St Breock Parish Council

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St Breock Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting of St Breock Parish Council held in The Paddock Room, Conference Suite, Hawksfield, Wadebridge on Thursday, 1st September 2016 at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs. R Jarratt (Chairman), P Starling (Vice Chairman), Mrs J Desborough, Mrs J Pratt, A Jones, D Johnson, J Bellringer, Mrs R Harding, A Sanders, G Semmens.

Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk) Ms S Walters (Situ 8)

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the alternative venue at Hawksfield explaining this was a trial meeting in a conference suite that provided meeting facilities and internet provision with the use of an overhead projector.

Item Action No. By 1 Public Session: Ms S Walters outlined the aspects of planning application PA16/07666 and the reasons behind the application confirming that this was somewhat a retrospective application and limited camping was already taking place, but consent for 8 pitches would support the enterprise. Cornwall Council: It was disappointing that Cllr J Rowe was unable to attend the meeting, given the alternative day.

2 Apologies: Cllr S Malloni had presented his apologies having to attend another meeting concerning the Neighbourhood Plan.

3 Members Declarations of Interest: Cllr A Sanders declared an interest on Agenda Item 6 – Planning Application PA16/0613.

4 Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 1st August 2016 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

5 Matters Arising: There were no matters arising from the minutes.

6 Planning Applications: PA16/06813 Mrs C Sandbach, Perlees Farm, St Breock – Proposed two storey side extension. Cllr P Stalring reported that the committee had visited the site and their recommendation for approval was supported.

PA16/07317 Mr Mike Summers, Chapel Farm, Edmonton – Single storey rear extension and construction of detached garage. Agreed that the planning Comm committee visit the site and make a decision on this application.

PA16/07666 Mr Martin Messrs-Bennetts, Land North of Roskeal Farm, St Breock – Change of use of land for holiday purposes (camping). It was agreed that the Comm planning committee visit the site and report their response back to the Parish Clerk / PS for submission. Cllr P Starling will apply for an extension on the submission response date.

St Breock Parish Council Meeting 1st September 2016 Page 1 6.1 Planning Matters: Ten Acre Wood EN16/0136 – The Clerk reported that the Cornwall Council planning service had registered the alleged breach of planning and will carry out an investigation within 13 weeks.

PA16/05133 J Hawkins, land at Trevanson – Erection of two dwellings. Approved.

6.2 Brocton Cottage, Washaway – Cllrs P Starling and G Semmens had visited the site and noted that bats would not be affected by the roofing repairs should the work go ahead.

Lower Meadow, Ruthernbridge: Having received a response from Cornwall Council at the last meeting, it was suggested that the fence was above the one metre in height adjacent to a pubic highway and therefore Cornwall Council should investigate this. Clerk

7 Parish Neighbourhood Plan / Localism Bill: The Clerk read a report from Cllr S Malloni. Copy attached to the minutes. The Chairman confirmed that his remark about not joining with Wadebridge and Eglsohayle was merely a comment and not a criticism.

8 Community Funds from Renewable Energy Projects: Councillors unanimously supported the proposal that St Breock Parish Council take over the management of the REG St Breock Downs Wind Farm Community Fund and that this task be withdrawn from WREN who no longer operated out of an office in Wadebridge Councillors felt the procedures for the first tranche of money was not professionally managed although each parish did have the opportunity to spend their allocation of funds, and WREN were not providing ‘value for money’ given the amount received to manage the fund. Councillors approved the draft of a letter to REG Power and the Chairman offered to visit the parishes included in the funding scheme. The Clerk and Chairman had visited St Issey on a separate matter but highlighted the proposal and Cllr R Jarratt and A Jones had attend the Withiel Parish Council meeting.

9 Accounts / Financial Matters – to receive accounts for payment / finance report: The Council approved the payment of accounts included on the finance report presented by the Clerk. The Council agreed to earmark £8,000 of the funds for the provision of the speed Clerk advisory signs at Whitecross.

Transparency Code – The Clerk explained the expenditure to be published as part Clerk / of the transparency code requirements and presented the template to be AJ published on the website.

