The Benefits of Yoga for Kids

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The Benefits of Yoga for Kids

Kids R Kids West Cary December 2013 Newsletter

REMINDER…. Kids R Kids West Cary will be closed December 23 rd -27th. We will close at 4pm on December 31 st and will be closed January 1 st . Please keep in mind tuition is still due, as we pay our teachers during this time.

The Benefits of Yoga for Kids

 It Enhances Physical Flexibility Yoga promotes physical strength because kids learn to use all of their muscles in new ways. Whether a pose is done standing, sitting, or lying down, each one can challenge various muscle groups while helping a child become aware of his body and how it efficiently functions.

 It Refines Balance and Coordination Balance is a key element of yoga. Balancing poses were created to promote mental and physical poise, as mental clarity and stability emerge from the effort of trying the poses. Even if a child has difficulty standing on one foot, she learns mental and physical balance if she can stay calm when she falls and when she gets up to try again. As children learn to improve their physical balance, they will be filled with a sense of accomplishment. Coordination is also closely tied to balance and promotes overall dexterity. Some yoga teachers and occupational therapists use finger yoga and other specialized techniques to help children with gross and fine motor coordination.

 It Develops Focus and Concentration The act of practicing poses encourages children to clear their mind and focus on the effort. As a result of this single focus to achieve a particular pose or stay balanced, yoga helps children to focus and concentrate in school and get better grades, several studies note.

 It Strengthens the Mind-Body Connection Yoga helps kids achieve a sound mind in a sound body by exercising the physical body and calming the mental spirit. As parents we want our children to act and behave with mindfulness and with compassion, to be brave, to know love and happiness, and to find inner peace. Since the modern world moves very, very fast for children, it's not long before they feel all kinds of pressure (personal, parental, social) to keep up with everyone around them. Yoga functions as a release valve that alleviates pressure and as a foundation to nurture and develop a resilient and resourceful body, mind, and spirit. What Parents Should Know About Treatment of Behavioral and Emotional Disorders in Preschool Children appropriate assessments of your child's behavior are child psychologists, pediatricians, pediatric neurologists, and child psychiatrists. These pediatric providers should also continue to The number of children diagnosed with and treated for work with the child; his or her family and school to create a disruptive disorders including attention deficit/hyperactivity school and home-based treatment plan and monitor the child's disorder (ADHD) has markedly increased over the last decade. progress over time. A "team" approach when treating a child is Concurrent with this trend is a growing debate about the best critical - the team members being the child's parents, way to treat such problems in children. pediatrician, psychologist, school-based counselors or psychologists, school administrators and teachers. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in February 2000, the number of preschool Treatment programs can take many forms and are best when children receiving stimulants, antidepressants and other specifically tailored for the child. They may include psychiatric medications "rose drastically from 1991 to 1995." psychotherapy including cognitive-behavior therapy, or The study raised concerns about the increasing use of behavioral management training; parent education, social skills medications to manage ADHD disorders in young children training, and family support services. If it is determined that because little is known about their safety and effectiveness for your child needs medication in addition to the behaviorally children of preschool ages. The U.S. Food and Drug based treatment it is often most effective if both types of Administration, the study points out, approve few of these treatment are employed together. drugs, for prescription to young children. A variety of psychotropic drugs have proven to be very helpful For parents, especially those parents of children who have been in helping adults manage a number of psychiatric disorders, but diagnosed with a behavioral or emotional disorder or those who few of these drugs have been tested for safety and effectiveness suspect their children have been suffering from such a problem, in preschool children. Depending on your child's diagnosis, these new concerns about the use of psychotropic medications behavioral, family and school-based therapy programs should present nagging dilemmas. How do parents make decisions be considered first and given ample time to work, before the use about what course of treatment is the best one for his or her of medications. Your child's specific diagnosis is critical to child? determining the best treatment plan. Research has shown that for a diagnosis of ADHD with a co-occurring emotional While all children develop at their own pace, there are disorder a combination of medication and behavioral therapy developmentally appropriate stages through which children work best. For a diagnosis of ADHD only, medication based progress. It is important for parents, caregivers and teachers to treatment is often most effective. If your child is placed on a be aware of their children's growth and development and to medication-based treatment, the ongoing monitoring of the watch for unusual behavioral changes or regressions. Every medication's effects and effectiveness is critical. child will have an occasional "bad day", and it is appropriate for young children to have high energy levels. But, if your child is The Food and Drug Administration will have approved any experiencing persistent problems that interrupt his or her drug prescribed by a physician for clinical use, but not participation in school or interaction with other children, or, if necessarily for use by preschool children. More research is your child shows signs of social withdrawal, an inability to needed to understand both the short and long-term effects of focus their attention, or is impulsive and unduly aggressive, it these drugs on children and their developing brains. In fact, the may be time for you to seek professional help to determine what National Institute of Mental Health recently announced that it is going on and how best to help your son or daughter. will invest more than $5 million in research on the use of Ritalin, behavioral therapy and the combination of both As a general rule, it is time to consult a mental health provider if interventions to treat attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in your child's behavior is age inappropriate, an on-going pattern, preschool children. and, if it interferes with his or her learning, growth and social development. Source: The American Psychological Association Teachers, school administrators, or primary care physicians may suggest that a child's behavior is problematic and that he or she could benefit from taking a psychotropic medication. However, a thorough evaluation and diagnosis by an appropriately trained and credentialed health professional should take place before any such decision is made. Among the providers who would do

