Curriculum Vitae of Leo Lucassen (1959)

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Curriculum Vitae of Leo Lucassen (1959)

LEO LUCASSEN Social History at Leiden University

Leo Lucassen is professor of Social History at Leiden University (the Netherlands) and is attached to the Institute of Ethnic and Migration Studies (IMES) in Amsterdam. He is a former fellow of the New School for Social Research in New York and the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS). He is a specialist in the migration history of Europe and has also worked extensively on Gypsies and itinerant groups. Some recent publications are: Migration, Migration History, History: old paradigms and new perspectives (Peter Lang. Bern 1997, 1999 and 2005) (ed. with Jan Lucassen); Gypsies and other itinerant groups. A socio-historical approach (MacMillan and St Martin’s Press, London and New York, 1998); The Immigrant threat. The Integration of Old and New Migrants in Western Europe since 1850 (University of Illinois Press Urbana and Chicago 2005); Paths of integration. Migrants in Western Europe (1880-2004) (Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press 2006) ed. with Jochen Oltmer and David Feldman; and forthcoming Migration in Europe: an encyclopedia (Cambridge University Press, New York 2010), ed. with Klaus Bade, Pieter Emmer and Jochen Oltmer. Curriculum Vitae of Leo Lucassen

Personal Born 25 july 1959 te Meijel.

Adress: Franchimontlaan 7, 2313 RW Leiden.

Living together with partner and two daughters (born 1994 and 1996)

Study and work 1972-1978: Gymnasium Alpha, Deurne.

1985: MA History University Leiden.

1990: PhD Leiden, with honours

1992-1997: Fellow of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences 1997-1998: Assistant professor History Department, University of Leiden 1998-2005: Associate professor History Department, University of Amsterdam 2005- : full professor Social History Leiden University

1993: Visiting professor New School of Social Research New York (Charles Tilly’s Ccenter) 2002-2003: Fellow of the Netherlands Institute of Advanced Study (NIAS) in Wassenaar.

Scholarly activities - 1994-2000 : editor of the bookseries ‘Migration and Ethnic Studies’ of the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMES) University of Amsterdam.

- 1995-2001: (with prof. dr. D. Hoerder, Univ. Bremen) chair of the ‘Ethnicity-network' van de European Social Science History Conference.

- 1995-2003: editor of the Tijdschrift voor Sociale Geschiedenis.

- 1995- : Member of the Dutch Centre for the History of Migrants (CGM)

- 1996- : reviewer van de International Review of Social History, Social Science History, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, en de International Migration Review.

- 1998- : reviewer and external expert for the Dutch Organisation of Scientifi Research (NWO), the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the German Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the Britse Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRB).

- 2001-2010: co-editor (with prof. Klaus Bade, prof. Piet Emmer and dr. Jochen Oltmer of the encyclopedia 'Migration - Integration - Minorities since the 17th Century: A European Encyclopaedia' (The English edition with Cambridge University Press in 2010).

- 2002-2006: Member of the Publications Committee van de Social Science History Association (SSHA). - 2003- : Member of the Editorial Board of the series World Migration History, published by the University of Illinois Press.

- 2003- : Member of the Editorial Board van H-Migration (University of Michigan).

- 2004- : Member of the Advisory Board van het Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis (BTNG).

- 2005- Associated member of the Institute for Ethnic and Migration Studies (IMES) of the University of Amsterdam

- 2005-2012: sub-editor for the theme ‘Mobilität’ of the Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit (12 volumes Stuttgart and Weimar 2005-2012)

- 2005- : Member of the Scientific Board (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat) of the IMIS-Schriften, Institute for Migration and Intercultural Studies (IMIS), University of Osnabrück.

- 2005- : Member of the Editorial Committee van IMISCOE (Network of Excellence in the domain of International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion ).

- 2006-2008: Chair of the Dutch NWO VICI-Committee of the Humanities

- 2008- : Member of the editorial board of Europäische Geschichte Online/European History Online (Institut für Europäische Geschichte in Mainz)


- 'En men noemde hen zigeuners'. De ge schie denis van Kalda rasch, Ursari, Lowara en Sinti in Nederland: 1750-1944 (SDU/Stichting Beheer IISG, Amsterdam/Den Haag 1990).

- (with W. Willems), Ongewenste vreem delin gen. Buitenlandse zigeuners en de Neder landse over heid: 1969-1989 (SDU Den Haag 1990).

- (with A.J.F. Köbben), Het partiële ge lijk. Con tro verses over het onderwijs in de eigen taal en de rol daarbij van beleid en weten schap (1951-1991) (Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam/Lisse 1992).

