mail Centre Ms Robyn J. Jeffery C/P BALLARAT, VIC 3354

Ballarat Secondary College - East Campus 5336 7200 5333 5570 PO Box 1877 Mail Centre Ms Karen Howden-Clarnette C/P BALLARAT, VIC 3354 Mr Roger Gale AP

Ballarat Secondary College - Wendouree Campus 5336 7200 5338 1433 PO Box 1877 Mail Centre C/P BALLARAT, VIC 3350 Mr David Stuchberry AP

Balmoral High School 55 701201 55 701439 Harrow Road Mr Philip Honeywell P BALMORAL, VIC 3407 Ms Mary Bremner AP

Balwyn High School 9819 7911 9819 7395 Buchanan Ave Mr Bruce Armstrong P BALWYN NORTH, VIC 3104 Ms Deborah E. Harman AP Ms Bernadette Clayton AP Mr David C. Nichols AP

Banksia Secondary College 9497 3822 9499 3044 Private Bag No. 5 Mr Gerry Fogarty AP IVANHOE, VIC 3079 Mr Ross Alexander A/AP

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Bayside College - Admin 9393 5800 9393 5892 PO Box 515 Mr Michael J. Kerin P ALTONA NORTH, VIC 3025

Bayside College - Altona North Junior 9391 2511 9392 8693 PO Box 515 Mr Milan Matejin C/P ALTONA NORTH, VIC 3025 Ms Nolene Symons AP

Bayside College - Paisley Senior 9391 6666 9392 8593 PO Box 515 Mr Robert A. Evans C/P ALTONA NORTH, VIC 3025 Mr Craig Hall AP

Bayside College - Williamstown 9397 1377 9393 5893 PO Box 515 Mr Gregory D. Pond C/P ALTONA NORTH, VIC 3025 Ms Monica Bond AP

Bayswater Secondary College 9729 2555 9729 2812 Orchard Road Ms Patricia F. Arico P BAYSWATER, VIC 3153 Ms Kerry Cavanagh A/AP Ms Pamela Lambert A/AP

Beaufort Secondary College 53 492305 53 492701 PO Box 38 Mr Steve Macaulay P BEAUFORT, VIC 3373 Heather K. Higgins AP

Beechworth Secondary College 57 281264 57282530 PO Box 21 Mr John Hunter P BEECHWORTH, VIC 3747 Mr Phillip J. Stratton AP

Bellarine Secondary College - Drysdale Campus 5251 9000 5251 9007 Peninsula Drive Mr Colin Sing P DRYSDALE, VIC 3222 Mr Jonathan Shepherd AP Mr Murray Long A/AP Mr Greg Kelly A/AP

Bellarine Secondary College - Ocean Grove 5251 9000 5251 8007 70 Shell Road Mr Stephen J. Goodall C/P OCEAN GROVE, VIC 3226

Belmont High School 52 435355 52 432420 Rotherham Street Mr Garry Schultz P BELMONT, VIC 3216 Mr John Beckworth AP

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Benalla College - Dunlop Campus 5761 2888 5762 5276 Barkly Street Mr Felix Patton AP BENALLA, VIC 3672

Benalla College - Faithfull Campus 5761 2777 5762 4076 PO Box 819 Ms Catherine Pianta College P BENALLA, VIC 3672 Ms Susan Oakley AP Mr Rhys. Evans AP

Bendigo Senior Secondary College 54 431222 54 414548 PO Box 545 Mr Dale Pearce P BENDIGO, VIC 3552 Ms Beverley Miller AP Ms Rosalie M. Lake AP Mr David Castles AP Mr Paul L. Seery AP Ms Meredith G. Fettling AP

Bentleigh Secondary College 9579 1044 9579 2720 PO Box 186 Mr William Leaf P BENTLEIGH EAST, VIC 3165 Mr Stuart D. Baber AP Mr Hugh Jones AP

Berendale School 95556141 95322649 2 Berend Street Ms Allyson McDonald AP HAMPTON EAST, VIC 3188

Berwick Secondary College 8768 1000 9707 2533 Manuka Rd BERWICK, VIC 3806 Mr Ross Bevege P Ms Josie L. Gray AP Ms Anne M. Martin AP Mr Shane Wainwright AP Mr Rex Valena AP

Birchip P-12 School 54 922287 5492 2211 PO Box 9 Mr Philip Scambler P BIRCHIP, VIC 3483 Mr John Richmond AP

Blackburn English Language School 9803 4022 9802 4806 120 Eley Road Mr Roberto Colla P Burwood East, VIC 3151

Blackburn High School 9878 4477 9894 2435 60 Springfield Rd Ms Barbara Grant P BLACKBURN, VIC 3130 Mr Timothy Dalton AP Ms Jane Richards AP

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Bogong Outdoor Education Centre 57 541732 57541735 1 Black Possum Rd Mr Stephen C. McMurtrie P BOGONG, VIC 3699 Mr Roger K. Blackwell AP

Boort Secondary College 54 552201 54 552361 Malone St Ms Robyn J. Pattinson P BOORT, VIC 3537 Mr Gary Armfield AP

Boronia Heights College 9762 4044 9762 6869 Mt View Road Ms Janet Thomas AP BORONIA, VIC 3155 Ms Kate Harnetty AP

Box Forest Secondary College 9304 0400 9300 3001 Glenroy Rd Ms Cheryl Baulch P GLENROY, VIC 3046 Mr Paul E. Dingle AP

Box Hill High School 9877 1177 9894 1347 Whitehorse Road Mr Robert Jenkin P BOX HILL, VIC 3128 Ms Kathryn Mitchell AP

Box Hill Senior Secondary College 9890 0571 98994093 Dunloe Ave Ms Anna Vlass P BOX HILL NORTH, VIC 3129 Mr James Ellison AP

Brauer College 55 60 3888 5560 3889 Box 676 Mr Michael S. Cusick P WARRNAMBOOL, VIC 3280 Ms Helen Taylor AP Mr Tony W. Austin AP Mr Robert N. Porter AP

Braybrook Secondary College 9312 2900 93117668 352 Ballarat Rd Mr Desmond Murphy P BRAYBROOK, VIC 3019 Mr Roy Hamilton AP Ms Geraldine Moloney AP Mr Mario Villella AP Ms Kerry Panousieris AP

Brentwood Secondary College 8545 0300 8545 0355 Heath St Ms Vicki Forbes P GLEN WAVERLEY, VIC 3150 Ms Barbara Leslie Laidlaw AP Mr Stephen Cook AP Mr David Shelton AP

Bright P-12 College 57551166 57551770 P O Box 30 Mr John H. Pryor P BRIGHT, VIC 3741 Ms Libby Hosking AP Ms Cherie Kilpatrick AP

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Brighton Secondary College 9592 7488 95925724 120 Marriage Rd Ms Julie Podbury P BRIGHTON EAST, VIC 3187 Ms Linda Ward AP Mr Pasquale Gargano AP Ms Kaye Sentry AP Ms Jean Hunter AP

Brimbank College 8312 0200 8312 0211 Jamieson St Mr Allen McAuliffe P ST.ALBANS, VIC 3021 Ms Sandra Eglezos AP

Broadford Secondary College 57 841200 57841921 PO Box 108 Mr David J. Alsop P BROADFORD, VIC 3658 Ms Ruth Higginson AP Ms Joanne Whiteman AP

Broadmeadows Secondary College 9309 1988 93021336 Blair St Mr Gregory J. Williams P BROADMEADOWS, VIC 3047 Ms Bronwyn Meek AP Ms Lyndel Hebden AP

Brunswick Secondary College 9387 6133 9387 0061 Dawson Street Mr Claude Sgroi P BRUNSWICK, VIC 3056 Graeme McKinnon AP Ms Vivienne Tellefson AP

Buckley Park College 9331 9999 9331 9977 Cooper St Mr Tony Tartaro P ESSENDON, VIC 3040 Mr Duncan Brookes AP Mr David Lee A/AP

Bundoora Secondary College 9467 1511 9467 7370 Balmoral Ave Mr Stephen Smith P BUNDOORA, VIC 3083 Ms Susan F. Muscat AP

Camberwell High School 9836 0555 9836 0194 Prospect Hill Rd Ms Elida Brereton P CANTERBURY, VIC 3126 Ms Isabelle McKenzie AP Ms Maureen Salter AP Ms Amanda Stone A/AP

Camperdown College - Senior Campus 5593 1617 5593 2318 PO Box 83 Ms Jenny Bakos AP CAMPERDOWN, VIC 3260 Mr Barrie Speight AP

Cann River P-12 College 51586245 51586361 Tamboon Road Mr Nigel H. Royce P CANN RIVER, VIC 3889

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Canterbury Girls Secondary College 9830 5099 98368958 Mangarra Road Mrs Neridah Peirce P CANTERBURY, VIC 3126 Mr Peter Hillman AP Ms Helene Hiotis AP

Caroline Springs College- Brookside Campus 9361 4200 93900775 Federation Way Ms Angelika Ireland CP Caroline Springs, VIC 3023 Ms Vicki Watson AP

Caroline Springs College- Creekside Campus 9361 4200 93900775

The Crossing Ms Gabrielle Leigh College Director Caroline Springs, VIC 3023 Mr Bente Stock CP Mr Peter Katsikapis AP

Caroline Springs College- Lakeview Campus 9361 4200 93900775 College Street Mr Michael Fawcett CP Caroline Springs, VIC 3023 Ms Rosa Marchionda AP

Carrum Downs Secondary College 9788 9100 9782 8422 263 McCormicks Rd Mr David Roycroft P CARRUM DOWNS, VIC 3201 Ms Marie Walker AP Ms Sherallen Smith AP

Carwatha College P-12 97955848 97901712 Browns Road Ms Bronwyn E. Hamilton P NOBLE PARK NORTH, VIC 3174 Ms Rhonda S. Potter AP Ms Rosanna A. Spina AP

Casterton Secondary College 55 811588 55 811518 27 Mt Gambier Rd Mr Andrew T. Rogers P CASTERTON, VIC 3311 Mr John Webb AP

Castlemaine Secondary College - Senior 5479 4222 5479 4230 PO Box 57 Ms Leanne Preece P CASTLEMAINE, VIC 3450 Mr Michael Slessar C/P Ms Deborah M. Wiesenekker AP

Castlemaine Secondary College -Junior 5479 1111 5479 1120 PO Box 57 Ms Leanne J. Preece P CASTLEMAINE, VIC 3450 Ms Michelle Lappin-Raeck C/P Ms Sue Mc Callum A/AP

Caulfield Park Community School 9563 5644 9563 6710 319 Balaclava Road Mr Simon Clarke P CAULFIELD NORTH, VIC 3161

Chaffey Secondary College 5023 0538 5022 2917 PO Box 1610 Ms Fiona Merlin P MILDURA, VIC 3502 Mr Michael J. Higgins AP Ms Caroline Van Den Heuvel AP Ms Barbara D. Wilson AP

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Chandler Secondary College 9798 1877 9798 5196 28 Isaac Road Mrs Sandra A. Robinson P KEYSBOROUGH, VIC 3173 Ms Deborah Locco AP Mr Michael J. Gray AP

Charlton College 54 911280 54 911703 PO Box 138 Mr John Harley P CHARLTON, VIC 3525 Mr Russell Stanley A/P

Cheltenham Secondary College 9555 5955 9555 8617 Bernard St Mr Peter J. Corkill P CHELTENHAM, VIC 3192 Ms Michelle Roberts AP Mr Paul Podbury AP Ms Pam Noonan AP

Cobden Technical School 55 951202 55 951076 PO Box 106 Mr Peter Rock P COBDEN, VIC 3266 Mrs Sue Styles AP

Cobram Consolidated School 58721374 58711732 P O Box 261 Miss Trudie M. Nagle AP COBRAM, VIC 3644

Cobram Secondary College 58 711700 58722607 PO Box 387 Ms Vicki Nolen P COBRAM, VIC 3644 Mr Malcolm Kerr AP Ms Diane Ferguson AP

Coburg Senior High School 9353 1700 9354 0930

Alva Grove COBURG, VIC 3058 Mr Don Collins P

Cohuna Secondary College 54 562555 54 563298 PO Box 273 P COHUNA, VIC 3568 AP

Colac College 52 315844 52321232 142 Hearn Street Mr Richard J. Cooper P COLAC, VIC 3250 Mr Wayne O'Dowd AP

Colac High School 52 312688 52 313914 PO Box 264 Mr Michael Holland P COLAC, VIC 3250 Ms Jacqueline M. Dullard AP

Collingwood College 94176681 94161279 Private Bag 63 Ms Melanie Ruchel P ABBOTSFORD, VIC 3067 Mr Stanley Pamieta AP Mr Dale Perichon AP Ms Elizabeth Pearce AP

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Collingwood English Language School 9419 7633 94190698 19 Cambridge St Ms Laima Novackis P COLLINGWOOD, VIC 3066 Ms Mary Walsh A/AP

Coomoora Secondary College 9798 6366 97986212 19 - 35 Coomoora Rd Ms Karin Liedke P SPRINGVALE SOUTH, VIC 3172 Mr Randall Prior AP Ms Judith Smith AP

Copperfield College - Delahey Senior Campus 9307 0000 9307 0078 Goldsmith Ave Mr Anthony Sokol C/P DELAHEY, VIC 3038 Ms Genevieve Simson C/P

Copperfield College - Kings Park Junior Campus 9366 8011 9367 2533 Kambalda Cir Mr Mark Nugent C/P ST.ALBANS WEST, VIC 3021 Mr Steven T. Townsend C/P

Copperfield College - Sydenham Jnr Campus 9361 3888 9361 3899 Community Hub Mr Tony Simpson P Sydenham, VIC 3037 Ms Heather Thompson C/P Ms Lisa Sperling C/P

Corio Bay Senior College 5275 1158 5275 1834 Goldsworthy Road Mr Steven Boyle P CORIO, VIC 3214 Mrs Arda Duck AP Mr Paul Hooper AP

Corryong College (P-12) 0260 761566 0260761650 P.O.Box 225 Mr Anthony Valente P CORRYONG, VIC 3707 Ms Denise Joy AP Ms Susan Best AP

Craigieburn Secondary College 9308 1144 93081279 102 Hothlyn Drive Ms Julie Robertson P CRAIGIEBURN, VIC 3064 Ms Carmelo Pagano AP Mr Robert Chisholm AP Ms Pauline Barker AP

Cranbourne Secondary College 59 963544 59967878 Stawell Street Ms Yvonne Watts P CRANBOURNE, VIC 3977 Mr Martin Cash AP Mr John Jovic AP Mr Neil A. Williams AP

Croydon Community School 97253241 97237286 PO Box 239 Ms Bronwyn Harcourt AP Croydon, VIC 3136

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Croydon Secondary College 9725 8277 9723 6375 PO Box 207 Mr Michael McNamara P CROYDON, VIC 3136 Ms Eileen O'Brien AP Ms Carol Ashton AP

Dandenong High School-Dandenong Campus 9792 0561 97068028 PO Box 681 Mr Martin Culkin P DANDENONG, VIC 3175 Ms Robyn Stevenson AP Mr Barry Wiggs AP Ms Jillian G. Laughlin AP

Dandenong High School-Cleeland Campus 87927200 9791 3220 23 Ann St Mr Craig O. Allamby AP DANDENONG, VIC 3175 Mr Graham Styles AP Mr Nigel Murray A/AP Miss Karen Stranger A/AP

Dandenong High School-Doveton Campus 9794 7700 97912499 64 Box St Mr Nigel Hutchison C/P DOVETON, VIC 3177 Mr Noel Chapple AP

Daylesford Secondary College 53 482367 53 482449 PO Box 349 Ms Heather McIntyre P DAYLESFORD, VIC 3460 Mr Anthony K. Avotins AP Mr Philip J. White AP

Debney Park Secondary College 9376 1622 93765232 169 Mt. Alexander Rd Mr Michael O'Brien P FLEMINGTON, VIC 3031

Deer Park Secondary College 9363 1155 9363 8681 Billingham Rd DEER PARK, VIC 3023 Ms Rosemary F. Boyd P Ms Kathleen J. Boyce AP Ms Elaine Hazim AP

Department of Education & Training 96372000 PO Box 4367 Mr Graeme C. Robertson P MELBOURNE, VIC 3001

Derrinallum College 55976625 55976646 Campbell Street Mr Michael Castersen P DERRINALLUM, VIC 3325 Mr Jeffrey Higginbotham AP

Diamond Valley College 9438 1411 9438 1523 Hurstbridge Road Mr Malcolm Hackett P DIAMOND CREEK, VIC 3089 Mr Michael Hill AP Ms Allison Bennett AP

Dimboola Memorial Secondary College 53 891460 53 891981 PO Box 40 Mr Robert Pyers P DIMBOOLA, VIC 3414 Dr Joanna Day A/AP Mr Stuart Kuhnell A/AP

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Distance Education Centre 8480 0000 9416 8317 315 Clarendon Street Ms Bronwyn M. Stubbs P THORNBURY, VIC 3071 Mr Ricky Elliss AP Mr Wayne Hill AP Ms Maria Karvouni AP

Donald High School 54 971205 54 971759 PO Box 138 Mr Ron Corrie P DONALD, VIC 3480 Mr Geoffrey L. Rigby AP

Doncaster Secondary College 9848 4677 98401390 123 Church Road Mr Frank Sal P DONCASTER, VIC 3108 Ms Jennifer M. Seddon AP Ms Jennifer Quigley AP Mr Jeff Pavlou AP

Dromana Secondary College 59 872805 59 814345 110 Harrisons Rd Mr David Barclay P DROMANA, VIC 3936 Ms Joselyn S. Tolson AP Ms Suzanne Hale AP Mr Glen Farrow AP

