Sons of the American Revolution Sergeant Lawrence Everhart Chapter 19 East Church Street Frederick, MD 21701 Chartered November 30, 1920 Maryland Society of the Sons of the American Revolution National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution



The Sergeant Lawrence Everhart Chapter has the pleasure of reporting on the following activities and actions since the last BOM Meeting.


 The Chapter is saddened to report the passing of Franklin S. Gladhill.

 During the MDSSAR Annual Meeting, the Sergeant Lawrence Everhart Chapter was honored to have several compatriots installed to serve the MDSSAR in the coming year:

o Compatriot Donald A. “Don” Deering, MDSSAR 2nd Vice President o Compatriot James E. ‘Ed” Smith, Assistant Registrar o Compatriot Martin L. “Pat” Barron, MDSSAR Board of Managers o Compatriot Carroll R. “Ron” Harbaugh, MDSSAR Board of Managers o Compatriot Douglas Carroll “Doug” Favorite, National Trustee

Compatriot J. Patrick “Pat” Warner will continue to serve as Secretary. Compatriot Gene Moyer continues to serve on the BOM and as State Flag Committee chairman. Compatriot Chris May will continue to serve as MDSSAR Chancellor.

 The 95th Annual Meeting of the Sergeant Lawrence Everhart Chapter was held at Dutch’s Daughter restaurant in Frederick, MD on 15-Apr-2015.

o Guest speaker, Jack Schrodel (past chapter president), gave an informative presentation on Sergeant Lawrence Everhart, his Patriot ancestor.

o Seven new members were inducted by MDSSAR President Doug Favorite. Page 1 of 4 SERGEANT LAWRENCE EVERHART CHAPTER

George Clyde Bailey Kevin Linus Campbell David William Hampstead Gerald Earl Harris Dustin Carl-Lee Smith Hedrick Robert Paul Higdon Charles Philip Nichols

o An awards ceremony was held. The following individuals were recognized for their service and contributions to the community and the SAR:

Mary K. Mannix – Martha Washington Medal Joseph Dirndorfer – Eagle Scout Medal Compatriot Richard A. Foot – War Service Medal (Vietnam) Compatriot Donald A. Deering – Chapter Distinguished Service Medal Compatriot George B. Delaplaine, Jr. – Maryland 400 Certificate Compatriot George E. Lewis – Meritorious Service Medal

o The following nominations for new officers was presented to the chapter and approved. Incoming MDSSAR President, Jim Engler swore in the new officers.

Donald A. “Don” Deering – President Martin L. “Pat” Barron – 1st Vice President Eugene Ralph “Gene” Moyer – 2nd Vice President Martin L. “Pat” Barron – Secretary Douglas Carroll “Doug” Favorite – Treasurer Karl Daniel “Woody” Woodcock – Chaplain James Edwin “Ed” Smith – Registrar Carroll Ronald “Ron” Harbaugh – Assistant Registrar Charles Lawrence “Larry” Bishop - Historian

 On 16-May-2015 several compatriots worked with the American Legion Post 11 to place flags at St. John’s Cemetery in Frederick, MD.


. Public Relations Committee Chair Richard A. “Dick” Foot continues his efforts to promote the chapter, the State society and the NSSAR. Many articles centered on current and future chapter activities have appeared in the county’s various publications. Local media coverage included the chapter’s annual meeting as well as the following:

April 18, 2015 - Frederick News Post – “DAR, SAR Host Genealogy Workshop” April 29, 2015 – Frederick News Post - “SAR Honors Mannix With Martha Washington Medal” May 5, 2015 – Frederick News Post - “Frederick Historian Speaks at SAR Annual Meeting” May 7, 2015 – Frederick News Post – “Dirndorfer Receives Eagle Scout Award” May 11, 2015 – Frederick News Post – “SAR Welcomes New Members” May 11, 2015 – Frederick News Post – “Local SAR Chapter Elects Officers” May 23, 2015 – Frederick News Post - "Hessian Descendants: SAR Wants To Talk To You" May 25, 2015 – Frederick News Post – “Gratitude To Pat Barron For SAR Chapter Service”

. Grave Marking Committee In a joint ceremony with the Frederick Chapter DAR, the Sergeant Lawrence Everhart Chapter conducted a grave marking ceremony on 26-Apr-2015 at the grave of Patriot George Poe at Israel Creek Cemetery in Walkersville, MD. The ceremony was well attended and included the Chapter Color Guard as well as members of the MDSSAR Color Guard. The chapter was honored to have the participation of MDSSAR President Jim Engler.