- (met A. Cottaar en W. Willems), Men sen van de reis: woonwa genbewo ners en zigeuners in Nederland (1868-1995) (Waanders, Zwolle 1995).

- Zigeuner. Die Geschichte eines polizeilichen Ordnungsbegriffes in Deutschland 1700-1945 (Böhlau-Verlag, Köln-Wien 1996).

- (with Wim Willems & Annemarie Cottaar), Gypsies and other itinerant groups. A socio- historical approach (MacMillan/St Martin's Press 1998).

- (with Gerard van der Harst), Nieuw in Leiden. Plaats en betekenis van vreemdelin gen in een Hollandse stad (1918-1955) (Primavera Pers, Leiden 1998). - (with A. Cottaar, and J. Lucassen) Van over de grens. Gids voor lokaal historisch onderzoek naar immigratie in Nederland (Cahiers voor Regionale Geschiedenis en Volkscultuur) (Utrecht 1998).

- The Immigrant threat. The Integration of Old and New Migrants in Western Europe since 1850 (The University of Illinois Press 2005). 277pp..

- (with Wim Willems), Gelijkheid en onbehagen. Over steden, nieuwkomers en nationaal geheugenverlies (Amsterdam, Bert Bakker 2006).

Edited Volumes - (with Dik van Arkel, Wim Willems et al.), Van Oost naar West. Racisme als mondi aal verschijn sel (Ambo, Baarn/Den Haag/Brussel 1990).

- (with Wim Willems), Het onbekende va der land. De repatrië ring van Indische Ne derlanders 1946-1964 (SDU, Den Haag 1994).

- (with Jan Lucassen), Mi gra tions, Migration History, History: Old Paradigms and New Perspectives (Peter Lang, Bern etc. 1997).

- Amsterdammer worden. Migranten, hun organisaties, en inburgering, 1600-2000 (Amsterdam University Press, 2004).

- (with Paul van de Laar and Kees Mandemakers), Naar Rotterdam. Immigratie en levenslopen in Rotterdam vanaf het einde van de negentiende eeuw (Amsterdam, Aksant, 2006).

- (with David Feldman and Jochen Oltmer), Paths of integration. Migrants in Western Europe (1880-2004) (Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press 2006) 350 pp.

- (withWim Willems), De krachtige stad. Een eeuw omgang en ontwijking (Amsterdam, Bert Bakker 2007) 303 pp.

- (with Klaus Bade, Piet Emmer and Jochen Oltmer), Enzyklopädie Migration in Europa vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. (Munich 2007) 1156 pp.

(with Marlou Schrover, Joanne van der Leun & Chrs Quispel, eds.), Illegal Migration and Gender in a Global and Historical Perspective (Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, December 2008).

- (Forthcoming with Klaus Bade, Piet Emmer and Jochen Oltmer, Encyclopedia Migration in Europe since 1600 (New York, Cambridge University Press 2009)

- (Forthcoming with Jan Lucassen and Patrick Manning), Migration History. Multidisciplinary Approaches (Leiden and Boston, Brill Publishers 2009)

Selection of articles in refereed journals Lucassen, Leo, 'The power of definition. Stigmatisation, minoritisation and ethnicity illustrated by the history of gypsies in the Netherlands', Netherlands' Journal of Social Sciences 27 (October 1991) no. 2, 80-91.

Cottaar, Annemarie, Leo Lucassen & Wim Willems, 'Justice or injustice?. A survey of the policy towards gypsies and caravan dwellers in Western Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries', in: Immigrants and minorities 11 (March 1992) no. 1, 42-66.

Willems, Wim & Leo Lucassen, 'A silent war. Foreign gypsies and the Dutch government policy: 1969-1989', in: Immi grants and mino rities 11 (March 1992) no. 1, 81-101.

Lucassen, Leo, 'Under the cloak of begging? Gypsy-occupations in Western-Europe in the 19th and 20th century', in: Ethnolo gia Europae a. Journal of Euro pean Ethnology 23 (1993) pp. 75-94.

Lucassen, Leo, 'A blind spot: migratory and travelling groups in Western European historiograp- hy', Interna tional Review of Social History 2 (August 1993) pp. 209-235.

Lucassen, Leo, ''Zigeuner' in Deutschland 1870-1945: ein kritischer historiographischer Ansatz', 1999. Zeit schrift für Sozialgeschichte des 20. und 21. Jahr hunderts 10 (1995) 1, pp. 82-100.