10 Audit of Accounts 2015/2016: The Clerk updated the Council on the situation with the accounts that were going to audit within the next few days. Councillors agreed that the Clerk, the Chairman and Cllr P Starling be authorised to sign off the accounts and complete and return the Annual Return form. 11 Correspondence: o Wadebridge Town Council – The Chairman had received the copy of a letter sent by Wadebridge Town Council to Cornwall Council Electoral Services concerning the boundaries of Wadebridge and St Breock. It was disappointing that the Town Council had made the decision to request a boundary review of Wadebridge without first consulting with St Breock Parish Council. It was agreed that the Chairman draft a letter to Wadebridge Town Council and that a letter be sent to Cornwall Council RJ notifying them that the Parish Council were unaware of this. On reflection of the letter the Clerk was asked to contact Wadebridge Town Council for clarification on the accurate costs, needed to staff and manage the Wadebridge library along with information on the maintenance of the Clerk / building. RJ

12 Communications & Publicity: The Chairman informed the Council along with the Clerk and Cllr A Jones they would meet on a regular basis to keep updated on parish matters and update the website. It was agreed that the Chairmans report be published on the website and posted out to those few parishioners who had responded to a previous consultation giving them the opportunity to be included on a mailing list. A copy will also be placed on the parish notice boards. Councillors agreed that the overhead projector in the conference room at Hawksfield would enable plans and other documents to be viewed and Cllr Jones had this evening projected the website and its contents for Councillors to view.

13 Burial Ground: The Clerk had received information from Cormac that work was programmed for the 14th – 25th November 2016. Cllr P Starlng will inform R Bray PS/ Funeral Directors of these dates. Cllr A Sanders offered to take down and remove AS the rotten timber on the site.

14 Burlawn Playing Field: Andrew Eddy had been appointed to install the concrete path. Mr Rowe had turned over the wood chip areas. The Clerk will contact Mr Hawken (contractor) who had promised to cut the boundary hedges on the 26th August 2016. Clerk

15 Access lane to Rocky Vale, Grogley: There was nothing to report from Cornwall Council. It was noted that vehicles continued to obstruct the track. Local farmer David Jones had spoken to Cllr A Jones about his concerns of dogs roaming into his land if not controlled and if the lane had a modification order applied then provision must be made for the protection of stock. It was suggested a dog bin could be provided but this would have to be managed by the Parish Council.

16 Parish Council Objectives for 2016 – update on projects and progress made: 16.1 Speed advisory Signs for the A39 at Whitecross - Cllr A Jones was awaiting the AJ / final cost from Cormac and once received the Clerk will issue a purchase order. Clerk

17 Highway Matters – update from Cllr A Jones: Cllr Jones had little to report but noted the potholes in the Grogley and St Breock Downs areas of the parish. The AJ overhanging bushes at Polmorla were reported as obstruction visibility although Cllr A Sanders felt this was not an issue.

St Breock Parish Council Meeting 1st September 2016 Page 3 18 Parish Clerk Report: The Clerk had nothing to report.

19 Parish Matters to be brought to the attention of the Clerk: o Trevanion Road, Wadebridge. Cllr P Starling reported that Wadebridge Town Council and Cornwall Council had both objected to a proposed large housing development at The Culvery in Trevanion Road (Wadebridge parish). Cllr P Starling will ask Wadebridge Town Council to notify the Parish Council if an appeal is made against this decision. o Parking in Burlawn Village. Cllr Mrs R Harding notified the Council of the problems experienced by vehicles parking in Burlawn obstructing the road for larger, agricultural and delivery vehicles. A recent vehicle had been unable to get through and concerns were raised if emergency vehicles needed to attend a property or incident. o Cllr Mrs J Desborough notified the Council Thursday evenings were inconvenient for her and she would need to stand down from the Council being unable to attend meetings. Councillors were disappointed and agreed to seek an alternative night to accommodate councillors. The Chairman will contact the caretaker of the conference room. RJ o Camel Trail. The lack of public toilets along the Camel Trail had resulted in the public defecating on the track, particularly in areas away from the town. Cllrs P Starling and A Sanders will report this at the next Camel Trail PS/AS meeting. o Higher Trgawne. It was reported that the bridleway had been obstructed Clerk by the landowner. Cornwall Council will be notified.

20 Summary of Meeting and actions points of Councillors and Parish Clerk: The Clerk and Chairman gave a summary of the meeting and actions to be taken.

21 Date of next Meeting: It was agreed that meetings be held in the Hawksfield Conference Room and the Chairman will liaise with the Clerk and site to establish a RJ / day when the room is available (excluding Thursdays). Clerk

22 To close the Meeting: There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.25pm.

Dated: Signed:

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