Exclusive Brain Waves™ Curriculum

During these early years, the experiences and interactions your child has will determine which brain cells are activated and which ones are pruned away from lack of stimulation.

Your child’s learning environment has tremendous impact on brain development. At Kids ‘R’ Kids, we use strategies from our Brain Waves™ curriculum to support neural pathways for language, social-emotional, cognitive, and physical development during these critical years.

Brain Development the Kids ‘R’ Kids Way

Our philosophy is “Hug First, Then Teach” as we understand that secure and safe emotional attachment is vital for the growth and development of your child’s brain. Our classrooms are filled with stimulating materials that allow teachers to facilitate children’s exploration through sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch as these sensory experiences send information directly to the brain and form the platform for healthy brain growth.

We understand that each child is unique, so our teachers cater to different interests and learning styles. From infancy, your child will be exposed to many forms of language (including sign-language), and immersed in an environment rich in language and literacy. Our learning stations are filled with math manipulatives, science elements, and stimulating visuals that support brain pathways for cognitive development. Problem solving is considered one of the best ways to support brain development, so our teachers conduct activities to help children explore cause and effect and employ questioning strategies that promote higher level thinking.

Technology and the Brain

Technology is everywhere, so children need healthy exposure to be prepared for life in the 21st century. Research shows, however, that hours of exposure to digital technology can lead to over stimulation of the brain, fatigue, and irritability. At Kids ‘R’ Kids, we take a balanced approach to technology. Our curriculum has been integrated with ABC Mouse, one of the latest early childhood technology tools, to enhance learning. With the guidance of a teacher, children engage in digital activities that build language, math, science, and fine motor skills.

Maximizing your Child’s Mental Capacity

We believe in a nurturing learning environment, hands-on play, and novel experiences that ignite your child’s curiosity. With our exclusive Brain Waves™ curriculum and quality teachers, our goal is to provide stimulating learning experiences that support brain development and maximize your child’s mental capacity.

Staff of Kids R Kids West Cary

Brian Glover- Owner Tammy Beaulieu- Principal

Carrie Winstead- Director

Monisa Singelton- Education Coordinator

Suite 100 Suite 600 Ms. Mary & Ms. Betty Ms. Malini

Suite 150 Ms. Viva & Ms. Melissa Suite 650 Ms. Rashmi Suite 200 Ms. Graciela & Ms. Megan Gym Ms. Carly Suite 250 Coach Dynamite Ms. Stephanie & Ms. Yvette Ms. Cara (Coach Cara)

Suite 300 Floating Staff Ms. Porscha & Ms. Virginia Ms. Deidra Ms. Elizabeth Ms. Jasmine Suite 350 Ms. Lynn & Ms. Tiffany

Suite 400 Chef Ms. Jamie & Ms. Sanina Ms. Margie

Suite 450 Ms. Janice

Suite 500 Ms. Rashmi, Ms. Em & Ms. Candi

Suite 550 Ms. Sarah & Ms. Talaya i

Children’s Birthdays!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!! Staff Birthdays!!!!

Armstrong, Dylan Karl, Victoria Ms. Viva Brookins- 150 Keskar, Aarav Cherico, Lilianna Ms. Sarah Miller- 550 Savino, Maxim Borse, Ashvik Santiago, Gabriella Ms. Candi West- 500 Courtney, Hayden Dineshbabu, Arvind Kinard, Brady Wu, Ardyn Nagaradona, Mahika Hofmann, Iris Fedich, Max Inderdeo, Divya Eckhart, Charlie Gopalakrishnan, Raghav Sanko, Parker Zheng, Celina Bhatnagar, Rayna Bhatnagar, Trisha Kilmer, Ava Theberge, Parker

December 2013 Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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KRK Closed KRK Closed KRK Closed KRK Closed KRK Closed

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KRK Closes at KRK Closed 4pm

Kids R Kids West Cary 7580 Carpenter Fire Station Rd Cary, NC 27519 919.461.2202

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