Lucassen, Leo, 'The domination of the national category. A review of some recent studies on (im)migration and nation-building', Immigrants and Minori ties no. 3 (November 1995) pp. 319- 331.

Lucassen, Leo, 'Harmful tramps'. Police professionalization and gypsies in Germany, 1700- 1945', Crime, History & Socie ties 1 (May 1997) no. 1, pp. 27-50.

Lucassen, Leo, 'The gulf between long term and short term approaches in immigration studies. A reassessment of the Chicago School's assimilation concept', IMIS-Beiträge 5 (1997) pp. 5-23.

Willems, Wim en Leo Lucassen, 'Gypsies in the Diaspora? The Pitfalls of a Biblical Concept', Histoire Sociale/Social History (November 2000) no. 6, 251-269.

Lucassen, Leo, 'Bringing structure back in. Economic and political determinants of immigration in Dutch cities (1920-1940)', Social Science History 26 (Fall 2002) no. 3, 503-529.

Lucassen, Leo, 'Old and new migrants in the twentieth century: A European perspective', in: Journal of American Ethnic History 21 (2002) no. 4, 85-101.

Lucassen, Leo, 'Introduction to the Forum Old and New immigrants', Journal of American Ethnic History, 21 (2002) no. 4, 55-56

Lucassen, Leo, 'Administrative into social control: the aliens police and foreign female servants in the Netherlands (1918-1940), Social History 27 (2002) no. 3, 327-342.

Lesger, Clé, Leo Lucassen & Marlou Schrover, ‘Is there life outside the migrant network? German immigrants in XIXth century Netherlands and the need for a more balanced migration typology.’, Annales de Démographie Historique, no. 2 (2002) 29-50. Cottaar, Annemarie & Leo Lucassen, ‘A la dernière mode parisienne: les fabricants de chapeaux de paille wallons aux Pays-Bas, 1750-1900’, Actes de l’Histoire de l’immigration (AHI), (Avril 2003).

Lucassen, Leo & Wim Willems, 'The weakness of well ordered societies. Gypsies in Europe, the Ottoman empire and India 1400-1914', Review. A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center for the study of economics, historical systems and civilizations 26 (2003) no. 3, 283-313.

Lucassen, Leo, ‘Report of the workshop ‘Paths of integration: similarities and differences in the settlement process of immigrants in Europe, 1880-2000’, IMIS-Beiträge (2003).117-125.

Lucassen, Leo, ‘Where Do We Go from Here? New Perspectives on Global Migration History’, International Review of Social History 49 (2004) 3, 505-510.

Lucassen, Leo, Contribution to ‘Round Table: Staking Narrative Claims: A Round Table on ‘Creating Societies: Immigrant Lives in Canada’ by Dirk Hoerder, Histoire Sociale/Social His- tory nr. 76 (November 2005) 470-473.

Lucassen, Leo ‘Is transnationalism compatible with assimilation? Examples from Western Europe since 1850´, IMIS-Beiträge, nr. 29 (2006) 15-35.

Lucassen, Leo, ‘Migration and World History: reaching a new Frontier’, International Review of Social History 52 (2007) 1, 89-96.

Lucassen, Leo ‘Between Hobbes and Locke. Gypsies and the limits of the modernization paradigm’, Social History 33 (2008) no. 4, 423-441.

Lucassen, Leo and Charlotte Laarman, ‘Immigration, intermarriage and the changing face of Europe in the post war period’, The History of the Family, vol. 14, 2009, no. 1.

Book chapters Lucassen, Leo & Wim Willems 'Wanderers or migrants? The movements of gypsies from Eastern to Western Europe (1860-1940)', in: Robin Cohen (ed.), The Cambridge Survey of World Migrati on (Cambridge 1995) pp. 136-141.

Willems, Wim & Leo Lucassen, 'The church of knowledge. The gypsy in Dutch encyclopedias and their sources.', in: Diane Tong (ed.), Gypsies. An interdisciplina ry reader (New York 1996, Garland Publishers) pp. 1-29. (reprint)

Lucassen, Leo, 'Eternal vagrants? State formation, migration and travelling groups in Western- Europe, 1350-1914.', in: Jan Lucassen, & Leo Lucassen, 'Introduction', in: idem (eds.), Mi gra - tion, Migration History, History: Old Paradigms and New Perspectives (Bern etc. 1997).

Lucassen, Leo, 'The Great War and the origins of migration control in Western Europe and the United States (1880-1920), in: A. Böcker et al. (eds.), Regula tion of migra tion. Interna tional experiences (Amsterdam 1998) pp. 45-72. Lucassen, Leo, 'Zigeuner im früneuzeitlichen Deutschland: neue Forschungsergebnisse, -probleme, und vorschläge', in: Karl Härter (ed.), Policey und frühneuzeitliche Gesellschaft (Frankfurt am Main 2000) 235-262.

