Book 5 Ride the Edge Theme 1 Finding a Way

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Book 5 Ride the Edge Theme 1 Finding a Way

Grade 5 Story Town Book 5 Ride The Edge Theme 1 Finding A Way Week Main Selection Leveled Phonics/ Focus Skill Focus Strategy Fluency Grammar Writing Readers Spelling Lesson Rope Burn (B)Wrong Words with Plot: Use Story Accuracy Complete Form: Character 1 Way! Closed Conflict Structure Declarative, Description (O)Catarina Syllables: and and Paragraph Speaks Short Vowel Resolution Interrogative (A)Giggles and Patterns Sentences Trait: Voice Squiggles (O)Move It! Theme Writing Reading-Writing Connection Form: Personal Narrative Traits: Voice and Word Choice Lesson Line Drive (B)Last at Bat Words with Plot: Use Story Accuracy Imperative Form: 2 (O)For the Long Vowels Conflict Structure and Autobiographical Love of the and Vowel Resolution (review) Exclamatory Composition Game Diagraphs (review) Sentences; (A)Lazu’s Interjections Trait: Voice Game (E)The Rules Lesson Chang and the (B)Hector’s Words With Character’s Monitor Reading Subjects and Form: 3 Bamboo Flute Talent Variant Motives Comprehension: Rate Predicates Autobiographical (O)A Dog’s Vowels Reread Narrative Life (A)My Trait: Dancing Shoes Word Choice (E)A Letter From China Lesson The Daring (B)Harriett Words with Character’s Monitor Reading Complete Form: 4 Nellie Bly: Tubman: Inflections Motives Comprehension: Rate and Simple Newspaper Story America’s Star American Hero -ed, -ing (review) Reread (review) Subjects and Reporter (O)James (review) Predicates Trait: Pittar: Word Choice Swimming the Continents (A)John Hockenberry: Reporter on Wheels (E)A Reporter’s Day Lesson It Takes Talent! (B)Show Me Review Review Review Review Review Revise and 5 (Reader’s How Day Words with Plot: Use Story Accuracy Complete publish selected Theater) (O)A Winning Closed Conflict Structure Declarative previous writing Attitude Syllables: and Reading and assignments. (A)Break A Short Vowel Resolution Monitor Rate Interrogative Leg! Patterns Comprehension: Sentences (E)Putting on a Character’s Reread Play Words with Motives Imperative Long Vowels and and Vowel Exclamatory Diagraphs Sentence; Interjections Words with Variant Subjects and Vowels Predicates