Drouin Secondary College 56 251002 56 251297 PO Box 338 Mr Rodney Dunlop P DROUIN, VIC 3818 Mr Alan Marr AP Ms Amanda Smith AP Ms Deborah Gentle AP

Eaglehawk Secondary College 5446 8099 5446 1376 Reserve Street Mrs Karen M. Roberts P EAGLEHAWK, VIC 3556 Mr Noel L. Claridge AP

East Doncaster Secondary College 9842 2244 98418010 20 George Street Mr Philip Gardner P DONCASTER EAST, VIC 3109 Ms Christine Mitchell AP Mr Keith Butler AP

East Loddon P-12 College 54 368300 54 368321 Dingee Road Mr Bradley Madden P DINGEE, VIC 3571 Ms Marie Noelker AP

Echuca College-Crofton Street 54 823366 54 823551 PO Box 335 Mr Chris Eeles P ECHUCA, VIC 3564 Mr Paul Hon C/P Ms Christine Kelly AP

Echuca College-College Drive 54 821133 54 821923 PO Box 302 Ms Philippa Schapper C/P ECHUCA, VIC 3564 AP

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Edenhope College 55 851277 55 851656 Locked Bag 1 Ms Lynden Fielding P EDENHOPE, VIC 3318 Mr Ronald F. Cerbasi AP

Elisabeth Murdoch Secondary College 9789 7188 9789 1025 Warrandyte Road Mr David Finnerty P LANGWARRIN, VIC 3910 Ms Margaret Kelsall AP Mr Judy Curson AP Mr Andrew Nicholls AP Mr Dean King AP

Eltham High School 9439 5111 9431 0448 Withers Way Mr Vincent Sicari P ELTHAM, VIC 3095 Ms Hermina Burns AP Ms Judith Boyle AP Mr Trevor Jenkins A/AP

Elwood College 9531 9566 9525 6213 101 Glenhuntly Rd Mr Keith Muller P ELWOOD, VIC 3184 Mr Gregory Pritchard AP

Emerald Secondary College 59 685388 59 68 5322 425 Belgrave-Gembrook Rd. Mr Wayne Burgess P EMERALD, VIC 3782 Ms Tanja Korsten AP Mr Aaron Smith AP

Epping Secondary College 9401 2599 9408 6803 P.O.Box 121 Ms Meredith A. Norton P EPPING, VIC 3076 Mr Hans Mulholland AP Mr Hermann Ritzinger AP

Erinbank Secondary College 9309 6855 9302 2639 Locked Bag 40 Mr Eric Savini A/P TULLAMARINE, VIC 3043 Mr Stephen Campion AP Ms Sandra Christie A/AP

Essendon Keilor College - East Keilor Campus 8331 0100 9336 2981 Quinn Grove Ms Jacqueline Leslie AP EAST KEILOR, VIC 3033

Essendon Keilor College - Essendon Campus 8331 0100 9337 7975 286 Buckley St Mr David B. Adamson AP ESSENDON, VIC 3040

Essendon Keilor College - Niddrie Campus 8331 0100 9379 8390 Peters Street Ms Robin Adamson AP NIDDRIE, VIC 3042

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Essendon Keilor District College - Admin 8331 0100 9336 2355 Quinn Grove P EAST KEILOR, VIC 3033

Eumemmerring College - Gleneagles 9708 1319 9708 1324 PO Box 1232 Ms Adele R. Duffy A/CP Narre Warren, VIC 3805 Ms Eng Neo Lee AP Mr Matt Neil A/AP

Eumemmerring College - Hallam 9703 1266 9796 4727 PO Box 1232 Ms Andrina Young C/P NARRE WARREN, VIC 3805 Ms Pamela D. Dyson AP Mr John C. Lyall AP

Eumemmerring College - Admin 9703 1266 9796 4727 PO Box 1232 Ms Sue Peddlesden Acting P NARREWARREN, VIC 3805

Eumemmerring College - Endeavour Hills 9700 1333 9700 5356 Amalfi Drive Ms Barbara E. Mothersdale C/P ENDEAVOUR HILLS, VIC 3802 Mr John Melki-Wegner AP

Eumemmerring College - Fountain Gate 9796 6839 9796 4701 PO Box 1232 Ms Vicki F. Walters C/P NARRE WARREN, VIC 3805 Ms Rita Spallotta AP Mr Neil W. Uwins AP

Euroa Secondary College 57 952512 57 953544 PO Box 63 Mr Michael Bell P EUROA, VIC 3666 Mr Phil Squire AP

Fairhills High School 9758 5022 9752 2597 Scoresby Rd Mr Harvey Wood P KNOXFIELD, VIC 3180 Ms Karen M. Dean AP Mr Russell C. Poulier AP Mr Steve Biggins A/AP

Fawkner Secondary College 9359 1166 9357 1783 Jukes Rd Ms Kerrie Heenan P FAWKNER, VIC 3060 Mr Anthony Edwards

Ferntree Gully College 9758 4155 9752 2021 Dorset Road Ms Margaret J. Uren A/P FERNTREE GULLY, VIC 3156 Ms Linda Wilson A/AP

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Fitzroy 7-10 School 94881900 94816135 Falconer Street Mr Tim J. Fitzgerald P Fitzroy North, VIC 3068 Ms Pauline E. Rice AP

Flinders Peak Secondary College 52 752886 52 751937 Hendy St Ms Jennifer J. Hawkins P CORIO, VIC 3214 Mrs Kerry Mills AP

Flora Hill Secondary College 54 434522 54 434632 P.O.Box 15 Mr Ernie Fleming P STRATHDALE, VIC 3550 Mr Peter Lasscock AP

Footscray City College 8387 1500 9689 2286 Kinnear St P FOOTSCRAY, VIC 3011 Ms Maria Bawden AP Mr David M. Reynolds AP

Forest Hill College 9814 9444 9887 8126 Mahoney's Road Mr Michael Waters P BURWOOD EAST, VIC 3151 Ms Jennifer M. Cook AP Mr Keith McTaggart AP Mr David Rogers AP

Frankston High School 9783 7955 9783 7689 Towerhill Rd Mr John D. Albiston P FRANKSTON, VIC 3199 Ms Cathy Hogg AP Ms Karen L. Wade AP Ms Suzanne Caldwell AP Mr Travis Smith AP

Galvin Park Secondary College 9741 4911 9741 9367 Shaws Road Mr Peter Newland P WERRIBEE, VIC 3030 Mr Peter Stone AP Ms Joanne Ryan AP Mr Garry Heaney AP

Geelong High School 52 292221 52 296702 Ryrie St Mr David A. Whelan A/P GEELONG EAST, VIC 3219 Ms Michele Baxter A/AP Ms Mercedes Drummond A/AP

Gilmore College for Girls 9689 4788 9687 3867 298 Barkly St Mrs Lesley K. Lamb P FOOTSCRAY, VIC 3011 Ms Carole E. Gilbert AP

Gisborne Secondary College 54 283691 54 284018 PO Box 57 Mr John Flanagan P GISBORNE, VIC 3437 Mr Mark J. Patton AP Mr Peter J. Hutton AP Mr Jonathan Morley AP

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Gladstone Park Secondary College 9338 7122 9335 1862 Taylor Dr Mr Robert Lamb P GLADSTONE PARK, VIC 3043 Mr Raymond Kenny AP Mr Gordon Harvey A/AP Ms Maree Zagorski AP Mr Ncholas Scott AP Ms Lynne Gutterson AP

Glen Eira College 95717838 95710079 76 Booran Road Ms Adele McMullen P CAULFIELD EAST, VIC 3145 Ms Angeliki Karvouni AP

Glen Waverley Secondary College 9802 6122 9887 9136 O'Sullivan Rd Mr Gerard Schiller P GLEN WAVERLEY, VIC 3150 Ms Sandra M. Erickson AP Ms Dianne Peck AP Mr John Roodenburg AP Mr Colin Warner AP

Golden Square Secondary College 54 436611 54 417440 PO Box 58 Ms Amanda Hubber A/P GOLDEN SQUARE, VIC 3555 Ms Jennifer R. Izard AP

Goroke P-12 College 53 861024 53 861283 PO Box 132 Ms Joy Forbes P GOROKE, VIC 3412 Ms Therese Allan AP

Goulburn North Eastern Region 57612100 57625039 PO Box 403 Mr Leon Kildea SEO Benalla, VIC 3672

Greensborough Secondary College 9433 2666 9433 2629 Nell Street Mr John Conway P GREENSBOROUGH, VIC 3088 Mr Brett Moore AP Ms Dimitra Mattheou AP Ms Sharyn Campbell AP

Grovedale College 5245 4545 5245 4577 Wingarra Drive Mr Jeffrey R. Cooper P GROVEDALE, VIC 3216 Mr Michael Caccamo AP Ms Janet E. Matthews AP

Hampton Park Secondary College 8795 9400 8795 9455 Fordholm Road Mr John E. Pech P HAMPTON PARK, VIC 3976 Ms Allison Towner AP Mr Roger Van Langenberg AP Ms Susan Glenn AP

Hawkesdale P12 College 55607225 55607276 PO Box 30 Mr Colan Distel AP HAWKESDALE, VIC 3287

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Hawthorn Secondary College 9822 3247 9822 6837 Burgess Street Mr Lynton Oaten P HAWTHORN EAST, VIC 3123 Ms Virginia Murray AP

Healesville High School 59 624088 59 622230 PO Box 1224 Mr Thomas Bege P HEALESVILLE, VIC 3777 Mr Allan Rennick AP Ms Gayle Shelley AP

Heatherhill Secondary College 9546 4144 9558 5761 8-20 Janine Rd Ms Heather J. Lindsay P SPRINGVALE SOUTH, VIC 3172 Mr Patrick C. Boyd AP

Heathmont College 9871 4888 9879 4770 Waters Grove Mr John Handley P HEATHMONT, VIC 3135 Ms Jillian English AP Mr Michael Fitzgerald AP

Heywood & District Secondary College 55 271303 55 271067 PO Box 180 Mr Robert Treweek P HEYWOOD, VIC 3304 Ms Robyn Sutherland AP

Highvale Secondary College 9803 5144 9803 4310 Capital Ave GLEN WAVERLEY, VIC 3150 Mr Ian Watkins P Mr Mark Jessup AP Ms Heather Carr AP

Hillcrest Secondary College 93091155 9302 2220 PO Box 219 Ms Denise Veltre P Dallas, VIC 3047 Ms Irene Iliadis AP

Hopetoun Secondary College 50 833203 50 833016 PO Box 211 Mr Geoffrey Sawyer P HOPETOUN, VIC 3396

Hoppers Crossing Secondary College 9749 3611 9748 6645 2 Fraser Street HOPPERS CROSSING, VIC 3029 Mr Wayne G. Terrill A/P Mr Keith B. Halge AP Ms Josie Borg AP

Horsham College 53 820499 53 826105 PO Box 508 Mr Ian Trigg P HORSHAM, VIC 3400 Ms Kerrin Smith AP Mr John Spehr AP

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Irymple Secondary College 50 245407 50 246631 Karadoc Ave Mr Robert L. Biggs P IRYMPLE, VIC 3498 Ms Janet Pietsch AP Ms Leonie D. Macnaughtan AP

Kambrya College 9702 6266 9702 6277 68 Bemerside Drive Mr Ian McKenzie P BERWICK, VIC 3806 Mr John Shaw AP Mr Michael J. Muscat AP Ms Nalini Naidu AP

Kangaroo Flat Secondary College 54 477722 54 470403 Olympic Pde Mr Thomas Blake P KANGAROO FLAT, VIC 3555 Mr Malcolm Goldsworth AP

Kaniva P - 12 College 53 922494 53 922429 PO Box 63 Mr Rodney Jones P KANIVA, VIC 3419 Ms Tiffany Holt AP Ms Susan Dodson AP

Karingal Park Secondary College 9789 4544 9776 5211 Belar Ave Mr Robert Cosamento P FRANKSTON, VIC 3199 Ms Angela Pollard AP Mr Amadeo Ferra AP

Kealba Secondary College 9366 3444 9366 2928 Driscolls Rd Ms Julie Williams P KEALBA, VIC 3021 Mr Robert Crupi AP

Keilor Downs College 9367 4200 9367 6490 Odessa Ave Mr Peter Starford P KEILOR DOWNS, VIC 3038 Ms Hulya Arif AP Ms Anne Smithies AP Mr Alphonsus W. Crawford AP

Kensington Community High School 93761953 93763594 405 Racecourse Road Mr Stuart Andrews P KENSINGTON, VIC 3031

Kerang Tech High School 54 521062 54 522649 Murray St Mr Joseph Lloyd Lewis P KERANG, VIC 3579 Mr Dean Rogers AP

Kew High School 9859 8652 9819 7880 Burke Road Ms Clare Entwisle P EAST KEW, VIC 3102 Ms Bernadette Lloyd AP Mr Ian Greenwood AP

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Koonung Secondary College 9890 9662 9899 0228 615 Elgar Rd Mr Jeremy Beard P MONT ALBERT NORTH, VIC 3129 Mr Peter Wright AP Ferida Felstead AP

Kooweerup Secondary College 59 971444 59 971304 Rossiter Rd Mr Geoffrey Pledge P KOOWEERUP, VIC 3981 Ms Leonie L. McGinley AP Mr Peter Bottomley AP

Korumburra Secondary College 56 551566 56 552673 Private Bag 2 Mr Peter Biggins P KORUMBURRA, VIC 3950 Mr Martin Box AP

Kurnai College - Admin 5132 3822 5132 3828 PO Box 844 Mr Anthony Rodaughan P MORWELL, VIC 3840 Mr Nello P. Carbone AP

Kurnai College - Churchill - Junior 5132 3700 5132 3799 PO Box 177 Mr Geoffrey Block C/P CHURCHILL, VIC 3842

Kurnai College – Gippsland Education Precinct 5132 3800 5132 3828 PO Box 3070 Morwell MC Mr Robert Juratowitch C/P MORWELL, VIC 3841

Kurnai College - Morwell - Middle 5165 0600 5165 0699 P.O.Box 411 Mr Craig Lamshed C/P MORWELL, VIC 3840

Kurunjang Secondary College 9743 9211 9747 8495 PO Box 598 Mr Peter Blunden P MELTON, VIC 3337 Ms Suzanne Binger AP Mr Robert Pyers AP

Kyabram Secondary College 58 521711 58 523878 PO Box 384 Mr Lindsay Cooper P KYABRAM, VIC 3619 Ms Judy Greer AP Mr Michael J. Walsh AP Ms Helen M. Walsh AP Ms Patricia Burke AP

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Kyneton Secondary College 54 211100 54 223505 Epping St Mr Glenn Davey P KYNETON, VIC 3444 Mr Gregory Potter AP Ms Cate Burton AP

La Trobe Secondary College 9459 9633 9459 1671 Waiora Rd Mr Glenn White P MACLEOD WEST, VIC 3085 Ms Bette Prange AP

Lake Bolac College 53502302 53502411 Montgomery Street Ms Nita Demasi P LAKE BOLAC, VIC 3351 AP

Lakes Entrance Secondary College 51 552982 51 552477 North St Mr Craig Sutherland P LAKES ENTRANCE, VIC 3909

Lakeside Secondary College 9460 6655 9462 2931 Radford Rd Mr Paul Ryan P RESERVOIR, VIC 3073 Ms Karon Alkemade AP

Lalor North Secondary College 9401 3888 9408 6983 114 Childs Rd Mr Douglas Macrae P EPPING, VIC 3076 Ms Jennifer Grimwood AP Mr Roger Bodycoat AP Ms Karen Money AP

Lalor Secondary College 9465 2066 9465 3865 Cnr David & Dalton Rd Ms Elaine Swain P LALOR, VIC 3075 Ms Maree Gaffney AP

Lara Secondary College 5282 8988 5282 8188 PO Box 387 Mr Greg Sperling P LARA, VIC 3212 Ms Lynette Boyle AP

Lavers Hill P-12 College 52373213 52373232 Ocean Road Mr Neil Evison AP LAVERS HILL, VIC 3238

Laverton Secondary College 9369 1833 9369 4104 91 Bladin Street LAVERTON, VIC 3028 Ms Anne L. Fitch A/P

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Leongatha Secondary College - Admin 56 624333 56 622155 PO Box 1 Mr Colin G. Boyd P LEONGATHA, VIC 3953

Leongatha Secondary College - East 56 624333 56 622155 PO Box 1 Ms Tracey Summerton AP LEONGATHA, VIC 3953

Leongatha Secondary College - West 56 622266 56 622155 PO Box 1 Ms Leonnie A. McCluskey AP LEONGATHA, VIC 3953

Lilydale Heights College 9735 1133 9739 5463 17/19 Nelson Road Mr Gregory Hancock P LILYDALE, VIC 3140 Ms Gillian Oliver AP Mr Graeme Bailey A/AP

Lilydale High School 9735 5644 9735 3552 Melba Avenue Mr Leon Bishop P LILYDALE, VIC 3140 Mr Neil J. Gardner AP Ms Wendy Powson AP Ms Johanna Walker AP Mr Scott Tully AP

Lorne P-12 College 52891585 52892410 Grove Road Mrs Lynette Davey P LORNE, VIC 3232 Mr Michael Anderson AP Mr Peter Steven AP

Lowanna College 5127 9200 51 277953 PO Box 42 Mr Jason Bek P MOE, VIC 3825 Mr Graeme Nicholls AP Ms Glenda Bullen AP

Lynall Hall Community School 94284421 94281854 Cnr Gleadell & Highett Streets Mr Edwin Crouch P Richmond, VIC 3121

