Auburn Gymnastics Boosters

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Auburn Gymnastics Boosters


Auburn Gymnastics Boosters (AGB): The purpose of this handbook is to provide potential members, new members and existing members of AGB with helpful information about the organization and procedures. It is not meant to replace the official by-laws or standing rules of AGB, but is intended to be a supplement to these and any other official documents. Any additions and/or changes will be made to this handbook as needed.

Our Mission: The Executive Board of AGB are dedicated and caring people whom together form a service providing quality support to enhance the lives of the Auburn Gymnastics Center (AGC) competitive gymnasts. We commit to effectively manage our resources in order to fulfill our responsibilities to the gymnasts we support. We serve with respect, compassion and communication without bias or prejudice to the best of our ability.

AGB is a nonprofit organization designed to foster and support the competitive gymnasts at Auburn Gymnastics Center. Our members consist of the families and friends of these athletes. We genuinely care about these amazing children and support their dreams.

Welcome to Auburn Gymnastics Booster Club: AGB is a dedicated group of parents and guardians working together to support competitive gymnastics at AGC. The Booster Club supports the AGC competitive programs and its athletes through collective fundraising efforts, donations, and volunteering of time at home meets, team camps, special team functions and more. AGB fosters the team spirit of our gymnasts! Auburn Gymnastics Center requires that AGB membership is mandatory for all parents/guardians of children who participate in the competitive program at AGC.

AGB is a non-profit organization operating exclusively for athletically educational purposes in accordance with the purposes and laws governing tax exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and subsequent changes in the United States Internal Revenue laws regarding tax exempt organizations.

Auburn Gymnastics Boosters is a separate organization from Auburn Gymnastics Center, although AGB works together with AGC on a variety of issues. The Booster Club does not have any control over matters pertaining to a gymnast’s training, level assignment, uniforms, assessments, practice times, monthly tuition, equipment, gym registration fees or other gymnastic activities. Questions concerning these matters should be taken directly to the AGC team management - Brent Phelps, AGC owner. Booster Club activities, such as fundraising, AGB sponsored events and all business matters relating to AGB are the responsibility of the AGB Executive Board. If you have any problems or questions about Booster Club activities, please contact the appropriate Board member.

AGB Executive Board: The AGB Executive Board shall consist of the following positions, duly elected by the general membership:  President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the AGB members and of the Executive Board. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. The President shall be the administrative officer and as such, sign all contracts and other written instruments as directed by the AGB Executive Board. The President shall use his/her best efforts and endeavors to coordinate the activities of AGB to promote its purposes and objectives and shall generally perform those duties inherent in the chief executive position of any organization. The President for the 2013-14 competitive season is:

Jeff Hogan [email protected] Parent of Caitlyn and Lily Hogan (level 7 & 3)

 1st Vice President: This position as directed by the Board shall coordinate committees and activities associated with fundraisers. The 1st Vice President will also act as chairperson for the Nominating Committee and shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence. The 1st Vice President for the 2013-14 competitive season is:

Virginia Allen-Steele [email protected] Parent of Nicole Steele (level 10)

 2nd Vice President: This position as directed by the Board shall coordinate committees and all activities associated with events, such as organizing raffles at AGC hosted meets, the annual BBQ, and end of season banquet. This position will assume the duties of the 1st Vice President in his/her absence. The 2nd Vice President for the 2013-14 competitive season is:

Debbie Mann [email protected] Parent of Cassie Mann (level 4)

 Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all the meetings of the AGB membership and Executive Board, distribute the minutes, handle correspondence and perform other duties usual to the office of Secretary. The Secretary for the 2013-14 competitive season is:

Julie Morton [email protected] Parent of Ava Morton (level 4)

 Treasurer: The Treasurer shall maintain financial records and reporting as required by law. The Treasurer shall receive and care for all AGB monies, pay bills duly authorized by the Board and report financial transactions and financial status through a written Treasurer’s Report at all meetings. The Treasurer shall maintain membership records, provide monthly statements to each member, notify AGC management of delinquent members, and perform other duties relating to the Treasurer’s position. The Treasurer for the 2013-14 competitive season is:

Suzi Mantle [email protected] or [email protected] Parent of Beth Mantle (level 9) Non-Voting Members of the Board:

 Web Coordinator: This position as directed by the Board shall update and maintain an informative website and facilitate event reminders. This website is to be used as an informational tool and is designed to keep members informed about AGB and AGC activities. The Web Coordinator at this time is:

Julie Morton

 Level Representatives: Each AGC Team level has an elected Level Representative who will provide the general and level specific information to individual level team members. AGB members are encouraged to communicate freely with other level members and work together to benefit the gymnasts. Any problems, concerns or questions should first be addressed to your Level Representative. Level Representatives are elected in the fall (shortly after official level assignments are given out) and they maintain their positions until the following fall. Your assigned level rep will continue to represent you until that time that your gymnast is OFFICIALLY moved up. Other responsibilities of the level reps include and are not limited to: team building, gift coordinating, goodie bags, and level activities.  Your current Level Reps are:

Level 3 Girls:

Level 4 Girls:

Level 6/7 Girls:

Level 8 Girls:

Level 9/10 Girls:

Compulsory. Boys/ Optional Boys:

AGB Membership Fees: Membership in AGB is mandatory and includes a $45.00 per year per family membership fee due on or before July 1st. The membership fee covers the basic booster club expenses including insurance, licensing fee, website, taxes, PO Box, and incidentals. All costs above these expenses are from fundraised money. Parents of gymnasts joining the AGC Team after July 1st will have 30 days to pay their mandatory AGB membership fee. All overdue membership fees will be assessed a $5.00 penalty fee after one month delinquency. The AGC management will be notified of all unpaid AGB membership fees after two months delinquency. Failure to pay the AGB membership fee may result in a gymnast’s inability to train and/or compete at the discretion of the AGC management. It is the responsibility of the member to make the membership fee payment on time. Any family facing hardship may petition the board. Please give the fees to the AGB Treasurer, Suzi Mantle, or leave at the front desk at AGC in an envelope marked: For Auburn Gymnastics Boosters. Benefits of Booster Club Membership: Membership in AGB brings with it many benefits that may include but not limited to:

• Access to an advocacy group for the gymnasts and parents/guardians • Communication between and about AGC, AGB and its membership • Fundraising opportunities • Opportunities to support special events for AGC Team members and other gymnasts • Access to the members’ only section of the AGB website • Participation in the end of year banquet for all gymnasts and one parent per family (additional tickets may be purchased).

AGB Fundraising: AGB provides fundraising opportunities to all Booster Club members. All of these fundraising opportunities help offset the expenses related to and associated with the cost of being a competitive gymnast. These include tuition, assessments and meet travel (see Member Account Information and Guideline sheet). We attempt to offer a variety of fundraising venues to accommodate many different personal schedules. Examples of these opportunities include but are not limited to:

• Working retail sales kiosks for the Seattle Sounder FC games at CenturyLink stadium • Working retail sales kiosks for the Seattle Seahawks football games at CenturyLink stadium • Rebates from buying/selling Scrip gift cards • Participating in assorted seasonal fundraisers • Procuring items for the Auction

AGB is always looking for more fundraising options. If you have any additional ideas, please bring them to the attention of the 1st Vice President who is the committee head for all fundraising activities or mention your idea at a general membership meeting.

Communications: Communications between the AGB Executive Board and its membership occurs through a variety of methods including but not limited to:

• AGB website: Invaluable information regarding AGB and its activities may be found by accessing our highly informative Auburn Gymnastics Booster Club website. Once you have paid your membership dues, you will have access to to check out this valuable informational tool. Questions or problems logging into the members’ only portion of the website should be directed to the Web Master.

• AGB website emails: Periodically, website generated emails will notify members of new AGB events, important information or special requests. These emails should NOT be blocked as this is the primary means of communication between the AGB Board and its members. Please make sure the AGB Executive Board is apprised of any changes made to email addresses.

• Personal emails and/or website Blog Page: Members can communicate with Board members or each other through email or through the website Blog Page. Member email addresses are available on the AGB website. Misuse in any way of these email addresses will be dealt with accordingly and the responsible party will be blocked from any further access to the AGB website. Any blog postings containing improper language or postings designed to be negative or hurtful will also result in the responsible party being blocked from any further access to the AGB website.  Level Representative emails: Each AGC Team Level has an elected Level Representative who will provide general and level specific information to individual level team members. AGB members are encouraged to communicate freely with other level members and work together to benefit the gymnasts.

• Gymnast file folders: A filing cabinet is located next to the soda machine at Auburn Gymnastics Center. The filing cabinet contains a folder for each of the competitive gymnasts. The drawers are organized by last name. All important information that cannot be emailed is placed into these folders. Be sure to check the folder periodically. All requests for transfer of allocated funds to AGC from AGB are to be placed in the AGB Treasurer’s file folder located in the front of the top drawer.

 AGB mailbox: Booster Club mailing address is: P.O. Box 1296, Auburn, WA 98071

 AGB and AGC bulletin boards: On the wall next to the filing cabinet is the AGB bulletin board. Around the corner from this board and next to Brent’s office is the AGC Team bulletin board. Be sure to check both of these boards frequently for important information.

Member Responsibility: Being a member of AGB is a great responsibility. The efforts of AGB on behalf of the AGC Team gymnasts are only as good as the membership itself. Without the efforts of each and every member, AGB cannot be a successful entity. Members are strongly encouraged to volunteer and participate in all AGB sponsored events and activities. This includes but is not limited to:

• Attend general membership meetings • Volunteer to man the raffle station at AGC hosted meets, sell leotards at the gym • Participate in AGB general fundraising activities • Support all AGC gymnasts in a positive manner at meets • Donate money, items or time to provide all AGC gymnasts with special gifts or activities • Help plan or help set-up/take down at Annual BBQ, End of Year Banquet, or Auction

Thank you in advance for your active participation. We, as a Board, look forward to working with each and every one of the AGB members.

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