Words with Complete Inflections and Simple -ed, -ing Subjects and Predicates Book 5 Riding The Edge Theme 2 Common Goals Lesson The Night of (B)Friday the Words with Theme Ask Questions Expression Compound Form: Personal 6 San Juan June Tenth Consonant Subjects and Response (O)My -le Predicates Paragraphs Abuelita (A)Braided Trait: Ideas Bread and Bath Tub Fish (E)Meeting Jose Manuel Theme Writing Reading-Writing Connection Form: Response To Literature Trait: Ideas, Organization Lesson When the (B)The Words with Theme Ask Questions Expression Simple and Form: Journal 7 Circus Came Absentminded VCCV: (review) (review) (review) Compound Entry To Town Performer Same Medial Sentences (O)What a Consonants Trait: Ideas Circus (A)Violin Lessons (E)The Great Dolphin Rescue Lesson When (B)Daughter’s Words with Text Use Graphic Phrasing Prepositions Form; 8 Washington of the VCCV: Structure: Organizers and Biography Crossed the Revolution Different Sequence Prepositional Delaware (O)Walk The Medial Phrases Trait: Freedom Trail Consonants Organization The Attack of the Turtle (E)The Truth About George Lesson Leonardo’s (B)Leonardo Words with Text Use Graphic Phrasing Clauses and Form: Summary 9 Horse da Vinci and the VCCCV Structure: Organizers (review) Phrases; the City of Pattern Sequence (review) Complex Trait: Florence (review) Sentences Organization (O)The Search for the Trojan Horse (A)Lost Wax: Making Great Works in Bronze (E)The Dream They Shared Lesson The Secret (B)In The Fish Review Review Review Review Review Revise and 10 Ingredient Kitchen Words with Theme Ask Questions Expression Compound publish selected (Reader’s (O)There Is No Consonant Subjects and previous writing Theater) I in Team -le Text Use Graphic Phrasing Predicates assignments. (A)The Egg Structure: Organizers Drop Egg- Words with Sequence Simple and speriment VCCV: Compound (E)Six-Story Same Medial Sentences Soup Consonants Prepositions Words with and VCCV: Prepositional Different Phrases Medial Consonants Clauses and Phrases; Words with Complex VCCCV Sentences Patterns Book 5 Ride The Wave Theme 3 Go With The Flow Lesson Sailing Home: (B)Rescue! Words with Compare Monitor Intonation Common Form: 11 A Story of a Grace VCV and Comprehension: and Proper Descriptive Childhood at Darling’s Story Contrast Self-Correction Nouns Paragraph: Sea (O)Sailing Setting Boy: William Fish Williams Trait: Sentence Story Fluency (A)Taking The Wheel: The Story of Mary Patten (E)House Boat in the Everglades Theme Writing Reading-Writing Connection Form: Expository Composition Trait: Sentence Fluency, Conventions Lesson Ultimate Field (B)The Artic Words with Compare Monitor Intonation Singular and Form: 12 Trip 3: Ocean: A Prefixes re-, and Comprehension: (review) Plural Nouns Compare and Wading into Changing Sea un-, non- Contrast Self-Correction Contrast Marine Biology (O)Sea Trip: (review) (review) Composition Exploring a Coral Reef Trait: Sentence (A)Diving Into Fluency Ocean Exploration (E)Visiting the Aquarium Lesson Stormalong (B)Mississippi Words with Cause and Use Graphic Pace Possessive Form: 13 Marvis Barnes Suffixes Effect Organizers Nouns Descriptive (O)Balina -able, -ible, Paragraph (A)Whisper -ment, -less (E)American Trait: Tall Tales Conventions Lesson A Drop of (B)Wheels on Words with Cause and Use Graphic Pace Pronouns Form: 14 Water the Water Endings Effect Organizers (review) and Cause and Effect (O)Water on /en, /el/, /er/ (review) (review) Antecedents Paragraph the Rise! (A)Full Steam Trait: Ahead! The Conventions Power of Fire and Water (E)Water, Water Everywhere Lesson How Prairie (B)Coyote and Review Review Review Review Review Revise and 15 Became Ocean the Volcano, A Words with Compare Monitor Intonation Common publish selected (Reader’s Shasta Tale VCV and Comprehension: and Proper previous writing Theater) (O)The Story Contrast Self-Correct Pace Nouns assignments. of Prairie Words with Rose, Based on Prefixes Cause and Use Graphic Singular and a Sioux Myth re-, un-, non- Effect Organizers Plural Nouns (A)Let The River Flow, A Words with Possessive Native Suffixes Nouns American Tale -able-, -ible, (E)Road Trip -ment, -less Pronouns and Words with Antecedents Ending /en/, /el/, /er/ Book 5 Ride The Wave Theme 4 Dare To Be Great Lesson The School (B)A Change Words with Make Use Story Intonation Subjective Form: 16 Story of Heart Prefixes Inferences Structure and Narrative (O)Juan’s im-, in-, ir-, Objective- Paragraph Story il- Case (A)Perfect Pen Pronouns Trait: Voice Pal (E)An Idea Becomes a Book Theme Writing Reading-Writing Connection Form: Narrative Trait: Voice, Word Choice Lesson Nothing Ever (B)Boring Old Words with Make Use Story Intonation Possessive Form: Skit 17 Happens on Duffield Street Suffixes Inferences Structure (review) and 90th Street (O)Nothing -and, -ent, (review) (review) Reflexive- Trait: Voice Ever Happens -eer, -ist, -ian Case on the Farm Pronouns (A)The Dog Days of Summer (E)The Domino Effect Lesson Project (B)The Class Words with Main Idea Monitor Reading Adjectives Form: 18 Mulberry Carnival Suffixes and Details Comprehension: Rate and Articles Suspense Story (O)Dyeing to -ous, -eous, Adjust Reading Win -ious Rate Trait: (A)A Magical Word Choice Night (E)The Circle of Life Lesson Inventing the (B)Marie Homophones Main Idea Monitor Reading Main and Form: 19 Future: A Curie: Against and Details Comprehension: Rate Helping Letter to Request Photobiography All Odds (review) Adjust Reading (review) Verbs of Thomas (O)Benjamin Rate Trait: Alva Edison Banneker: A (review) Word Choice Man Ahead of His Time (A)Benjamin Franklin: A Man of Many Talents (E)Great Ideas and Inventions Lesson The Invention (B)The Grand Review Review Review Review Review Revise and 20 Convention Taskmaster Words with Make Use Story Intonation Subjective publish selected (Reader’s (O)Trivia Prefixes Inferences Structure and previous writing Theater) Trails im-, in-, ir-, Reading Objective- assignments. (A)The il- Main Idea Monitor Rate Case Wackiest and Details Comprehension: Pronouns Word Game Words with Adjust Reading (E)A Toasty Suffixes Rate Possessive Problem -ant, -ent, and -eer, -ist, Reflexive- -ian, -ous, Case -eous, -ious Pronouns