. Essay Contest Committee Chair John George reported 26 entries from this year’s essay contest. The topic for this year’s essay: “Explain how the Stamp Act may have led to the American War of Independence and include


information about Repudiation Day in Frederick County”. Eight finalists were selected and then ranked. The winners were:

Ryan Puthumana First prize $100 Walkersville M.S. Anna Mortenson Second Prize $75 Frederick Classical John Yang Third Prize $50 West Frederick M.S. Bailey White Fourth Prize $35 Frederick Classical Sabrina Sutter Fifth Prize $25 Governor Thomas Johnson MS Gloria Asante Sixth Prize $20 Frederick Classical Jude Abijah Seventh Prize $15 Frederick Classical E. Crockett Eighth Prize $10 Frederick Classical

. Membership Committee Chair Don Deering and his committee continue to bring new members to the chapter. Seven were inducted at the Annual Meeting and several more have had their applications moved to NSSAR for final approval.

. Color Guard Committee Chair Gene Moyer led the unit at several recent events.

The grave marking of Patriot George Poe The Woodsboro, MD Memorial Day Parade The Memorial Day Commemoration at Mount Olivet Cemetery in Frederick, MD

. ROTC Committee Chair Bruce Champion announced two ROTC Medal recipients this year; Cadet Thomas Murphy from Hood College and Cadet Austin McGinty from Mt. Saint Mary's University. Compatriot Champion presented the awards at the Army ROTC President's Review on 21-Apr- 2015 at McDaniel College. . JROTC Committee Chair Dave Schrodel presented the SAR JROTC Bronze Medal and Certificate to Petty Office First Class Luke Staley, a junior at Linganore High School.

. Outstanding Citizenship Award Committee Chair Tom Sherald reported the names of the Frederick County high school seniors selected to receive the SAR Outstanding Citizenship Award for 2015.

School Recipient Presenter Brunswick HS David Charles Nelle Dr. George E. Lewis Catoctin HS Michael Andrew Pittinger Tom Sherald Frederick HS Anilson Javier Posadas Gomez Dr. John George Gov. Thomas Johnson HS Jasmin Siomara Tirado Viscalla Larry Bishop Linganore HS Robert Henry Milburn Bill Robertson Middletown HS Daniel Finn Dr. George E. Lewis Oakdale HS Jaqueline Noelle Courtney Dave Schrodel Urbana HS James Edward Mack Fred Pyne Walkersville HS Valentina Torres Whelan Dave Schrodel

Tuscarora HS Christopher Culp‐Cano Fred Pyne

Frederick Christian Academy Alixandra Dupuy Hunter Pat Barron New Life Christian Schools Andrew Benjamin Zerbe Fred Pyne St. John's Catholic Prep Brennan Wight Fred Pyne

. Repudiation Act Celebration Committee Chair Pat Barron reported that the Joint DAR/SAR Committee continues the planning for the Repudiation Day events scheduled for 21-Nov-2015 in Frederick, MD. Activities are scheduled to begin at 11:00AM. These will include:

o Re-enactment of the march through Frederick Town by the citizenry carrying a coffin representing the death of the Stamp Act. Signage and slogans will be based on newspaper accounts of the events from 1765.


The parade will include the Sergeant Lawrence Everhart Chapter Color Guard, Frederick Town Fife & Drum Corps and participants from the DAR and SAR in period dress. o Display of the original court documents at City Hall (courtesy of the Maryland Archives) for public viewing. These are the documents that, as ordered by the twelve judges (known as the Twelve Immortals), defied implementation of the Stamp Act. o Patriotic and educational speeches at City Hall commemorating this historical period in America’s road to independence.

Brewer’s Alley Restaurant in Frederick has agreed to produce another commemorative beer for the event. This special brew will be bottled for sale as well as served on tap in their restaurant. The design for the “Twelve Immortals” beer label has been completed by local graphic designer, Ruth Bielobocky. The project team was very pleased with the final product.

Compatriots Ryan Bass, Dick Foot and Pat Barron have completed a series of articles focused on the Stamp Act of 1765 and the reaction to the law in Frederick County. The articles have been printed in the chapter newsletter. The entire article has been submitted to NSSAR for publication in the SAR Magazine.

Compatriot Bass and Mary K. Mannix of the Maryland Room FCPL are putting the finishing touches to biographies of the “Twelve Immortal” justices who repudiated King and Parliament in favor of Frederick County citizens. Once complete, the chapter will have the bios made into a pamphlet for distribution to those attending the event at City Hall in November.

. Fund Raising Committee Chair Don Deering is moving forward with fund raising efforts for the Frederick Town Fife & Drum Corps (FTFD). Several generous donations have been received recently enabling the purchase of a uniform for the drum major. The unit performed with the chapter Color Guard at the Memorial Day ceremonies at Mount Olivet Cemetery in Frederick, MD.


. The next meeting of the Sergeant Lawrence Everhart Chapter will be held at Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant in Frederick on 18-Jul-2015. The event will begin at 6:00PM. Respectfully submitted

Pat Barron 1st Vice President/Secretary Sergeant Lawrence Everhart Chapter

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