Lyndale Secondary College 9795 2366 9790 1466 Gladstone Rd Mr Russel Wayne Davies P DANDENONG NORTH, VIC 3175 Mr Keith Buckley AP Mr Lloyd McDermott AP Mr Mark W. Moir AP

Lyndhurst Secondary College 59 960144 59 960401 950 South Gippsland Highway Mr Stephen P. Phillips P CRANBOURNE, VIC 3977 Ms Helen Brown AP Mr Raymond Squires AP

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Macleod College 9459 0222 / 3616 9458 1878 May Street Ms Margaret Lacey P MACLEOD, VIC 3085 Mr Philip Jackson AP Mr Mario Panaccio AP

MacRobertson Girls' High School 9820 0788 9864 7777 350 Kingsway Ms Jane Garvey P MELBOURNE, VIC 3004 Miss Margaret Akins AP Ms Rebecca S. Vosper AP Ms Marilyn J. Smith AP

Maffra Secondary College 51 471790 51 471364 PO Box 86 Mr Glyn J. Milner P MAFFRA, VIC 3860 Mr Andrew W. McIntosh AP Ms Susanne M. Wilson AP

Mallacoota P-12 College 51 580541 51 580630 Bucknall Street Mr Graeme Berry AP MALLACOOTA, VIC 3892

Manangatang P-12 College 50 351270 50 351244 Mallee Highway Mr David W. Griffin P MANANGATANG, VIC 3546 Mr Daryll McMillan AP

Mansfield Secondary College 57 752022 57 751484 Po Box 203 Mr Peter Baddeley P MANSFIELD, VIC 3722 Ms Anne Williams AP

Maribyrnong Secondary College 9318 1355 9318 4251 River St Mr Brian J. Rogers P MARIBYRNONG, VIC 3032 Mr Robert G. Carroll AP Ms Wendy Gardiner AP

Maroondah Secondary College 9870 4551 9870 1784 Brentnall Rd CROYDON, VIC 3136 Ms Barbara J. Bates A/P Mr David Rogers A/AP Ms Lynette McGoldrick AP

Maryborough Education Centre 5461 7900 5461 3508 Balaclava Road Mr Dean Shirley A/P MARYBOROUGH, VIC 3465

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Maryborough Education Centre - Nolan Campus 54 604566 54614292 Nolan St Mr Ray Hannan C/P MARYBOROUGH, VIC 3465

Maryborough Education Centre - Palmerston Campus 54 611411 54614911 Palmerston Street Mr Ian J. Kemp C/P MARYBOROUGH, VIC 3465

Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College 52 218288 52 215926 PO Box 1285 Ms Helen Fraser P GEELONG, VIC 3220 Ms Sandra H. Thompson AP Ms Alison K. Gook AP

McGuire College - Shepparton 58 215966 58 312404 PO Box 6605 Ms Lee Scott P SHEPPARTON, VIC 3632 Mr Bill Porter AP TBA AP

McKinnon Secondary College 8520 9000 9578 9253 McKinnon Rd Mr Alan Lawrence P MCKINNON, VIC 3204 Mr Andrew Newton AP Ms Pitsa Binnion AP Mr Andrew Chisholm AP

Melbourne Girls College 9428 8955 9428 2737 The Boulevard Ms Judith Crowe P RICHMOND, VIC 3121 Ms Linda Brown AP Mr Simon Townley AP

Melbourne High School 9826 0711 9826 8767 Forrest Hill Mr Jeremy Ludowyke P SOUTH YARRA, VIC 3141 Mr David J. Smyth AP Mr Warren A. Fall AP Dr Janet Prideaux AP

Melton Secondary College 9743 3322 9743 0432 PO Box 597 Mr Phillip Campbell P MELTON, VIC 3337 Mr John Allan-McConchie AP Mr Tony Fowler AP

Mentone Girls Secondary College 9581 5200 9585 1012 PO Box 52 Ms Deborah Lehner P MENTONE, VIC 3194 Ms Heather Sarau AP Mr Simon T. Frazer AP Mrs Janice E. Tallarida AP

Merbein Secondary College 50 252501 50 253524 Commercial St Mr Garry W. Costello P MERBEIN, VIC 3505 Mr Gregory D. Rhodes AP

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Merrilands College P-12 9462 2177 9469 5535 Merrilands Rd Ms Rosaleen Conroy P RESERVOIR, VIC 3073 Ms Linda Arthurson AP

Mildura Senior College 5021 2911 5023 2440 PO Box 1436 Mr Dennis Raymond Norton P MILDURA, VIC 3500 Mr Andrew J. Ough AP Mr Mark W. Tracy AP

Mill Park Secondary College - Junior 9407 9700 9436 8016 Moorhead Drive MILL PARK, VIC 3082 Mr Nicholas Adamou C/P Mr Stephen Chapman AP

Mill Park Secondary College - Senior 9409 8222 9401 5966 Civic Drive Ms Patricia Horner A/P EPPING, VIC 3076 Ms Julie Ryan AP

Mirboo North Secondary College 56 681203 56 681806 Castle St Ms Valerie Jones P MIRBOO NORTH, VIC 3871 Mr Stephen Klemke AP

Monbulk College 9756 6208 9752 0076 David Hill Road Ms Pam Glover P MONBULK, VIC 3793 Ms Sarah Livingston AP Mr Peter Escreet AP Ms Karen Shiel AP

Monmia Primary School 93641007 93641300 Copernicus Way Ms Lesley A. Turner AP KEILOR DOWNS, VIC 3038

Monterey Secondary College 9781 7700 9781 7400 Silvertop Street Mr Barbara Elvin P FRANKSTON NORTH, VIC 3200 Mr Mark Roney AP

Montmorency Secondary College 9435 6399 9434 6259 Para Road Ms Victoria Baxter P MONTMORENCY, VIC 3094 Mr Peter D. Bowen AP Mr Allan Robinson AP

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Moonee Ponds Central School 93752511 93751939 Wilson Street Ms Mary K. Bluer P MOONEE PONDS, VIC 3039

Mooroolbark College 9727 8100 9727 8188 186 Manchester Rd Mr Geoff Flett P MOOROOLBARK, VIC 3138 Ms Sally P. Cheah-Johnson AP Ms Lyn Godfrey AP

Mooroopna Secondary College 58 252344 58 253747 PO Box 183 Mr Gary W. Fletcher P MOOROOPNA, VIC 3629 Ms Lyn Emmerson AP

Mordialloc College 9580 1184 9587 5443 1 Station Street Ms Lorraine Harris P MORDIALLOC, VIC 3195 Mr Heath McMillin AP Mr Scott Diamond AP

Mornington Secondary College 5975 6955 5975 6402 Nepean Highway Ms Sarah Burns P MORNINGTON, VIC 3931 Mr Jim Papadimitropoulos AP Ms Jennifer Mason AP Mr Robert Keogh AP

Mortlake P-12 College 55992204 55992503 PO Box 84 Mr David Dowie P MORTLAKE, VIC 3272 Mr Patrick Gleeson AP Mr Graeme Good AP

Mount Beauty Secondary College 57 544005 57 544852 PO Box 38 Mr Warwick L. Matthews P MOUNT BEAUTY, VIC 3699 Ms Rhonda Gargan AP

Mount Clear College 53 301500 53 302670 Olympic Ave Mr Bernard Davern P MOUNT CLEAR, VIC 3350 Ms Linda Flynn AP Mr Jenny Bromley AP Ms Alan Parker AP Mr Noel Shillito AP

Mount Eliza Secondary College 9787 6288 / 7500 9787 9888 Locked Bag 4 Mr John G. Keysers P MOUNT ELIZA, VIC 3930 Mrs Dianne Bennett AP Mr Stephen Daly AP Ms Kay Peddle AP

Mount Erin Secondary College-Frankston South 59 71 6000 59 711421 Robinsons Road Mr Roger G. Page P SOUTH FRANKSTON, VIC 3199 Ms Heather Worrall C/P Mr Murray Sydenham AP

Mount Erin Secondary College-Somerville 59 71 6000 59 779842 37 Graf Road Mr Chris Lloyd C/P Somerville, VIC 3912 Mr Danny McManus AP

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Mount Waverley Secondary College - Admin 9803 6811 9887 9308 PO Box 346 Mr Glenn Proctor P MOUNT WAVERLEY, VIC 3149 Ms Gail M. Major AP

Mount Waverley Secondary College - Junior 9887 9290 9887 9231 PO Box 346 Ms Glennis A. Manners C/P MOUNT WAVERLEY, VIC 3149

Mount Waverley Secondary College - Middle/Senior 9803 6811 9887 9308 PO Box 346 Mr Jeremy Beard C/P MOUNT WAVERLEY, VIC 3149 Mr Roy Canil C/P

Mullauna College 9874 3422 9873 2943 456 Springfield Rd Mr Brian J. Morrow P MITCHAM, VIC 3132 Mr Phillip J. Vear AP Ms Gwyneth McCubbin AP

Murrayville Community College 50952001 50952017 P O Box 116 Ms Hilary Thiele P MURRAYVILLE, VIC 3512 Ms Jennifer Eichler AP

Murtoa College 53 852381 53 852657 Webb Street Mr Ian Martin P MURTOA, VIC 3390 Mr Gary Bourke AP

Myrtleford Secondary College 57 521011 57 522944 PO Box 530 Mr Trevor Matthews P MYRTLEFORD, VIC 3737 Ms Heather Redmond AP

Narre Warren South P-12 College 97043333 97043399 Corner Amberley Park Drive & Ormond Road Mr Cameron Ross Miller P Narre Warren South, VIC 3805 Mr Kenneth Robinson AP Ms Kerri Bolch AP Ms Leanne Davison-Armao AP Mr Robert Duncan AP

Nathalia Secondary College 58 662331 58 662858 PO Box 42 Mr Andrew Harnett P NATHALIA, VIC 3638 Ms Helen Ginnivan AP

Neerim District Secondary College 56 281455 56 281629 PO Box 18 Mr Peter Sellings P NEERIM SOUTH, VIC 3831 Mr Graham H. Rawson AP

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Newcomb Secondary College 52 481400 52 483523 81-85 Bellarine Highway Ms Toni Sharkey A/P NEWCOMB, VIC 3219 Mr Norman Foord AP Mrs Megan Knott A/AP

Nhill College 53 912111 53 912140 PO Box 210 Mr Neville Trotman P NHILL, VIC 3418 Mr Kenneth Smith AP Mr Greg Sampson AP

Niddrie Secondary College 9337 2488 9331 0525 Sapphire St Ms Anne Fox P NIDDRIE, VIC 3042 Ms Sandra Smart AP Mr Peter M. Rouse AP Mr Graeme W. Daley AP

Noble Park English Language School 9546 9578 9558 5683 21 - 35 Thomas Street Ms Larraine Czerniewicz AP NOBLE PARK, VIC 3174

Noble Park Secondary College 9546 9066 9562 4757 3 Callaghan St Mr Andrew W. Stevenson P NOBLE PARK, VIC 3174 Mrs Joan E. Carroll AP

Norlane High School 52 751393 52 755046 Cox Road Mr Barry J. Rowland P NORLANE, VIC 3214 Mr Lupcho Temelkovski AP

North Geelong Secondary College 52 789399 52 721756 Separation Street Mr Russell P. Elliott P GEELONG NORTH, VIC 3215 Ms Meredith O'Neill AP Mr David Yelland AP

Northcote High School 9488 2300 9488 2399 St.George's Rd Ms Gail Davidson P NORTHCOTE, VIC 3070 Mr Nick Murphy AP Mr Wayne J. Roberts AP Ms Katherine Morris AP

Northern Metropolitan Region 9488 9488 9488 9440 Locked Bag 88 Ms Barbara Peachey FAIRFIELD, VIC 3078 Mr Wayne Craig

Northland Secondary College 9478 1333 9471 0929 PO Box 8041 Ms Raffaella Galati-Brown P NORTHLAND, VIC 3072 Mr Ian Allan AP

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Norwood Secondary College 9871 0400 9879 6061 PO Box 371 Ms Anne Shellard P RINGWOOD, VIC 3134 Mr Geoffrey M. Castles AP Ms Jennifer Mason AP

Numurkah Secondary College 58 621088 58 621808 PO Box 229 Ms Kathryn M. Atkin P NUMURKAH, VIC 3636 Ms Anne Harris AP

Oberon High School 52 434444 52 442005 12 Pickett Crescent Mr Ralph Shaw P BELMONT, VIC 3216 Mr Wayne E. R. Lynch AP Ms Elizabeth Kelly AP Mr Greg Wilson A/P

Orbost Secondary College 51 541084 51 542469 PO Box 270 Mr John M. Brazier P ORBOST, VIC 3888 Ms Heather Macalister AP

Ouyen Secondary College 50 921182 50 921185 Fuller St Mr Kenneth J. Gordon P OUYEN, VIC 3490 Mr Jonathon Fuller

Pakenham Secondary College 59 411433 59 413581 1020 Princes Highway Ms Cheryl Chapple P PAKENHAM, VIC 3810 Mr Bruce Churchward AP Mr Emanuel Merambeliotis AP Ms Janine Leed AP

Parkdale Secondary College 9580 6311 9587 3142 Warren Rd Mr Greg McMahon P MORDIALLOC EAST, VIC 3195 Ms Sheereen Kindler AP Mr Christopher J. McGuire AP Ms Debbie Chaves AP

Parkwood Secondary College 9876 1633 9879 0456 Tortice Drive Mr Vin Virtue P NORTH RINGWOOD, VIC 3134 Ms Dorothy Henwood AP

Pascoe Vale Girls College 9306 2544 9306 8108 Lake Ave Ms Helen Jackson P PASCOE VALE, VIC 3044 Ms Julie Atkinson AP Ms Patricia A. O'Keefe AP Mr John Atkinson AP

Patterson River Secondary College 9786 3933 9786 9810 Eel Race Rd Ms Maree Vinocuroff P CARRUM, VIC 3197 Mr Mark Slater AP Ms Maureen Ussher AP Mr Kenneth McKay AP

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Pembroke Secondary College - Admin 9725 7733 9725 4767 PO Box 42 Mr Aidan Ryan P MOOROOLBARK, VIC 3138

Pembroke Secondary College - Cambridge Campus 9725 7733 9725 4767 Cambridge Rd Ms Janice Marks C/P MOOROOLBARK, VIC 3138

Pembroke Secondary College - Mt Evelyn Campus 9736 3650 9736 1840 PO Box 42 Mr Thomas B. O'Meara C/P MOOROOLBARK, VIC 3138

Pembroke Secondary College - Senior Campus 9725 4388 9725 8327 PO Box 42 Mr Gregory Carroll C/P MOOROOLBARK, VIC 3138

Peter Lalor Secondary College 9464 0122 9465 6590 Duncan Road Mr Keith Miller P LALOR, VIC 3075 Ms Kath Kenny AP

Portland Secondary College 55 231344 55 234449 PO Box 452 Ms Toni Burgoyne P PORTLAND, VIC 3305 Mr Ken Dart AP Mr Glenn Kane AP

Preston Girls Secondary College 9470 2755 9471 0707 Cooma St Ms Cheryl Judd P PRESTON, VIC 3072 Ms Janine Laurence AP Mr Peter Crowley A/AP

Princes Hill Secondary College 9387 9877 9387 0108 Arnold St Mr John Stone P NORTH CARLTON, VIC 3054 Ms Ruth Forster AP Mr Brian Tender A/AP

Pyramid Hill College 54 557377 54 557106 103 Kelly St Mr Joseph P. Mazzarella P PYRAMID HILL, VIC 3575 Ms Fiona Miller AP

Rainbow Secondary College 53 951063 53 951192 PO Box 223 Ms Robyn Bellinger P RAINBOW, VIC 3424 Ms Colleen Petschel AP

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Red Cliffs Secondary College 50 241522 50 242982 PO Box 285 Mr John Cortese P RED CLIFFS, VIC 3496 Mr David Browne AP

Registered Schools Board 96373347 96372940 GPO Box 4367 Ms Leonie Young MELBOURNE, VIC 3001

Reservoir District Secondary College - Reservoir 9470 3555 9471 0252 855 Plenty Road Mr Robin Lockington P Reservoir, VIC 3073 Ms Mary Cahill P Mr Kevin Poon AP Andree Poulter AP

Ringwood Secondary College 9870 2002 9879 5414 Bedford Rd Mr Michael Phillips P RINGWOOD, VIC 3134 Ms Jennifer Ward AP Ms Julie Hughes AP Mr Christopher Salisbury AP

Robinvale Secondary College 50 261303 50 263412 PO Box 355 Dr Kevin D. Lee P ROBINVALE, VIC 3549 Mr Rodney Goodin AP

Rochester Secondary College 54 841844 54 842348 PO Box 186 Mr Philip Britton P ROCHESTER, VIC 3561 Mr Bernard Altmann AP

Rosebud Secondary College 59 868595 59 812276 245 Eastbourne Road Mr Gregory Edwards P ROSEBUD, VIC 3939 Mr Bryan Ridgeway AP Mr John J. Miller AP Mr Michael Mann AP

Rowville Secondary College - Admin 9755 4555 9764 5087 Paratea Drive Mr Glenn Fankhauser P ROWVILLE, VIC 3178

Rowville Secondary College - Eastern Campus 9755 4555 9752 9790 Humphreys Way Mr George Perini AP ROWVILLE, VIC 3178 Ms Eva E. McMaster AP

Rowville Secondary College - Western Campus 9755 4555 9764 5087 Paratea Drive Ms Daphne Clements AP ROWVILLE, VIC 3178 Mr Craig Jamieson AP

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Roxburgh College 99308100 99308130 Cnr Thomas Brunton Mr Garry Wynne AP Roxburgh Park, VIC 3064

Rubicon Outdoor Centre 57 732285 57 732441 264 Rubicon Rd Mr Dean McLean P THORNTON, VIC 3712 Ms Jenny Lambert AP

Rushworth P -12 College 58 561230 58 561940 Heily St Ms Jane Catrina Ezard P RUSHWORTH, VIC 3612 Ms Jeanette Wallace AP

Rutherglen High School 0260 329483 0260 329185 PO Box 84 Mr Philip Rogers P RUTHERGLEN, VIC 3685 Ms Ellen Rankin AP

Sale College - Admin 51 441711 51 444557 PO Box 231 Mr Craig J. Felstead P SALE, VIC 3850

Sale College - Guthridge Campus 51 443711 51 431548 PO Box 231 Mr Rodney Exton C/P SALE, VIC 3850

Sale College - Macalister Campus 51 441711 51 444557 PO Box 231 Mr Brendan Paul Staple C/P SALE, VIC 3850

Sandringham College - Admin 9598 7788 9598 5570 Holloway Rd Mr Wayne Perkins P SANDRINGHAM, VIC 3191

Sandringham College - Beaumaris 9589 1820 9589 2568 Cnr Balcombe & Reserve Rds Ms Jane D. Rollason C/P BEAUMARIS, VIC 3193

Sandringham College - Highett 9598 7044 9598 5364 Bluff Rd Ms Heather V. Fehring C/P SANDRINGHAM, VIC 3191

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Sandringham College - Sandringham 9598 7788 9598 8174 Holloway Rd Ms Kim L. Stewart C/P SANDRINGHAM, VIC 3191

Scoresby Secondary College 9763 8788 9764 2976 Cavell Street Mr Augustus J. Martin A/P SCORESBY, VIC 3179 Ms Janine J. Joosten AP Ms Christine Timmerman A/AP

Sebastopol College 5329 3293 53 357582 Hertford Street Mr Garry Taylor P SEBASTOPOL, VIC 3356 Mr Philip A. Findlay AP Ms Karen Snibson AP Ms Wendy Abraham AP Mr George Porter AP Ms Roger Stephens AP Mr Rob Bourke Finn AP Note: Robert Hartmann is on leave for this year.