Lucassen, Leo and Boudien de Vries, 'The rise and fall of a West European textile-worker migration system: Leiden, 1586-1700', in: Gérard Gayot & Philippe Minard (eds.), Les ouvriers qualifiés de l'industrie (XVIe-XXe siècle). Formation, emploi, migrations (Lille 2001) 23-42.

Lucassen, Leo, 'A many-Headed monster: The evolution of the passport System in the Netherlands and Germany in the Long Nineteenth Century', in: Jane Caplan & John Torpey (eds.), Documenting Individual Identity: The Development of State Practices in the Modern World (Princeton University Press 2001) 235-255.

Lucassen, Leo, ’Einwanderung und Wege der Integration im niederländischen Grossstadtgebiet von 1918 bis heute’, in: Angelika Eder (ed.),”Wir sind auch da!”. Über das Leben von und mit Migranten in europäischen Grossstädten (Hamburg 2003) 19-46.

Lucassen, Leo, 'Revolutionaries into beggars: alien policies in the Netherlands 1814-1914’, in: A. Fahrmeir et al. (eds.), Migration control in the North Atlantic world. The evolution of state practices in Europe and the United States from the French Revolution to the Inter-War Period (New York and Oxford 2003) 178-194

Lucassen, Leo, ‘Assimilation in Westeuropa seit der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts: historische und historiographische Erfahrungen’, in: Klaus J. Bade, Michael Bommes & Rainer Münz (eds.), Migrationsreport 2004. Fakten, Analysen, Perspektiven (Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag 2004) 43-66.

Lucassen, Leo, ‘The Police, Gender, and Social Control: German Servants in Dutch Towns, 1918-1940’, in: Clive Emsley, Eric Johnson and Pieter Spierenburg (eds.), Social Control in Europe 1800-2000 Vol Il (The Ohio State University Press, Columbus 2004) 226-445.

Lucassen Jan en Leo Lucassen, ‘Alte Paradigmen und neue Perspektiven in der Migrationsgeschichte’, in: Mathias Beer & Dittmar Dahlmann (eds.), Über die trockene Grenze und über das offene Meer. Binneneuropäische und transatlantische Migrationen im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert (Essen 2004) 17-44.

Lucassen, Jan & Leo Lucassen, ‘Arbeitsmigration’, in: Friedrich Jaeger (red.), Enzyclopädie der Neuzeit (Stuttgart en Weimar 2005) deel 1, 549-557.

Lucassen, Leo, Contribution to ‘Round Table: Staking Narrative Claims: A Round Table on ‘Creating Societies: Immigrant Lives in Canada’ by Dirk Hoerder, Histoire Sociale/Social His- tory nr. 76 (November 2005) 470-473.

Lucassen, Leo, David Feldman en Jochen Oltmer, ‘Immigrant integration in Western Europe, then and now’, in: idem (eds.), Paths of integration. Migrants in Western Europe (1880-2004) (Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press 2006) 7-23.

Lucassen, Leo, David Feldman en Jochen Oltmer, ‘Drawing up the balance sheet’ in idem (eds.), Paths of integration. Migrants in Western Europe (1880-2004) (Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press 2006) 283-296. Lucassen, Leo, ‘Poles and Turks in the German Ruhr Area: similarities and differences’, in: Leo Lucassen, David Feldman en Jochen Oltmer (eds.), Paths of integration. Migrants in Western Europe (1880-2004) (Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press 2006) 27-45.

Lucassen, Jan & Leo Lucassen, ‘Einwanderung’, in: Friedrich Jaeger (red.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit (Stuttgart en Weimar 2006, J.B. Metzler) deel 3, 135-140.

Lucassen, Jan & Leo Lucassen, ‘Emigration’, in: Friedrich Jaeger (red.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit (Stuttgart en Weimar 2006) deel 3, 257-261.

Lucassen, Jan & Leo Lucassen, ‘Fahrendes Volk’, in: Friedrich Jaeger (red.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit (Stuttgart en Weimar 2006) deel 3, 772-774.

Van Eijl, Corriel & Leo Lucassen, ‘Les Pays-Bas au-dela de leurs frontières: l’émigrationn et l’état néerlandais, 1850-1940’', in: Nancy Green & Patrick Weil (eds.), Citoyenneté et émigration. Les politiques du départ (Paris 2006) 181-199.

