Safer Neighbourhood Panel Cannock Chase
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Safer Neighbourhood Panel – Cannock Chase Minutes Thursday 11th February 2016 10am – 12noon Aquarius Ballroom, Victoria Shopping Park, Victoria Street, Hednesford
1. Welcome and introductions
Attendees: Paul Woodhead Panel Chair - Hednesford resident Geoff Knight Chief Inspector – Cannock LPT Mike Tams Panel member - Rugeley resident Pat Tams Panel member - Rugeley resident Karla Vowles Cannock Chase District Council Judith Morris Magistrate Carl Bennett Cannock Chase District Council
Kerry Wright Cannock Chase District Council
Toni-Marie Foster YMCA Rugeley
Jan Matthews Support Staffordshire Cannock Chase (minutes)
2. Apologies
Julie Stokoe Nova Training Lesley Harrison Panel member – Rugeley resident Sue Thornley Panel member – Cannock resident
Page 1 of 6 3. Previous minutes and actions
Minutes agreed with one amendment –
ACTION JM: Carl Bennett to be added to attendance list for last meeting on 7th Dec 2015.
ACTION JM: TMF to be sent last minutes and dates for future meetings
All actions from 7th Dec meeting have been completed or are items on today’s agenda.
ACTION JM: Request Crime Performance figures to be issued monthly automatically from OPCC office.
4. Working with Cannock Chase Police between meetings
Update from Chief Inspector Geoff Knight:
The prototype has shown that changing ways of working has made much improvement.
Improving Reactive Response has created more time for Proactive Response and Community Engagement in target areas.
Before the introduction of the Transformation, 80% of prime files were failing.
20% are failing currently. Therefore less time spent re working files.
Reduced time spent by officers attending custody – way below the rest of the force. Saving officer time which be utilised elsewhere.
Incidents are dealt with more quickly.
Cannock Chase act 3 times quicker than the rest of the force.
Less administration time is needed.
Cannock Chase detect more crime – for burglary dwellings - 26% compared to 5% in the rest of the south of the county..
PCSO’s are more visible - 90% time is spent on the streets.
Less admin needed – carry mobile devices.
Tim Heaton – Community Engagement is the PCSO line manager.
Tim Heaton and Local Authority are going to engage with schools more in future.
Page 2 of 6 There has been 95 days less time spent on sick leave compared to the same period last year. Daily Threat and Risk review incidents happened in last 24 hours and plan for next 24 hours.
Weekly T & R meetings review what priorities to focus on using the National Intelligence Model (NIM).
Domestic Violence is dealt with on a daily basis. DV is dealt with at the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
General discussion:
TMF: incidents in Rugeley around purses stolen was on social media, then followed by presence of police at the local supermarket. Good to see follow up.
CB: it is good to see how Cannock Chase force are changing the way the force works instead of ‘this is how we have always done it, so we will carry on’.
GK described the Universal Triangle and that it includes agencies working in partnership with the Police.
Three tiers of the triangle:
Acute – need more public services and more cost to Public Purse.
Vulnerable – need average level services and cost.
Universal – need lower level and cost.
People do move between the tiers. The aim is to prevent them remaining in the Acute tier.
Discussion took place around prevention, re offending, rehabilitation, nature vs nurture, learned behaviour.
Table Top Exercise
PW updated the panel about the exercise. The panel members who attended were given a list of the day’s incidents which needed addressing along with a list of personnel on duty that day. Then had to allocate very quickly which officers had to attend which incidents, whilst being constantly interrupted by new calls being received and making constant changes to the planning, PW thanked GK and staff for the effort and resources supplied to get a good insight into the working day of the Operations team.
MT asked if a similar exercise could be offered by the Community Safety Hub. It may not be possible for practical reasons but a presentation to the SNP could be arranged.
ACTION: KW and JM to organise.
Page 3 of 6 5. Crime Performance
Monthly stats were handed out and GK gave explanations on crime figures and recording practices.
There have been increases across the county in all types of violence at mid level.
Other crime types are fairly stable. Each geographical area and crime type were read through and certain changes commented on. There is no particular trend between weapons, public order and other violence. Plans are in place to target particular figures and why some are showing change. GK concerns are ‘other violence' and ‘ASB’.
6. Mobile Data
Discussed at last meeting
7. Membership
More members are needed from the public, also a member from a Town/Parish Council is needed. One of the roles of these councils is assisting with crime reduction
A Hednesford resident has applied to become part of the SNP – originally sent application to OPCC in November, applying to South Staffs panel. JM had suggested to OPCC that if he was interested, to be encouraged to join the Cannock Chase Panel.
ACTION: JG and KV to interview new member.
PW has a neighbour who may be interested.
See item 8 for further ideas.
8. External communication and publicity.
PW, PT and JM have met prior to the meeting – suggestions made re encouraging new members and publicising the work of the panel included: advertising the Stop and Search Session to potential new members as they may find it interesting – then to suggest that they think about joining the SNP.
Hold an open coffee morning to include a member of the Police or OPCC to talk about the panel. PT could advertise on two Rugeley Facebook pages.
ACTION: PT to work on a press release - send to KW
ACTION: KW to send to CCDC Comms
ACTION: KV to let JM know of any events where SNP could be promoted
Maybe a banner and printed information around the work of the panel could be produced.
MT – Matthew Ellis has visited Rugeley Probus to talk about OPCC including SNP.
Page 4 of 6 9. Networking with other SNP’s and Chair’s Report
PW has met with one other Chair and a member of ETAP.
ACTION: PW to produce Chair’s report.
CB – SNP Cannock Chase appears to be well ahead of other SNP’s.
MT asked if the Crime Information could be given out to the public. GK suggested it is not possible as the figures need a narrative alongside as an explanation.
Discussion around whether press should be invited – panel decided not at this moment in time. There was discussion around how well the press relayed the true facts.
TMF asked if a Threat and Risk narrative could be given to the panel to encourage input from residents and young people. GK – YMCA could be invited to Community Safety Hub. ACTION: KV and TMF to arrange a visit
TMF would like clarification of the role of the SNP – it was explained that the main role was Cannock Chase Police Force accountability and supporting Staffordshire Police Force to be transparent.
10. Topics for future meetings
Stop and Search – feedback from session held on 23rd February, 1pm – 4pm at Coniston Hall
Out of Court Disposals
Complaints and dissatisfaction
Body Worn Camera Review
Date, time and location of future meetings:
23rd Feb 2016 1 – 4pm Stop and Search Training Session
Coniston Hall, Cecil Street, Chadsmoor WS11 5HG
5th Mar 2016 9.30 – 2pm SNP and ETAP Conference
Police HQ
Block 7, Conference rooms 1 & 2, Weston Road, Stafford
ST18 0YY Page 5 of 6 9th May 2016 2 – 4pm Safer Neighbourhood Panel meeting
Cannock Fire Station
Old Hednesford Road
Cannock WS11 6LD
9th Aug 2016 2 – 4pm Safer Neighbourhood Panel meeting
Coniston Hall, Cecil St, Chadsmoor, WS11 5HG
9th Nov 2016 2 – 4pm Safer Neighbourhood Panel meeting
Rugeley WMC. Mansefield House, Market St, Rugeley
WS15 2JL
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