SEO - East Gippsland District 5152 4022 Education Centre Mr Ian Hall SEO PO Box 1538 BAIRNSDALE, VIC 3875

SEO - West Gippsland District 5623 5766 5623 2342 West Gippsland Operating Area Ms Alex Panayiotou SEO Clifford Street WARRAGUL, VIC 3850

SEO - Barwon South West 0352 794519 0352 779926 P.O.Box 240 Mr Allan White SEO NORTH GEELONG, VIC 3215 Mr Peter Brain SEO

SEO - Central Highlands Wimmera 53811056 1 Hopetoun Street Mr John McClure SEO Ballarat, VIC 3350 Mr Graeme Sargent SEO Mr Brendan Ryan SEO

SEO - Eastern Metro 9881 0200 9881 0243 Level 2 29 Lakeside Drive Mr Gray Ryan SEO BURWOOD EAST, VIC 3151 Ms Margaret J. Ockwell SEO Ms Elaine Marshall SEO

SEO – Loddon Mallee 54 403170 54 425321 PO Box 442. Dr Dean Shirley SEO BENDIGO, VIC 3550

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SEO - Northern Metro 9488 9488. 9488 9400 Locked Bag 88 Ms Jan Volkman SEO FAIRFIELD, VIC 3078 Ms Anne M. Rae SEO

SEO - South Gippsland District 5127 0416 Gippsland Regional Office Mr Peter Howlett SEO PO Box 381 Mr Donald P. Paproth SEO MOE, VIC 3825 Ms Lenore Thornton SEO Ms Karen Cain SEO

SEO - Southern Metro 9794 3555 9794 3500 P.O.Box 5 Mr Bob Stephens SEO DANDENONG, VIC 3175 Mr Peter Hanley SEO

SEO - Western Metro Level 4, Woolhouse Ms Carolyn Woodhouse SEO 369 Royal Parade Mr Gregory Sperling SEO PARKVILLE, VIC 3052

Seymour Tech High School 57 922200 57 924041 PO Box 347 Mr Timothy J. McCartin P SEYMOUR, VIC 3660 Mr David Mills AP Mr Jurgen Frank A/AP Mr Bill Brearley

Shepparton High School 58 214322 58 215595 PO Box 1247 Mr Alan McLean P SHEPPARTON, VIC 3632 Mr Peter W. Feain AP Ms Debbie Oliver AP

Sherbrooke Community School 9755 2007 9755 2126 311 Mt Dandenong Tourist Road Mr Robert Shepherd P SASSAFRAS, VIC 3787 Leigh Deckert AP

South Gippsland Secondary College 56 822066 56 822504 PO Box 23 Ms Cheryl Glowrey P FOSTER, VIC 3960 Mr Russell Forte AP

South Oakleigh Secondary College 9579 2322 9579 2946 Bakers Rd Mr Vincent La Ragy P OAKLEIGH SOUTH, VIC 3167 Ms Helen Koziaris AP

Springvale Secondary College 9546 8755 9546 4362 13-15 Sandown Road Mr Mark Kosach P SPRINGVALE, VIC 3171 Ms Sandra L. George AP

St Albans Secondary College 9366 2555 9367 9361 Main Road East Ms Kerrie A. Dowsley P ST ALBANS, VIC 3021 Ms Gael Meadowcroft AP Mr Ian Crocker AP

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St Arnaud Secondary College 54 951811 54 952308 PO Box 40 Mr Ian D. Peel P ST ARNAUD, VIC 3478

St Helena Secondary College 9438 8500 9438 8555 Wallowa Road Ms Trudy Thomson P ELTHAM NORTH, VIC 3095 Mr George Willox AP Mr Neville J. Cook AP Ms Rosemarie Neville AP Ms Karen Terry AP

Staughton College 9743 4622 9747 8408 PO Box 2344 Mr Shayne Lakey P MELTON SOUTH, VIC 3338 Ms Jennifer A. Malberg AP Mr Zlatko Pear AP

Stawell Secondary College 53 581700 53 583096 PO Box 202 Mr Peter Hilbig P STAWELL, VIC 3380 Ms Julie Dunn A/P Mr Chris Norton A/AP Mr Murray Hart A/AP

Strathmore Secondary College 9379 7999 9379 2812 Pascoe Vale Rd Mr Kenneth Harbottle P STRATHMORE, VIC 3041 Ms Janis Maas AP Ms Lois Kruger AP

Sunbury College 9744 1066 9744 7695 PO Box 183 Mr Peter Hendrickson P SUNBURY, VIC 3429 Mrs Margaret Bates AP Mr John Fitzgerald AP Ms Marjorie Ada AP

Sunbury Downs Secondary College 9744 7366 9744 1604 Mitchell's Lane Mr Graeme Brown P SUNBURY, VIC 3429 Ms Mary Power AP

Sunshine College - Admin 8311 5200 8311 5209 PO Box 165 Mr Tim A. Blunt P SUNSHINE, VIC 3020

Sunshine College - Ardeer 9361 9000 9361 9001 Glengala Rd Ms Maria Agapiou A/CP ARDEER, VIC 3022

Sunshine College - North 8311 8500 8311 8501 Northumberland Rd Ms Lynda J. Steele C/P SUNSHINE, VIC 3020

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Sunshine College - Senior 8311 5202 8311 5299 Graham St Ms Mona Raghdo A/CP SUNSHINE, VIC 3020

Sunshine College - West 9334 6500 9334 6501 Lachlan Rd. Mr Andrew Pitrakkou ACP SUNSHINE, VIC 3020

Sunshine East Primary School 93112038 93113738 Duke Street Mr Scott Mullen AP SUNSHINE, VIC 3020

Swan Hill College 50329360 50331545 PO Box 1440 Mr John Burrell P SWAN HILL, VIC 3585 Mr Shane Kelly AP Ms Lynette D. Porter AP Ms Jan Blackman AP

Swan Hill College - KODE Campus 5032 4585 5032 9971 Murray Valley Highway Ms Kathleen J. Parkes P SWAN HILL, VIC 3585

Swifts Creek Secondary College 51 594366 51 594408 PO Box 180 Mr Robert J. Boucher P SWIFTS CREEK, VIC 3896

Swinburne Senior Secondary College 8862 4400 9819 6186 505 Burwood Rd Mrs Bronwen Thompson P HAWTHORN, VIC 3122 Mr Michael Fogarty AP

Sydney Road Community School 93809417 93881464 P.O.Box 292 Ms Lynette Scott P Brunswick, VIC 3056

Tallangatta Secondary College 0260 712500 0260 712445 PO Box 81 Mr Albert Freijah P TALLANGATTA, VIC 3700 Mr Cornelius Madden AP

Taylors Lakes Secondary College 9390 3130 9390 3056 Parmelia Drive Mr Geoffrey Pell P TAYLORS LAKES, VIC 3038 Mr Gus Napoli AP Mr Christopher R. Malberg AP Ms Sasha Mildenhall AP Mr Danny Dedes A/AP

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Templestowe College 9850 6333 9852 0728 Cypress Ave Mr David Tyson P TEMPLESTOWE LOWER, VIC 3107 Ms Sally Holloway AP Mr Andrew Minko AP

Terang College 55921349 55921022 PO Box 124 Mr Adam Box P TERANG, VIC 3264 Mr Kerrin McKenzie C/P

The Grange P-12 College 9748 9166 9749 4980 Deloraine Dr Ms Angelique Den Brinker P HOPPERS CROSSING, VIC 3029 Mr Graeme C. Scott AP Ms Meredith Clencie AP Ms Karen Baker AP Mr Davis Smillie AP

Thomastown Secondary College 9465 0844 9465 9697 PO Box 110 Ms Leonie White P THOMASTOWN, VIC 3074 Mr Branko Lukic AP Ms Kay Clarke AP

Thornbury High School 9480 4066 9480 1314 238 Collins St Mr Peter Egeberg P THORNBURY, VIC 3071 Ms Meredith Stephenson AP

Timboon P-12 School 55983381 55983507 PO Box 82 Mr Bryan Ward P TIMBOON, VIC 3268 Mr Mike Lee-Ack AP Ms Rosalie Moorfield AP

Trafalgar High School 56 331733 56 332378 PO Box 138 Mr Bill Slater P TRAFALGAR, VIC 3824 Mr John Freyne AP Mr Aniko Karico AP

Traralgon College - Admin 5176 2240 5174 8475 PO Box 1790 Mr Ronald Elliott P TRARALGON, VIC 3844 Mr Peter Duff AP

Traralgon College - Senior Campus 51 762240 51748475 PO Box 1790 Phillipa Griffiths C/P TRARALGON, VIC 3844 Mr Jason D. Bek C/P

Tyrrell College 50702106 50701069 PO Box 231 Mr Anthony R. Hand P SEA LAKE, VIC 3533

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University High School 9347 2022 9347 2658 77 Story St Mr Rob Newton P PARKVILLE, VIC 3052 Dr Michael Janson AP Ms Heather Thompson AP

Upfield Secondary College 9359 2411 9357 2478 King St Mr Robert McFarlane P BROADMEADOWS, VIC 3047 Ms Ann Butler AP Mr Fernando Ianni AP

Upper Yarra Secondary College 59 671877 59 672109 82-89 Little Yarra Road Mr Brian Way P YARRA JUNCTION, VIC 3797 Ms Deborah L. Morrish AP Ms Alison L. Fulu AP

Upwey High School 9754 2838 9754 7145 1451 Burwood Hwy Mr Greg Holman P UPWEY, VIC 3158 Ms Valerie Doyle AP Mr Mick Sheehy AP

Vermont Secondary College 9873 1077 9874 4368 PO Box 138 Mr Rod Williamson P VERMONT, VIC 3133 Mr Harry Ruff A/AP Mr Kimberley J. Fallon AP Mr Tony Jacobs AP

Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School 9685 9320 9685 9463 234 St.Kilda Rd Mr Colin J. Simpson P SOUTHBANK, VIC 3006 Ms Hilary Bland AP

Victorian P-12 College of Koorie Education-Glenroy 9300 1288 9306 9884 Hilton Street CP Glenroy, VIC 3046

Victorian P-12 College of Koorie Education-Mildura 5023 2321 50235758 Benetook Ave CP Mildura, VIC 3500

Victorian P-12 College of Koorie Education-Payika 5032 4585 5032 9971 Murray Valley Highway CP Swan Hill, VIC 3585

Victorian P-12 College of Koorie Education-Woolum Bellum 5133 9323 5133 9326 Harold Street Mr Ian Luck CP Morwell, VIC 3840

Victorian School of Languages 9474 0500 9416 9899 P.O.Box 1172 Mr Frank Merlino P THORNBURY, VIC 3071 Mr Stefo Stojanovski AP Ms Pandora Petrovska AP Ms Megan Blair AP

Viewbank College 9458 2811 9459 0512 Warren Rd Mr Peter Gannon P ROSANNA, VIC 3084 Ms Judith Craze AP Mr John P. Munro AP

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Wallan Secondary College 5783 4335 57834336 100 Duke Street Ms Wendy Caramarco P WALLAN, VIC 3756 Mr Denis Graham A/AP

Wanganui Park Secondary College 5820 9900 5820 9999 Parkside Drive SHEPPARTON, VIC 3630 Mr Keith Gray P Mr Kenneth J. Murray AP Mr Xavier Tanner AP

Wangaratta High School 57 230500 57 230546 Phillipson St Ms Judy Rose P WANGARATTA, VIC 3677 Mr Rex A. Pirie AP Ms Deborah Moore AP Ms Judy Grills A/AP Ms Jan Morgan A/AP

Wantirna College 9801 9700 9800 2590 Harold Street Mr Terry Bennett P WANTIRNA, VIC 3152 Mr Thomas John Daly AP Ms Catherine L. Ford AP

Warracknabeal Secondary College 53 981433 53 982430 PO Box 285 Mr Leo Casey P WARRACKNABEAL, VIC 3393 Mr Ian Wright AP

Warragul Regional College 5623 9900 56 234473 PO Box 213 Mr Russell Monson P WARRAGUL, VIC 3820 Mr Andrew Burton AP Ms Robyn Buckeridge AP

Warrandyte High School 9844 2749 9844 1813 Cnr Alexander & Warrandyte Rds Ms Glennis Pitches P WARRANDYTE, VIC 3113 Mr Stephen Parkin AP Ms Mary Cannon AP

Warrnambool College 55 64 4444 55 612356 PO Box 442 Mr Mary Pendergast P WARRNAMBOOL, VIC 3280 Mr Bob Scarborough AP Ms Fiona McKenzie AP

Warrnambool Primary School 55615955 55628355 P O Box 913 Mr Peter G. Auchettl P WARRNAMBOOL, VIC 3280

Wedderburn College P12 54 943011 54 943516 PO Box 20 Mr Kelvin G. Baird P WEDDERBURN, VIC 3518 Ms Margaret Wright AP

Weeroona College Bendigo 5443 2133 5442 7641 383 Napier St Mr Neville Sharpe P BENDIGO, VIC 3550 Ms Helen Tuohey AP

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Wellington Secondary College 9547 6822 9548 4483 91 Police Road Ms Mary-Jo Putrino P MULGRAVE NORTH, VIC 3170 Mrs Mair A. Salvas AP Mr Edward H. Blaikie AP Mr Geoffrey Ellis AP

Werribee Secondary College 9741 1822 9742 3164 PO Box 314 Mr Steve Butyn P WERRIBEE, VIC 3030 Mr Greg Lentini AP Mr William Hatzis AP Mr Kevin O'Neill AP

Werrimull P-12 School 50 281251 50 281208 King St Ms Jodie Noblett P WERRIMULL, VIC 3496

Westall English Language Centre 9546 1732 9547 5785 Rosebank Ave Ms Eva Kesiois A/AP CLAYTON SOUTH, VIC 3169

Westall Secondary College 9546 3233 9547 5785 Rosebank Ave Mrs Vernita Zigouras P CLAYTON SOUTH, VIC 3169 Mr Geoffrey Flowers AP Mrs Leigh West AP

Western English Language School P-10 93119325 93125410 46 South Road Ms Yolette Dezilwa P Braybrook, VIC 3019 Ms Mary Spyropoulos AP

Western Heights College - Admin 52771177 52789250 PO Box 784 Mr Christopher C. Dower P GEELONG, VIC 3220 Ms Kristine F. Rooney AP

Western Heights College - Barton 52771177 52789250 PO Box 784 Ms Tami O'Hare A/CP GEELONG, VIC 3220

Western Heights College - Minerva 52 771177 52 295206 PO Box 784 Mr Michael Bowtell C/P GEELONG, VIC 3220

Western Heights College - Quamby 52771177 52779884 PO Box 784 Mr James Turnbull C/P GEELONG, VIC 3220

Western Metropolitan Region 92916500 92916555 Level 4 Mrs Glenda Holdsworth SEO 369 Royal Parade Mr Bretton New P PARKVILLE, VIC 3052

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Western Port Secondary College 5979 1577 5979 3734 PO Box 101 Mr Simon Hamilton P HASTINGS, VIC 3915 Mr Kym Bridgford AP Hannah Lewis AP Mike Brinkman A/AP

Wheelers Hill Secondary College 9561 5811 9561 8227 Raphael Drive Ms Marie Ghirardello P WHEELERS HILL, VIC 3150 Mr Warren C. Wills AP

Whittlesea Secondary College 9716 2908 9716 1102 Laurel St Ms Avril Salter P WHITTLESEA, VIC 3757 Ms Delma Osborne AP Mr Russell Edwards AP

Williamstown High School - Admin 9397 1899 9397 6899 Pasco Street Mr Graeme Smith P WILLIAMSTOWN, VIC 3016 Ms Linda Maxwell AP