Lucassen, Jan & Leo Lucassen, ‘Glaubensflüchtlinge’, in: Friedrich Jaeger (red.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit (Stuttgart en Weimar 2006) deel 4, 918-924.

Van Eijl, Corrie & Leo Lucassen, ‘Holland beyond the borders: emigration and the Dutch state, 1850-1940’, in: Nancy L. Green en Francois Weil, Citizenship and those who leave. The polit- ics of emigration and expatriation (Urbana and Chicago 2007) 156-175.

Lucassen, Leo, ‘Gypsy Research and Gypsy Policy in the Netherlands (1850-1970) in a Comparative Perspective’, in: Michael Zimmermann (ed.), Zwischen Erziehung und Vernichtung. Zigeunerpolitik und Zigeunerforschung im Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts (Stuttgart 2007). Franz Steiner Verlag. 240-253.

Lucassen, Jan & Leo Lucassen, ‘Janitscharen’, in: Friedrich Jaeger (red.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit (Stuttgart en Weimar 2007) deel 5, 1188-1190.

Lucassen, Jan & Leo Lucassen, „Niederlande“, in: Klaus J. Bade et al. (red.), Enzyklopädie Migration in Europa. Vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart (Paderborn, München, Wien, Zürich: Ferdinand Schöningh & Wilhelm Fink 2007) 95-109.

Lucassen, Leo. „Bosnische Bährenführer in West- und Mitteleuropa von den späten 1860er Jahren bis zum Beginn des zweiten Weltkriegs“, In: Klaus J. Bade et al. (red.), Enzyklopädie Migration in Europa. Vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart (Paderborn, München, Wien, Zürich: Ferdinand Schöningh & Wilhelm Fink 2007) 417-420.

Lucassen, Leo, „Deutsche Kaufleute und Wanderhändler in den Niederlanden in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts, in: Klaus J. Bade et al. (red.), Enzyklopädie Migration in Europa. Vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart (Paderborn, München, Wien, Zürich: Ferdinand Schöningh & Wilhelm Fink 2007) 497-500.

Lucassen, Leo, „Ungarische Kupferschmiede in Europa von den 1860er Jahren bis zum ersten Weltkrieg“, in: Klaus J. Bade et al. (red.), Enzyklopädie Migration in Europa. Vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart (Paderborn, München, Wien, Zürich: Ferdinand Schöningh & Wilhelm Fink 2007) 1067-1069.

Lucassen, Jan & Leo Lucassen, ‘Indentured Labour’, in: Friedrich Jaeger (red.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit (Stuttgart en Weimar 2007) deel 5, 809-811.

Lucassen, Jan & Leo Lucassen, ‘Karrieremigration’, in: Friedrich Jaeger (red.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit (Stuttgart en Weimar 2007) deel 6, 400-403

Lucassen, Jan & Leo Lucassen, ‘Kaufmannsniederlassung’, in: Friedrich Jaeger (red.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit (Stuttgart en Weimar 2007) deel 6, 511-514

Lucassen, Leo, ‘Global migration regimes 1850-2002’, in: Akira Iriye & Pierre-Yves Saunier (eds.), The Dictionary of Transnational History and Migration in Global History (London etc. Pallgrave MacMillan 2009).

Lucassen, jan & Leo Lucassen, ‘Leibeigenschaft’, in: Friedrich Jaeger (red.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit (Stuttgart en Weimar 2008) deel 7.

Lucassen, Jan & Leo Lucassen, ‘Migration: Europe’, in: Peter N. Stearns (ed.),. The Oxford ncyclopedia of the Modern World (New York: Oxford University Press 2008)

Lucassen, Jan & Leo Lucassen, ‘Land-Stadt Wanderung’, in: Friedrich Jaeger (red.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit (Stuttgart en Weimar 2007) deel 7, 451-455.

Lucassen, jan & Leo Lucassen, ‘Millet, in: Friedrich Jaeger (red.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit (Stuttgart en Weimar 2007) deel 8,

Lucassen, Jan & Leo Lucassen, ‘Migrantenkirche’, in: Friedrich Jaeger (red.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit (Stuttgart en Weimar 2007) deel 8

Lucassen, jan & Leo Lucassen, ‘Mobilität’, in: Friedrich Jaeger (red.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit (Stuttgart en Weimar 2007) deel 8

Lucassen, Jan & Leo Lucassen, ‘The world we lost. European Migrations 1500-1830’, in: Diethelm Knauf and Barry Moreno (eds.), Fame, Fortune and Sweet Liberty (Bremen and New York: Temmen and Columbia University Press forthcoming 2009).

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