Homophones Adjectives and Articles

Main and Helping Verbs Book 5 Ride The Wave Theme5 Making a Difference Lesson Interrupted (B)Marvelous Words with Author’s Summarize Expression Action and Form: 21 Journey: Marine Prefixes Purpose Linking Persuasive Letter Endangered Mammals in-, out-, and Verbs Sea Turtles (O)The Gentle down-, up- Perspective Trait: Lions of the Sentence Sea Fluency (A)Whales of the World (E)Turtles of the Sea Theme Writing Reading-Writing Connection Form: Persuasive Essay Trait: Sentence Fluency, Organization Lesson The Power of (B)Nina Wows Words with Author’s Summarize Expression Present Form: 22 W.O.W! KWOW Suffixes Purpose (review) (review) Tense; Persuasive (O)A Friendly -ation, -ition, and Subject- Paragraph Fieldtrip -sion, -ion Perspective Verb (A)A.L.L. to (review) Agreement Trait: the Rescue Sentence (E)A Play for Fluency Everyone Lesson Any Small (B)Incredible Words with Literary Answer Pace Past and Form: 23 Goodness: A Eddie Silent Letters Devices Questions Future Poetry Novel of the (O)A Spy Next Tenses Barrio Door Trait: (A)Just Organization Visiting (E)Lost and Found Lesson Chester (B)Jar of Words with Literary Answer Pace Perfect Form: 24 Cricket’s Wings Unusual Devices Questions (review) Tenses Narrative Pigeon Ride (O)George to Plurals (review) (review) Composition the Rescue (A)Best Bugs Trait: (E)Calling All Organization Crickets Lesson The (B)The Clean Review Review Review Review Review Revise and 25 Compassion Machine Words with Author’s Summarize Expression Action and publish selected Campaign (O)Are We Prefixes Purpose Linking previous writing (Reader’s Recycling? A in-, out-, and Answer Pace Verbs assignments. Theater) Video down-, up- Perspective Questions Investigation Present (A)Kids Clean Words with Literary Tense Up Suffixes Devices Subject- (E)M.A.C. in -ation, -ition, Verb Action -sion, -ion Agreement

Words with Past and Silent Letters Future Tenses Words with Unusual Perfect Plurals Tenses Book 5 Ride The Wave Theme 6 Feats of Daring Lesson Lewis and (B)The Corps Words with Summarize Monitor Accuracy Irregular Form: 26 Clark of Discovery Prefix +Root and Comprehension: Verbs Paragraph of (O)Friends Word + Paraphrase Read Ahead Explanation Along the Way Suffix (A)Sacagawea: Trait: Ideas A Token peace (E)Just Like Lewis and Clark Theme Writing Reading-Writing Connection Form: Research Report Trait: Ideas, Conventions Lesson Klondike Kate (B)Calamity Jane: Words with Summarize Monitor Accuracy Contractions Form: 27 Adventurer and Greek Parts and Comprehension: (review) Paragraph of Leader Paraphrase Read Ahead Historical (O)Amelia (review) (review) Information Earhart: Pilot and Adventurer Trait: Ideas (A)A Poppy in the Tundra: The Story of Isobel Wylie Hutchinson (E)Gold Stampede Lesson The Top of the (B)The Words with Fact and Summarize Phrasing Adverbs Form: 28 World: Sensational Seven Latin Parts Opinion How-To Climbing Summits Paragraph Mount Everest (O)Meet The Sherpas Trait: (A)Watch Your Conventions Altitude! (E)Now That’s Cold! Lesson The Man Who (B)A Scrapbook Borrowed Fact and Summarize Phrasing Punctuation Form: 29 Went to the Far from the Moon Words Opinion (review) (review) Essay of Side of the (O)High Fashion: (review) Explanation Moon Out of This World Trait: (A)The Lunar Conventions Module: Engineered to Serve (E)Race to the Moon Lesson Exploring the (B)Exploring Review Review Review Review Review Revise and 30 Gulf Coast Redwood Words with Summarize Monitor Accuracy Irregular publish selected (Reader’s National Park Prefixes + and Comprehension: Verbs previous writing Theater) (O)Exploring Big Root Words Paraphrase Read Ahead Phrasing assignments. Bend + Suffixes Contractions (A)Exploring Fact and Summarize Volcanoes Words with Opinion Adverbs National Park Greek Parts (E)Exploring Punctuation Florida’s Habitats Words with Latin Parts

Borrowed Words

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