Williamstown High School - Bayview Campus 9399 9228 9399 9217 Bayview St Mr Steven Cook AP WILLIAMSTOWN, VIC 3016 Mr John Pobjoy AP

Williamstown High School - Pasco Campus 9397 1899 9397 6899 Pasco St Ms Silvana Sena AP WILLIAMSTOWN, VIC 3016 Mr Ross Adamson A/AP

Wodonga Middle Years College - Annexe 02 6024 2384 02 6056 4368 Flying Fruit Fly Circus School Ms Irena A. Webster AP P.O.Box 1101 WODONGA, VIC 3690

Wodonga Middle Years College - Felltimber Campus 0260 591400 0260592900 Hedgerow Crt. Mr Donald W. Gargan P WODONGA, VIC 3690 Mr Geoffrey Burke AP Ms Alyson Miller AP

Wodonga Middle Years College – Flying Fruit Fly Circus School PO Box 1101 0260 594291 0260 597415 WODONGA, VIC 3690 Ms Irena Webster CP

Wodonga Middle Years College - Huon Campus 0260 241600 0260 243633 Mitchell St. Mr Vernon Hilditch P WODONGA, VIC 3690 Mr Russell Polson AP AP

Wodonga Senior Secondary College 0260 437500 0260 242937 69 Woodland St Mr Peter MacLean P WODONGA, VIC 3690 Mr Noel Flavell AP Ms Pamela Oakes AP Ms Cassandra Walters AP

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Wonthaggi Secondary College - Admin McBride 56 721344 56 721578 PO Box 119 Mr Garry Dennis P WONTHAGGI, VIC 3995 Mr Darren Parker AP

Wonthaggi Secondary College - Dudley Junior 56 722022 56 724136 PO Box 119 Ms Barbara A. Britten AP WONTHAGGI, VIC 3995

Wonthaggi Secondary College - McBride Senior 56721344 56721578 PO Box 119 Mr Brett A. Windsor AP WONTHAGGI, VIC 3995

Woodend Primary School 54272455 54272726 P O Box 309 Ms Ruth Reid-Hobbs P WOODEND, VIC 3442

Wycheproof P-12 College 54937409 54937506 McKenzie Crescent Ms Jennifer Jolly AP WYCHEPROOF, VIC 3527 Mr Kenneth D. Rumbold AP

Yarram Secondary College 51 825522 51826114 PO Box 135 Mr Terrence Harrington P YARRAM, VIC 3971 Mr Geoff Scott AP Ms Susan J. Harrap AP

Yarrawonga Secondary College 57 441751 57442277 PO Box 39 Mr Scott W. Dellar P YARRAWONGA, VIC 3730 Mrs Jo-Ann McCarthy AP

Yea High School 57 972207 57972931 Racecourse Road Mr John O'Meara P YEA, VIC 3717 Mr Bruce A. Skewes AP

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DoE 00

Barwon South Western 28

Grampians 29

Loddon Mallee 30

Hume 31

Gippsland 32

Eastern Metropolitan 33

Western Metropolitan 34

Southern Metropolitan 35

Northern Metropolitan 36

Created on 8/04/2018 Page 50 of 71 Alphabetical Index of Names and Contact Numbers LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION Abraham Wendy Sebastopol College 5329 3293 29 Abrat Wasyl Mount Eliza Secondary College 9787 6288 / 7500 35 Ada Marjorie Sunbury College 9744 1066 36 Adamou Nicholas Mill Park Secondary College - Junior 9407 9700 36 Adamson Robin Essendon Keilor College - Niddrie Campus 8331 0100 34 Adamson David Essendon Keilor College - Essendon Campus 8331 0100 34 Agapiou Maria Sunshine College - Ardeer 9361 9000 34 Akins Margaret MacRobertson Girls' High School 9820 0788 35 Alamides Helene Epping Secondary College 9401 2599 36 Albiston John Frankston High School 9783 7955 35 Alexander Ross Banksia Secondary College 9497 3822 36 Alkemade Karon Lakeside Secondary College 9460 6655 36 Allamby Craig Dandenong High School-Cleeland Campus 87927200 35 Allan Ian Northland Secondary College 9478 1333 36 Allan-McConchie John Melton Secondary College 9743 3322 34 Allen Therese Goroke P-12 College 53 861024 29 Alsop David Broadford Secondary College 57 841200 31 Altmann Bernie Rochester Secondary College 54 841844 30 Anderson Michael Lorne P-12 College 52891585 28 Andrews Stuart Kensington Community High School 93761953 34 Appleby Neil Gladstone Park Secondary College 9338 7122 36 Arico Patricia Bayswater Secondary College 9729 2555 33 Arif Hulya Keilor Downs College 9367 4200 34 Armfield Gary Boort Secondary College 54 552201 30 Armstrong Bruce Balwyn High School 9819 7911 33 Arthurson Linda Merrilands College P-12 9462 2177 36 Ashton Carol Croydon Secondary College 9725 8277 33 Atkin Kathryn Numurkah Secondary College 58 621088 31 Atkinson John Pascoe Vale Girls College 9306 2544 36 Atkinson Julie Pascoe Vale Girls College 9306 2544 36 Auchettl Peter Warrnambool Primary School 55615955 28 Austin Tony Brauer College 55 60 3888 28 Austin Jack South Oakleigh Secondary College - Junior 9579 3133 33 Avotins Anthony Daylesford Secondary College 53 482367 29 Baber Stuart Bentleigh Secondary College 9579 1044 35 Baddeley Peter Mansfield Secondary College 57 752022 31 Baird Kelvin Wedderburn College P12 54 943011 30 Bakos Jenny Camperdown College - Senior Campus 5593 1617 28 Barclay David Dromana Secondary College 59 872805 35 Barker Pauline Craigieburn Secondary College 9308 1144 36 Bates Barbara Maroondah Secondary College 9870 4551 33 Bates Margaret Sunbury College 9744 1066 36 Baulch Cheryl Box Forest Secondary College 9304 0400 36 Bawden Maria Footscray City College 8387 1500 34 Baxter Victoria Montmorency Secondary College 9435 6399 36 Beard Jeremy Koonung Secondary College 9890 9662 33 Beckworth John Belmont High School 52 435355 28 Bege Thomas Healesville High School 59 624088 33 Bek Jason Lowanna College 5127 9200 32 Belcher Dennis Daylesford Secondary College 53 482367 29 Bell Michael Euroa Secondary College 57 952512 31 Bellinger Robyn Rainbow Secondary College 53 951063 29 Bennett Terry Wantirna College 9801 9700 33 Bennett Dianne Mount Eliza Secondary College 9787 6288 / 7500 35 Created on 8/04/2018 Page 51 of 71 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION Bennett Allison Diamond Valley College 9438 1411 36 Bennetto Kerry Sherbrooke Community School 9755 2007 33 Berry Graeme Mallacoota P-12 College 51 580541 32 Best Susan Corryong College (P-12) 0260 761566 31 Bevege Ross Berwick Secondary College 8768 1000 35 Beynon Warwick Bacchus Marsh College - Darley 53 676168 29 Biggins Peter Korumburra Secondary College 56 551566 32 Biggins Steve Fairhills High School 9758 5022 33 Biggs Robert Irymple Secondary College 50 245407 30 Binger Suzanne Kurunjang Secondary College 9743 9211 34 Binnion Pitsa McKinnon Secondary College 8520 9000 35 Birchall Rodney Oberon High School 52 434444 28 Bishop Leon Lilydale High School 9735 5644 33 Blackley Graham Bairnsdale Secondary College - Senior Campus 5150 4802 32 Blackman Jan Swan Hill College 50329360 30 Blackwell Roger Bogong Outdoor Education Centre 57 541732 31 Blaikie Edward Wellington Secondary College 9547 6822 33 Blair Megan Victorian School of Languages 9474 0500 36 Blair Andrew Liason Principal for Department of Education 0402 114458

Blake Thomas Kangaroo Flat Secondary College 54 477722 30 Bland Hilary Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School 9685 9320 36 Block Geoffrey Kurnai College - Churchill - Junior 51221455 32 Bluer Mary Moonee Ponds Central School 93752511 34 Blunden Peter Kurunjang Secondary College 9743 9211 34 Blunt Tim Sunshine College - Admin 8311 5200 34 Bodycoat Roger Lalor North Secondary College 9401 3888 36 Bolch Kerri Narre Warren South P-12 College 97043333 35 Bond Monica Bayside College - Williamstown 9397 1377 34 Borg Josie Hoppers Crossing Secondary College 9749 3611 34 Bottomley Peter Kooweerup Secondary College 59 971444 35 Boucher Robert Swifts Creek Secondary College 51 594366 32 Bourke Gary Murtoa College 53 852381 29 Bowen Peter Montmorency Secondary College 9435 6399 36 Bowtell Michael Western Heights College - Minerva 52 771177 28 Box Martin Korumburra Secondary College 56 551566 32 Box Adam Terang College 55921349 28 Boyce Kathleen Deer Park Secondary College 9363 1155 34 Boyd Rosemary Deer Park Secondary College 9363 1155 34 Boyd Patrick Heatherhill Secondary College 9546 4144 35 Boyd Colin Leongatha Secondary College - Admin 56 624333 32 Boyle Steven Corio Bay Senior College 5275 1158 28 Boyle Judith Eltham High School 9439 5111 36 Boyle Lynette Lara Secondary College 5282 8988 28 Brazier John Orbost Secondary College 51 541084 32 Brearley Bill Seymour Tech High School 57 922200 31 Bremner Mary Balmoral High School 55 701201 28 Brennan Peter Ararat Community College 53 524177 29 Brereton Elida Camberwell High School 9836 0555 33 8368306 Bridgford Kym Western Port Secondary College 5979 1577 35 Brierly Edward Brinkman Mike Western Port Secondary College 5979 1577 35 Britten Barbara Wonthaggi Secondary College – Dudley Junior 56 722022 32 Britton Philip Rochester Secondary College 54 841844 30 Bromley Jenny Mount Clear College 53 301500 29

Created on 8/04/2018 Page 52 of 71 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION Brookes Duncan Buckley Park College 9331 9999 34 Brown Linda Melbourne Girls College 9428 8955 36 Brown Helen Lyndhurst Secondary College 59 960144 35 Browne David Red Cliffs Secondary College 50 241522 30 Buckeridge Robyn Warragul Regional College 5623 9900 32 Buckley Keith Lyndale Secondary College 9795 2366 35 Bullen Glenda Lowanna College 5127 9200 32 Burgess Wayne Emerald Secondary College 59 685388 33 Burgess Brian Victorian Association of State Secondary Principals 9326 8077 35 Burgoyne Toni Portland Secondary College 55 231344 28 Burke Geoffrey Wodonga Middle Years College – Felltimber Campus 0260 591400 31 Burke Peter Lake Bolac College 53502302 29 Burke Geoffrey Wodonga Senior Secondary College 02 60 43 7500 31 Burke Patricia Kyabram Secondary College 58 521711 31 Burns Hermina Eltham High School 9439 5111 36 Burns Sarah Mornington Secondary College 5975 6955 35 Burrell John Swan Hill College 50329360 30 Burton Andrew Warragul Regional College 5623 9900 32 Burton Catherine Kyneton Secondary College 54 211100 30 Bush Brendan Ararat Community College 53 524177 29 Butler Keith East Doncaster Secondary College 9842 2244 33 Butler Ann Upfield Secondary College 9359 2411 36 Butyn Steve Werribee Secondary College 9741 1822 34 Caccamo Michael Grovedale College 52 454545 28 Cahill Mary Reservoir District Secondary College – Reservoir 9470 3555 36 Cain Karen Gippsland Regional Office 51272588 32 Caldwell Suzanne Frankston High School 9783 7955 35 Campbell Phillip Melton Secondary College 9743 3322 34 Campbell Sharyn Greensborough College 9433 2666 36 Campion Stephen Erinbank Secondary College 9309 6855 36 Canil Roy Mount Waverley Secondary College – Middle/Senior 9803 6811 33 Cannon Mary Warrandyte High School 9844 2749 33 Caramarco Wendy Wallan Secondary College 5783 4335 31 Carbone Nello Kurnai College – Admin 5132 3700 32 Carr Heather Highvale Secondary College 9803 5144 33 Carroll Gregory Pembroke Secondary College – Senior Campus 9725 4388 33 Carroll Robert Maribyrnong Secondary College 9318 1355 34 Carroll Joan Noble Park Secondary College 9546 9066 35 Casey Leo Warracknabeal Secondary College 53 981433 29 Cash Martin Cranbourne Secondary College 59 963544 35 Castersen Michael Derrinallum College 55976625 28 Castles Geoffrey Norwood Secondary College 9871 0400 33 Castles David Bendigo Senior Secondary College 54 431222 30 Cerbasi Ronald Edenhope P-12 College 55 851277 29 Chapman Stephen Mill Park Secondary College – Junior 9407 9700 36 Chapple Cheryl Pakenham Secondary College 59 411433 35 Chapple Noel Dandenong Secondary College-Doveton Campus 9794 7700 35 Chaves Debby Parkdale Secondary College 9580 6311 35 Cheah-Johnson Sally Mooroolbark College 9727 8100 33 Chisholm Andrew McKinnon Secondary College 8520 9000 35 Chisholm Robert Craigieburn Secondary College 9308 1144 36 Christie Sandra Erinbank Secondary College 9309 6855 36 Churchward Bruce Pakenham Secondary College 59 411433 35 Claridge Noel Eaglehawk Secondary College 5446 8099 30 Clarke Simon Caulfield Park Community School 9563 5644 35

Created on 8/04/2018 Page 53 of 71 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION Clarke Kay Thomastown Secondary College 9465 0844 36 Clayton Bernadette Balwyn High School 9819 7911 33 Clements Daphne Rowville Secondary College – Western Campus 9755 4555 33 Clencie Meredith The Grange P-12 College 9748 9166 34 Colla Roberto Blackburn English Language School 9803 4022 33 Collins Don Coburg Senior High School 9353 1700

Conroy Rosaleen Merrilands College P-12 9462 2177 36 Conway John Greensborough College 9433 2666 36 Cook Neville St Helena Secondary College 9438 8500 36 Cook Steven Williamstown High School – Bayview Campus 9399 9228 34 Cook Stephen Brentwood Secondary College 8545 0300 33 Cook Jennifer Forest Hill College 9814 9444 33 Cooper Jeffrey Grovedale College 52 454545 28 Cooper Lindsay Kyabram Secondary College 58 521711 31 Corkill Peter Cheltenham Secondary College 9555 5955 35 Corrie Ron Donald High School 54 971205 29 Cortese John Red Cliffs Secondary College 50 241522 30 Cosamento Robert Karingal Park Secondary College 9789 4544 35 Costello Garry Merbein Secondary College 50 252501 30 Cousens Joselyn Dromana Secondary College 59 872805 35 Craig Wayne Northern Metropolitan Region 9488 9488 36 Crawford Alphonsus Keilor Downs College 9367 4200 34 Craze Judith Viewbank College 9458 2811 36 Crocker Ian St Albans Secondary College 9366 2555 34 Croft Kerrie Ashwood College 9807 1333 33 Crouch Edwin Lynall Hall Community School 94284421 36 Crowe Judith Melbourne Girls College 9428 8955 36 Crupi Robert Kealba Secondary College 9366 3444 34 Culkin Martin Dandenong High School 9792 0561 35 Cunningham Denis Victorian School of Languages 9474 0500 36 Czerniewicz Larraine Noble Park English Language School 9546 9578 35 D’Elia Bruno Daley Graeme Niddrie Secondary College 9337 2488 34 Dalton Timothy Blackburn High School 9878 4477 33 Daly Thomas Wantirna College 9801 9700 33 Daly Stephen Mount Eliza Secondary College 9787 6288 35 Dart Ken Portland Secondary College 55 231344 28 Davern Bernard Mount Clear College 53 301500 29 Davey Lynette Lorne P-12 College 52891585 28 Davey Glenn Kyneton Secondary College 54 211100 30 Davidson Anne Davidson Gail Northcote High School 9488 2300 36 Davies Russel Lyndale Secondary College 9795 2366 35 Dean Karen Fairhills High School 9758 5022 33 Deckert Leigh Sherbrooke Community School 9755 2007 33 Dedes Danny Taylors Lakes Secondary College 9390 3130 34 Dellar Scott Yarrawonga Secondary College 57 441751 31 Demasi Nita Lake Bolac College 53502302 29 Dennis Garry Wonthaggi Secondary College – Admin McBride Senior 56 721344 32 Dezilwa Yolette Western English Language School P-10 93119325

Dingle Paul Box Forest Secondary College 9304 0400 36 Distel Colan Hawkesdale P12 College 55607225 28 Dodson Susan Kaniva P – 12 College 53 922494 29 Donovan Laurel Brandon Park Secondary College 9560 7322 33

