Minutes for the CKF 2013 Annual General Meeting

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Minutes for the CKF 2013 Annual General Meeting

Minutes for the CKF 2013 Annual General Meeting

The 2013 CKF AGM was held electronically September 16-19, with voting September 20-21. The mechanism for the meeting was a private Google Group, with one discussion thread per agenda item. The people who joined the group were as per this table. There was also an attendance thread, with 29 club representatives signing. This meets the required quorum of representation by at least 1/3 of clubs.

Representing Name Representing Name Academie Martiale Serei Francois St. Germain Markham Lawrence Tsuji Aikido Yoshinkai Takeshi Kimeda McGill, CKF BOD Christian D'Orangeville Beauport Oliver Bordry Mu Mon Kai Patrick Suen Calgary Iaido Club Alexander Cook Ottawa Kendo Club Eric Rocheleau CKF BOD Eduardo Cigliutti Rai Un Kai, CKF BOD Eric Tribe CKF BOD Junko Ariyama Regina Karen Wagner Forest City Lisa Yu Renbu Dojo Dean Ara Genbukan Sooke Josh Lambert Ryerson Omer Hussain Hayakawa Mark Kawabe Saskatoon, CKF BOD Neil Gendzwill Hoshu Ben Lew Shidokan Michale Kim Isshin Montreal Gilles Valiquette SFU, CKF BOD Hiro Okusa Isshin North, CKF BOD John Maissoneuve U. Winnipeg Corie Namba JCCC Kendo Teser Wong UBC David Harding Jungko, CKF BOD Hyun-June Choi Vancouver Kendo Club Takashi Yamada Kelowna Victor Nishi Waterloo Ray Tran Ken Wa Kai Natan Cheifetz Western Shayan Kassirian Kenshokan Jim Wilson Youshinkan Motoki Asaoka Kingston Steve Quinlan

The 2012 financial statement was presented as one agenda item, with comments invited. There were no comments.

A report from the President was presented as another agenda item. No comments were invited or received.

John Maissoneuve of Isshin North nominated the Toronto-based firm of Stern Cohen LLP to be the Public Accounting Firm for CKF. Neil Gendzwill of Saskatoon Kendo Club seconded the motion. There was no discussion. This was the only motion to be voted on, which was done electronically. The motion passed 24:1 with 3 abstentions. The official published results are available through the SimplyVoting.com website.

Alexander Cook of Calgary Iaido Club raised two issues.

1. He asked about the recent Canadian National Iaido Championship financials. John Maissoneuve, CKF Treasurer, responded and promised to make a financial report available. 2. He asked about membership trend data. A short discussion was held including Neil Gendzwill, Eric Tribe, John Maissoneuve and Eduardo Cigliutti of the BOD. According to the database administered by Eduardo, CKF currently has 1508 registered members but only 699 are paid members.

The voting ballot included a comments field so that we can get some feedback on the electronic AGM process. The following comments were received. In regards to comments number 3 and 4, CKF will continue to hold an in-person meeting every 3 years in conjunction with the national kendo championships.

# Comment 1 Excellent democratic process 2 I think the format was effective, it would just be nice to have some more information about the CKF in addition to the financial statements (ex. membership numbers, membership trends, development plans, spending guidelines, etc.). 3 It went very quietly, more than I expected. People will get used to this in near future, but it will be a physical meeting next year. 4 Agree that this is a necessary and convenient process. However, we should also maintain the requirement for holding a live meeting every 3 years 5 I think this format worked well this time. It may have been because there was only one voting issue and very few discussions. Further evaluation may be required should the situation be different next time. 6 This was nice and simple. A lot more convenient and less time consuming than a physical meeting. 7 The format was successful, however a test of its mettle will be when there are more items to discuss and/or vote on. 8 I'm not sure we have tested the format very fully. It does seem to work but if there were complicated and/or many issues for discussion, we might find it cumbersome.


Neil Gendzwill

CKF Secretary

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