Created on 8/04/2018 Page 54 of 71 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION Dower Christopher Western Heights College – Admin 52771177 28 Dowie David Mortlake P-12 College 55992204 28 Downie Graeme Terang College 55921349 28 Dowsley Kerrie St Albans Secondary College 9366 2555 34 Doyle Valerie Upwey High School 9754 2838 33 Dredge Peter Ballarat High School 5338 9000 29 Duck Arda Corio Bay Senior College 5275 1158 28 Duff Peter Traralgon College – Admin 5176 2240 32 Duffy Adele Eumemmerring College – Gleneagles 9708 1319 35 Dullard Jacqueline Colac High School 52 312688 28 Dunbar Allan Footscray City College 8387 1500 34 Dunlop Rodney Drouin Secondary College 56 251002 32 Dunn Julie Stawell Secondary College 53 581700 29 Dunse Robin Castlemaine Secondary College –Junior 5479 1111 30 Dyson Pamela Eumemmerring College – Hallam 9703 1266 35 Edwards Russell Whittlesea Secondary College 9716 2908 36 Edwards Anthony Fawkner Secondary College 9359 1166 36 Edwards Gregory Rosebud Secondary College 59 868595 35 Eeles Christopher Echuca College – College Drive Site 54 821133 30 Egeberg Peter Thornbury High School 9480 4066 36 Eglezos Sandra Brimbank College 8312 0200 34 Eichler Jennifer Murrayville Community College 50952001 30 Elliott Ronald Traralgon College – Admin 5176 2240 32 Elliott Russell North Geelong Secondary College 52 789399 28 Ellis Geoffrey Wellington Secondary College 9547 6822 33 Ellison James Box Hill Senior Secondary College 9890 0571 33 Elliss Rick Ballarat Secondary College 5336 7200 29 Elvin Barbara Monterey Secondary College 9781 7700 35 Emmerson Lynn Mooroopna Secondary College 58 252344 31 Emonson Richard Bayswater Secondary College 9729 2555 33 English Jillian Heathmont College 9871 4888 33 Entwisle Clare Kew High School 9859 8652 33 Erickson Sandra Glen Waverley Secondary College 9802 6122 33 Escreet Peter Monbulk College 9756 6208 33 Evans Rhys Benalla College – Faithfull Campus 5761 2777 31 Evans Robert Bayside College – Paisley Senior 9391 6666 34 Evison Neil Lavers Hill P-12 College 52373213 28 Exton Rodney Sale College – Guthridge Campus 51 443711 32 Ezard Jane Rushworth P -12 College 58 561230 31 Fall Warren Melbourne High School 9826 0711 35 Fallon Kimberley Vermont Secondary College 9873 1077 33 Fankhauser Glenn Rowville Secondary College – Admin 9755 4555 33 Farrow Glen Dromana Secondary College 59 872805 35 Fawcett Michael Caroline Springs College-Lakeview Campus 93614200 34 Feain Peter Shepparton High School 58 214322 31 Ferres Alan Fehring Heather Sandringham College – Highett 9598 7044 35 Felstead Craig Sale College – Admin 51 441711 32 Felstead Ferida Koonung Secondary College 9890 9662 33 Fenton Dionne Bacchus Marsh College – Admin 53 672 955 29 Ferguson Dianne Cobram Secondary College 58 711700 31 Ferra Amadeo Karingal Park Secondary College 9789 4544 35 Fettling Meredith Bendigo Senior Secondary College 54 431222 30 Fielding Lynden Edenhope P-12 College 55 851277 29 Findlay Philip Sebastopol College 5329 3293 29

Created on 8/04/2018 Page 55 of 71 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION Finn Rob Sebastopol College 5329 3293 29 Finnerty David Elisabeth Murdoch Secondary College 9789 7188 35 Fitch Anne Laverton Secondary College 9369 1833 34 Fitzgerald Tim Fitzroy 7-10 School 9488 1900 36 Fitzgerald Michael Heathmont College 9871 4888 33 Fitzgerald John Sunbury College 9744 1066 36 Flanagan John Gisborne Secondary College 54 283691 30 Flavell Noel Wodonga Senior Secondary College 02 60 43 7500 31 Fleming Ernie Flora Hill Secondary College 54 434522 30 Fletcher Gary Mooroopna Secondary College 58 252344 31 Flett Geoff Mooroolbark College 9727 8100 33 Flowers Geoffrey Westall Secondary College 9546 3233 35 Flynn Linda Mount Clear College 53 301500 29 Fogarty Gerry Banksia Secondary College 9497 3822 36 Fogarty Michael Swinburne Senior Secondary College 8862 4400 33 Foord Norman Newcomb Secondary College 52 481400 28 Forbes Vicki Brentwood Secondary College 8545 0300 33 Forbes Gizelle Bacchus Marsh College – Admin 53 672 955 29 Forbes Joy Goroke P-12 College 53 861024 29 Ford Catherine Wantirna College 9801 9700 33 Forster Ruth Princes Hill Secondary College 9387 9877 36 Forte Russell South Gippsland Secondary College 56 822066 32 Fowler Tony Melton Secondary College 9743 3322 34 Fox Anne Niddrie Secondary College 9337 2488 34 Frank Jurgen Seymour Tech High School 57 922200 31 Fraser Helen Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College 52 218288 28 Fraser Ken Frazer Simon Mentone Girls Secondary College 9581 5200 35 Freijah Albert Tallangatta Secondary College 0260 712500 31 Freemantle Lin Freyne John Trafalgar High School 56 331733 32 Fuller Jonathon Ouyen Secondary College 50 921182 30 Fulu Alison Upper Yarra Secondary College 59 671877 33 Gaffney Maree Lalor Secondary College 9465 2066 36 Galati-Brown Raffaella Northland Secondary College 9478 1333 36 Gale Roger Ballarat Secondary College – East Campus 5336 7200 29 Gannon Peter Viewbank College 9458 2811 36 Gardiner Wendy Maribyrnong Secondary College 9318 1355 34 Gardner Philip East Doncaster Secondary College 9842 2244 33 Gardner Kathie Melton Secondary College 9743 3322 34 Gargan Donald Wodonga Middle Years College – Felltimber Campus 0260 591400 31 Gargan Rhonda Mount Beauty Secondary College 57 544005 31 Gargano Pasquale Brighton Secondary College 9592 7488 35 Garvey Jane MacRobertson Girls’ High School 9820 0788 35 Geary John Bendigo Senior Secondary College 54 431222 30 Gentle Deborah Drouin Secondary College 56 251002 32 George Sandra Springvale Secondary College 9546 8755 35 Ghirardello Marie Wheelers Hill Secondary College 9561 5811 33 Giffard Ruth Blackburn English Language School 9803 4022 33 Gilbert Carole Gilmore College for Girls 9689 4788 34 Gilmore John Ginnivan Helen Nathalia Secondary College 58 662331 31 Gizelle Forbes Bacchus Marsh College – Admin 53 672 955 29 Gleeson Patrick Mortlake P-12 College 55992204 28 Glenn Susan Hampton Park Secondary College 8795 9400 35

Created on 8/04/2018 Page 56 of 71 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION Glowrey Cheryl South Gippsland Secondary College 56 822066 32 Godfrey Lynette Mooroolbark College 9727 8100 33 Goldsworthy Malcolm Kangaroo Flat Secondary College 54 477722 30 Good Graeme Mortlake P-12 College 55992204 28 Goodall Stephen Bellarine Secondary College – Ocean Grove 5251 9000 28 Goodin Rodney Robinvale Secondary College 50 261303 30 Goodman John Princes Hill Secondary College 9387 9877 36 Gook Alison Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College 52 218288 28 Gordon Kenneth Ouyen Secondary College 50 921182 30 Grant Barbara Blackburn High School 9878 4477 33 Gray Keith Wanganui Park Secondary College 5820 9900 31 Gray Josie Berwick Secondary College 8768 1000 35 Gray Michael Chandler Secondary College 9798 1877 35 Greenwood Ian Kew High School 9859 8652 33 Greer Judy Kyabram Secondary College 58 521711 31 Griffin David Manangatang P-12 College 50 351270 30 Griffiths Phillipa Traralgon College – Senior Campus 51 762240 32 Grimwood Jennifer Lalor North Secondary College 9401 3888 36 Guazzarotto Barbara Melbourne Girls College 9428 8955 36 Gunn Alistair Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School 9685 9320 36 Gutterson Lynne Gladstone Park Secondary College 9338 7122 36 Hackett Malcolm Diamond Valley College 9438 1411 36 Haldane Frances Bairnsdale Secondary College – Junior Campus 5150 4800 32 Hale Suzanne Dromana Secondary College 59 872805 35 Halge Keith Hoppers Crossing Secondary College 9749 3611 34 Hall Ian SEO – East Gippsland District 5152 4022

Hall Craig Bayside College – Paisley Senior 9391 6666 34 Halliburton Hugh Ashwood College 9807 1333 33 Hamilton Simon Western Port Secondary College 5979 1577 35 Hamilton Roy Braybrook Secondary College 9312 2900 34 Hamilton Bronwyn Carwatha College P-12 97955848 35 Hancock Gregory Lilydale Heights College 9735 1133 33 Hand Anthony Tyrrell College 50702106 30 Handley John Heathmont College 9871 4888 33 Hanger Elizabeth Apollo Bay P-12 College 52376483 28 Hanley Peter SEO – Southern Metro 9794 3555 35 Hannan Ray Maryborough Education Centre – Nolan Campus 54 604566 30 Harbottle Kenneth Strathmore Secondary College 9379 7999 34 Harcourt Bronwyn Croydon Community School 97253241 33 Harley John Charlton College 54 911280 30 Harman Deborah Balwyn High School 9819 7911 33 Harnett Andrew Nathalia Secondary College 58 662331 31 Harnetty Kate Boronia Heights College 9762 4044 33 Harper Timothy Karingal Park Secondary College 9789 4544 35 Harrap Susan Yarram Secondary College 51 825522 32 Harrington Terrence Yarram Secondary College 51 825522 32 Harrington Jim Kerang Tech High School 54 521062 30 Harris Anne Numurkah Secondary College 58 621088 31 Harris Lorraine Mordialloc College 9580 1184 35 Hart Murray Stawell Secondary College 53 581700 29 Hartmann Robert Sebastopol College 5329 3293 29 Hatzis William Werribee Secondary College 9741 1822 34 Hawkins Jennifer Flinders Peak Secondary College 52 752886 28 Hazim Elaine Deer Park Secondary College 9363 1155 34 Heaney Garry Galvin Park Secondary College 9741 4911 34 Created on 8/04/2018 Page 57 of 71 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION Hebden Lyndel Broadmeadows Secondary College 9309 1988 36 Hendrickson Peter Sunbury College 9744 1066 36 Henwood Dorothy Parkwood Secondary College 9876 1633 33 Hickson Jan Bacchus Marsh College – Admin 53 672 955 29 Higginbotham Jeffrey Derrinallum College 55976625 28 Higgins Heather Beaufort Secondary College 53 492305 29 Higgins Michael Chaffey Secondary College 5023 0538 30 Higginson Ruth Broadford Secondary College 57 841200 31 Hilbig Peter Stawell Secondary College 53 581700 29 Hildebrand Gael Cohuna Secondary College 54 562555 30 Hilditch Vernon Wodonga Middle Years College – Huon Campus 0260 241600 31 Hill Michael Diamond Valley College 9438 1411 36 Hillman Peter Canterbury Girls Secondary College 9830 5099 33 Hiotis Helene Canterbury Girls Secondary College 9830 5099 33 Hocking Graeme Hillcrest Secondary College 93091155 36 Hogg Cathy Frankston High School 9783 7955 35 Holland Michael Colac High School 52 312688 28 Holloway Sally Templestowe College 9850 6333 33 Holman Greg Upwey High School 9754 2838 33 Holt Tiffany Kaniva P – 12 College 53 922494 29 Homburg Rodney Ballarat High School 5338 9000 29 Homer Stuart Hon Paul Echuca College – Crofton Street Site 54 823366 30 Honeywell Philip Balmoral High School 55 701201 28 Hooper Paul Corio Bay Senior College 5275 1158 28 Horner Patricia Mill Park Secondary College – Senior 9409 8222 36 Hoult Graham Western Port Secondary College 5979 1577 35 Howlett Peter SEO – West Gippsland District 5623 5766 32 Hubber Amanda Golden Square Secondary College 54 436611 30 Hughes Julie Ringwood Secondary College 9870 2002 33 Hunter Robyn Bacchus Marsh College – Admin 53 672 955 29 Hunter John Beechworth Secondary College 57 281264 31 Hunter Jean Brighton Secondary College 9592 7488 35 Hutton Peter Gisborne Secondary College 54 283691 30 Ianni Fernando Upfield Secondary College 9359 2411 36 Iliadis Irene Hillcrest Secondary College 93091155 36 Izard Jennifer Golden Square Secondary College 54 436611 30 Jackson Susan Ballarat High School 5338 9000 29 Jackson Philip Macleod College 9459 0222 / 3616 36 Jackson Helen Pascoe Vale Girls College 9306 2544 36 Jacobs Tony Vermont Secondary College 9873 1077 33 Jamieson Craig Rowville Secondary College – Western Campus 9755 4555 33 Janson Michael University High School 9347 2022 34 Jeffery Robyn Ballarat Secondary College – Barkly Senior Campus 5336 7200 29 Jenkin Robert Box Hill High School 9877 1177 33 Jenkins Trevor Eltham High School 9439 5111 36 Jenz David Jessup Mark Highvale Secondary College 9803 5144 33 Johnston Andrew Alexandra Secondary College 57 70 2000 31 Johnston Kay Ballarat Secondary College 5336 7200 29 Jolly Jennifer Wycheproof P-12 College 54937409 30 Jones Valerie Mirboo North Secondary College 56 681203 32 Jones Hugh Bentleigh Secondary College 9579 1044 35 Jones Rodney Kaniva P – 12 College 53 922494 29 Joosten Janine Scoresby Secondary College 9763 8788 33

Created on 8/04/2018 Page 58 of 71 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION Joseph Diane Geelong High School 52 292221 28 Jovic John Cranbourne Secondary College 59 963544 35 Juratowitch Robert Kurnai College – Gippsland Education Precinct 5132 3800 32 Kane Glenn Portland Secondary College 55 231344 28 Kariko Aniko Trafalgar High School 56 331733 32 Karvouni Angeliki Glen Eira College 95717838 35 Karvouni Maria Distance Education Centre 8480 0201 36 Katsikapis Peter Caroline Springs College-Creekside Campus 93614200 34 Keeble Brian Bogong Outdoor Education Centre 57 541732 31 Kelly Christine Echuca College – Crofton Street Site 54 823366 30 Kelly Greg Bellarine Secondary College – Drysdale Campus 5251 9000 28 Kelly Elizabeth Oberon High School 52 434444 28 Kelly Shane Swan Hill College 50329360 30 Kelsall Margaret Elisabeth Murdoch Secondary College 9789 7188 35 Kemp Ian Maryborough Education Centre – Palmerston Campus 54 611411 30 Kenny Raymond Gladstone Park Secondary College 9338 7122 36 Kenny Kath Peter Lalor Secondary College 9464 0122 36 Keogh Robert Mornington Secondary College 5975 6955 35 Kerin Michael Bayside College – Admin 9393 5800 34 Kerr Malcolm Cobram Secondary College 58 711700 31 Kesiois Eva Westall English Language Centre 9546 1732

Keysers John Mount Eliza Secondary College 9787 6288 / 7500 35 Kilpatrick Cherie Bright P-12 College 57551166 31 Kindler Sheereen Parkdale Secondary College 9580 6311 35 King Dean Elisabeth Murdoch Secondary College 9789 7188 35 Kirsanovs George Klemke Stephen Mirboo North Secondary College 56 681203 32 Knox Brian Korsten Tanja Emerald Secondary College 59 685388 33 Kosach Mark Springvale Secondary College 9546 8755 35 Koziaris Helen South Oakleigh Secondary College 9579 2322 33 Kruger Lois Strathmore Secondary College 9379 7999 34 La Ragy Vincent South Oakleigh Secondary College 9579 2322 33 Lacey Margaret Macleod College 9459 0222 / 3616 36 Laidlaw Barbara Brentwood Secondary College 8545 0300 33 Lake Rosalie Bendigo Senior Secondary College 54 431222 30 Lakey Shayne Staughton College 9743 4622 34 Lamb Robert Gladstone Park Secondary College 9338 7122 36 Lamb Lesley Gilmore College for Girls 9689 4788 34 Lambert Jenny Rubicon Outdoor Centre 57 732285 31 Lamshed Craig Kurnai College – Morwell – Middle 51342977 32 Lappin-Raeck Michelle Castlemaine Secondary College –Junior 5479 1111 30 Lasscock Peter Flora Hill Secondary College 54 434522 30 Laughlin Jillian Dandenong High School 9792 0561 35 Laurence Janine Preston Girls Secondary College 9470 2755 36 Lawrence Alan McKinnon Secondary College 8520 9000 35 Leaf William Bentleigh Secondary College 9579 1044 35 Lee Eng Eumemmerring College – Gleneagles 9708 1319 35 Lee David Buckley Park College 9331 9999 34 Lee Kevin Robinvale Secondary College 50 261303 30 Lee-Ack Mike Timboon P-12 School 55983381 28 Leed Janine Pakenham Secondary College 59 411433 35 Lehner Deborah Mentone Girls Secondary College 9581 5200 35 Lentini Greg Werribee Secondary College 9741 1822 34 Leslie Jacqueline Essendon Keilor College – East Keilor Campus 8331 0100 34 Created on 8/04/2018 Page 59 of 71 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION Lewis Charles Lewis Hannah Western Port Secondary College 5979 1577 35 Lewis Joseph Kerang Tech High School 54 521062 30 Liedke Karin Coomoora Secondary College 9798 6366 35 Lindsay Heather Heatherhill Secondary College 9546 4144 35 Lloyd Christopher Mount Erin Secondary College-Somerville 59716000

Lloyd Bernadette Kew High School 9859 8652 33 Locco Deborah Chandler Secondary College 9798 1877 35 Lockington Robin Reservoir District Secondary College – Reservoir 9470 3555 36 Long Murray Bellarine Secondary College – Drysdale Campus 5251 9000 28 Long Catherine Ashwood College 9807 1333 33 Lowcock Geoffrey Hume Region 57612100 31 Luck Iain Victorian P-12 College of Koorie Education – Woolum Bellum 51339323 32 Ludowyke Jeremy Melbourne High School 9826 0711 35 Lukic Branko Thomastown Secondary College 9465 0844 36 Lyall John Eumemmerring College – Hallam 9703 1266 35 Lynch Wayne Oberon High School 52 434444 28 Macalister Heather Orbost Secondary College 51 541084 32 Macaulay Stephen Beaufort Secondary College 53 492305 29 MacLean Peter Wodonga Senior Secondary College 02 60 43 7500 31 Macnaughtan Leonie Irymple Secondary College 50 245407 30 Macrae Douglas Lalor North Secondary College 9401 3888 36 Madden Cornelius Tallangatta Secondary College 0260 712500 31 Madden Bradley East Loddon P-12 College 54 368300 30 Maher Noel Major Gail Mount Waverley Secondary College – Admin 9803 6811 33 Malberg Christopher Taylors Lakes Secondary College 9390 3130 34 Malberg Jennifer Staughton College 9743 4622 34 Mann Michael Rosebud Secondary College 59 868595 35 Maple Chris Ballarat High School 5338 9000 29 Marks Janice Pembroke Secondary College – Cambridge Campus 9725 7733 33 Marr Alan Drouin Secondary College 56 251002 32 Marshall Elaine SEO – Eastern Metro 9881 0200 33 Martin Bruce Macleod College 9459 0222 / 3616 36 Martin Peter Martin Roger St Albans Secondary College 9366 2555 34 Martin Augustus Scoresby Secondary College 9763 8788 33 Martin Anne Berwick Secondary College 8768 1000 35 Martin Ian Murtoa College 53 852381 29 Mason Jennifer Mornington Secondary College 5975 6955 35 Mason Jennifer Norwood Secondary College 9871 0400 33 Matejin Milan Bayside College – Altona North Junior 9391 2511 34 Matheou Dimitra Greensborough College 9433 2666 36 Matthews Janet Grovedale College 52 454545 28 Matthews Trevor Myrtleford Secondary College 57 521011 31 Matthews Warwick Mount Beauty Secondary College 57 544005 31 Maxwell Linda Williamstown High School – Admin 9397 1899 34 Mazzarella Joseph Pyramid Hill College 54 557377 30 McAuliffe Allen Brimbank College 8312 0200 34 McCarthy Jo-Ann Yarrawonga Secondary College 57 441751 31 McCartin Timothy Seymour Tech High School 57 922200 31 McClure John SEO – Central Highlands Wimmera 53378444 29 McClure Melanie Wodonga Middle Years College – Felltimber Campus 0260 591400 31 McCluskey Leonnie Leongatha Secondary College – West 56 622266 32 McCubbin Gwyneth Mullauna College 9874 3422 33 Created on 8/04/2018 Page 60 of 71 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION McDermott Lloyd Lyndale Secondary College 9795 2366 35 McDonald Allyson Berendale School 95556141 35 McFarlane Robert Upfield Secondary College 9359 2411 36 McGinley Leonie Kooweerup Secondary College 59 971444 35 McGoldrick Lynette Ringwood Secondary College 9870 2002 33 McGuire Christopher Parkdale Secondary College 9580 6311 35 McIntosh Andrew Maffra Secondary College 51 471790 32 McIntyre Heather Daylesford Secondary College 53 482367 29 McKay Kenneth Patterson River Secondary College 9786 3933 35 McKenzie Isabelle Camberwell High School 9836 0555 33 McKenzie Kerrin Terang College 55921349 28 McKenzie Ian Kambrya College 9702 6266 35 McKenzie Fiona Warrnambool College 55 64 4444 28 McKinnon Graeme Brunswick Secondary College 9387 6133 36 McLean Alan Shepparton High School 58 214322 31 McLean Dean Rubicon Outdoor Centre 57 732285 31 McMahon Greg Parkdale Secondary College 9580 6311 35 McManus Daniel Mount Erin Secondary College-Somerville 59716000

McMaster Eva Rowville Secondary College – Eastern Campus 9755 4555 33 McMillan Daryll Manangatang P-12 College 50 351270 30 McMillin Heath Mordialloc College 9580 1184 35 McMullen Adele Glen Eira College 95717838 35 McMurtrie Stephen Bogong Outdoor Education Centre 57 541732 31 McNamara Michael Croydon Secondary College 9725 8277 33 McTaggart Keith Forest Hill College 9814 9444 33 Meadowcroft Gael St Albans Secondary College 9366 2555 34 Meek Bronwyn Broadmeadows Secondary College 9309 1988 36 Melki-Wegner John Eumemmerring College – Endeavour Hills 9700 1333 35 Merambeliotis Emanuel Pakenham Secondary College 59 411433 35 Merlin Fiona Chaffey Secondary College 5023 0538 30 Merlino Frank Victorian School of Languages 9474 0500 36 Meyer John Mildenhall Sasha Taylors Lakes Secondary College 9390 3130 34 Miller Keith Peter Lalor Secondary College 9464 0122 36 Miller Beverley Bendigo Senior Secondary College 54 431222 30 Miller Cameron Narre Warren South P-12 College 97043333 35 Miller John Rosebud Secondary College 59 868595 35 Mills David Seymour Tech High School 57 922200 31 Mills Kerry Flinders Peak Secondary College 52 752886 28 Milner Glyn Maffra Secondary College 51 471790 32 Minko Andrew Templestowe College 9850 6333 33 Mitchell Christine East Doncaster Secondary College 9842 2244 33 Mitchell Kathryn Box Hill High School 9877 1177 33 Moir Mark Lyndale Secondary College 9795 2366 35 Moloney Geraldine Braybrook Secondary College 9312 2900 34 Money Karen Lalor North Secondary College 9401 3888 36 Monson Russell Warragul Regional College 5623 9900 32 Montana Adrian Vermont Secondary College 9873 1077 33 Moore Deborah Wangaratta High School-Edwards Street Campus 57 230500 31 Moore Brett Greensborough College 9433 2666 36 Morgan Rosemary Baimbridge College 55 722788 28 Morley Jonathan Gisborne Secondary College 54 283691 30 Morris Katharine Northcote High School 9488 2300 36 Morrish Deborah Upper Yarra Secondary College 59 671877 33 Morrow Brian Mullauna College 9874 3422 33 Created on 8/04/2018 Page 61 of 71 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION Moss Basil Mothersdale Barbara Eumemmerring College – Endeavour Hills 9700 1333 35 Mulholland Hans Epping Secondary College 9401 2599 36 Muling Peter Mount Waverley Secondary College – Admin 9803 6811 33 Mullen Scott Sunshine East Primary School 93112038 34 Muller Keith Elwood College 9531 9566 35 Munro John Viewbank College 9458 2811 36 Murdoch Carolyn Elwood College 9531 9566 35 Murphy Desmond Braybrook Secondary College 9312 2900 34 Murphy Nick Northcote High School 9488 2300 36 Murray Kenneth Wanganui Park Secondary College 5820 9900 31 Murray Virginia Hawthorn Secondary College 9822 3247 33 Muscat Susan Bundoora Secondary College 9467 1511 36 Muscat Michael Kambrya College 9702 6266 35 Nagle Trudie Cobram Consolidated School 58721374 31 Naidu Nalini Kambrya College 9702 6266 35 Napoli Gus Taylors Lakes Secondary College 9390 3130 34 Neville Rosemarie St Helena Secondary College 9438 8500 36 New Bretton Western Metropolitan Region 92916500 34 Newland Peter Galvin Park Secondary College 9741 4911 34 Newton Andrew McKinnon Secondary College 8520 9000 35 Newton Rob University High School 9347 2022 34 Nicholls Graeme Lowanna College 5127 9200 32 Nicholls Andrew Elisabeth Murdoch Secondary College 9789 7188 35 Nichols David Balwyn High School 9819 7911 33 Noelker Marie East Loddon P-12 College 54 368300 30 Nolen Vicki Cobram Secondary College 58 711700 31 Noonan Pamela Cheltenham Secondary College 9555 5955 35 Norton Dennis Mildura Senior College 5021 2911 30 Norton Chris Stawell Secondary College 53 581700 29 Novackis Laima Collingwood English Language School 9419 7633 36 Nugent Mark Copperfield College – Kings Park Junior Campus 9366 8011 34 Oakes Pamela Wodonga Senior Secondary College 02 60 43 7500 31 Oakley Susan Benalla College – Faithfull Campus 5761 2777 31 Oaten Lynton Hawthorn Secondary College 9822 3247 33 O’Brien Eileen Croydon Secondary College 9725 8277 33 O’Brien Michael Debney Park Secondary College 9376 1622 34 Ockwell Margaret SEO – Eastern Metro 9881 0212 33 O’Dowd Wayne Colac College 52 315844 28 O’Keefe Patricia Pascoe Vale Girls College 9306 2544 36 Oliver Debbie Shepparton High School 58 214322 31 Oliver Gillian Lilydale Heights College 9735 1133 33 O’Meara John Yea High School 57 972207 31 O’Meara Thomas Pembroke Secondary College – Mt Evelyn Campus 9736 3650 33 O’Neill Kevin Werribee Secondary College 9741 1822 34 O’Neill Meredith North Geelong Secondary College 52 789399 28 Osborne Delma Whittlesea Secondary College 9716 2908 36 Osler Jenny Vermont Secondary College 9873 1077 33 Ough Andrew Mildura Senior College 5021 2911 30 Pagano Carmelo Craigieburn Secondary College 9308 1144 36 Page Roger Mount Erin Secondary College-Frankston South 59 71 6000 35 Palmer Gary Ballarat High School 5338 9000 29 Pamieta Stanley Collingwood College 94176681 36 Panaccio Mario Macleod College 9459 0222 / 3616 36 Panayiotou Alexandra SEO – West Gippsland District 5623 5766 32

Created on 8/04/2018 Page 62 of 71 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION Panousieris Kelly Braybrook Secondary College 9312 2900 34 Papadimitropoulos Jim Mornington Secondary College 5975 6955 35 Paproth Donald SEO – South Gippsland District 5127 0416

Parker Alan Mount Clear College 53 301500 29 Parker Darren Wonthaggi Secondary College – Admin McBride Senior 56 721344 32 Parkes Kathleen Victorian P-12 College of Koori Education – Swan Hill Campus 5032 4584 30 Parkin Stephen Warrandyte High School 9844 2749 33 Patterson Don Korumburra Secondary College 56 551566 32 Pattinson Robyn Boort Secondary College 54 552201 30 Patton Felix Benalla College – Dunlop Campus 5761 2888 31 Patton Mark Gisborne Secondary College 54 283691 30 Pavlou Jeff Doncaster Secondary College 9848 4677 33 Pear Zlatko Staughton College 9743 4622 34 Pearce Dale Bendigo Senior Secondary College 54 431222 30 Pearce Elizabeth Collingwood College 94176681 36 Pech John Hampton Park Secondary College 8795 9400 35 Peck Dianne Glen Waverley Secondary College 9802 6122 33 Peddle Kay Mount Eliza Secondary College 9787 6288 35 Peddlesden Sue Eumemmerring College – Admin 9703 1266 35 Peel Ian St Arnaud Secondary College 54 951811 29 Peirce Neridah Canterbury Girls Secondary College 9830 5099 33 Pell Geoffrey Taylors Lakes Secondary College 9390 3130 34 Pendergast Mary Warrnambool College 55 64 4444 28 Perichon Dale Collingwood College 94176681 36 Perini George Rowville Secondary College – Eastern Campus 9755 4555 33 Perkins Wayne Sandringham College – Admin 9598 7788 35 Petrovska Pandora Victorian School of Languages 9474 0500 36 Petschel Colleen Rainbow Secondary College 53 951063 29 Phillips Michael Ringwood Secondary College 9870 2002 33 Phillips Stephen Lyndhurst Secondary College 59 960144 35 Pianta Catherine Benalla College – Faithfull Campus 5761 2777 31 Pietsch Janet Irymple Secondary College 50 245407 30 Pirie Rex Wangaratta High School-Edwards Street Campus 57 230500 31 Pitches Glennis Warrandyte High School 9844 2749 33 Pitrakkou Andrew Sunshine College – West 9334 6500 34 Pledge Geoffrey Kooweerup Secondary College 59 971444 35 Pobjoy John Williamstown High School – Bayview Campus 9399 9228 34 Podbury Julie Brighton Secondary College 9592 7488 35 Podbury Paul Cheltenham Secondary College 9555 5955 35 Pollard Angela Karingal Park Secondary College 9789 4544 35 Polson Russell Wodonga Middle Years College – Huon Campus 0260 241600 31 Pond Gregory Bayside College – Williamstown 9397 1377 34 Poon Kevin Reservoir District Secondary College – Reservoir 9470 3555 36 Porter George Sebastopol College 5329 3293 29 Porter Lynette Swan Hill College 50329360 30 Porter Robert Brauer College 55 60 3888 28 Porter William McGuire College – Shepparton 58 215966 31 Potter Gregory Kyneton Secondary College 54 211100 30 Potter Rhonda Carwatha College P-12 97955848 35 Poulier Russell Fairhills High School 9758 5022 33 Poulter Andree Reservoir District Secondary College – Reservoir 9470 3555 36 Power Mary Sunbury Downs Secondary College 9744 7366 36 Powson Wendy Lilydale High School 9735 5644 33 Praetz Leonie Hopetoun Secondary College 50 833203 29 Prange Bette La Trobe Secondary College 9459 9633 36 Created on 8/04/2018 Page 63 of 71 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION Preece Leanne Castlemaine Secondary College – Senior 5479 4222 30 Priest David Werrimull P-12 School 50 281251 30 Prior Randall Coomoora Secondary College 9798 6366 35 Pritchard Gregory Elwood College 95319566 35 Pritchard Rod Wodonga Middle Years College – Felltimber Campus 0260 591400 31 Proctor Glenn Mount Waverley Secondary College – Admin 9803 6811 33 Pryor John Bright P-12 College 57551166 31 Putrino Mary-Jo Wellington Secondary College 9547 6822 33 Pyers Robert Dimboola Memorial Secondary College 53 891460 29 Quigley Jennifer Doncaster Secondary College 9848 4677 33 Rae Anne SEO – Northern Metropolitan Region 9488 9488 36 Raghdo Mona Sunshine College – Senior 8311 5202 34 Ramadge Janet Bairnsdale Secondary College – Junior Campus 5150 4800 32 Rankin Ellen Rutherglen High School 0260 329483 31 Rawson Graham Neerim District Secondary College 56 281455 32 Redmond Heather Myrtleford Secondary College 57 521011 31 Reeves Mark Alpine School 5159 6580 31 Rennick Allan Healesville High School 59 624088 33 Reynolds David Footscray City College 8387 1500 34 Rhodes Gregory Merbein Secondary College 50 252501 30 Rice Pauline Fitzroy 7-10 School 94881900 36 Richards Jane Blackburn High School 9878 4477 33 Richmond John Birchip P-12 School 54 922287 29 Ridgeway Bryan Rosebud Secondary College 59 868595 35 Rigby Geoffrey Donald High School 54 971205 29 Ritzinger Hermann Epping Secondary College 9401 2599 36 Roberts Karen Eaglehawk Secondary College 5446 8099 30 Roberts Michelle Cheltenham Secondary College 9555 5955 35 Roberts Wayne Northcote High School 9488 2300 36 Robertson Julie Craigieburn Secondary College 9308 1144 36 Robertson Graeme School Infrastructure UnitDepartment of Education & Training 96372000 00 Robinson Allan Montmorency Secondary College 9435 6399 36 Robinson Sandra Chandler Secondary College 9798 1877 35 Robinson Kenneth Narre Warren South P-12 College 97043333 35 Rock Peter Cobden Technical School 55 951202 28 Rodaughan Anthony Kurnai College – Admin 5132 3700 32 Rogers Dean Kerang Tech High School 54 521062 30 Rogers Andrew Casterton Secondary College 55 811588 28 Rogers Philip Rutherglen High School 0260 329483 31 Rogers Brian Maribyrnong Secondary College 9318 1355 34 Rollason Jane Sandringham College – Beaumaris 9589 1820 35 Roney Mark Monterey Secondary College 9781 7700 35 Roodenburg John Glen Waverley Secondary College 9802 6122 33 Rooney Kristine Western Heights College – Admin 52771177 28 Rose Judy Wangaratta High School-Edwards Street Campus 57 230500 31 Rose Anthony Ballarat Secondary College – Admin 5336 7200 29 Ross Tony Coomoora Secondary College 9798 6366 35 Rouse Peter Niddrie Secondary College 9337 2488 34 Rowe Colin Alexandra Secondary College 57 70 2000 31 Rowland Barry Norlane High School 52 751393 28 Rowley James Bairnsdale Secondary College – Senior Campus 5150 4802 32 Royce Nigel Cann River P-12 College 51586245 32 Roycroft David Carrum Downs Secondary College 9788 9100 35 Ruchel Melanie Collingwood College 94176681 36 Ruff Harry Vermont Secondary College 9873 1077 33

Created on 8/04/2018 Page 64 of 71 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION Rumbold Kenneth Wycheproof P-12 College 54937409 30 Runciman John Murrayville Community College 50952001 30 Ryan Julie Mill Park Secondary College – Senior 9409 8222 36 Ryan Paul Lakeside Secondary College 9460 6655 36 Ryan Joanne Galvin Park Secondary College 9741 4911 34 Ryan Brendan SEO – Central Highlands Wimmera 53378444 29 Ryan Aidan Pembroke Secondary College – Admin 9725 7733 33 Ryan Gray SEO – Eastern Metro 9881 0200 33 Sal Frank Doncaster Secondary College 9848 4677 33 Salisbury Christopher Ringwood Secondary College 9870 2002 33 Salter Maureen Camberwell High School 9836 0555 33 Salter Avril Whittlesea Secondary College 9716 2908 36 Salvas Mair Wellington Secondary College 9547 6822 33 Sampson Greg Nhill College 53 912111 29 Sanders Robert Sunshine College – Ardeer 9361 9000 34 Sarau Heather Mentone Girls Secondary College 9581 5200 35 Sargeant Jessica Ballarat High School 5338 9000 29 Savini Eric Erinbank Secondary College 9309 6855 36 Sawyer Geoffrey Hopetoun Secondary College 50 833203 29 Scambler Philip Birchip P-12 School 54 922287 29 Scarborough Bob Warrnambool College 55 64 4444 28 Schache Barry Schapper Philippa Echuca College – Crofton Street Site 54 823366 30 Schiller Gerard Glen Waverley Secondary College 9802 6122 33 Scholtz Jill Lilydale Heights College 9735 1133 33 Schreenan John Schultz Garry Belmont High School 52 435355 28 Scott Nicholas Gladstone Park Secondary College 9338 7122 36 Scott Lynette Sydney Road Community School 93809417 36 Scott Lee-Anne McGuire College – Shepparton 58 215966 31 Scott Graeme The Grange P-12 College 9748 9166 34 Seddon Jennifer Doncaster Secondary College 9848 4677 33 Seery Paul Bendigo Senior Secondary College 54 431222 30 Sellings Peter Neerim District Secondary College 56 281455 32 Sena Silvana Williamstown High School – Pasco Campus 9397 1899 34 Sentry Kaye Brighton Secondary College 9592 7488 35 Sgroi Claude Brunswick Secondary College 9387 6133 36 Sharkey Toni Newcomb Secondary College 52 481400 28 Sharpe Neville Weeroona College Bendigo 5443 2133 30 Shaw Ralph Oberon High School 52 434444 28 Shaw John Kambrya College 9702 6266 35 Sheehy Michael Upwey High School 9754 2838 33 Shellard Anne Norwood Secondary College 9871 0400 33 Shelley Gayle Healesville High School 59 624088 33 Shelton David Brentwood Secondary College 8545 0300 33 Shem Russell Alpine School 5159 6580 31 Shepherd Robert Sherbrooke Community School 9755 2007 33 Shepherd Jonathan Bellarine Secondary College – Drysdale Campus 5251 9000 28 Shillito Noel Mount Clear College 53 301500 29 Shirley Dean SEO – Loddon Campaspe Mallee 54 403171 30 Sicari Vincent Eltham High School 9439 5111 36 Simpson Tony Copperfield College – Sydenham Jnr Campus 9361 3888 34 Simpson Colin Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School 9685 9320 36 Simson Genevieve Copperfield College – Delahey Senior Campus 9307 0000 34 Sing Colin Bellarine Secondary College – Drysdale Campus 5251 9000 28

Created on 8/04/2018 Page 65 of 71 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION Skewes Bruce Yea High School 57 972207 31 Slater Mark Patterson River Secondary College 9786 3933 35 Slater Bill Trafalgar High School 56 331733 32 Slessar Michael Castlemaine Secondary College – Senior 5479 4222 30 Smart Sandra Niddrie Secondary College 9337 2488 34 Smillie David The Grange P-12 College 9748 9166 34 Smith Aaron Emerald Secondary College 59 685388 33 Smith Graeme Williamstown High School – Admin 9397 1899 34 Smith Stephen Bundoora Secondary College 9467 1511 36 Smith Marilyn MacRobertson Girls’ High School 9820 0788 35 Smith Sherallen Carrum Downs Secondary College 9788 9100 35 Smith Kenneth Nhill College 53 912111 29 Smith Travis Frankston High School 9783 7955 35 Smith Kerrin Horsham College 53 820499 29 Smith Judith Coomoora Secondary College 9798 6366 35 Smithies Anne Keilor Downs College 9367 4200 34 Smyth David Melbourne High School 9826 0711 35 Snibson Karen Sebastopol College 5329 3293 29 Sokol Anthony Copperfield College – Delahey Senior Campus 9307 0000 34 Souter Brian Spallotta Rita Eumemmerring College – Fountain Gate 9796 6839 35 Speed Anthony Baimbridge College 55 722788 28 Spehr John Horsham College 53 820499 29 Speight Barrie Colac West Primary School 5231 2479. 28 Sperling Lisa Copperfield College – Sydenham Jnr Campus 9361 3888 34 Sperling Greg SEO-Western Metropolitan Region 9291 6500 34 Spina Rosanna Carwatha College P-12 97955848 35 Spragg Stan South Oakleigh Secondary College 9579 2322 33 Spyropoulos Mary Western English Language School P-10 93119325

Squire Phil Euroa Secondary College 57 952512 31 Squires Raymond Lyndhurst Secondary College 59 960144 35 Stalker Duncan Stanley Russell Charlton College 54 911280 30 Staple Brendan Sale College – Macalister Campus 51 441711 32 Starford Peter Keilor Downs College 9367 4200 34 Steele Lynda Sunshine College – North 8311 8500 34 Stephens Roger Sebastopol College 5329 3293 29 Stephens Bob SEO – Southern Metro 9794 3555 35 Stephens Barney Victorian P-12 College of Koorie Education – Glenroy Campus 9300 1288 36 Stephens Irving Stephenson Meredith Thornbury High School 9480 4066 36 Steven Peter Lorne P-12 College 52891585 28 Stevenson Robyn Dandenong High School 9792 0561 35 Stevenson Andrew Noble Park Secondary College 9546 9066 35 Stewart Kim Sandringham College – Sandringham 9598 7788 35 Stoddart Catherine Moreland City College 9354 1004 36 Stojanovski Stefo Victorian School of Languages 9474 0500 36 Stone John Princes Hill Secondary College 9387 9877 36 Stone Peter Galvin Park Secondary College 9741 4911 34 Stoneman Alex Stratton Phillip Beechworth Secondary College 57 281264 31 Stubbs Bronwyn Distance Education Centre 8480 0000 36 Stuchberry David Ballarat Secondary College - Wendouree Campus 5336 7200 29 Styles Graham Dandenong High School-Cleeland Campus 87927200 35 Styles Sue Cobden Technical School 55 951202 28 Created on 8/04/2018 Page 66 of 71 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION Summerton Tracey Leongatha Secondary College - East 56 624333 32 Sutherland Craig Lakes Entrance Secondary College 51 552982 32 Sutherland Robyn Heywood & District Secondary College 55 271303 28 Swain Elaine Lalor Secondary College 9465 2066 36 Sydenham Murray Mount Erin Secondary College-Frankston South 59 71 6000 35 Symons Nolene Bayside College - Altona North Junior 9391 2511 34 Tallarida Janice Mentone Girls Secondary College 9581 5200 35 Tanner Xavier Wanganui Park Secondary College 5820 9900 31 Tartaro Tony Buckley Park College 9331 9999 34 Taylor Garry Sebastopol College 5329 3293 29 Taylor John Cobram Secondary College 58 711700 31 Taylor Helen Brauer College 55 60 3888 28 Taylor Lynita Wangaratta High School-Edwards Street Campus 57 230500 31 Tellefson Vivienne Brunswick Secondary College 9387 6133 36 Temelkovski Lupcho Norlane High School 52 751393 28 Tender Brian Princes Hill Secondary College 9387 9877 36 Terrill Wayne Hoppers Crossing Secondary College 9749 3611 34 Terry Karen St Helena Secondary College 9438 8500 36 Thiele Hilary Murrayville Community College 50952001 30 Thomas Janet Boronia Heights College 9762 4044 33 Thompson Heather University High School 9347 2022 34 Thompson Bronwen Swinburne Senior Secondary College 8862 4400 33 Thompson Sandra Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College 52 218288 28 Thompson Ken Gladstone Park Secondary College 9338 7122 36 Thomson Trudy St Helena Secondary College 9438 8500 36 Thornton Lenore Southern Metropolitan Region 97943555 35 Thorp Laureen Bright P-12 College 57551166 31 Timmerman Christine Scoresby Secondary College 9763 8788 33 Toose Pamela Bendigo Senior Secondary College 54 431222 30 Torpey Cheryl Ouyen Secondary College 50 921182 30 Toussaint Atrhur 9326 8077 Towner Allison Hampton Park Secondary College 8795 9400 35 Townley Simon Melbourne Girls College 9428 8955 36 Townsend Steven Copperfield College – Kings Park Junior Campus 9366 8011 34 Tracy Mark Mildura Senior College 5021 2911 30 Treweek Robert Heywood & District Secondary College 55 271303 28 Trigg Ian Horsham College 53 820499 29 Trotman Russell Leongatha Secondary College – West 56 622266 32 Trotman Neville Nhill College 53 912111 29 Tully Scott Lilydale High School 9735 5644 33 Turnbull James Western Heights College – Quamby 52771177 28 Twentyman Dennis Bacchus Marsh College – Maddingley 53 672955 29 Uren Margaret Ferntree Gully College 9758 4155 33 Ussher Maureen Patterson River Secondary College 9786 3933 35 Uwins Neil Eumemmerring College – Fountain Gate 9796 6839 35 Valena Rex Berwick Secondary College 8768 1000 35 Valente Anthony Corryong College (P-12) 0260 761566 31 Van Den Heuvel Caroline Chaffey Secondary College 5023 0538 30 Van Langenberg Roger Hampton Park Secondary College 8795 9400 35 Vear Phillip Mullauna College 9874 3422 33 Vecchiet Robert Baimbridge College 55 722788 28 Veltre Denise Hillcrest Secondary College 93091155 36 Villella Mario Braybrook Secondary College 9312 2900 34 Vinocuroff Maree Patterson River Secondary College 9786 3933 35 Virtue Vin Parkwood Secondary College 9876 1633 33

Created on 8/04/2018 Page 67 of 71 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION Vlass Anna Box Hill Senior Secondary College 9890 0571 33 Volkman Jan SEO – Northern Metropolitan Region 9488 9488 36 Vosper Rebecca MacRobertson Girls’ High School 9820 0788 35 Wade Karen Frankston High School 9783 7955 35 Wainwright Shane Berwick Secondary College 8768 1000 35 Waldron Michael Heatherhill Secondary College 9546 4144 35 Walker Marie Carrum Downs Secondary College 9788 9100 35 Walker Johanna Lilydale High School 9735 5644 33 Wallace Jeanette Rushworth P -12 College 58 561230 31 Wallis Ian 9326 8077 Walsh Helen Kyabram Secondary College 58 521711 31 Walsh Mary Collingwood English Language School 9419 7633 36 Walsh Michael Kyabram Secondary College 58 521711 31 Walters Cassandra Wodonga Senior Secondary College 02 60 43 7500 31 Walters Vicki Eumemmerring College – Fountain Gate 9796 6839 35 Ward Linda Brighton Secondary College 9592 7488 35 Ward Jennifer Ringwood Secondary College 9870 2002 33 Warner Colin Glen Waverley Secondary College 9802 6122 33 Waters Michael Forest Hill College 9814 9444 33 Watkins Ian Highvale Secondary College 9803 5144 33 Way Brian Upper Yarra Secondary College 59 671877 33 Webb John Casterton Secondary College 55 811588 28 Webster Irena Wodonga Middle Years College – Flying Fruit Circus School 02 6059 4291 31 Weisheit John Elwood College 9531 9566 35 West Leigh Westall Secondary College 9546 3233 35 Wettenhall Suzanne Copperfield College 93613888 34 Whelan David Geelong High School 52 292221 28 White Leonie Thomastown Secondary College 9465 0844 36 White Kelvin Cobden Technical School 55 951202 28 White Allan SEO – Barwon South West 035272 8300 28 White Glenn La Trobe Secondary College 9459 9633 36 White Philip Daylesford Secondary College 53 482367 29 Whiteman Joanne Broadford Secondary College 57 841200 31 Whykes Ion Wiesenekker Deborah Castlemaine Secondary College - Senior 5479 4222 30 Wiggs Barry Dandenong High School 9792 0561 35 Wignell Jane Debney Park Secondary College 9376 1622 34 Williams Julie Kealba Secondary College 9366 3444 34 Williams Neil Cranbourne Secondary College 59 963544 35 Williams Anne Mansfield Secondary College 57 752022 31 Williams Vivienne Vermont Secondary College 9873 1077 33 Williams Gregory Broadmeadows Secondary College 9309 1988 36 Williamson Rod Vermont Secondary College 9873 1077 33 Willox George St Helena Secondary College 9438 8500 36 Wills Warren Wheelers Hill Secondary College 9561 5811 33 Wilson Greg Oberon High School 52 434444 28 Wilson Linda Ferntree Gully College 9758 4155 33 Wilson Susanne Maffra Secondary College 51 471790 32 Wilson Barbara Victorian P-12 College of Koori Education - Midlura Campus 50 232 321 30 Windsor Brett Wonthaggi Secondary College - McBride Senior 56721344 32 Woodhouse Carolyn SEO-Western Metropolitan Region 9291 6500 34 Worrall Heather Mount Erin Secondary College-Frankston South 59 71 6000 35 Wright Ian Warracknabeal Secondary College 53 981433 29 Wright Peter Koonung Secondary College 9890 9662 33 Wright Margaret Wedderburn College P12 54 943011 30

Created on 8/04/2018 Page 68 of 71 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME SCHOOL WORK_PHONE REGION Wubbeling Fred APF Office 9326 8077 36 Wynne Garry Roxburgh College 99308100 36 Yelland David North Geelong Secondary College 52 789399 28 Young Andrina Eumemmerring College - Hallam 9703 1266 35 Zagorski Maree Gladstone Park Secondary College 9338 7122 36 Zappia Domenic Bairnsdale Secondary College - Junior Campus 5150 4800 32 Zigouras Vernita Westall Secondary College 9546 3233 35

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Surname First name School Work phone REGION Boundy Katherine Diamond Valley College 9438 1411 36 Carinci Renato Copperfield College - Delahey Senior Campus 9307 0000 34 Cavanagh Kerry Bayswater Secondary College 9729 2555 33 Chiodo-Jennings Mary Copperfield College - Kings Park Junior Campus 9366 8011 34 Crimi Vincent Pascoe Vale Girls College 9306 2544 36 Crowley Peter Northern Metropolitan Regional Office 9488 9446 36 Davis Joanne Mount Erin Secondary College-Frankston South 59 71 6000 35 Day Joanna Dimboola Memorial Secondary College 53 891460 29 Denver Mark Copperfield College - Delahey Senior Campus 9307 0000 34 Govan Andrea Maryborough Education Centre - Nolan Campus 54 604566 30 Grylls Judy Wangaratta High School 5723 1333 31 Hall Lesley Bayside College - Williamstown 9397 1377 34 Hesse Alice Alpine School 5159 6580 31 Hill Jocelyn Northcote High School 9488 2300 36 Holdenson Nia Melbourne Girls College 9428 8955 36 King Leonie Mount Eliza Secondary College 9787 6288 35 Knott Megan Newcomb Secondary College 52 481400 28 Lewis Katherine La Trobe Secondary College 9459 9633 36 Lord Charmaine Cobram Secondary College 58 711700 31 Mazurek Karen Whittlesea Secondary College 9716 2908 36 McGuire Roxy Eumemmerring College - Endeavour Hills 9700 1333 35 Meath Toni Mentone Girls Secondary College 9581 5200 35 Murray Nigel Dandenong High School-Cleeland Campus 87927200 35 Myers John St Albans Secondary College 9366 2555 34 O'Hare Tami Western Heights College - Barton 52771177 28 Ormerod Beverley Weeroona College Bendigo 5443 2133 30 Phillips Scott Ballarat Secondary College - East Campus 5336 7200 29 Robinson Pam Heatherhill Secondary College 9546 4144 35 Rogers David Forest Hill College 9814 9444 33 Scales Annette Yea High School 57 972207 31 Smith Amanda Drouin Secondary College 56 251002 32 Stone Amanda Camberwell High School 9836 0555 33 Stranger Karen Dandenong High School-Cleeland Campus 87927200 35 Torode Caroline Brimbank College 8312 0200 34 Walton Michael Pascoe Vale Girls College 9306 2544 36

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VASSP Office 9326 8077

DoE Switchboard 9637 2000 DoE Emergency 9589 6266

Australian Principals Centre, Nick Thornton 9817 0300 ASCIV, Stephen Franzi-Ford 9808 2499 Merit Protection Board, Ian Adams 9651 0290 VIT, Susan Halliday 9616 0830

DoE Deputy Secretaries Office of School Education, Darrell Fraser Office of Learning and Teaching, Dahle Suggett Office of Strategy and Review, Katherine Henderson Office of Resources Management & Strategy, Jeff Rosewarne Office of Training and Tertiary Education, Patricia Neden

DoE General Managers Office of School Education School System Development, Dina Guest School Resources, Peter Stewart School System Reform, John Allman

Office of Learning and Teaching Student Learning, Tony Cook Research and Innovation, John Sullivan

Office of Strategy and Review International, Lynn Glover External & Inter Governmental Relations, Colin Twisse Strategic Policy and Planning, Ian Burrage Portfolio Improvement and Assurance, Sue Christophers Strategic Initiatives, James Kelly Communications, Julie Alliston

Office of Resources Management & Strategy Corporate Services, Gail Hart Human Resources, Tony Bugden Resources Strategy, Jim Miles Financial Services CFO, Claire Britchford Information Technology, Erle Bourke

DoE Regional Directors Eastern Metropolitan , Jim Watterston 9881 0200 Northern Metropolitan , Wayne Craig 9488 9488 Southern Metropolitan , Peter Greenwell 9794 3555 Western Metropolitan , Brett New (acting) 9291 6500 Barwon South West, Glenda Strong 5272 8300 Grampians Region , Malcolm Millar 5337 8444 Loddon Mallee , Ron Lake 5440 3111 Hume Region, Stephen Brown 5761 2100 Gippsland, Michonne van Rees 5127 0400

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